One of Wisemen Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 (edited) See also: Bloodsales A CONCEPT BY ONE OF WISEMEN MAIN THEME | ALT THEME MONEY WOMEN POWER The three promises of American Dream. We’ve previously witnessed its expectation and its reality. This time we’ll witness how it is advertised. No longer we seek those promises, we now weaponize them. LIGHT & SHADOW is a stylish, caper story parodying the modern-day American Dream’s promotional team. Unique to the game is the primary focus on confidence tricks. The concept has been repeatedly appearing in many Rockstar's video games, most notably in Red Dead Redemption II. It is reintroduced as the third fundamental gameplay element next to driving and shooting. This is where words are mightier than bullets. Follow three manipulative protagonists. Each represents one of the promises above and a distinct art of psychological manipulation: a deceitful hustler, a distracting assassin, and a dirty ex-cop. They begin as another impossible trinity, until an incident united them as a talented, but unstable team of grifters. Opposing them are their past employers, pissed-off victims, and a task force under the consultation of a redeemed criminal. The adventure plays out in an alternative rendition of Vice City’s urban metropolis. The open world offers optional vulnerable marks. Story moves from one con to another. Every con is constructed by branching pathways, how quick you accomplish or screw up depends on your cleverness. Light & Shadow is a love letter to the romanticization of confidence tricks. The most apparent inspirations are Catch Me If You Can, Confidence, Hustle, and Leverage. Many other aesthetically-designed flicks, such as White Collar, Burn Notice, Runner Runner, Inception, and James Bond films; influence the artistic direction. TABLE OF CONTENTS Make yourself comfortable. Be sure to tune in the soundtrack first. Introduction All you need to know The Negotiator Making the world go around The Seductress Practicing the oldest trick in the book The Intimidator Becoming the big bad wolf Confidence Tricks The core Soundtrack Original score and radio stations The Playground More than just one Vice City The Players An underworld that really runs the show Gameplay The mechanics Vehicles & Weapons It's Grand Theft Auto after all When it comes to everyday scam, dollar is arguably the easiest, most popular lure ever used. He’s gifted with a libertarian economic degree and a short entrepreneurial career. He dresses like a legitimate American industrialist from self-help book covers: handsome suit, clean face, and ringing smartphone. Thomas Kingston knows how to profit himself from exploiting seemingly-bright, visionary problem solving or money-making opportunities. He’s been one sly grifter since in Phyllis, Shawnee. Unlike most people living in this city with a high crime rate, Thomas avoided violent confrontation and embraced creativity. He started by selling cheap watches, then he used a complicated pickpocketing style, then he experimented with rigged backdoor card games. He was arrested, investigated repeatedly for low-level frauds. But he got away clean after disposing or misdirecting his evidence. He crossed paths with a fellow conman named Cyrus Forsell in 2011 during his first attempt at a long game of stealing money from Nassau hotel’s bank account. It was a bust for both, but he found a better friend and teacher. The two specialized themselves in more daring cons. But their different ideals catch up. To this day, Thomas is brilliant and calm, but egotistical, ignorant towards friends without benefits, and counting too much on spontaneous decisions. Cyrus never let him shine because of those mental weaknesses. “It could drag them into trouble,” he thought. Eight months ago, another botched game enraged the Phyllis Mob. Thomas fled and embarked through different metropolises of the East Coast. From posing as a stock broker in Liberty City’s stock exchange to a government insider in Smithsonia DC. Nine of ten times were humiliations. He lost his luck and motivation. Vice City might’ve been another failure so far, but he might’ve been blessed with a second chance in disguise. ∎ Cyrus Forsell A fellow conman, Thomas' mentor in Nassau. Ego made him overlooked the genius mind in Thomas. Perfectionist, planning his move before execution first in contrast to Thomas' impulse-reliant show. After surviving the incident, Cyrus isn't the same man that Thomas last knows. Losing the touch of con, Cyrus becomes a nomadic mercenary in rage; brain only thinks that his protege has betrayed. Now on the way to track down Thomas’ footprints to Vice City. ∎ Leandro Gomez Small-time drug dealer, a cautious genius who’s limited by uncontrollable addiction to own products. Free from the Mexican prison, three travel buddies persuaded Leandro to go there before stabbing him in the back. Now a solo, he gets a few lucks, even more lucks with Thomas who fails to scam him. Wasting this con artist’s talent can be more regretful, so Leandro spares Thomas life, only if he spells magic against the three treacherous inmate friends, and makes the ‘Leandro Gomez’ trademark big. ∎ Laura Mortes Who is this bartender from a random bar in Encantador? Unless you’re Mexicans like Leandro, you won’t know that Laura is the sole daughter of a high-ranked honcho of Ocean Cartel. She disdains all the crime lifestyle she’s born within, so she sets a distance by living far away from the Mortes’ estate. She expects peace, but Vice City is not a clever idea: many players, from DOA to El Rubio syndicate, target her for intelligence to combat her father’s cartel. ∎ Jan Daniels PARTNER Typical tourist scammer who knows how the city breathes. From a small office in ViMo District, he owns Sparrow, a private tourist agency that helps the city’s independent players to smuggle illegals. His staff: pickpockets and watch stealers. Mr. Daniels specifically targets wealthy tourists and claims his actions are justified, saying "All they do is partying and wasting productivity, what I do here is making natural selection". ViMo District is attractive, but not as tourist-infested as the Versace Boulevard, the one street he always dreams of at night. ∎ Neil Shackley PARTNER A week ago he’s still studying in Tequesta College, until he promoted gambling to lecturers. That’s who this kid is: gambling habitue. Now dropped out, unemployed, hated by own parents, Neil stays delightful as he can do whatever the f*ck he wants. From joining the Vice Beach Boys surfer gang raid parties to overspend money on Seminole Park’s horse betting and poker table. Jan sees potential and hires him. A student needs a mentor, and Thomas will be that mentor. ∎ Gloria Delaney Losing funds from unpopularity, Gloria, the art director of a gallery in Avant-Garde walks into the dark pathway. Anything to satisfy her classist lifestyle of jumping between five-stars hotels and restaurants. After meeting the positively-talkative financier from a German aristocratic family named Marius Fritz, Gloria rips off struggling artists, discredits their works, then brags how the paintings are priceless treasures, not worthless trash. In one of the biggest art frauds in American history, one and two buyers slowly doubt, including Rafal the Jewish Connection mobster. Instead of being honest, she doubles down the lies. ∎ Gunawan FIXER Gunawan’s journey goes like this: small dinners in Bali, auction in a cruise ship, and a private cellar in North Vice. Wines are served to the finest high society in Vice City, hence why Gunawan, the Indonesian-Malaysian so-called “beverage king” comes here. He reaches out to reputable connoisseurs, showing bottles that they’d been searching for years and selling them for millions. Sample tasting would say it’s off, maybe because of poor storing condition? or maybe because Gunawan just slaps fake labels into those bottles? Whatever the answer is, the GD Treasure Fleet knows and agrees to protect his life if the wines get sour. ∎ Rafal Grossman Rafal is a soldier and “merchant” of the Jewish Connection. His Israeli ancestry has allowed him to abandon the shopkeeper job in Downtown’s Bejeweled Quarter. Under Levy’s family banner, Rafal is the middleman in million-dollars worth gold deals between illegal Peruvian mine owners and the city’s cartels: Céntricio, Ocean, and Vasquez-Gallardo. Secretly a greedy bastard, Rafal seeks more from the gold trades, so he conspires against his bosses. How? The FIB has offered him a “Get Out of Jail Free” card if he assists the bureau’s sting operations against the Connection. He sees it as a perfect getaway. ∎ Diego Pascoal PARTNER Recruited by the Da Silva Enterprises from the tough favela-neighborhood in Brazil, Diego is the company’s security and bodyguard. With the company’s direction shifts to a more illegal direction, he is assigned to carry out plenty of dirty work: retrieving and delivering illegal merchandise with fast cars, and becoming the enterprises’ spokesperson for VC’s underworld players. Self-described expert of firearms, capoeira, and soon enough the art of lying. ∎ Francis & Felipe Da Silva Like father, like son. Francis is the owner of the Da Silva Enterprises, infatuated with appreciation from fellow Brazilians. His son, Felipe, is a pure socialite, decorating the city’s glamor scenes even though pretty much everyone dislikes him. The two expend too much of the freight company’s profits into