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GTA V Gen9 / "E&E" PC Discussion - Coming 2025

GTA V Gen9 / "E&E" PC Discussion - Coming 2025  

122 members have voted

  1. 1. When do you think it's being fully announced?

    • Last week of January
    • February
    • March
    • Later
  2. 2. Do you think it's going to be a free or paid upgrade?

    • Free
    • Paid
  3. 3. When do you think it's coming out?

    • February
    • March
    • April (also 10th anniversary of GTA V on PC)
    • May
    • Later

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Summary for now coming in 2025 pc version:


1. Sga Renderer (Hopefully with Vulkan)

2. HSW stuff

3. Speed increase in cars and possible fps fix (just like on ps5 version)

4. Some ray tracing (Me really don't care about it)

5. Possibly final build of GTA V with all online stuff.

Please anyone do list more if any in your mind?


Coming either in March or April 2025, (PC original came on 14th April 2015)


I wonder if it will feel like RDR 2 graphically and physics wise.


Can the list be remade and pinned here please?

Edited by Bizz913
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5 hours ago, Bizz913 said:

3. Speed increase in cars and possible fps fix (just like on ps5 version)

I'm fairly sure it will have the opposite effect - high FPS boosts some cars on straights, especially when they are damaged enough (something to do with suspension being funny and constantly curb-boosting itself, like the stanced Comet Retro Custom/Rapid GT, or heavily damaged 811), and on consoles they've managed to untie the physics from FPS, making those bugged cars slower

Edited by MilesFox92
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1 hour ago, MilesFox92 said:

I'm fairly sure it will have the opposite effect - high FPS boosts some cars on straights, especially when they are damaged enough (something to do with suspension being funny and constantly curb-boosting itself, like the stanced Comet Retro Custom/Rapid GT, or heavily damaged 811), and on consoles they've managed to untie the physics from FPS, making those bugged cars slower

Any video on that?

29 minutes ago, MilesFox92 said:


Alright so it means that since now fps and physics isn't tied to top speed of cars, now some fast cars can be accurately be slow or fast regardless of game's fps on ps5, just like you said making those bugged cars slower. Why do I have a feeling there will be some mods for this too on pc. Speaking of since I don't have ps5, are those cars still bug you mentioned.

I did watched this video back in 2022 even.

58 minutes ago, Bizz913 said:

Alright so it means that since now fps and physics isn't tied to top speed of cars, now some fast cars can be accurately be slow or fast regardless of game's fps on ps5, just like you said making those bugged cars slower. Why do I have a feeling there will be some mods for this too on pc. Speaking of since I don't have ps5, are those cars still bug you mentioned.

I did watched this video back in 2022 even.

I don't have a PS5 either, so can't really tell. But judging from what we know from the video - I think even if they still bug out and accelerate themselves on straights - this happens to far less extent

  • Like 2

So, Rockstar mentioned that more info about E&E content will be posted in future. Do you think we'll receive more information this year or closer to release?

Edited by maxon1196
4 minutes ago, maxon1196 said:

So, Rockstar mentioned that more info about E&E content will be posted in future. Do you think we'll receive more information this year or closer to release?

Realistically thinking I think we will get more info either when the Winter DLC releases, or closer to the E&E release itself

Edited by MilesFox92
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5 minutes ago, maxon1196 said:

So, Rockstar mentioned that more info about E&E content will be posted in future. Do you think we'll receive more information this year or closer to release?

I think closer to release. RDR1 was technically the biggest thing they had in the pipeline for PC and they officially announced it a few weeks before release, I imagine GTA V Gen9 will be treated in a similar way.

December is also going to have a new GTAO update, and hopefully GTA VI trailer 2... I feel like there's not much space for these sorts of things in the coming weeks.

Edited by Moncastler
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37 minutes ago, maxon1196 said:

So, Rockstar mentioned that more info about E&E content will be posted in future. Do you think we'll receive more information this year or closer to release?

Hopefully we get some info along the December DLC...the statement in the community update was very generic.

They are probably polishing the Port by now with a March/April release.

Maybe when they feel confident they Will post a newswire with the date of release.

I wonder if they Will make this move along adressing the end of support of old gen (if that finally happens), because if You put PC on par with new gen consoles, it's the perfect time to shut down old gen support and offer the chance to migrate to both platforms, new gen and PC.


We can Say right now that after december DLC, we Will have ahead 1 DLC (Summer 2025), 2 max...(if they put a filler dlc in 2025)...as long as Rockstar does not delay GTA 6 (wich can happen well into 2025) if that happens, GTA V online life span could be prolongued a bit longer.

Edited by Crateman
1 minute ago, boomboom5950 said:

Yea i still dont get why they are releasing it next year, where we will only have one more content update before the game is abandonedfor VI. better late than never but it still doesnt make alot of sense

GTA 6 could get delayed to 2026, but that Will be decided well into 2025, so having PC on par to consoles make sense, more copies to sell for new players, they can also decide to shut down old gen and offer migration to expand online life span.


