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problem when i dwn load cars.

Hell No..

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Hi, when i download cars for vice or gta3 it will only let my zip the file and look at the "readme" and i cant open the main car files.


When i click on the it says: "open this file with"  Then i can choose the web or open it in another program.



What do i do, i need better cars.  :/     Please help me. Thanks.



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Download and install Winzip @ download.com


Then, if the "open this file with" pops up, just click on winzip

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Slick Willy

Uhhh, the files you are trying to open are the mod files themselves.  You don't open those files, you put them in their respected folders that can be opened through various editing programs.  Do what anyone would have done and read the readme.


It isn't as easy as "downloading cool cars" and clicking a button and boom, there they are.  You need to manually install them.



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Uhhh, the files you are trying to open are the mod files themselves.  You don't open those files, you put them in their respected folders that can be opened through various editing programs.  Do what anyone would have done and read the readme.


It isn't as easy as "downloading cool cars" and clicking a button and boom, there they are.  You need to manually install them.

Well if you are lucky you could come across an auto install car, But you should have a readme in the .Zip you downloaded, that should tell you what to do...

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