self-branding that they fall into deep debts for another notorious Brazilian named Bernando Ferreira. To pay them, the Enterprises begin to transport illegal valuables for illegal clients under Francis’ management. Meanwhile, Felipe lacks business knowledge, but he insists on taking part, causing him to make risky decisions without his father's consent. ∎ 'Wildcard' Zheng General manager of the GD Treasure Fleet branch in Viceport. He doesn’t welcome an extra competitor for the Macau shady freighter company, provoking the tension with the Da Silva Enterprises. Coming from the Asian capital of gambling, Mr. Zheng gets his moniker from a love in mahjong games. It’s a disaster that neither Seminole Park nor the Atlantic Racino offer a space for the specific Chinese board game; and he is determined to get it by investing in the casino by force. ∎ Quincy 'Lilo' Young Born in Broadway, Lilo has experienced all the sh*ts in the ghetto: drive-by shooting in bus stops and police falsely profiling him as a coke dealer. Like many young black kids, his hope is to leave Broadway Juniors clique for better living through the hip-hop game; he’s got the freestyling skill as provision. Uncle Deshea urges him to bury that burning passion, however, especially after the 6th Millions label suddenly wants his signature. ∎∎ Deshea 'Dipso' Marshall Ambitious founder of the Broadway Mob, commonly seen playing pool with corrupt street patroller Harold Moore. The near catastrophe of almost losing his historic apartment to decorated broker Hernán Ruiz inspires him to look after the high-stake property business-one shortcut of attracting power in Vice City-starting by forming a group of violent volunteers to serve the city’s property magnates. Lilo says he has just returned from a booze rehab in Bowers Hospital, but Thomas still sees him drowning in the alcoholic temptation. ∎ Ruben Kocharyan Armenian real-estate mogul who heads the Byzantium construction company. Many reasons why he’s here: to evade Russian taxes, to construct Nikolai’s requested asset buildings; to please his energetic lawyer and trophy wife Zabelle Safaryan; and to add more antique cars into private collection. Ruben is one of the first to invest in the Bratva’s extensive developments of Riviera, even residing in a six-hundred square meter apartment space in the Cleethorpes Suite with dear Zabelle and his dubious-looking staff and bodyguards from Yerevan. ∎ Yusuf Amir Yusuf is an epitome of middle eastern excessiveness. Born wealthy in Dubai, he's been obsessed with the color gold since his childhood. He dreams of appeasing his father through the Amir renowned real-estate developments, but all his achievements were stained by childish antics: toys, drugs, guns, hookers, and no pants. Nine years have passed since a short trip of consecutively renting Viktor’s girls for two weeks. He returns to oversee a new, near finished project: Mistara of Paramount. While Yusuf is still a fun friend in spare time, Yusuf is no longer the same crazy individual. He’s more sharp, more mature, inheriting his father’s conservative legacy. Has a younger cousin named Jamal who’s into automotive parts. ∎ Irving Easton Belfort Money monster who knows money controls all human beings. Mr. Belfort is a bona fide stock predator. With disposable crooks and equally gullible brokers, he runs The New Wizards. It’s an exchange syndicate where he optimizes stratagems to hit maximum sell value, such as promising a 500% profit conversion rate from investment in encrypted emails and projecting suggestive light show to company towers. He curses intellectual inferiority. “It’s not one else’s fault that you are financially ruined,” is what he would like to write in autobiography, a book he’s working on amateurly. By 2017, his deposits are closing in on $1.5 billion. Even the government knows the power of seduction in manipulation. How likable personalities and sex appeals weaken you in love and lust. She elegantly struts towards you; you’re awestruck at the sight: a blue-eyed blonde, an almost supermodel-esque figure, and that warm smile or mysterious smirk painted on her face. You suddenly want to know everything about her, to be close with whoever this young lady is. You regret. That’s what you can expect from Maria Ilyinichna Vinogradova, a naturally alluring hitwoman hailing from Rostov. Had a dysfunctional family that she lost contact with later. Post-secondary school legal tavern and dinner jobs did not last long. She knew how shaky her survival was, so she took a common, but unethical life-changing choice like many hopeless young city girls. She was an independent call-girl at first, until new prostitution management exploited her: snatching three-per-four of her cut from servicing the elite class. She lost her liberty. A client bought Maria to distract an assassination target. It was inspiring, she had sold her looks, why not weaponize it? From attending erotic stervologiya classes to volunteering herself to spy for clients, she leveled her professionality as a manipulatrix, a honeytrap agent. Added with firearms training from local mafiya, she became an assassin for hire, offering a two-in-one package. She thought such a role, which was dominated by male species, would award her liberty back, but she only became pawns of many unpleasant individuals within the upper-echelon underworld politics. Maria’s ears always desperately listened to less-tightening opportunities. Only one offer promised a full-time work abroad and she quickly accepts: an oligarch named Artemiy Yelagin who needs infiltration operative in Vice City. Exactly what she’s built for, but she isn't ready for what ahead. ∎ Yelena Maximova Living outside of the Bratva's sphere, coincidentally next door to Maria's first safehouse. Andriy loves her, but he loves his job even more. He never cheats her, but he never satisfies her. While he puts the drug trafficking adrenaline rush first, Yelena suffers, disappointed at the lack of care and child. After the first meeting, Maria can visit her for much personal heart-to-heart conversation. ∎ Brandon McCallan PARTNER Brandon’s presence in the middle of Eastern European gangsters feel out-of-place. He’s Irish, born and grew up in Steinway, Dukes, where he affiliated with the McReary Family before working as hired gun for the powerful Russian mobsters of Liberty City from 2011. Brandon was imported to VC after impressing Artemiy. The move made him bitter of his own Ireland heritage, wanting to be acknowledged in the new circle as a full member of the Bratva. He can’t have the membership, but he can pull a fake Slavic accent to act like one, which epicly incomprehensible for native speakers. ∎∎∎ Manuel Ortega Ortega has had a liking in firearms trade since his youth in Brannigan. He makes up a ‘wise’ philosophy, explained in soft-spoken words politely, that tensions between customers will not be a boundary in his gunrunning operation, as long as they don’t impede him directly. He imports from militia groups in Africa and South America that ship gun crates weekly. They are then distributed to literally everyone in Vice City and the Bahamas: street hoodlums, organized crimes, and private gun stores with legal licenses. ∎ Solomon 'Solo' Bradley PARTNER Ambitious fresh hitman from Vice Gardens. Money from his Connor Town gangbanging crimes can’t sustain the increasingly expensive price-of-livin, thus he kickstarted the career as contract killer to fund himself, a brother, and a future wedding with a girlfriend Juelle. Leaving his comfort zone, he is a frequent in Ortega’s arms deals, where he can expand his network, meeting unique faces like Maria. Solo hopes she can train him how to behave and dress like a legit hit professional, while Maria needs someone who’s familiar with the city. Solomon assures Juelle there’s nothing romantic between the two assassins, only mutual respect. ∎ The Curator An enigmatic and secretive assassin contractor only known by his slick nickname, the keeper of a collection of Vice City’s finest hitmen. He has managed his notorious hit service since the 80’s drug war, when the widespread conflicts between the Medalla Cartel and other players profited him. For the safety of the aged man, his phone-line is untraceable for both clients and employees. The most trusted workers are able to meet him in person at his hideout in Maratha, Tequesta Keys, in a small house that’s cleaned frequently to keep trackers and wiretaps away. ∎ Nikolai Kirikov In the story, he never appeared in person nor voices; only photographs, footages, and statements that show you a glimpse of his immense influence. The megalomaniac pakhan of the Vice City-based Bratva with a powerful friendlist, mostly foreign industrialists and capitalists. They have helped his organization to be a global brand beyond America. To anticipate conflict between the hardened, original Bratva members and the rich investors, he occasionally hosts court to settle any issue between them. However, he is biased towards the latter side too much. ∎ Kirill Zverov American-born Russian with a made-up Russian name that he descends to his daughter. Unable to speak Russian. Never set foot in Russia. Was the first to roll the red carpet for Nikolai in Riviera, now a second-in-command hierarchy-wise. He’s concerned about the oligarchs’ puppetry and its impact on the organization’s internal solidarity. Pragmatic to the southern hemisphere, and very much into