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GTA Online beta discovery

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Thanks to PC emulation on Xenia KimiSha19 found a way to play a "pre-release" aka beta Xbox 360 version of GTA Online. Many interesting things were found with many bugs, render, and texture issues. It's incredible how stuff still gets found almost 10 years after the launch. A big thanks to KimiSha19 for showing this to the public and the Xenia community for helping me enter this beta version. 

Special thanks to Adrian for creating a netplay build that allowed users to enter online again and Byrom for making a patched title update to unlock the online in story mode. Note that you will need a legitimate working copy of GTAV on Xbox 360 to try it out for yourself. 

This is what has been found so far (unfortunately there's currently no way to find out stuff related to requiring money as it doesn't register it, even tho that some stuff do work like EWO) A short video: https://youtu.be/YIBjy5ZJcq4

  • A beta logo
    I tried to refresh the logo
  • There is no sound when entering a lobby
  • The wasted screen showed with what weapon you have been killed and where you received the fatal shots
  • The ranking UI also looked different 
  • Calling for gang backups from Lamar (Families), Al Carter (The Lost), Edgar Claros (Vagos)
  • 2 cut contacts for calling gangs, Al Carter and Edgar Claros
  • Interaction menu
  • Bigfoot easter egg?
  • Weapon UI
  • Character creator

    More discoveries will be posted here
Edited by BakeWithMe1000
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6 minutes ago, Nawaf said:

Great found! is it possible to switch to way earlier build, like a version with the palm trees that got removed in the final build.

The working title updates are from 7 to 13

Not sure if that included palm trees as I haven't tested those versions

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8 minutes ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

There was also a Special Crate Drop every x hours, I haven't looked deeper into this and what it exactly is. This could also not be cut content, if so let me know. 

That's how they used to release special shirts years ago, was removed from the game at some point and replaced by Business Battles

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40 minutes ago, Sunday Morning said:

Isn't that bigfoot shirt used as a painting/poster for the casino? Looks familiar....

It's a regular shirt that can be bought in final online and it means nothing, it's not an Easter egg or anything, it's an in-game brand called "Yeti"

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1 hour ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

Also, the first death cutscene seems to be not finished or just bugged. It just shows this for like 30 seconds

I know the character model being broken is due to xenia but this entire scene is honestly hilarious for multiple reasons 

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14 hours ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

Thanks to PC emulation on Xenia KimiSha19 found a way to play a "pre-release" aka beta Xbox 360 version of GTA Online. Many interesting things were found with many bugs, render, and texture issues. It's incredible how stuff still gets found almost 10 years after the launch. A big thanks to KimiSha19 for showing this to the public and the Xenia community for helping me enter this beta version. 

Special thanks to Adrian for creating a netplay build that allowed users to enter online again and Byrom for making a patched title update to unlock the online in story mode. Note that you will need a legitimate working copy of GTAV on Xbox 360 to try it out for yourself. 

This is what has been found so far (unfortunately there's currently no way to find out stuff related to requiring money as it doesn't register it, even tho that some stuff do work like EWO) A short video: https://youtu.be/YIBjy5ZJcq4

  • A beta logo
    I tried to refresh the logo
  • There is no sound when entering a lobby
  • The wasted screen showed with what weapon you have been killed and where you received the fatal shots
  • The ranking UI also looked different 
  • Calling for gang backups from Lamar (Families), Al Carter (The Lost), Edgar Claros (Vagos)
  • 2 cut contacts for calling gangs, Al Carter and Edgar Claros
  • Interaction menu
  • Bigfoot easter egg?
  • Weapon UI
  • Character creator

    More discoveries will be posted here

this is an incredible find. any way to make it work on ps3?


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15 hours ago, Nawaf said:

Great found! is it possible to switch to way earlier build, like a version with the palm trees that got removed in the final build.

Doesn't seems like it, thats are way older than this build, probably when online wasn't even being produced yet.


On topic: Is it possible to activate the beta gang territories on the map? You know the ones that were supposed to be controlled by the players? That.


Edited by Pedinhuh
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Indeed, some very interesting stuff. I recall some of it having been found way back then when people started modding the game on consoles, but it's easier now with emulators.

