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DYOM IX (Modification for DYOM)

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new camera features 😍😍😍


the other checkpoint features are also nice, good work gonna test it out now

5 minutes ago, Halter said:

DYOM IX 5.2 Beta

For test purposes

The approach to release versions has been changed, now an open beta will be released in advance where it will not be possible to save missions for tests. If no critical bugs are found, the version will be released fully with the save function



  Reveal hidden contents
  • Fixed Ped Spawning. Ghetto for ghetto people, city for urban, expensive and cheap cars
  • Added 5 new types of camera shaking in Cutscene
  • Added a feature for Vehicles so that it must be in the checkpoint, and not the Player
  • Added the feature to attach a magnet to helicopters
  • Trains no longer float in the air after setting
  • Added a feature for Actors so that he must be in the checkpoint, and not the Player
  • Added a feature for Vehicles, now you can turn on the siren


(quotting it because we're in another page already)

Edited by Toriality

I tested the new camera features. It's a bit strange how things work, I believe it's rockstar's code fault.


Type 1 - Very shaky camera

Type 2 - I think its the same as Type 1


Type 3 - It just applies the shaky effect, and ignores where you put the camera at, it will aways be filmed where your current camera location is at.


Type 4 - Doesn't shake anything, but makes the same effect as Smooth or Linear camera

Type 5 - Same as 5


*1 - I can see a few use cases where Type 3 would be useful, like when you hear an explosion and want to "add" a shaky effect without having to set a camera position. But since we have "Shaky camera" feature for the player, it becomes useless.

*2 - Maybe Type 4 and Type 5 are pointers to Smooth and Linear effects, maybe not in that exact order.

@Halter Hopefully you can fix the Heli magnet, but also - make Custom Health Bar feature to test out :) 

On 5/7/2022 at 11:57 PM, Toriality said:

I tested the new camera features. It's a bit strange how things work, I believe it's rockstar's code fault.


Type 1 - Very shaky camera

Type 2 - I think its the same as Type 1


Type 3 - It just applies the shaky effect, and ignores where you put the camera at, it will aways be filmed where your current camera location is at.


Type 4 - Doesn't shake anything, but makes the same effect as Smooth or Linear camera

Type 5 - Same as 5


*1 - I can see a few use cases where Type 3 would be useful, like when you hear an explosion and want to "add" a shaky effect without having to set a camera position. But since we have "Shaky camera" feature for the player, it becomes useless.

*2 - Maybe Type 4 and Type 5 are pointers to Smooth and Linear effects, maybe not in that exact order.


There were some new camera variations in LDYOM. For example i would want a camera like a "Selfie" view, that would follow actor but from very close range. If you'll look up for LDYOM gameplay videos you might find a mission with that.

1 hour ago, Horus Publishing said:

BETA showcase of bugged helicopter magnet :)




Correction: It actually works flawlessly with a Heist Van, however its bugged when you grab a car.

It's not bugged. It works same way in original game. Of course I can do custom magnet, but it will take a huge amount of code and variables which is not good.

39 minutes ago, Halter said:

It's not bugged. It works same way in original game. Of course I can do custom magnet, but it will take a huge amount of code and variables which is not good.


I just assumed that was bugged, since we never saw a "car" getting lifted by a magnet in the original game :) Anyway, everythin' chill now

You should write in the code a restriction for this "magnet" - to not to hook up to ordinary vehicles, only Heist Van and other vans that it can actually lift up. Just saying tho. Or if you have a normal car, just remove visibility of that feature when normal car is being placed.

Edited by Horus Publishing


🔥Greetings to all designers. In this update, Magnet and Checkpoints for Actors and Vehicles🔥



Three new camera shaking types have been added, but that's not all...




First of all, now you can turn on sirens, a feature that has been requested for a long time




Now there is a custom cutscene in the archive. Cutscene.img is needed because reworked skins are attached there to work with the game. Now added 27 more skins




New feature for Helicopters, now you can turn on a magnet that attracts any vehicle!





New feature for Actors. Now you can choose so that it is a certain Actor that should come to the Checkpoint, and not a Player





Exactly the same feature has been added for Vehicles

To update the version, download it from the first page. Thank you all for your support🎉✨

  • Like 3

  yoo I love this mod and got maybe a 2 ideas what you can put in if its possible afcourse.


1) The option to choose what clothes CJ is wearing and if he is fat or skinny  like this mod  .

2) weapon shop option like this  idunno if I can use it together  ?

have a good day (Y) 

4 hours ago, stepanko101 said:

Tried to put allied gang members to a car, attach it to a heli with a magnet to make a flying drive-by-ish kind of stuff. But it doesn't work that way heheh.


Haha, nice try

8 hours ago, mekane said:

2) weapon shop option like this  idunno if I can use it together  ?


There is already a weapon shop addon to DYOM:


2 hours ago, Kailojado haddines said:

@Halter Hey, when i try the new skins it crashes after 1050 skin.

Did you put cutscene.img from the archive in your models folder and changed it? I putted custom cutscene.img to make new skins work cause they were crashed



Guys make sure that Must Be in Checkpoint in Actors setting is off, cause game sometimes automatically uses for other things variable that was for this Actor which happens due to variables limits

Edited by Halter
Kailojado haddines
14 hours ago, Halter said:

Did you put cutscene.img from the archive in your models folder and changed it? I putted custom cutscene.img to make new skins work cause they were crashed



Guys make sure that Must Be in Checkpoint in Actors setting is off, cause game sometimes automatically uses for other things variable that was for this Actor which happens due to variables limits

No no no, it fixed because those limiters were old, now  they re new


13 minutes ago, Sukhjinder86 said:

Rc vehicles bug fixes and glitches for dyom ix v5.2 please watching my video


Tried it just now. It's bugged. Hope we see a fix next version.

7 minutes ago, JACK WICHO said:



Do you need the ID of them inside DYOM? Press N when selecting actor model, they will be there.


If you mean the original game, I don't know the answer. I think they don't have an ID assigned to it because they are peds removed from release version of gta, or they only use in cutscenes.


9 hours ago, Super Shizuku said:

@Halter This happens if the designer sets his character's health into 150. This bug has existed since v8.1:


What bug? The health bar? I think the value is right.

Edited by Toriality
Super Shizuku
31 minutes ago, Toriality said:

What bug? The health bar? I think the value is right.

Not the value, the limit. So if you collect a health pickup, your health limit is technically no different than 200.

5 hours ago, JACK WICHO said:



1032-1074 are 

15 hours ago, Super Shizuku said:

@Halter This happens if the designer sets his character's health into 150. This bug has existed since v8.1:


All right the bug is pretty obvious, developers just did >100 check, but ofc due to code limit they was need to do everything at minimum

Edited by Halter

All right guys, as always nobody noticed that, but i noticed that. New feature Must be In Checkpoint for Actors is buggy because now old missions with checkpoint are bugged. So i will delete this feature in the update that will be today as beta

Edited by Halter
15 minutes ago, Halter said:

All right guys, as always nobody noticed that, but i noticed that. New feature Must be In Checkpoint for Actors is buggy because now old missions with checkpoint are bugged. So i will delete this feature in the update that will be today as beta

That's unfortunate. I really like this feature.


Does this also applies to car checkpoint?

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