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Sunshine Autos


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(PS5 -PS2 version) For some reason my list of cars at sunshine is all crossed off and it’s not the final list.. I have restarted the game, the console and uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, still the same issue. When I bring one of the cars on the list that are crossed off, hoping to reset the glitch, it gives the β€œno deal” text. Send help, PLZ!! πŸ˜…

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On 9/6/2023 at 12:20 AM, JediMaster_Colt said:

(PS5 -PS2 version) For some reason my list of cars at sunshine is all crossed off and it’s not the final list.. I have restarted the game, the console and uninstalled the game and reinstalled it, still the same issue. When I bring one of the cars on the list that are crossed off, hoping to reset the glitch, it gives the β€œno deal” text. Send help, PLZ!! πŸ˜…

Can you provide any screenshot? Not with phone but direct one. And this is for the original version right not the definitive one?

Did you do any of the lists or you didn't start any? The glitch might be only.. a texture bug or something like that? First time I hear this, I was gonna say to see on the internet the sunshine autos list which cars to bring, maybe after doing all of them it will be fine again but you said it gives "no deal text", what about bringing all of them not just one from the list? maybe that fixes it?

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