I think much people don't realize that Take 2 needs more money because they are greedy and need to satisfy their shareholders, new PC players Will Buy E&E when release knowing that GTA 6 PC is still far away in time, plus they Will offer GTA+ on PC.


Thats My take i might be wrong...


But I was right about E&E coming to PC :harrumph:

1 hour ago, boomboom5950 said:

Yea i still dont get why they are releasing it next year, where we will only have one more content update before the game is abandonedfor VI. better late than never but it still doesnt make alot of sense

I reckon it's similar to what happened with E&E release. It was planned for this month, but it was pushed back to March/April 2025.

8 minutes ago, Tez2 said:

I reckon it's similar to what happened with E&E release. It was planned for this month, but it was pushed back to March/April 2025.

Crazy to think PC version was actually announced alongside PS5 and Xbox Series in June 2020. That took some sweet time lol.

1 hour ago, Yoona said:

Crazy to think PC version was actually announced alongside PS5 and Xbox Series in June 2020. That took some sweet time lol.

Not sure what are you referring to, but as far as I know, no technical improvements from the PS5/XSX versions were announced for PC version before this month's community update. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/89k8a55455o31o/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Coming-to-New-Generation-Consoles-in-2021


  • excuseme 2
7 minutes ago, Jakub1904 said:

Not sure what are you referring to, but as far as I know, no technical improvements from the PS5/XSX versions were announced for PC version before this month's community update. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/89k8a55455o31o/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Coming-to-New-Generation-Consoles-in-2021


They were.


GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC


This implies it ^, also we never got exclusive Online content that consoles got when they finally released in 2022. Which means they delayed the PC improvements for like 3 years.

Edited by Yoona
2 hours ago, Crateman said:

GTA 6 could get delayed to 2026, but that Will be decided well into 2025, so having PC on par to consoles make sense, more copies to sell for new players, they can also decide to shut down old gen and offer migration to expand online life span.


I think much people don't realize that Take 2 needs more money because they are greedy and need to satisfy their shareholders, new PC players Will Buy E&E when release knowing that GTA 6 PC is still far away in time, plus they Will offer GTA+ on PC.


Thats My take i might be wrong...


But I was right about E&E coming to PC :harrumph:


As long as they don't change the singleplayer GTA5 it's great, it runs very well here, if it got any heavier it would be a nightmare for me

19 minutes ago, Jakub1904 said:

Not sure what are you referring to, but as far as I know, no technical improvements from the PS5/XSX versions were announced for PC version before this month's community update. https://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/89k8a55455o31o/Grand-Theft-Auto-V-Coming-to-New-Generation-Consoles-in-2021


They clearly said new consoles and PC, Rockstar had plan to release it on both platforms and probably had plans to shut down old gen but take 2 said no, keep milking old gen and move forward with consoles only...the PC port for E&E was putted in hold and we know that they have been working on this for at least a year.


From Newswire: "GTA Online will continue on to the new generation with more new updates including additional GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC" 


Next year the circle Will close with the release of E&E on PC :harrumph:



Edited by Crateman
5 minutes ago, Crateman said:

They clearly said new consoles and PC, Rockstar had plan to release it on both platforms and probably had plans to shut down old gen but take 2 said no, keep milking old gen and move forward with consoles only...the PC port for E&E was putted in hold and we know that they have been working on this for at least a year.


From Newswire: "GTA Online will continue on to the new generation with more new updates including additional GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC" 


Next year the circle Will close with the release of E&E on PC : harrumph:



But are they going to turn off the old GTA 5 singleplayer on PC? I just wanted to know that

7 minutes ago, Crateman said:

They clearly said new consoles and PC, Rockstar had plan to release it on both platforms and probably had plans to shut down old gen but take 2 said no, keep milking old gen and move forward with consoles only...the PC port for E&E was putted in hold and we know that they have been working on this for at least a year.


From Newswire: "GTA Online will continue on to the new generation with more new updates including additional GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC" 


Next year the circle Will close with the release of E&E on PC :harrumph:



Maybe the cars and HSW upgrades like Arbiter GT, Cyclone II and S95 will come on December 10th but the new graphics like RT will come later as dripfeed content.

Edited by Kiyone_Alien_Cop
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  • Conspiracy! 1
15 minutes ago, Yoona said:

They were.


GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC


This implies it ^, also we never got exclusive Online content that consoles got when they finally released in 2022. Which means they delayed the PC improvements for like 3 years.

Not sure that counts as an announcement of the E&E technical improvements coming to PC, as it's referring to GTA Online content. It's possible they were initially planning to stop releasing new content for PS4/XONE, but they changed their mind becasue a lot of people are still on old gen.

23 minutes ago, Jakub1904 said:

Not sure that counts as an announcement of the E&E technical improvements coming to PC, as it's referring to GTA Online content. It's possible they were initially planning to stop releasing new content for PS4/XONE, but they changed their mind becasue a lot of people are still on old gen.

Who knows tbh. But nevertheless it will take almost 5 years since that article - whatever they meant and, whatever we will end up getting next year.

