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is there a PS2 rom that actually works?


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i finished LCS in a ps2 rom and i want to do the same with VCS.  the problem with the psp roms is that its built for one stick only and that makes the game much much harder for no reason, its just not fun to play like this. i'm used to using both sticks on most of the game. i play with an xbox 1 controller


from what i tried, i tried the USA version of VCS and i got crashing and game breaking bugs, the ground would dissaper or the game would freeze.


its especielly annoying when it starts to happen after you progressed in the game


is there a ps2 rom that was tested to have no problems at all?

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You can download a patch for the PSP port so you can use a second stick.

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cant remember

I played it using the PS2 PAL rom. Worked fine.


Although I can't imagine the NTSC rom giving so many problems, maybe there's something wrong with the emulation?

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