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nasty limbs cheat?


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okay i know someone else asked this on a different post but ti didn't go so well because he didn't ask the question correctly.  is there a nasty limbs cheat that allows you to shoot of people's arms and legs with the sniper rifle are a strong gun?  right now it's just really stupid.  the limbs stay on but the blood squirts eratically.  


how the hell can that much blood even come out of a simple bullet hole?

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how the hell can that much blood even come out of a simple bullet hole?

Because that bullet hole, is big...  :dontgetit:

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well what i think is that its a half assed job since instead of using ik animation they switched to bone animation....but still the bone animation looks nicer and half assed is better than no ass....it is still a great game nonetheless.....you like that one word over ther :)

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yes i know it better than nothing but it appears to be halfassed because it simply looks like the forgot about half of the animation.  i hope they have it in the next patch.  


btw anyone even know when the next patch that fixes major things comes out or if it's even in development?


@homercles: what kind of gun would cause a bullet hole that big and not have your are come off?  i know a anti-tank rifle would cause that kind of bullet hole from exploding shells but it would completely blow your arm off. :/

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