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Any Modders able to update the 'Manual Transmission' Mod?


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For years I used the Manual Transmission Mod along with Scripthook, it allowed me to use the steering wheel, pedals and gear-shifter to steer the vehicle from the inside view. and It was why I spent hundreds on buying the wheel and building a simulator.

But the original modder of 'Manual Transmission' has given up on updating it due to having other commitments, making the use of the wheel impossible. But he has offered the original code to anyone else who would take it on.

I have no idea about writing mods, but surely there is someone out there who understands code and how to update.

I suffered several strokes, which means that at times my left arm is weak, I can operate the wheel and gearstick ok, but using a keyboard is slow, and I cannot grip a controller or use it efficiently.

Please modders, bring back my ability to actually 'Drive' again.


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LOL the simple solution is to downgrade your game. Starting with the December update in 2021 it started breaking parts of his mod bit by bit. I had post-poned updating until that whole debacle around being forced to update or else the game wouldn't launch in April 2023. The modding community quickly got around that and that's where I drew the line. If I want to add anything from new updates, I manually add it into an existing dlcpack. Rockstar's continuous updates keep breaking sh*t and it's not worth it to me.


As far as ikt, he has a Patreon, I think with several updates. If you don't want to downgrade, look that way. But IMO downgrading is the best solution because several other mods are broken and several more will be broken in the future for little gain from these lackluster updates as of late.

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On 10/2/2024 at 2:19 AM, ddarko12 said:

As far as ikt, he has a Patreon, I think with several updates. If you don't want to downgrade, look that way. But IMO downgrading is the best solution because several other mods are broken and several more will be broken in the future for little gain from these lackluster updates as of late.

How do you downgrade? I've been trying to research on how to do this, and all I've been getting were videos from 2020 telling me to add -scOfflineOnly to a shortcut that doesn't work anymore, and too many tips from 7 years ago that also don't work.

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