This basically consists of removing the update.rpf file and patching the executable so it can run properly without it. The way it works is that R* must have gone into "code lockdown" (game basically finished, even if GTAO wasn't) a few months before it released, then any subsequent additions and changes were put into the update.rpf, meaning that if you delete the file you effectively partially revert to an earlier build (well, the assets not code) - but still pretty much "final" except for GTAO which is pretty clear was designed the way it is today at the tail-end of development.

You can actually do this in GTA V PC too, it's not as interesting but there's some small menu changes and so on.


Another reason why some of this is visible/enabled is because it'll be using the day 0 local tunables file instead of the remote file R* updates.


16 hours ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

The wasted screen showed with what weapon you have been killed and where you received the fatal shots

This is from Max Payne 3, kinda wish they had kept it but I can see why they removed it. Could have gotten a bit cluttered, but maybe in deathmatches or one-on-ones.


16 hours ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

Calling for gang backups from Lamar (Families), Al Carter (The Lost), Edgar Claros (Vagos)

Yep, those contacts were to be used by Crooks in the original GTA Online Cops n' Crooks game mode. They were known about but never(?) seen in-game until someone did this.


16 hours ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

Bigfoot easter egg?

This shirt is in the game.


15 hours ago, Nawaf said:

Great found! is it possible to switch to way earlier build, like a version with the palm trees that got removed in the final build.

Nope, unless you somehow get into R* and get some broken early development build from like early 2012 you're not getting that :kekw: This is just removing a file to make some pre-launch day assets load.


15 hours ago, BakeWithMe1000 said:

There was also a Special Crate Drop every x hours, I haven't looked deeper into this and what it exactly is. This could also not be cut content, if so let me know. 

This was a thing until 2015, as said before it's how special shirts etc. used to be delivered. It was actually good times in retrospect to chase after those crates. Nowadays it's special event business battles that give you stuff.


14 hours ago, Sunday Morning said:

Isn't that bigfoot shirt used as a painting/poster for the casino? Looks familiar....

Yep because it's a brand in the game, it's more a chain of references to the Yeti brand/Bigfoot in general than anything bigger. It is the same shape though, on purpose. :p 


31 minutes ago, Pedinhuh said:

On topic: Is it possible to activate the beta gang territories on the map? You know the ones that were supposed to be controlled by the players? That.

I think most of the Cops n' Crooks logic is gone by this build so I'm assuming that won't be possible.

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I wonder what is being played here... this is the GTAO but without the patches, so basically GTAOnline that shipped with the game in September 17 and wasn't available to play until the title update on October 1st...


Am I correct?


Edit: based on Spider's answer above, I guess it's correct, the title updated ironed out most of the bugs in this, and also removed/changed stuff, erased references to the old concept and got us the game we have now.


Edited by MaddenedGhost
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2 minutes ago, Spider-Vice said:

I think most of the Cops n' Crooks logic is gone by this build so I'm assuming that won't be possible.

Well this is weird because you can still call the gang leaders for backup, which means that at build we should still be working for them.


Or maybe they just removed that stuff in small bits with each build? Probably that.


Honestly, it's interesting to have a closer look at what this game could have been, but the whole meat of this is the cut cops and crooks gang content, well I guess we will never be able to see it working...

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1 minute ago, Pedinhuh said:

Well this is weird because you can still call the gang leaders for backup, which means that at build we should still be working for them.


Or maybe they just removed that stuff in small bits with each build? Probably that.


Honestly, it's interesting to have a closer look at what this game could have been, but the whole meat of this is the cut cops and crooks gang content, well I guess we will never be able to see it working...

I think that feature was some legitimate thing Lamar could still offer evwn in the regular GTAO when they were working on it and not even related to the cut concept but they ended up removing it.


A cool thing Rockstar could do is share some behind the scenes stuff in the anniversary, I don't think they'd show the entire original content but at least some stuff we have never seen about this game.

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6 minutes ago, Pedinhuh said:

Well this is weird because you can still call the gang leaders for backup, which means that at build we should still be working for them.


It's simply incomplete, by this point according to the build log that is in the PS3 version a lot of the C&C stuff was gone. That backup being available doesn't mean the rest of C&C like territories is available. If it were, it would probably have been found already.


