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Award: "Well Received" - Question


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I want to complete the award for creator mode called Well Received that requires 100 Thumbs up from other players.

I do have several accounts to use for this. My question is - before I fire up all my accounts: Can it be thumbs up from the same players. Say I have 4 accounts to use and each job would give me 4 thumbs up. Will it work to 100 or do I need 100 different accounts to like the job?

I only created a job that takes 1-2 min to complete and I got 2 award left in the game and I want to finish it fast to be done with the game.

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Well, lets try it and see shall we. If I have 4 alts thats 4 more alts than people I have for this so we'll see.

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iirc, you need 100 different players to like your creation.

Best is to mention your platform and post a link to your social club race

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Make some short race and keep auto inviting randoms instead of using some bots. You will get it in no time. Btw if you lose you will get more likes.

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  • 2 months later...

Working on a, at least decently, fun race now and I have several alts to "fill the matchmaking" up with 3-4 players so I hopefully get more people joining. I am working with this one and 28 days of dailies(1 week in) so my goal is to be done with all awards 1st Dec.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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