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Trilogy Definitive Edition OUT NOW on Mobile via Netflix - Updated on All Platforms

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Leaf Links golf entrance doesn't seem to be fixed either. They are just pure steel like the original 2002 pc version that forgot them. Eh small stuff. Left image TDE, right image modded original VC on PC with the PS2 correct golf ball texture.


Using mod for that fixes that crashes my game now. Maybe they will update the game again at some point for the remaining ones.

Edited by 44Orca
  • Like 2
7 hours ago, mightyfull_ said:

Have the Four Dragons heads returned? outside the casino


Is the SAPD helicopter night spotlight working now?

Yes, they made fixes to the Helicopter Spotlight

7 hours ago, NightmanCometh96 said:

Seems that the new update has broken a few mods, unfortunately. I've heard conflicting reports about restoring the radio: this Redditor was able to get it working in SA, while another user on Nexus mods says their game is now crashing (although they did say that they also have other mods installed, so it could be one of those causing their issue. They didn't specify which game, though).


That said, once mods have been updated to support the latest patches (or you can just test it and see what happens), I believe you have to create a folder named "~mods" (including the tilde sign) in the GTA xx - Definitive Edition/Gameface/Content/Paks/ directory and put your mods inside there.

i hope mods get updated, but i doubt they will. most people have moved on and dont care about these remasters anymore, and in a week nobody will be talking about it again


3 hours ago, suicidehummer said:


That's just it; with the inadequate timeframe to complete the project in, they didn't even have the ability to think about higher order things like art direction. They didn't even have time to make it work properly, of course they couldn't spend any time worrying about artistic direction.


Everybody wants to blame GSG, but IMO like most things it comes down to poor management from above and unrealistic time frames that were designed with profit in mind, not quality. It's always the guy at the bottom that gets blamed, even though they claim the higher ups get the big salaries because they have to take more responsibility. They never do.



Yea, i think rockstar is the one to blame for this. i dont blame them for not wanting to take manpower away from VI or whatever else they are working on to make a remaster for the trilogy. but it really feels like they had a bidding war on which tiny unqualified studio can remaster these 3 games for the least amount of money possible, so they can turn around and sell 10 million copies for 60 bucks each lol.


They worked with GSG many years ago with their mobile port of SA, and that was a buggy mess with graphical issues and terrible art style changes aswell. And somehow after that entire mess, i will never understand why they decided to work with them again... only to have the same buggy mess and graphical issues in 4k 

I hope that CLEO Redux and the debug menu get updated at least. Basic tools like that are pretty essential for other mods to be more quickly tested without frustration. It's like ScriptHookV all over again.

  • Realistic Steak! 2

Alas, even after the recent patch, some of the anachronisms in North Point Mall are still present in the Definitive Edition of Vice City.



On the plus side, though, it appears that the OG Loc album is gone (at least, where I looked).

Edited by Ivan1997GTA
9 hours ago, NightmanCometh96 said:

III and VC are leaving Netflix next month. SA seems to be staying for the time being. That matches what I’m seeing on their iOS App Store pages; it could also explain why their Netflix apps were updated the other day, whereas their paid counterparts (as well as both versions of SA DE) weren’t.

I hope that finally paid versions will be compatible with more phones (but i will never use these)

GSG CEO allegation wants one to believe that *hundreds* of the fixes and improvements in this patch were done by them and been just sitting on a hard drive for some years now?



Has anyone noticed an issue with looping audio breaking in SA (PC) when it rains for some reason? Things like car audio or police scanner static keeps on looping until the rain subsides.. (in case of the police scanner static I actually had to restart my game). Very odd bug...

Edited by jaydeedilla
30 minutes ago, SquoniX said:

Community notes at it again:


It's a bit awful to see, it looks like they aren't in the best of terms with Rockstar, it's understandable why but it is to be remembered that they were given an unfair hand from the very start by having them work on all of these games and for a lot of platforms.


As it stands out, this project needed a few more years before it became serviceable.

2 hours ago, El Dorado said:

GSG CEO allegation wants one to believe that *hundreds* of the fixes and improvements in this patch were done by them and been just sitting on a hard drive for some years now?


It wouldn't surprise me that much honestly. If they continued to work on the games after the initial release it's entirely plausible that Rockstar shelved the additional work they did until they had a chance to get VGD to continue with further development. 


Obviously patches for the games came out between release and March of the following year, but it wouldn't surprise me if Rockstar were only approving some fairly specific changes in that time. 