superstitions, his apartment skips the 4th and 13th floor numbers. ∎ Artemiy Yelagin An oligarch who sells expensive boats and yachts for tertiary needs and clandestine smuggling. At some point, he formed a triangle partnership with megabillionaire Eduard Borodin and Azerbaijani eco-businessman Tahir Javan to fund terrorism and criminal activities. After the assassinations of his two partners, Artemiy is unable to overcome the high demands from his clients and is becoming increasingly insecure, fearing the bullet will hit him next. Always escorted by presidential-level security. ∎ Maksim 'Maximus' Ivanovich Manager of Gostinaya, a fancy nightclub in Faena Beach where Bratva's members hang around at night. His problem: the competition from other franchise owners like “Gay Tony” Price and Nikolai’s new associates from Moscow with grander proposals. A pervert who surrounds himself with younger B-girls, hired to rob his customers; and a closest comrade of Andriy. ∎ Andriy Maximov Formerly a key figure of Kirikov’s drug network in the East Coast, now responsible for a much local level network. From late 90’s, he went back and forth between Vice and Liberty using a drug-loaded submarine and speedboat. Starting from 2008, he got arrested more frequently than usual, prompting Nikolai to entrust Artemiy and his cutting-edge transportations to run the East Coast network, something he cannot accept. ∎ Georgiy 'G-Man' Tokhtakhunov An old-school mobster who was once falsely identified to be a government agent during an extraction duty. Make no mistake, he looks like one from contemporary Vinewood’s political thriller when donning the black glasses and black tuxedo over his heavy build. Everyone in Bratva knows he’s not one to mess with. He’s martially talented, at one time slapping an enemy’s face to death. Kirikov himself took him from a pub in Dagestan to the sunshine state for a proper job. Working as a wet-worker by day, bouncer for Gostinaya by night. Surprisingly simplistic, never gaze lustfully into the glitz and glamor. ∎ Lazar 'Prince' Petrenko Bratva's golden boy. The son of high-ranking member Vasily Petrenko, who’s an advisor to the VC Bratva’s millionaire associates with international connections to Kiev and Rostov. Lazar’s a big-mouthed kid who’s too confident that he’ll take the higher position soon, yet everyone above recognizes how undisciplined he is. Vasily gives his son the trust to run Bratva’s chop shop, but he more often neglects the business to race super cars, snort cokes, and party with random chicks. ∎ Viktor Lubarsky In the more suburban section of Vinewood is a middle-class apartment. This is where Viktor and his small Ukrainian crew control their prostitution and human trafficking ring, and home-made p*rn industry. Kirikov must take half the cut and half the girls in exchange for the crew’s existence, but Viktor often manipulates the statistics. ∎ Rebecca Dumont PARTNER Among Viktor’s most complicated sugars. Youthful Canadian deceived by a modeling vacancy, coerced into signing a contract in unreadable cyrillic. She wishes to be free and headstrong like Maria, but too stubborn to pull the trigger as of now. Depressively faithless, been converting between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam but unable to locate God’s revelation. ∎ Saul Rodriguez FIXER Ex-Vice New Wave journalist turned all-round internet swindler. Tired of producing daily straight news about property frauds, Saul moved to write fake news and opinions during the presidential election. Now fired, he expresses his machiavellian ideal through elaborate social media and dating scams. From using cheap social apps like Love Meet and Lifeinvader, he manages to infiltrate the elitists via Golddiggers. By disguising as a close friend of Lazar Petrenko, whoever he befriends or dates via his fake accounts got their wallet drained. In the days of online honey trapping, his usefulness is exactly what Maria needs. Traditionally used in the criminal underworld, intimidation is a quick tool of persuasion. Vice City is no stranger to these fear-inducing practices. They used to call it the murder capital of America where body bags were stored in ice cream trucks. The cartels might be maniacs, but second to them are crooked law enforcers. They abuse their higher status, knowing they will get minimal consequences. Cesar Álvarez is one of many who understands this power. He doesn’t have the shiny silver badge anymore, but he remembers well how to convince his superiority. The Álvarez immigrated in the late 70s from a Venezuelan coastal town, living near Lake Mayacco. It was a childhood dream for Cesar as a Tequesta native to serve justice. He left his lakeside cabin to Vice City for high school, then formally joined the city’s department after graduation, assigned to the narcotics division. He was part of operations against the first generation of Fraternite’s drug boat raiders and what’s left from senior Cuban’s crime lord, Jorgito Guerra. Apart from that his track record wasn’t impressive on paper, and that affected his income. High living taxes. Gifts to respect his family. A future plan with a fiancée who died from a traffic accident. Cesar eventually couldn’t resist the temptation of squeezing the deep pockets of street-level mules. He was joined with Freddie Newman, a loyal companion with a longer history. He never touched any pill, powder, needle, or bong, but he increasingly acted more vicious, according to Freddie. Cesar ran out of patience. He himself was afraid that he’d be in danger if he didn’t punch the sack hard enough. Fred warned him once, twice, anytime possible, he didn’t listen. News arrived to his subordinate and they discharged him recently. The cover up story to avoid bad publicity: a “controversial political debate” in office about the ongoing Venezuelan crisis. Complications arise even more when the DOA investigates the division's corruption. Cesar realizes there’s only two ways out: surrendering himself or reaching out to major city players who can shield him. ∎ Freddie Newman PARTNER The other half of Cesar in the VCPD narcotics division. As two sleazy cop buddies, Cesar and Freddie ran a show in the drug market of Vice City’s lowest level. The agency hasn’t discovered Freddie’s record yet, possibly because he stays low-profile and cool-headed, unlike his colleague. He often criticizes Cesar’s intimidation strategies as a bad omen, but he’s aware that with the agency’s heat closing in, he won’t survive the sh*t alone without Cesar. ∎ Harold Moore PARTNER Dirty street cop, guru of street rhythms. A polyglot who knows Spanish, Creole, and African-American gangsta slangs and codes, granting a leeway in the city’s ground level underworld. A childhood friend of Broadway mobster ‘Dipso’ Marshall, a friend he’ll protect with his badge and life. A more ruthless variant of Cesar, no hesitation in slamming the mark’s hand with a baton during the first phase of intimidation games. ∎ Marlon Ramos A street racer with membership of the Spanish Lords in El Barrio. First arrested by Cesar and Freddie for smuggling drugs with a modded Dundreary Crescent, a crime he repeatedly commits until now. Marlon wants to get free from the two crooked cops’ payroll, but is too afraid to lose pride if he asks the Puerto Rican gang’s help. Even his closest friend doesn’t know and mistaken Cesar as a friendly street cop. Speaking of which, he has zero idea that Cesar has left the department. ∎∎ Pelegrín ‘Vigo’ Jaén When Cesar and Freddie first met him, Vigo was a small-time, unaffiliated goofy drug dealer who quickly fell under their power. Marlon’s rebellious behavior, however, has ignited a fire in him to change. By grinding his way behind the scene, Vigo takes notes from rising cartel leader Horacio Vera and implements it when joining the small Colombian Gutierrez Cartel, then he rises to a greater fame that attracts El Rubio’s league. Freddie worries that an improved Vigo will oppose him and Cesar harder than Marlon. ∎ Walt O'Donnell Overweight, hawaiian-shirt dressed racketeer in Vice City since 2003. He used to collect the protection money by himself before opening recruitment for anyone interested, including bent cops like Cesar. The Italian Barattieri Family, as a quick, instant solution of balancing their bank account, entrust him to be a direct associate, as a ‘manager of extortion operation’ or whatever it’s called. Walt will pay the family’s trust, provided that they tolerate when he visits their dinner and card games with a bottle of beer in hand. ∎ Giancarlo 'The Clerk' Azzopardi Semi-retired capo of the Barattieri Family, running the small and forgotten branch in Vice City and reporting back to the barely-alive Tocobaga central. He lives in a secured mansion in Campanili, where he overworks his ass, welcoming visits of active members, associates, and finished mobsters of the five families, as Tequesta has marked to be the Italian’s open playground. ∎ Juan 'El Rubio' Strickler Independent Colombian narcotrafficker, main archenemy of the Céntricio Cartel and their incument drug baron Romero Valdez in the transcontinental cocaine trade route. Known for a lavish, socializing lifestyle where he rarely sets foot outside of his ‘mini paradise’, a fortified island near the Colombian’s coast, except for wild vacations and cartel gatherings. Also known for being extremely demanding in the market; won’t hesitate to blackmail bigger syndicates that turn down