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GTA Advance secret vehicle found!

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So basically i was escaping a 4 wanted star level in the game when i spotted this weird vehicle south-east of Vinnie's mission marker, the vehicle name is "GERMAN" and resembles a flatbed from gta 3, the engine sound is this unbearable noise that sounds like a bunch of chiptune garbage, this vehicle max speed is 58 MPH, this vehicle collision is completely messed up, it doesn't flip over unlike other vehicles in the game, the entering animation is completely broken as well

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Can anyone else confirm the existence of this? In his reddit post he says he's playing it on a mobile emulator. So I'm going to gander he's playing a modified version of the game.

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  • 1 month later...

My best guess is the game loaded incorrect data as a car. It can be a bad dump of the game or the cartridge got tilted. It likely is named GERMAN because it reads the language name as a car definition. This can't be fake for one reason, the glitchy sounds it produces. Not likely modded but a glitch. It's the same as how there are 256 worlds and 256 levels in Super Mario Bros. but you aren't legally allowed to enter them because they are glitchy data being read as level design.

Edited by Jeansowaty
  • 3 months later...

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