Speaking of the build log, I went back to check. R* started going into final code lockdown (to submit the game for ratings and to Sony/MS) in May 2013, so by that time the game was already partially in the state it was on September 17, 2013. They made tweaks and bugfixes until July which is when they started sending out submission builds. By August the game had gone gold and that's when they started developing patch/update content.


Based on this it's safe to assume that removing the files puts the game (partially, as we're just removing assets and not getting the real pre-day 1 executable) in the state it was somewhere between May and July 2013. GTAO is most affected as that is what was still in development by the time they launched the Story Mode.


9 minutes ago, MaddenedGhost said:

I wonder what is being played here... this is the GTAO but without the patches, so basically GTAOnline that shipped with the game in September 17 and wasn't available to play until the title update on October 1st...


Am I correct?


Edit: based on Spider's answer above, I guess it's true.

That's a good enough tl;dr yup, but I imagine that the September 17 build already had some of the "final" GTAO stuff in it, so because files were removed, it's probably slightly earlier as I said above. I do believe the Friends & Family Beta that existed back then already looked mostly like the October 1st GTAO.

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17 minutes ago, Spider-Vice said:

This is from Max Payne 3, kinda wish they had kept it but I can see why they removed it. Could have gotten a bit cluttered, but maybe in deathmatches or one-on-ones.

Not really, assets wise there's a bit of difference but code and idea wise, might be from max payne

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...yes, that is very much implied in the post, I didn't say they copy pasted it. 😐 

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re: cops and crooks, it's also possible that it never made it past being a playable tech demo.

around 2 weeks ago i was trying to solve as many text labels as i could in the 9/17 files and found the names for a bunch of cops & crooks/old online strings. was gonna post all the finds eventually once i solved the remaining <300 or so strings but it's always my luck that things happen that don't let me take my time with things and have to rush


MPDEMO_2 = ?
MPDEMO_3 = Create a new character
MPDEMO_4 = ~PAD_DPAD_UPDOWN~ select character.
MPDEMO_5 = ~PAD_B~ exit to Grand Theft Auto V.
MPDEMO_6 = Name:
MPDEMO_7 = Profession:
MPDEMO_8 = Experience:
MPDEMO_9 = Ethnicity:
MPDEMO_10 = ????? ?????
MPDEMO_11 = Cop
MPDEMO_12 = Criminal
MPDEMO_13 = European
MPDEMO_14 = Asian
MPDEMO_15 = Hispanic
MPDEMO_16 = African
MPDEMO_17 = Arab
MPDEMO_18 = -
MPDEMO_19 = ~PAD_DPAD_UPDOWN~ Choose Character
MPDEMO_20 = ~PAD_A~ Select
MPDEMO_21 = ~PAD_B~ Return to Grand Theft Auto V.
MPDEMO_22 = Select to create a new character.
MPDEMO_23 = /\
MPDEMO_24 = \/
MPDEMO_26 = ~a~ ~a~
MPDEMO_27 = ~a~-~a~
MPDEMO_28 = Sex:
MPDEMO_29 = Male
MPDEMO_30 = Female
MPDEMO_31 = ~1~%
MPDEMO_32 = Scottish
MPDEMO_33 = Father's Ethnicity:
MPDEMO_34 = Mother's Ethnicity:
MPDEMO_35 = ~PAD_DPAD_UPDOWN~ Select Category
MPDEMO_37 = ~PAD_X~ Generate Name
MPDEMO_38 = ~PAD_A~ Save
MPDEMO_39 = ~PAD_B~ Return to Character Selection
MPDEMO_41 = Go to a lobby
MPDEMO_42 = Join a game
MPDEMO_43 = >
MPDEMO_44 = Select to create a new cop.
MPDEMO_45 = Select to create a new criminal.
MPDEMO_46 = <
MPDEMO_47 = ~PAD_X~ Delete Character
MPDEMO_50 = Are you sure you want to delete ~a~ ~a~?
MPDEMO_51 = Yes
MPDEMO_52 = No
MPDEMO_53 = ~PAD_DPAD_UPDOWN~ Choose Answer
MPDEMO_54 = ~PAD_Y~ Show Stats
MPDEMO_56 = Select kit

of course, "demo" could also mean "tutorial," seeing as how all the strings relate to creating the characters. so we'll never know for sure, but it's something at least.