his requests. ∎∎ Alejandro Mendoza A golf patron in Leaf Links with a small share of the country club’s ownership. In reality, he’s El Rubio's right-hand man, handling practically every of his master’s affairs in Tequesta. Aside from acting as a diplomatic intermediary, he's piling in dossiers of freebasing associates for coercive purposes. Not many know he's also masterminding the cartel's gruesome interrogations and tortures. He has learnt from many cartel's "kitchens" in Mexico, which degrades his humanity. He's cynical and bloodlusted, and haunted in dreams at night. ∎ 'Don Valerio' Reyes The name says all, all hail the king of the city. Not an easy path for him to be above everyone. He was adrift on a fishing vessel during the Mariel boatlift. He felt the disheartening treatment in downtown’s tent city while selling cokes. He inspired prisoners of USP Argonaut to protest. He returned to Vice City with respect and honor from the Cubans. He became the founding and current ‘don’ of the Reyes Crime Family, a Cuban organized crime heavily influenced by his love of Cosa Nostra cultures and histories. Despite his age and inability to walk without a cane, Valerio’s still rotten to the core, never once wanting to lose his grasp over Vice City’s kingdom. He’s a sadistic, yet environmentalist gangster; he pets alligators in a top-secret Evergreen’s private wildlife preserve, used for corpses disposal, punishment, and torture. ∎ Oscar 'Little Rascal' Barrueco One of the Reyes Family lieutenants with an epic, long history in his lifetime. True outlaw: growing marijuana at home, kidnapping a kingpin in Mexico, stealing gold from an Ocean Cartell-Jewish Connection deal, and more unlisted records in VCPD database. Oscar is too independent, as what the Reyes’ high seats agree with, because his wrongdoings are mostly self-benefit, not for the family. His escapist skill, however, is downright awful; police busts him more often than loses him. Only with Don Valerio’s influence, his charges are dropped. ∎ Thiago Alarcón INTEL Infamously known as "El Solucionador" or "The Solver" for his excellence in defending the Reyes Family and their underworld allies at the court. Thiago is the go-to lawyer who’s never ashamed to mess with corrupt jurisdiction if the price is right: money suitcase. He’s serious only when it’s serious, when he speaks at the courthouse or when he plans backup cheats to win cases: silencing witnesses, tampering juries, or destroying evidence. When it’s not, however, he’s an irritating, over-the-top guy living an extravagant life in his Vizcaya Island’s apartment. ∎ Rodrigo 'Rodri' Sandoval FIXER Flamboyant forgery master working under the Reyes Family. Extremely skilled in producing fake patches, badges, ID cards, and documents in his workshop in Tarbell Heights for the family’s affairs. With his impressive talent, he has access to almost every exclusive event in the city, from feasts and weddings to exhibitions with nobody bats an eye. In an unfortunate twist, Rodri is appreciated only by customers outside the Reyes’ circle; Don Valerio and the high seats barely valued his hard work. ∎ Claude Geffrard Sergeant of VCPD narcotics division, serving as Cesar’s subordinate in the past. A Haitian-American who cares too much for his law career for a positive reason: he aims to change the consensus’ perception of his country. He has one-hundred-percent commitment to the righteous job of fighting the drug flows. As the honest beacon in the middle of the thickly depraved division under decorated chief Lawrence Ford, it’s hard for Claude to forgive Cesar after his discharge, but with a little persuasion, he requests a favor from the ex-cop: aid the search on Nelson Dulysse. ∎ Andrea Genovese Rumors said he's a former Italian Mob's soldato from Bison who sold himself to the law in the 90s. Whether it's authentic or a completely fabricated exaggeration, he's a full-time DOA field agent today. Intimidating with a 6ft tall body, a cold stare, and a loaded Assault SMG beneath his jacket that he'll fire when running out of patience. He is dispatched here to spy over the suspected crooks of VCPD narcotics division, active and former. ∎ Nelson Dulysse Ultimate fearmonger in the streets of Vice City. A menacing bully, Nelson is one of the leading gangsters of the Haitian F.R.E. who's the mastermind of his small heist crew, raiding hundred-thousand dollars drug boats that happen to pass the Vicio River. To whom it belongs doesn't matter, what matters is the sales' yield when exported to his home country. Simulating bank frauds or Ponzi schemes? More than you imagine. Gameplay has been reconstructed from ground-up. Your wits will be highlighted. Less encounters involve bloodstained fights and armies of enemies. In fact, the main story is structured around completions of con games instead of missions. A professional grifter is forced to adopt a low profile lifestyle. Meanwhile, you’re still able to be recklessly violent in free-roam if you wish. To counter extreme disparity between con games and wild actions, the latter nets greater repercussions. Police system has evolved. Combat is more destructive and less worthy to provoke. The worst consequence is permanent “awareness zone” in areas where you’re acting out-of-character. If it happens to be story-relevant spots, such as where your next story mark presents, he’d immediately recognize you. The story will be soft-locked. As elaborated earlier, each protagonist specializes in a particular artstyle of con. The styles are reflected in their interactions, chosen images, and ways the con unfold. Thomas Kingston is your average conman: will offer what the mark wants/needs, but never what they expected. He baits an antique car lover with the collection they longing for, except it's stolen from the other. He walks in to a business that needs better accountant, and walks out with their profits inconspicuously. Thomas' language is reliable, professional, suave, as if he belongs to that profession since his birth. Negotiating the right deal, right time, right price to the mark that won't come twice. Before dragging them to their demise, Maria Vinogradova will make the mark loves her: as friend, work partner, or lover. He likes poker? then she likes poker. He's just broken up and now drinks alone in specific bar, then she sits next to him as a cliché loner who captivates him. Her language ranges from innocently friendly to naughtily sultry, depends on what personality the mark enjoys the most. Any provocative tactics, like going as far as sleeping with the mark, is for last resort only. Is it really necessary to satisfy their fantasy at the end? Cesar Álvarez is the true opposite of Thomas and Maria, because he will make the mark fears him; no positive imagery, only negative from the get-go. He terrorizes a fugitive in hiding as bureau agent. He fools a slick store owner by masquerading as brutal cartel enforcer. His language scales from very hot-headed to very cold. The right scale exerts his dominance over the mark, and sends a clear message, “Obey me or you’re f*cked”. In this type of intimidation, violence isn't a wise move, well unless the circumstance forces him. INTERACTION The protagonists can interact with any selected pedestrian. Interaction in L&S doesn’t start with simplistic greet/antagonize, it starts with choosing the intention: why are you talking to him? Do you want to chat, scam, or command? Chat is throwing a random conversation about everyday topics. Scam is persuading him to give his belongings: a fistfull dollar or a car. Command is directing him to do an action, like moving away from your con setting. Dialogue choosing mechanic is L.A. Noire meets Alpha Protocol. It is always timed and quick-witted. You won’t be thrown with a multiple choice every second. A single interaction session features only three to five decision-making sequences (or more in some short/long con missions). There are four dialogue types: PUSH ON (Hard) – Straight up showing him your agenda, what’s too good/bad to be true, in the protagonist’s style at its fullest. Offering a big investment in Evergreen, biting your lips suggestively, or grabbing his neck and pushing him onto the ground. PUSH ON (Soft) – Similar persuasion with more subtlety. Saying that even a penny will help, praising his appearance, or showing off your fake police badge. BACK OFF (Soft) – Subtly taking a step backward from pushing your agenda. Pick this if you move in too fast or if he raises eyebrows. Changing the conversation topic, stopping being flirtatious, or apologizing from your aggressive acts. BACK OFF (Hard) – Hitting the brake or taking a U-turn. Pick this if he frustrates you, if you find new valuable intel for a better plan, or if you fear you’d fail too soon. The line you’d say in each option depends on your intel and disguise. Each option add+ or subtract- the mark’s trust meter. A rising trust means he slowly falls. A maxed out trust stamps your victory. A decreasing trust means he’s unsure. A rock bottom trust blows the con. The meter can be toggled off, challenging you guess the progress from his response, facial expression, body language, and manner of speech. Keeping the balance is key to a successful interaction. Know the right time to PUSH ON or BACK OFF. As Michael Westen said, “If it's too easy, they get suspicious. If it's too hard, they move on”. An example of strategy is to keep choosing PUSH ON (Soft) until the trust