Edited by NoblePen
  • Like 1

bro even got fact checked on x community notes of all places, now that's an achievement :kekw:


I mean let's talk about GSG and Rockstar relationship, or what we know of it


they were approached to do mobile versions of the trilogy 10 years ago and apart from SA being somewhat subpar, III and VC were ok considering it's mobile target


then they released the same SA mobile port adapted to X360/PS3, and I for one don't understand the purpose or meaning of that release - it's awful in every way you look at it


and the defintive editions... to be honest I put the majority of the blame on rockstar on this one


put yourself in the shoes of GSG CEO: You are approached with a proposition to remaster 3 games that made rockstar what they are. Even if you know 9 out of 10 chances you are going to screw up, you don't pass that chance.


~insert here the ever flowing cascade of sh*t that happened between the release and now~


and now we wait for the next episode, if any, of VGD trying to clean up some of the mess

Edited by El Dorado
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  • Realistic Steak! 1
Cluckin Bell CEO
1 hour ago, The-Ghost said:

It's a bit awful to see, it looks like they aren't in the best of terms with Rockstar, it's understandable why but it is to be remembered that they were given an unfair hand from the very start by having them work on all of these games and for a lot of platforms.


As it stands out, this project needed a few more years before it became serviceable.


This whole thing just turned out to be another Cyberpunk 2077....look at that game in 2020 vs today.


The character models still need to be fixed and a lot of other small bugs are still there even after this patch.


I was thinking about this situation for a little more...


Honestly, it's hard to know what happened.

Did Rockstar first ask for GSG to remaster only one title, and then proceeded to ask for the rest and GSG just said "Yes we can do it". Or was the plan always "Remaster all three"?


I'll continue believing that Rockstar is to blame for asking them to do the job. But I also think that GSG failed miserably (perhaps due to arrogance) at recognizing how long/how much effort it would take and if they could do it at all.


Another good point raised by many is that, despite the issues with the previous releases of the Trilogy on Mobile and X360/PS3, they went on to release another version that was much more chaotic in terms of bugs and fidelity.

And in this the blame is perfectly even between them. Rockstar choosing GSG again and GSG screwing it all up again too.

Edited by BS_BlackScout
Improved wording
  • Like 4
  • Realistic Steak! 1

I thought maybe it would be a good idea to document issues on github, similar to what we have for GTA IV:




For one thing, I looked into why the camera on PC is so broken, and fixed one issue out of 1000, it would be good to reach out to the developers somehow.

47 minutes ago, ThirteenAG said:

I thought maybe it would be a good idea to document issues on github, similar to what we have for GTA IV:




For one thing, I looked into why the camera on PC is so broken, and fixed one issue out of 1000, it would be good to reach out to the developers somehow.

does that fix the weird Y axis for the camera?

10 minutes ago, rollschuh2282 said:

does that fix the weird Y axis for the camera?

It doesn't, I tried, but it's unclear what code makes it so. I wish the developers would deal with it.

  • Like 2
11 hours ago, BS_BlackScout said:

I was thinking about this situation for a little more...


Honestly, it's hard to know what happened.

Did Rockstar first ask for GSG to remaster only one title, and then proceeded to ask for the rest and GSG just said "Yes we can do it". Or was the plan always "Remaster all three"?


I'll continue believing that Rockstar is to blame for asking them to do the job. But I also think that GSG failed miserably (perhaps due to arrogance) at recognizing how long/how much effort it would take and if they could do it at all.


Another good point raised by many is that, despite the issues with the previous releases of the Trilogy on Mobile and X360/PS3, they went on to release another version that was much more chaotic in terms of bugs and fidelity.

And in this the blame is perfectly even between them. Rockstar choosing GSG again and GSG screwing it all up again too.

At the end of the day, all parties are equally guilty, IMO. Grove Street Games did an awful job with SA Mobile and its console ports. I suppose III and VC were decent, especially for their time, but even those ports had their share of issues. Needless to say, tasking a small, mobile-oriented studio with remastering three of the most influential video games of all time sounds like disastrous choice; but Rockstar and Take-Two were bone-headed enough to do just that. And to pour salt in the wound, the basis for said remasters was those crappy mobile ports. 

Still, I’ll admit that GSG were dealt a bad hand. Even if the games hadn’t been pushed forward to make up for E&E being delayed past its late 2021 target date, it’s clear that the DE was not given anywhere near enough time in the oven (although a comment from Rich Leadbetter of Digital Foundry suggests that the remasters were in development for at least 3-4 years). On top of this, they also had to optimize (although I use the term loosely) three games across 6 platforms: PS4, PS5, XB1, Series X|S, Switch and PC. Factoring in the Mid-Gen console refreshes and the Performance/Fidelity modes in certain versions, and that’s what? 13-14 configurations per game to account for? That’s a daunting task for any developer, never mind one as small and ill-equipped as GSG. The odds were stacked against them in this regard.