another thing is that the deathmatches would have worked similarly to gta iv, where you have fixed locations instead of jobs:

DM_LOC_0_STR = Random
DM_LOC_1_STR = Prison
DM_LOC_2_STR = Airport
DM_LOC_3_STR = Construction
DM_LOC_4_STR = Country Town
DM_LOC_5_STR = Docks
DM_LOC_6_STR = Golf Course
DM_LOC_7_STR = Hilltop
DM_LOC_8_STR = Motel
DM_LOC_9_STR = Industrial
DM_LOC_10_STR = Movie Set
DM_LOC_11_STR = Pier
DM_LOC_12_STR = Quarry
DM_LOC_13_STR = Recycle Plant
DM_LOC_14_STR = Torture Location
DM_LOC_15_STR = Museum
DM_LOC_16_STR = Sub Base
DM_LOC_17_STR = Military Base
DM_LOC_18_STR = Fire Station
DM_LOC_19_STR = Forest
DM_LOC_20_STR = Reservoir
DM_LOC_21_STR = Biolab
DM_LOC_22_STR = Villa
DM_LOC_23_STR = Beach
DM_LOC_24_STR = Foundry
DM_LOC_25_STR = The Square
DM_LOC_26_STR = Headquarters
DM_LOC_27_STR = Office
DM_LOC_28_STR = Builders



also awards would give out tattoos (for vagos), patches (for lost), and medals (for cops) on reaching platinum

TAT_BOSSME = Meet the Boss
TAT_BOSSME_D = Pass Boss Meet.
TAT_BOSSMV = Meet the Boss
TAT_BOSSMV_D = Pass Boss Meet.
TAT_CARMODV = Pimp'd Out
TAT_CARMODV_D = Purchase all Mods for your Vagos Gang Car.
TAT_CHEATER = Putting The Sneak to Sleep
TAT_CHEATER_D = Complete the Putting The Sneak to Sleep Award.
TAT_CLEAROUT = Grim Reaper Smoking Gun
TAT_CLEAROUT_D = Complete the Clear Out Award.
TAT_DRUG100 = Dope Pusher
TAT_DRUG100_D = Complete 100 Drug Deals.
TAT_DRUG100V = Dope Pusher
TAT_DRUG100V_D = Complete 100 Drug Deals.
TAT_ESCOR = The Boss Escort
TAT_ESCOR_D = Pass Escort Crook Boss.
TAT_ESCORTV = The Boss Escorter
TAT_ESCORTV_D = Pass Escort Crook Boss.
TAT_FM_41 = Killstreaker
TAT_FUNER = Live Lost Die Lost
TAT_FUNERV = Vagos In Peace
TAT_FUNERV_D = Pass Funeral as the defending gang.
TAT_KILLRIV10 = Top Rocker
TAT_KILLRIV10_D = Kill 10 Rivals.
TAT_KILLRIV500 = Gang Bang
TAT_KILLRIV500_D = Kill 500 Rivals.
TAT_KILLSNT = Hospitalize Snitch
TAT_KILLSNTV = Hospitalize Snitch
TAT_KILLSNTV_D = Hospitalized Snitch.
TAT_MED10 = Adventures In Babysitting
TAT_MED_1_1 = The Protector
TAT_MED_1_5 = The Protector
TAT_MED_1_10 = The Protector
TAT_MED_1_20 = The Protector
TAT_MED_2_1 = Electric Screams
TAT_MED_2_10 = Electric Screams
TAT_MED_2_25 = Electric Screams
TAT_MED_2_50 = Electric Screams
TAT_MED_5_1 = Arresting Officer
TAT_MED_5_10 = Arresting Officer
TAT_MED_5_50 = Arresting Officer
TAT_MED_5_100 = Arresting Officer
TAT_MED_6_1 = Fast Catch
TAT_MED_6_10 = Fast Catch
TAT_MED_6_50 = Fast Catch
TAT_MED_6_100 = Fast Catch
TAT_MED_7_10 = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_10A = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_25 = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_25A = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_50 = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_50A = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_100 = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_7_100a = Dangerous Encounters
TAT_MED_11 = A Worthy Rival
TAT_MED_11_D = Killed All Rival Gang Members in a Mission.
TAT_MED_100 = Drug Deal Foiler
TAT_MED_100_D = Stop Crooks from delivering drugs packages 3 times.
TAT_NOARST50 = Cop Dodger
TAT_NOARST50_D = Avoid Arrest For 50 Hours.
TAT_PARLV = Trust No One
TAT_PARLV_D = Win a Parley.
TAT_POLBUST = Jailbreak
TAT_POLBUST_D = Pass Police Station Bust Out.
TAT_POLBUSTV = Police Station Bust Out
TAT_POLBUSTV_D = Pass Police Station Bust Out.
TAT_PRIBRK = Prison Break
TAT_PRIBRK_D = Prison Break.
TAT_PRIBRKV = Hourglass
TAT_PRIBRKV_D = Pass Prison Break.
TAT_RIVAL50 = One Percenter
TAT_RIVAL50_D = Kill a Rival Gang Member who is Respect 50 or higher.
TAT_RIVAL50V = A Worthy Rival
TAT_RIVAL50V_D = Kill a Rival Gang Member who is Rank 50 or higher.
TAT_RIVALX1 = Wiped Out
TAT_RIVALX1_D = Kill every member of a gang in one mission.
TAT_RODE10 = Lost Rider
TAT_RODE10_D = Ride Bikes for 10 Hours.
TAT_RODE20 = Easy Rider
TAT_RODE20_D = Ride Bikes for 20 Hours.
TAT_RODE50 = Ghost Rider
TAT_RODE50_D = Ride Bikes for 50 Hours.
TAT_RODE100 = Hard Rider
TAT_RODE100_D = Ride Bikes for 100 Hours.
TAT_RODE500 = Sore Rider
TAT_RODE500_D = Ride Bikes for 500 Hours.
TAT_RODE1000 = Forever Rider
TAT_RODE1000_D = Ride Bikes for 1000 Hours.
TAT_TRY_PAT = Press ~a~ to browse patches.
TAT_TRY_TAT = Press ~a~ to browse tattoos.
TAT_WINPARL_D = Win a Parley.