meter is high enough and then choosing PUSH ON (Hard). The possibility of interaction is limitless. You can get richer without robbing. You can enter an otherwise restricted area without looking weird. You can get away from a beat cop by reasoning. COLD READING The magic technique of studying the mark, inspired by Hustle and Psych. Activate this eagle-eye-like ability once close enough to an interactable NPCs. Cold reading lets you analyze various bits and pieces attatched to the mark, such as clothing accessories or hairstyle, within a short time limit. The more your eyes catch, the more knowledgable you are, unlocking more intentions and better dialogue options. PICKPOCKETING & PLANTING Mandatory confidence trick. Pickpocketing is self-explanatory. Do a cold reading, decide what to steal (wallet, cellphone, or ID card), and take action. Planting is the reverse: sticking item(s) into the prey’s pocket. The two come in many variations for different situations. Walking pedestrians and café patrons require different tactics, such as ‘the bump’ or sitting on an adjacent seat. All three are capable, but Thomas has perfected both. He’s able to steal or place up to three items at once with a quick hand trick. Maria can mislead the mark with a kiss, while Cesar can pretend he’s frisking them. They can even operate together: one as a diversion while the other reaches the rear pocket. It is an art of misdirection per se. DISGUISE False persona. You can simply fake a name and background. However, supporting outfits and items will boost your disguise’s credibility. It’s easier to fool a mark with a proper highway patrol uniform than posing as a badge-less plainclothes policeman. LANGUAGES A vital communication instrument. None of the trio are super linguists who master seven languages. Thomas only speaks American and British English. Maria speaks Russian and English, the latter with a thick to a slight Russian accent. Cesar is already fluent in both English and Spanish. As the story progresses, Thomas and Maria will eventually understand Spanish but cannot speak it as eloquently as Cesar. What language you master is reflected with varying-level of on-screen dialogues/text translations. For example, accurate translation of an early game Spanish dialogue is only available when playing Cesar. AWARENESS Running too many lies increases people’s awareness that a conman is running rampant. For each scam you did, a red-shaded area akin to lockdown zones expands. Everyone within this area will likely avoid before you speak. If it’s a gang territory, watch out for gangs attacking you on sight. Stop and wait till the heat goes down. Think before acting. SHORT & LONG CONS A short con is when you rope, steal, and leave the mark in one interaction. It often plays out spontaneously, no prior preparations needed. A long con lasts for multiple interactions. Think of "Out of the Closet", Niko messaged Tom Rivas before arranging a date to kill him. This time, however, you'd go through a far more intricate and sophisticated scenario. Stages of the long con may include seemingly unrelated short cons, stealing equipment as a convincer, converting an empty apartment room into a fake office room, or staging a fake auction with fake participants. Long con takes notes from complex heists in Grand Theft Auto V and Leverage's tabletop game. It is reserved for a mark with significances, such as main story's characters or the powerful rich like Ray Bulgarin and Devin Weston. The job is provided by particular clients or orchestrated by yourself. A long con consists of two phases and five stages: SETUP: IDENTIFYING > PLANNING After getting a name, your first task is to gather as much encyclopedic knowledge as possible. The scoping works range from stalking their internet profile to hacking their laptop to checking their garbage. Cold reading is possible but less effective for a longer game. Collected intel are categorized in three: Advantages – Why the mark cannot be underestimated. Maybe he has a law immunity or is infamously ruthless toward people who wronged him. Disadvantages – The mark’s psychological weaknesses. Maybe he easily trusts new people, doesn’t care that he breaks the norm, or is addicted to coke. Vulnerabilities – What you can exploit from the mark, such as an ambition to be a crime boss or a secret affair he tries to hide. Identifying advantages and disadvantages lets you predict the mark’s movement easier. They can be a guidebook for the right dialogue option. Meanwhile, unearthing vulnerabilities unlock approach options. For instance, by knowing that the mark plans to rob a bank, you can pretend to be an alarm expert for-hire. Decide the approach and you proceed to the planning stage. Get the right convincers, such as a fake social media account and a briefcase full of counterfeit money. For resources you’re unable to generate/collect yourself, go invest upfront money on fixers or forgery experts. Setups are done as free-roam tasks instead of separate missions. Each approach method also comes up with roles that each participant is assigned for. Roper leads the mark’s way into the trap. Inside man awaits in the trap. Outside man acts as a fake to distract the mark into another trap. In some cases, extra supporting players have to be installed. If the target is more trusting toward an older gentleman, Thomas can recruit Jan Daniels to fill that void at the cost of the final cut. EXECUTION The execution phase is often broken down in three stages: Approaching – The roper(s) initiate the first interaction with the mark. Your objective is to pump the trust meter high enough till the minimum threshold. New intel(s) can be revealed during this stage which allow you to polish the current approach or even switch to a new approach. Exploiting – The roper(s) arranges the mark’s meeting with the inside man. Now controlling the latter, your objective is to max out the trust meter. In some cases, however, specific complication(s) arose as an obstacle. As example, the mark gets into trouble with a gangster or demands a DNA proof. Whether you have anticipated these twists or not, the show must go on: you’re forced to pick an escaping method. Escaping (optional) – An extra stage that only exists when you encounter complication(s) or when you mess up the previous stage. The definite outcome of the long con depends on how you get away. When it goes ugly, try a cackle-bladder. NOTE: This is the early, discontinued version of the concept's story, released from 2022 to 2023. Spoiler CHAPTER I: ORIGINS Summer 2017. A troop of Haitian F.R.E. gangsters under Nelson Dulysee plunders trucks and boats that distribute drugs in the ground level. The acts initiate narco freelancers to work together in groups, intensifying the competitive atmosphere. Petty dealer Leandro Gomez dreams to rise up above the competition, so he spares Thomas Kingston after a failed con. As a grifter, Thomas is forced to lobby the city players into elevating Leandro’s uninteresting corner. In the meantime, he reaches out to tourist trapper Jan Daniels, whose connections allow him to exercise his grift touch and to escape from Leandro’s shadow. Venturing in Vice City’s business landscape, Thomas and Jan participate in the higher league’s schemes, from mentoring Jan’s rookie boy Neil Shackley by rigging casino games to aiding Delaney-Fritz and Gunawan in offering paintings and wines, respectively, to aristocrats and underworld players. As more projects completed, the negotiator is approached by more desperate faces. The Da Silva Enterprises need him to delay their bankruptcy. The Broadway Mob needs him as guider when they work for real-estate moguls like Yusuf Amir. Jewish mobster Grossman needs him to extract more ill-gotten gains from the Connection’s gold deals. Speaking of mobs, the Russians in the north are reshuffling their internal seats. Pakhan Nikolai Kirikov favors the wealthy associates to directly operate his Bratva. The consequence? long-time established members feel endangered, such as star trafficker Andriy Maximov who plans to blackmail oligarch Artemiy Yelagin for ‘stealing’ his responsibility of east coast drug routes. In response, Artemiy plants two agents to check the rabbit hole within Kirikov’s organization: Brandon McCallan the Irish muscle and Maria Vinogradova the spy. The deeper she descends into the conspirators’ circle, however, the more reluctant she becomes. Outside the Bratva, Maria secretly launches her own hitwoman service; to taste a bit of her longed liberty. A side gig for gunrunner Manuel Ortega introduces her to better contacts, including "Solo" Bradley, a fresh assassin from Vice Gardens’ hoods, whom she finds to be a reliable platonic partner with a common dream. Many clients across the city underestimate the seductress, but the endeavor proves her values. Meanwhile, a recently fired Cesar Álvarez still acts as if he has the badge: extorting money out of Spanish Lords smuggler Marlon Ramos and underappreciated dealer Vigo Jaén, as well as laboring for racketeer Walt O’Donnell and his Italian network. Buddy Freddie Newman warns him about the Drug Observation Agency, a government agency competent enough for addressing the dirty sh*thole of their VCPD narcotics division. Even when Freddie assures that only the flashy lawmen are being investigated, fear strikes. Cesar refuses to feel safe. Cesar’s hero preference is the notorious lawyer, Thiago Alarcón the ‘El Solucionador’. The