Edited by Yoona
  • Like 3
23 minutes ago, MasterEr said:

But are they going to turn off the old GTA 5 singleplayer on PC? I just wanted to know that

Any change for the current game will be bad move!

i hope they separate the games like ps4 version and ps5 E&E version, so people with old pc can keep play the game, at least the story mode.

Edited by kapushka
4 minutes ago, Yoona said:

Who knows tbh. But nevertheless it will take almost 5 years since that article whatever they meant and, whatever we will end up getting next year.

Yeah, either way it seems a bit late to me, but better late than never, I guess. It just feels weird to release those improvements on PC in 2025 when it's possible VI will be out on PC in 2026.

Mikhail Arrow

It is very strange that many people do not understand why Rockstar decided to transfer exclusive Xbox Series and PS5 content to PC.  Obviously, they squeezed everything they could out of GTA ONLINE (More precisely, they live to see the release of GTA 6). Judge for yourself, the game is at the final stage of its life cycle. Of course, this does not mean that the game is disconnected from the servers and we will never play it again, but the combination of some factors makes it clear that they are less interested in GTA ONLINE, however, they do not intend to quit it and therefore they will receive money from subscriptions somehow and in my opinion there are several The reasons why they decided so:

1) There is a year left before the release of GTA VI, most of the company's employees who were engaged in GTA ONLINE have been transferred to finalize GTA VI and will obviously continue to work on the online mode of this game, because there will be a huge hype and popularity around it, which means that it will bring more money than GTA ONLINE.

2) Remember the amount of content that we have received in recent years. We received small DLCs from those that were released from 2015 to 2021. And the reason for this, most likely, is not so much that there are few workers working on gta online (after all, you can always use unused assets of the game and introduce them into the game under the guise of something new), but that they still focus on the last generation of consoles, because they bring income stable TAKE TWO, respectively, it is also necessary to make DLC for them. But this is the trouble, because the old systems are already struggling to cope with the flow of content that rockstar adds to it. I just recently tried to play the gta online version for XBOX ONE and it was something with something. The platforms are old, so they work as well as they can, but obviously they do not cope well with downloading all this content, which is why some ridiculous bugs constantly happen.  

3) Even if they stop updating the old generation, we will still get a maximum of 2-3 DLC more, because...  (read the first reason)

And based on all these factors, we can conclude that GTA ONLINE is definitely successful and a lot of people are still playing it, but it is obvious that it will fade against the background of the success of GTA VI and its online mode. But since gta online also makes a profit, it would be a stupid idea to throw it, so in order not to lose income (or even increase it by one and a half times), they took this step to implement a subscription and all this exclusive content on the PC. I would be glad if we had more time for additions, but let's admit to ourselves that 2025 will most likely be the last year for story DLC, then we will see a maximum of minor game updates like fixes or additions like clothes and weapons (as it was in 2014).

  • excuseme 1
  • Conspiracy! 1
5 hours ago, Mikhail Arrow said:

, we will still get a maximum of 2-3 DLC more

i think summer 2025 will be the last.
They didnt mention so far this december is last one and i doubit it will be

I don't know how many of you remember but sometimes R* would use the phrase to promote DLC for Online as "Next Chapter" etc.
So more than sure, if we will get last DLC, R* will announce it somehow as Last Chapter in the newswire (not the name of dlc of course but the fact its last content)

Edited by Barrtek
21 hours ago, boomboom5950 said:

Yea i still dont get why they are releasing it next year, where we will only have one more content update before the game is abandonedfor VI. better late than never but it still doesnt make alot of sense

VI is slated for Fall 2025 but the cynic in me suggests from experience it will be delayed to 2026. Then you have to factor in the PC version hasn’t even been announced - so it could well be 2 years from now before that arrives if they continue to release that later than console version. E&E for PC may be a deliberate (although I would argue inadequate) bit of planned gap plugging.

2 hours ago, Jimbatron said:

VI is slated for Fall 2025 but the cynic in me suggests from experience it will be delayed to 2026. Then you have to factor in the PC version hasn’t even been announced - so it could well be 2 years from now before that arrives if they continue to release that later than console version. E&E for PC may be a deliberate (although I would argue inadequate) bit of planned gap plugging.

I have more or less the same thoughts. Despite Take 2 constantly confirming that VI is coming in fall 2025, I find rather weird the 1-year silence from Rockstar, with GTA V and RDR2 I think there were at least screenshots and/or official news between trailer 1 and trailer 2. I've predicted trailer 2 to land somewhere in December but, considering that trailer 1 was announced in early November 2023, I'm starting to think that we won't be seeing anything in the coming weeks because GTAO is about to receive a new update.

I also wonder if they're rethinking about their PC strategy with VI, not only has the industry been moving in the PC direction in the last 5 years but at the same time Rockstar has been weirdly more active than usual on the PC platform, giving us an anti-cheat for GTAO, RDR1 and now GTA V Gen9.

Edited by Moncastler
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