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Johnson House Garage Glitch

Go to solution Solved by ArmanCan,

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Hi , 
I'm experiencing a glitch where the johnson house garage is only letting me store one vehicle inside it. I do know the cause of the glitch, there's an invisible car saved in the garage's memory taking up one of the two car slots. I was just wondering if there were any tools or editors that can delete cars out of garages in the game. Thanks.

Edited by wisherman
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2 hours ago, wisherman said:

Hi , 
I'm experiencing a glitch where the johnson house garage is only letting me store one vehicle inside it. I do know the cause of the glitch, there's an invisible car saved in the garage's memory taking up one of the two car slots. I was just wondering if there were any tools or editors that can delete cars out of garages in the game. Thanks.


Is your game OG or Definitive?

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Original Version. 1.0, with silent patch.

Edited by wisherman
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  • Solution
5 hours ago, wisherman said:

Original Version. 1.0, with silent patch.







- DOWNLOAD this editor, open and load your file..

- Find the "Garage tab"

- Determine your suspicious vehicle and remove it by changing model.. (Make it 0 -Unused)

- After that press apply button and go to "Misc" (You cannot do multiple changes.. You have to finish with your current car first and than press apply to complete the changes/continuing the next car)

- Make sure "Cheated" and "Riot Mode" not selected..

- Save it and check the garage..🙂


You can also revert the process.. which means if you think your car-s has been vanished.. you can use it to bring it back. You just need your cars specifid features like immunities, colour, hydraulics or nitro in order to select the model properly 😉

Edited by ArmanCan
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22 hours ago, ArmanCan said:







- DOWNLOAD this editor, open and load your file..

- Find the "Garage tab"

- Determine your suspicious vehicle and remove it by changing model.. (Make it 0 -Unused)

- After that press apply button and go to "Misc" (You cannot do multiple changes.. You have to finish with your current car first and than press apply to complete the changes/continuing the next car)

- Make sure "Cheated" and "Riot Mode" not selected..

- Save it and check the garage..🙂


You can also revert the process.. which means if you think your car-s has been vanished.. you can use it to bring it back. You just need your cars specifid features like immunities, colour, hydraulics or nitro in order to select the model properly 😉

Sweet, it worked! Thanks so much, man. I was looking forever for a tool that would do this. 

Edited by wisherman
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13 hours ago, wisherman said:

Sweet, it worked! Thanks so much, man. I was looking forever for a tool that would do this. 


I think i gotta open a new ontent under "Guides&Strategies" in order to cover this up 😉

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