Reyes Crime Family that employs him is unquestionably pressured by the agency’s mission too, and the intimidator can step in as solution of that problem. But if the path to the Cuban kingpins is too difficult, maybe Cesar can get close to another major player, blackmailing master El Rubio. Or maybe he can seek redemption to the old boss: sergeant Claude Geffrard, by capturing the aforementioned Haitian gangster alive. Whatever roads you pick for the three artists, make sure they’re appeased. Keep Thomas motivated with his hustles. Keep Maria’s secret agenda unexposed to the enemies. Keep Cesar protected from the agency’s surveillance. CHAPTER II: CONVERGENT As the three artists make names, overlaps happen. They share the same client couple of times. Eventually, Thomas is inspired to assemble a team like in his Nassau days. He takes the initiative to invite Maria and Cesar to score their own high risk, high reward cons. “Only three of us, for ourselves,” he claims. This rule doesn’t restrict you from hiring one extra, like Jan or SB, when absolutely needed. Set up a comfortable hideout, whether it’s a luxury hotel room or an empty backroom, as long as it’s not one of the trio’s safehouses. While the three have their own problematic lives, you can gather them here for collaborations. Set a mark and scenario, prepare, and execute. From each con, 60% reward is allocated as cuts for each participants. The rest 40% is kept in a safe as upfront money for future cons and hideout's maintenances. First games won’t be smooth. It starts with an uneasy relationship with constant creative differences. The trio never knew each other before, unlike in GTA V. With more successful cons, however, you develop stronger bonds between them. The direction is up to you, each has perks and consequences. Establishing a family-like friendship, for example, lets you witness unique interactions, but the three artists may lose focus of their own personal businesses. What matters most, however, is the opportunistic antagonist who benefits from those moments. That spoiler-heavy chapter will be explored later, so keep an eye. PRELUDE: Back To Basics - Thomas recharges his energy by dealing drugs with Leandro's old company. PRELUDE: Funtime After Dark - Maria plays bowling in her first night in Vice City. PRELUDE: A Warning Before Sunrise - Cesar visits the park at early morning with some friends and foes. Parasitic Relationship - Thomas tricks a climbing drug baron into trusting Leandro and a new warehouse. Angel In Disguise - Maria lures a henchman of Andriy to his death. Tricking "Goliath" - Cesar blackmails a Cuban cowboy into paying Walt and the Italians. Our Last Exchange - Maria and Solo visit the bazaar and get involved in a chase. Only In Vice City - Cesar takes a high-speed drive for Thiago. Soon™ Originally created on 30 December 2018 in GTAFanon Wikia Not to be confused with a similarly-named concept by universetwisters FULL CREDIT: Spoiler Collaborators Mehmet Hanifi (Vehicles) Not hans5073 (Vehicles) Mr.Korean (Side Missions) Raniero R (Weapons, Worldbuilding) Special Thanks/Credits to following JackJackson17 Chris6d LaMillionaire H. Roosevelt The Coconut Kid LowTierDude Cebra The Nefarious The Made Man Thanks for reading! Enthusiasm and feedbacks are appreciated! Edited January 25 by One of Wisemen blaue, Itchy623, The Coconut Kid and 24 others 21 1 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowTierDude Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 (edited) Looks amazing so far. Totally looking forward to this one Edit: Had a more thorough read through it. The Con minigame reminds me in some way of the interrogations in LA Noire, albeit with more sweet talking than shakedowns. Really interesting mechanic but I'm just wondering how it might differ from protagonist to protagonist. Thomas is obviously a masterful conman and Maria's the classic femme fatale/honey trap but I'm not too sure how Cesar would approach it. The music sounds really promising so far, but I'd definitely increase the number of songs for each station to maybe at least 15-25 songs per station like in V. Definitely include stations that play Soundcloud Rap (or partially containing it), EDM and modern Latin music (similar to Motomami Los Santos) since these genres have a large footing in Miami today. A phonk, lofi house or hyperpop station might be good as well to set your concept apart from the others. The graphics are really nice, there's sort of the whole minimal vibe going on which I think is really cool and fits that classy, high society modern-day Miami atmosphere that you're going for. I liked how you didn't just go for the same old neon synthwave aesthetic that plagues a lot of the other Vice City concepts, so hats off to that. Edited April 16, 2022 by sabitsuki One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Datalvarezguy Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 Finished the V1, it looks fantastic. A more subtle approach to GTA, I like it. From what I understand, modern day Miami (and by extension Vice) is like, Bratva Headquarters or paradise or something, so I eagerly await once again for the clusterf*ck that is Russian Mob politics to come back in full swing. One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanHostell97 Posted April 16, 2022 Share Posted April 16, 2022 (edited) That was a good concept I love Vice City in modern times better Edited April 16, 2022 by VanHostell97 One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted April 17, 2022 Author Share Posted April 17, 2022 (edited) Welcome to the new world of Light & Shadow, almost forty years after the original Vice City. Tracks are dominantly modern; retro stations are available for those searching nostalgia. ORIGINAL SCORE By Gramatik, Michael Hunter, & Others MAIN THEME: Gramatik - "Just Jammin'" ALT THEME: Michael Hunter - "Goes to Pluto" Gramatik - Epigram Gramatik - Coffee Shop Selection Michael Hunter - Echo Tone Defeat Michael Hunter - State of Flux Michael Hunter - Turntable Technology AudioPhysical - Ar*ti*fact Boogie Belgique - Volta Electric Swing Circus - It Flew By Classic and Contemporary Hip-Hop, Soundcloud Rap PLAYLIST 9TAILS - "Comatose" (2017) Baby Soulja - "Feel So Good" (2017) Chevy P - "So Lonely" (2008) C Murder - "Thug in Yo Life" (2000) Denzel Curry - "Gook" (2016) Fayn - "Game Changer" (2012) Flo Rida - "Good Feeling" (2011) Jay Electronica - "Exhibit C" (2009) JERHELL - "Love Unconditionally" (2017) Jim Crow ft. Sean Paul & Jazze Pha - "Holla At A Playa" (2002) Kodak Black - "Down South" (2017) Lil Peep - "Honestly" (2017) Loyle Carner - "Ain't Nothing Changed" (2017) Rick Ross ft. Trey Songz - This Is The Life" (2008) Rizzle Kicks - "Down With The Trumpets" (2011) Smoke of Field Mob - "Backseat" (2006) SpaceGhostPurrp - "Pheel Tha Phonk 1990" (2011) Trick Daddy - "I'm A Thug" (2001) Zoey Dollaz - "Hottest In The City" (2015) Z-Ro ft. Trae - "1 Night" (2005) Alt/Indie/Folk Rock, Reggae Fussion PLAYLIST Big Sugar – “Turn The Lights On” (1998) Dispatch - "Con Man" (2013) Ed Hale and The Transcendence - "Here It Comes" (2011) Garbage - "Push It" (1998) Gin Wigmore - "Kill of The Night" (2011) Imagine Dragons - "Friction" (2015) Jáfumega - "Latin'América" (1982) Kan Wakan - "Like I Need You" (2014) K-Flay - "High Enough" (2017) Kidneythieves - "Before I'm Dead" (1998) Nil Lara – "Money Makes The Monkey Dance" (1996) Nothing But Thieves - "Wake Up Call" (2014) Nuclear Valdez - "(Share A Little) Shelter" (1991) Radiohead - "Just" (1995) Sien - "Holograma" (1997) Straw - "Wake Up (Miss Venezuela)" (1999) Tabula Rasa - "Atlas" (2016) The Neighbourhood - "Wires" (2014) Warbly Jets - "Head Session" (2017) White Rose Movement - "Girls In The Back" (2006) Progressive/Alt Metal PLAYLIST Above Symmetry - “Traces Inside” (2010) Agora - “En La Nada” (2011) Bad Salad - "Crowded Sky" (2012) Creed - "Bread Of Shame" (2009) Devin Townsend - "Greetings" (1997) Dynahead - "Eventide" (2011) Karnivool - “Set Fire to the Hive” (2009) Leprous - "The Price" (2015) Megara - "Héroes" (2016) Mon Laferte - "Hey hey" (2013) Muse - “Supremacy” (2012) Oblique Rain - "Dealing With Lies" (2007) Sunburst - "Out Of The World" (2016) The Pineapple Thief - "Simple as That" (2014) Voyager - “Ascension” (2017) Dream/Indie/Power Pop, Ambient PLAYLIST Beacon - "Escapements" (2016) Cat Power - "Cherokee" (2012) Cocteau Twins - "Crushed" (1991) Conor & Jay - "Femme Fatal" (2008) Dream Academy - “The Love Parade” (1985) Galaxie 500 - "Another Day" (1989) Goldfrapp – “Black Cherry” (2003) Hooverphonic - "Mad About You" (2000) Julee Cruise - “Falling” (1989) Joy Crookes - "Sinatra" (2016) Lana del Rey - “High by the Beach” (2015) León Larregui - "Rue vieille du temple" (2016) Malcom McLaren – “About Her” (2004) Mkrni - "Inercia" (2014) Pet Grief - "The Radio Dept." (2006) Sunday Munich – “Her Name” (2000) The Antlers - "Refuge" (2014) The Primitives - “Ocean Blue” (1986) Two Feet - "I Feel Like I'm Drowning" (2017) Whissell - “Get Free” (2015) Contemporary Pop, Electroswing, R&B PLAYLIST Alice Francis - “Too Damn Hot” (2017) Amy Winehouse - "Rehab" (2006) Breakbot ft. Ruckazoid - "Fantasy" (2011) Caro Emerald - "A Night Like This" (2009) Deladap ft. Saedi - "Cash & Chaos" (2015) Earl - “Tongue Tied” (2017) Jade Baraldo - "Brasa" (2017) Justin Timberlake ft. Jay-Z - “Suit & Tie” (2013) Mis-Teeq - "Scandalous" (2003) Newborn - "Honey Trap" (2017) Nite - "Dreamer" (2017) Parov Stelar