(there's still more, supposedly, but i haven't solved the hashes and now i know someone else will so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, but these were duplicates/variants anyway such as "Kill 500 Rivals." or "Reach Respect 100.")



whoever is running the build should check lester menu btw, originally you could call the cops on players, i wonder if that was still a thing in the day1 build

0x1BFAAC47 = Choose a player to set a Wanted Level on.


MPCT_WNT_01 = ~z~Okay, who are you after?
MPCT_WNT_02 = ~z~Sure thing, who needs a visit from the LSPD?
MPCT_WNT_03 = ~z~Okay, who we talking about?
MPCT_WNT_04 = ~z~Sure... and who are we annoying?
MPCT_WNT_05 = ~z~And who will be feeling the long arm of the law?
MPCT_WNT_06 = ~z~And whose collar do we want to be touched?
MPCT_WNT_07 = ~z~Okay... who?
MPCT_WNT_08 = ~z~That's not a problem, who?
MPCT_WNT_09 = ~z~Okay. Give me a name.

MPCT_WNTTAR_01 = ~z~Okay I found them on the system. How much heat are we talking about?
MPCT_WNTTAR_02 = ~z~No problem, target confirmed. How much of a police presence do we want?
MPCT_WNTTAR_03 = ~z~Okay, got them... how much heat you want?
MPCT_WNTTAR_04 = ~z~Okay... how many police do we want on their case?
MPCT_WNTTAR_05 = ~z~And how many police are we thinking of?
MPCT_WNTTAR_06 = ~z~And how much heat you want to put on this asshole?
MPCT_WNTTAR_07 = ~z~And how many police you want on their ass?
MPCT_WNTTAR_08 = ~z~I got them... and how many cops you want me to set on them?