And I’m sure R*, with their sheer aversion to revisiting legacy titles in-house, did little to help matters. QA was clearly an issue (search around for those disgruntled dev comments from the leaked DE files); in fact, I hesitate to say thorough testing was ever done to begin with, given the myriad of bugs present in all three games (many of which were only fixed just recently, over three years after launch). And don’t get me started on the character models, or the horribly-AI-upscaled texture work that was outsourced overseas (leading to many grammatical errors).


All of this to say, the results speak for themselves. In hindsight, the DE was doomed to fail from the moment it was green-lit. Video Games Deluxe has done an outstanding job with their fixes to salvage these versions and get them to a functional state. But the ports are still so fundamentally flawed (i.e based on rushed, mediocre mobile conversions) that I don’t think I could ever say it was worth delisting the originals on any platform that isn’t the RGL

EDIT: Found the DF quote:



Source? Digital Foundry who have connections and sources in the industry, in one of their Directs after the game has been released said, and I quote: 


“You know, a lot of stories and anecdotes are now starting to circulate and it certainly wasn’t a lack of time they had on this project. It was in development for about 3 to 4 years.

Edited by NightmanCometh96
Cleaned up a few sentences
  • Like 4
3 minutes ago, ThirteenAG said:

It doesn't, I tried, but it's unclear what code makes it so. I wish the developers would deal with it.

i imagine it´s a original Mobile change that was still left

like slowing down up and down

i wonder if the same code can be found in the SA Mobile patch with the symbols

i remember that clip of that one guy fixing it, but not releasing, bc it will be for his multiplayer project or something...

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cant remember

IMO instead of a Definitive Edition they should have made a "Reimagined" edition, and have it be a weird hybrid of San Andreas but with euphoria, modern car deformation, etc.

If they embraced the fact that the DE isn't a replacement of the PS2 release, but more like its own thing with more improvements, they wouldn't be getting bad rep over things like "the nitro speed effect is broken in SA"


Eg. GTA3 now lets you free-aim with most guns, and even lets you move while you shoot and it's awesome. The highways in San Andreas are also fixed from PS2 they're a treat to drive on without the chaos of pileups. It's not the same as PS2, but it's better. They should do more of that, make it better than the original one instead of trying to emulate it so hard.

Insanely well done VGD, it's confirmed the classic lighting is very faithful to the original games 



  • Like 4
2 hours ago, cant remember said:

IMO instead of a Definitive Edition they should have made a "Reimagined" edition, and have it be a weird hybrid of San Andreas but with euphoria, modern car deformation, etc.

If they embraced the fact that the DE isn't a replacement of the PS2 release, but more like its own thing with more improvements, they wouldn't be getting bad rep over things like "the nitro speed effect is broken in SA"


Eg. GTA3 now lets you free-aim with most guns, and even lets you move while you shoot and it's awesome. The highways in San Andreas are also fixed from PS2 they're a treat to drive on without the chaos of pileups. It's not the same as PS2, but it's better. They should do more of that, make it better than the original one instead of trying to emulate it so hard.

If they hadn't decided to do the TDE as they did, doing what Valve did for HL1 and now HL2 would have been received extremely well too I reckon, and even sold well and still given them some cash. Pretty much an official "SilentPatch", fixing a lot of what was wrong with the originals, making tweaks for modern systems and much more:



  • Like 3

My honest opinion:


i have played all versions of the game. 

I don’t want to be rude but the nostalgia part is being overdone by the hardcore fans. It should not be the case, it should look different enough after 20 years. Now, the entire game looks like Mexico. It is too orange, every building, vegetation and the sky look depressing. Am I happy for the fans who like it? Yes because it is an option to turn on or off but not really. 

Why not? Because apparently, the higher fog, volumetric fog, water colour, volumetric clouds, wind during rains, rainbows and the new sandstorm effects are exclusive to classic lighting. This doesn’t make any sense. These should have been in the game with or without classic lighting and the only thing the slider should change is the lighting. 

I feel like a hostage to the Mexico filter in order to have the better fog and various weather effects. The non-classic lighting with the new fog and weather effects would have looked far better in my opinion, the colours are natural. It looks like USA and the grass actually looks green but now, at a glance, the new patch makes the game look like the PS 2 version and that’s not a good sign. 

My final opinion, the new fog and weather effects should be in the game regardless of the classic lighting option.

Edited by SquoniX

I feel bad for all the hate GSG is getting. About a year ago I was doing my friend, who does 3D modelling for a living, a favor and dropping off copies of his resume to studios in my area. One of them was GSG. I show up and dropped the resume off and they were very polite and cordial to me, especially since they delisted their address and I practically invited myself.


Yeah they dropped the ball, but then again, Rockstar stuck them on a sinking ship without a liferaft

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