MPCT_WNTTART_01 = ~z~This poor bastard is already wanted. Do you want to crank it up?
MPCT_WNTTART_02 = ~z~Seems the fool is already on their list. Want to crank the heat up a little?
MPCT_WNTTART_03 = ~z~Okay... they're already wanted. Should we ratchet up the heat a bit?
MPCT_WNTTART_04 = ~z~Hmmm... police already want them. Do you want to crank the heat up at all?
MPCT_WNTTART_05 = ~z~Oh, wow, they're already wanted. Want to make them more wanted?
MPCT_WNTTART_06 = ~z~Seems the police already hate them... want to turn up the heat even more?


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44 minutes ago, WildBrick142 said:

re: cops and crooks, it's also possible that it never made it past being a playable tech demo.


It doesn't seem like it went super far but it does seem they wanted to actually make it happen, they were developing it for quite a long time until they decided to pivot to the current GTAO concept somewhere in early 2013 (can see the way they call it change around 2013, I still believe this was part of the reason for the Spring 2013 delay). We did have UI concepts and implementations, references to already advanced features in the build log, etc. They just cut part of it and rehashed it into the current Freemode.

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Hi everyone! I've decided to make a tutorial on playing this beta build of GTA Online since multiple people have asked me in the comment section for the original video: 


Our current main limitation is money as the script for it doesn't seem to be finished in this build of GTA Online, meaning there is still a lot of things we cannot test like reinforcements and such.

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Honestly that bodyguard perk doesn't sound too bad, as long as the AI is aggressive to attacking players and I can put them inside a 4 door vehicle, they could be very useful.


Just imagine a Khanjali or Barrage with 3 NPCs aimbotting nearby players, could be very fun and chaotic 😊


Even implementing this back shouldn't be hard, the voices are already in the game and so is the phone contact options and the AI script that makes it follow the player as a bodyguard, giving this back to Lamar as a perk for completing any kind of job for him wouldn't look out of place on this game.

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Al Carter is still in the game via texts. If you deliver a Drug Vehicle there's a chance he'll text you to take it to a barn on Route 68. The one I've done the most is the Drug Vehicle just south of the Car Wash in Families turf, he always wants it. Some other ones in the city are up there too as I guess they're too close to the Families/Vagos turf.


Also if you do 5 Gang Attacks in one session against The Lost, he'd text you angrily and put a bounty on you. I think this still works but haven't tried in ages. There's still four Lost MC Gang Attacks around the map so it would take an hour or so as you'd have to repeat one.


Edgar Claros is/was similar to Al Carter. He'd text after 5 Gang Attacks in one session (again not sure if he still does, there's still four Vagos Gang Attacks in the game.) However, he was killed off in the Lowrider story. He did text Drug Vehicles but R* changed it to "Vagos", I guess when they realized he was supposed to be dead.


The Families have a similar Gang Attack/Drug Vehicle character but he's just named "The Boss", although they only have one Gang Attack so it would take 5 in game days in a session. (The Professionals Gang Attack also uses The Boss, most of the rest use a generic "Unknown" like when you steal too many cars and get a bounty)

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20 hours ago, Spider-Vice said:

It's simply incomplete, by this point according to the build log that is in the PS3 version a lot of the C&C stuff was gone. That backup being available doesn't mean the rest of C&C like territories is available. If it were, it would probably have been found already.


Speaking of the build log, I went back to check. R* started going into final code lockdown (to submit the game for ratings and to Sony/MS) in May 2013, so by that time the game was already partially in the state it was on September 17, 2013. They made tweaks and bugfixes until July which is when they started sending out submission builds. By August the game had gone gold and that's when they started developing patch/update content.


Based on this it's safe to assume that removing the files puts the game (partially, as we're just removing assets and not getting the real pre-day 1 executable) in the state it was somewhere between May and July 2013. GTAO is most affected as that is what was still in development by the time they launched the Story Mode.


That's a good enough tl;dr yup, but I imagine that the September 17 build already had some of the "final" GTAO stuff in it, so because files were removed, it's probably slightly earlier as I said above. I do believe the Friends & Family Beta that existed back then already looked mostly like the October 1st GTAO.

Holy crud! That's what the biker and gang backup is in dispatch.meta ain't it. 


The backup you can call from those removed contacts.



Also can Anyone look into left-over behaviour flags, would be dope if there are left over combat tasks or anything like that.


Imagine if we can get cops to start busting NPCs like GTA IV or something lol.

Edited by Matushka
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