ft. AronChupa - “Grandpa’s Groove” (2016) Pixie Lott – “Boys And Girls” (2009) Saint Motel - "My Type" (2014) Temptress - "What I Want" (2017) Soft Rock, Chill R&B, Folk PLAYLIST Daryl Hall & John Oates - "Sara Smile" (1976) Jason Scheff & Mica Okudoi - “Till The End of Time” (1998) Jorge Palma – “Deixa-me Rir” (1985) José González - "Every Age" (2014) Kumbia Kings - "Why Did You" (2001) Kehlani ft. Chance the Rapper - "The Way" (2015) Lighthouse Family - "Run" (2001) Lord Huron – “Into The Sun” (2010) MC Magic - "Lost in Love" (1995) Nana Mendoza - "Estaré" (2017) Planet 3 – “Tonight You’re Mine” (2004) Sabrina Claudio - "Tell Me" (2017) Sinead Harnett - "Don't Waste My Time" (2017) Toto – “Rosanna” (1982) Yuri Buenaventura - "No Estoy Contigo" (2005) House, EDM PLAYLIST Angelika Dusk ft. Playmen - “Beautiful Love” (2015) Arty & Mat Zo - "Rebound" (2011) Arva ft. Risky Kidd & Iro Legaki - "#Bang" (2016) Duke Dumont - “The Giver” (2012) deadmau5 & Kaskade - "I Remember" (2008) Gromee ft. Wurld - “Who Do You Love” (2015) Hardwell ft. Harrison - "Sally" (2015) Lennard, Gabriel B, Cloud 9+ & MC Fedora - "Love Can't Destroy" (2016) Michael Calfan - "Mozaik" (2012) Morgan Page ft. Lissie - "The Longest Road" (Vicetone Remix) (2012) Ocean Drive - "Whatever" (2012) Provenzano & Masullo - "What About" (2016) Swedish House Mafia ft. Tinie Tempah - "Miami 2 Ibiza" (2010) The Bloody Beetroots & Greta Svabo Bech - "Chronicles of a Fallen Love" (2012) Weird Genius - "DPS" (2017) Electronic, Techno, Synthwave PLAYLIST Boys Noize - “Alarm” (2014) Carpenter Brut - “Le Perv” (2012) Daniel Deluxe - “Breakout” (2017) Dimension - "Hydraulic II" (2016) Dirtyphonics - "Tarantino" (2011) Ezavskih - "Out of Trouble" (2013) Gesaffelstein - “Viol” (2011) Justice - "Waters of Nazareth" (2005) Kavinsky - "Roadgame" (2012) Le Castle Vania - "Play Loud" (2013) Madeon - "Imperium" (2014) Mr Flash - "Motorcycle Boy" (2014) Power Glove - "Motorcycle Cop" (2015) Sebastian - “Tetra” (2012) Survive - "Copter" (2016) 80's Time Machine: Classic Pop, Synthpop, New Wave, etc. PLAYLIST A-ha - "You Are The One" (1988) Alaska y Dinarama - "Perlas Ensagrentadas" (1984) Bad Boys Blue - "Lady in Black" (1989) Charly García - "No Me Dejan Salir" (1983) Figures on a Beach - "No Stars" (1987) Heaven 17 - "Let Me Go" (1982) Heróis do Mar - "Paixão" (1983) Johnny Hates Jazz - "Heart of Gold" (1988) Les Rita Mitsouko - "C'est comme ça" (1986) Malcom J Hill - “Take a Chance (High Energy)” (1988) Maria Vidal - "Hands Off!" (1985) New Order - "Bizarre Love Triangle" (1986) Oviformia Sci – “Fashion Magazines” (1981) Randy Newman - "Miami" (1983) Russ Ballard - "Voices" (1984) Saga - "On The Loose" (1981) The Kane Gang - "Gun Law" (1985) Thomas Dolby - "Dissidents" (1984) Until December - "Secrets (I Won't Tell)" (1986) Visage - "Beat Boy" (1982) Contemporary Latin Pop/Pop Rock PLAYLIST Ada Reina - "Chocolate Y Miel" (2016) Anitta – “Tá Na Mira” (2013) Eiza - "Te Acordarás de Mí" (2012) Enrique Iglesias - "Dímelo" (2007) Ha-Ash - "Superficial" (2016) Jacob Forever - "Hasta Que Se Seque el Malecón" (2015) Los Chinchillos Del Caribe - "Pelao" (2016) Luis Fonsi - "Explícame" (2011) Natti Natasha & Ozuna - "Criminal" (2017) Nayer ft. Chacal - "Yo soy lo que tu quieres" (2017) Piso 21 - "Delicia" (2015) Santana - "Saideira" (2014) Thalía - "Sabe Bien" (2005) Yina Rose - "La Vida" (2010) Zoé - "10 A.M" (2013) Merengue, Bachata, Latin Hip-Hop PLAYLIST Aventura - "La Pelicula" (2003) Con Calma ft. Elio "Mafiaboy" - "Consculuela" (2013) Daniel & Desiree - "El canto de la Sirena" (2017) Fulantino - "Guallando" (1998) Grupo Mania - "Marialola" (2008) Joan Soriano - "Vocales de Amor" (1997) Jossie Esteban - "El Cantinero Rap" (1992) Miriam Cruz - "Salí de ti" (2016) Ñengo Flow - "El Cacerio Esta Caliente" (2008) N.O.R.E. - "Oye Mi Canto" (2006) Renier - "Enamoraro" (2015) Salva Ortega - "Atrapados" (2017) Tego Calderon ft. Julio Voltio - "Julito Maraña" (2011) Tempo - "Conozcan Otra Parte De Mi" (2016) Zion y Lennox - "Enamorate" (2004) Everything Cuban: Son Cubano, Guajira, Jazz, etc. PLAYLIST Afro Cuban All Stars - "Amor Verdadero" (1997) Asere - "Luz Que No Alumbra" (2007) Buena Vista Social Club - "De Camino a La Vereda" (1997) Campina - "Havana Lounge de Cuba" (1999) Compay Segundo - "Chan Chan" (1997) Ibrahim Ferrer - "La Chica Del Granizado" (2005) Jóvenes Clásicos del Son - "Ahora Tú Verás Como Se Baila el Son" (2003) La Media Naranja - "Varón" (2007) Lorenzo Hierrezuelo - "Amor Silvestre" (2001) Los Van Van - "Chapeando" (2004) Marcelino Guerra - "Buscando la Melodía" (1995) Nico Saquito - "Que Lio Compay Andres" (1982) Ricardito y El Monarca del Son - "Guantanamera" (2009) Rubén González - "Choco's Guajira" (2000) Vieja Trova Santiaguera - "Se Paró la Moto" (2000) Reggae PLAYLIST Damian Marley - "Everybody Wants To Be Somebody" (2016) Dennis Brown - "Rocking Time" (1983) Hollie Cook - "Milk & Honey" (2011) Inner Circle - "Rock With You" (1992) Ini Kamoze - "Clown Talking" (1988) I Wayne - "Living In Love" (2005) Jah Bouks - "Love and Unity" (2013) Jesse Royal - "Modern Day Judas" (2012) Keida - "Ganja Tea" (2012) Koffee - "Burning" (2017) Los Cafres - "Nice Time" (2004) Lutan Fyah - "Get Out" (2015) Musical Youth - "007 (Shanty Town)" (1983) Richie Spice - "Lay Back" (2015) The Skints - "Tomorrow" (2015) Custom Compile your own. Pick up to 30 favorite tracks from any radio station or from your personal playlist. More about this right here. Click the spoiler tab below for submitted playlists: Spoiler Flash FM by Shin Kurogare - Post BACK TO MAIN POST Edited January 11 by One of Wisemen LowTierDude and Ivan1997GTA 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted April 20, 2022 Author Share Posted April 20, 2022 (edited) REWORK IN PROGRESS NEIGHBORHOODS MAP PLACES OF INTEREST MAP (WIP) GANG TERRITORIES MAP (WIP) When first founded, this plot of land in South Tequesta was nothing but humdrum swampland. The ever opportunist mind of Uncle Sam’s industrialists transform it into what known today as the Vice City Metro Area. At different points, it was a collection of beachside houses for war veterans, a magic gambling sin city, and a cocaine battlefield. In the present, it is the US Capital of Latin America, strategically located in the Caribbean. The map is designed with a similar incentive to Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV: emphasis on density over size, less empty space, more verticality and enterable interiors. Bordering the mainland part are uncrossables natural rivers, man-made canals, lakes, and swamps. The playground splits into three major areas: Vice City, Vice Beach, and Outskirts. The deceiving paradise. A progressive city with continous skyscraper constructions and gentrification investments. Once a filthy slum three decades ago, now it’s prettier. Lush tropical vegetations and colorful mural walls decorate the concrete jungle. It’s not saying that the old parts are long forgotten. Historic Downtown preserves the city’s earliest structures. Old Uptown consists of early to mid-20th century architectures. Little Gonave, Freedom Town, and Broadway largely remain dangerous gang hoods. Freedom Town (Liberty City) Waterway (Little River) Little Gonave (Little Haiti) Avant-Garde (Buena Vista, Design District) Old Uptown (Upper East Side: Shorecrest, Belle Meade, Bayside) Modern Uptown (Upper East Side: Morningside, Bay Point) Saint-Domingue (Allapatah) Medical District (Health District) El Barrio (Wynwood) Paramount (Edgewater) Broadway (Overtown) Historical Downtown (Downtown Historic District) Downtown (Downtown) Palatinate (Flagami, West Flagler) Little Cuba (Little Havana) Riverfront (Riverside) Brettle (Brickell) Brettle Key (Brickell Key) Peacock Grove (Coconut Grove) The Routes (The Roads) Atoll Way (Coral Way) A resort city. Separate government and police force, yet tourists often mistaken it as a nicer part of Vice City. Ranked by Overcrowded Earth as America’s #1 most overrated destination. Half the mainland’s citizens have never crossed the Valletta Causeway in their lifetime. Sun soaked beach. Pricy parties and art deco hotels. Houses with tall fences. You’re here to waste your time. Bay Harbour (Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands) David Beach (Surfside) Millenium Beach (North Beach) Leaf Links (Indian Creek) Natuna (Nautilus & La Gorce) Faena Beach (Mid Beach) Bristol (Bayshore) Gleason Beach (South Beach) Versace Boulevard (Ocean Drive) SoPi / South Point (South of Fifth) Valletta Islands (Venetian Islands) Sherlock Island (Watson Island) Alphonse Island (Palm Island) Viceport (PortMiami) Sailor Island (Fisher Island) Ventura Key (Virginia Key) Vice-Dale County's components. Cities and villages outside of Vice City’s jurisdiction. Some are more densely populated than rural. Two areas play especially important roles in the story: Riviera, a line of Atlantic-ficing condos; and Ciudad Belleza, a true Mediterranean city. Provenzano Beach (Hallandale Beach) Imperia (Aventura) Riviera (South Isles Beach) North Vice Point (North Miami Beach) North Vice City (North Miami) Vice Shores (Miami Shores) Tequesta Global University (Florida International University: Biscayne Bay Campus) Belize Park (Haulover Park, Oleta River State Park) Marimar (Miramar) Connor Town (Carol City) Cordoba (Opa-locka) Haiyakpo (Hialeah) Vice Springs (Miami Springs) Ciudad Belleza & Downtown Ciudad Belleza (Coral Gables) Icaco (Cocoplum, Gables Estates) Serpentine (Pinecrest) C. Connors Sallis Preserve (R. Hardy Matheson Preserve) Key Vizcayo (Key Biscayne) This is the city of Vice. Real-life Florida is popularly associated with hillbillies in crazy headlines. However, Light & Shadow only touches that issue briefly. It is VI’s region. Here we instead dive into other angels of modern American society: INEQUALITY – The rich cannot exist without the poor. The city is experiencing a booming economy and a soaring housing price. Some areas are exclusively reserved for the wealthy, some others are neglected for the lower-class. The mansions in Valletta Islands are protected by private guards. Couple of miles away, enter Cordoba: an average underprivileged neighborhood under street gang’s shadow. Many expensive apartment rooms are bought and left empty, while homeless camp under the flyover. BACK TO MAIN POST Edited November 24, 2024 by One of Wisemen LowTierDude and Ivan1997GTA 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowTierDude Posted April 21, 2022 Share Posted April 21, 2022 (edited) 20 hours ago, wise_man said: A quite extensive updates today with updated format and descriptions. Finally finished naming all the neighborhoods, only need to put on their description. I don't really think I need a map, pictures are enough to imagine the settings. Also adding new characters with temporary image link, will be replaced with links to their detailed profile later on. Hey, it's started to take some shape now. By the way, I've just watched Runner Runner, the movie mentioned by @The Notorious MOB while ago. Not really enjoying the story and characters, but the exotic style and presentation exactly match my vision on L&S. Honestly I'd recommend it for the atmosphere alone. Kinda reminds me of RocknRolla and Layer Cake vibe wise, both good films as well. Edited April 21, 2022 by sabitsuki One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Coconut Kid Posted April 29, 2022 Share Posted April 29, 2022 This really is an excellent idea. I'm glad you've been able to port it from the Wiki post so seamlessly! The topic looks terrific. I'm going to have to make time to go through each section of this individually. For the moment, I'll focus on the Con Games feature because I know Confidence Tricks are the core of your concept. It's also something I can tell you're really enthusiastic about. The main draw here has to be our opportunity to essentially create our own story. We decide which protagonist to approach a con with. We choose the mark. We control our approach to the con by building our own identity and doing our own background work. Our chances of success are directly affected by our choices. It's a fantastic direction - and one that is completely new to me and unique to this concept. It also isn't lost on me that the Confidence theme plays out with a lot of the same logic as Heists in GTAV. It's not just a gimmick. You've put a lot of thought into how this can actually work gameplay and story-wise. My question to leave you with has to be this - are you planning on posting any story missions at all to show us how these dynamics work? I'd love to see 'em. Show us how a couple of cons play out! This is a very enjoyable read. It reminds me almost of an interactive Elmore Leonard novel. I'll come back and focus on your location work and your supporting characters soon... but you can be very happy with this. Great work. String and One of Wisemen 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted April 29, 2022 Author Share Posted April 29, 2022 (edited) On 4/29/2022 at 11:35 AM, The Coconut Kid said: My question to leave you with has to be this - are you planning on posting any story missions at all to show us how these dynamics work? I'd love to see 'em. Show us how a couple of cons play out! First of all, thanks for the comment. The story will indeed be non-linear, but it'll always lead to a same conclusion. Thomas could end up fail to persuade Cyrus. Maria could end up losing her ties with the Russian mob. Regardless of what happen individually, the story always ends with the main antagonist being dead, and the protagonists reconcile despite still not trusting each other. The full story itself will be presented like this. I doubt that a story structure like Mob Rules can be conveyed in mission by mission format. I've also planned some con missions, though they'll take more time for me to develop, as I'm aiming to have a comparable open-ended complexity to Hustle (not for all the missions, but majority of it). I must said that your Liberty City 1978 concept with @Akaviri also inspire some of L&S mechanics, considering that's the first concept to actually introduce a conman protagonist. Edited August 2, 2022 by wise_man Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Coconut Kid Posted May 1, 2022 Share Posted May 1, 2022 On 4/29/2022 at 9:45 PM, wise_man said: The story will indeed be non-linear, but it'll always lead to a same conclusion. Thomas could end up fail to persuade Cyrus. Maria could end up losing her ties with the Russian mob. Regardless of what happen individually, the story always ends with the main antagonist being dead, and the protagonists reconcile despite still not trusting each other. This is interesting. It makes me wonder about the possible consequences of a failed con. It seemed like consequences were completely absent from the heists in GTAV. It doesn't matter which way I prepare or execute a heist. The outcome will always be the same. Some crew members are programmed to die and I'll lose a tiny amount of the take, but there aren't any real consequences. Which brings me to another thought - are you planning to feature crew members who can be brought in to assist with a con? You've assembled a lengthy supporting cast, and I'm assuming many of them will take this role. But I'm interested to hear your thoughts either way. I'm glad you're planning to post a summary. I'm familiar with Hustle from my days in the UK - it's an understatement to say I'm looking forward to your examples. On 4/29/2022 at 9:45 PM, wise_man said: I must said that your Liberty City 1978 concept with @Akaviri also inspire some of L&S mechanics, considering that's the first concept to actually introduce a conman protagonist. Thank you. The big inspiration for me to include con was the film Trick Baby. I'm sorry about the quality but the first ten minutes are golden - they're exactly what I was going for. There's a second long con to complement the first short con later in the film. Might be worth a watch! Ivan1997GTA and One of Wisemen 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted May 1, 2022 Author Share Posted May 1, 2022 (edited) On 5/1/2022 at 1:46 PM, The Coconut Kid said: This is interesting. It makes me wonder about the possible consequences of a failed con. It seemed like consequences were completely absent from the heists in GTAV. It doesn't matter which way I prepare or execute a heist. The outcome will always be the same. Some crew members are programmed to die and I'll lose a tiny amount of the take, but there aren't any real consequences. Which brings me to another thought - are you planning to feature crew members who can be brought in to assist with a con? You've assembled a lengthy supporting cast, and I'm assuming many of them will take this role. But I'm interested to hear your thoughts either way. Honestly, having every cons "irreversible" sounds ambitious, but also complicates me in designing the story, so only few that can be "missable" due to player's failure. It works like the killing choices in GTA IV. Sometimes they cause minor outcome (becoming random characters when spared) or major outcome (killing Derrick/Francis leads to a funeral mission). If the cons alter the story in major scale like that Derrick/Francis scenario, then there's possibility that it cannot be repeated. Yes, there's ability to optionally call some connections for some cons. A single team, however, is limited to two to four members (including the protagonist). I feel like GTA V's crowded heist team lacks some bond, specifically between the trio and the crew members. Apart from that conversation in The Paleto Score, nothing really interesting happened between Michael and let's say, Karl Abolaji . A small crew is enough as long as there's some proper chemistry. Edited January 30, 2023 by wise_man Ivan1997GTA 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Coconut Kid Posted May 3, 2022 Share Posted May 3, 2022 On 5/1/2022 at 5:48 PM, wise_man said: Yes, there's ability to optionally call some connections for some cons. A single team, however, is limited to two to four members (including the protagonist). I feel like GTA V's crowded heist team lacks some bond, specifically between the trio and the crew members. Apart from that conversation in The Paleto Score, nothing really interesting happened between Michael and let's say, Karl Abolaji . A small crew is enough as long as there's some proper chemistry. This makes sense and I'm glad it's the direction you've chosen. It actually reminds me of Burn Notice and how closely the main characters operate. They take care of business, but they also aren't afraid to chill around the hotel pool. Which brings me to your work on the location. You've done a really good job of bringing contemporary Miami to life. You've even fleshed out the neighbourhoods! I got a giggle out of your references to people who've resided in this part of Florida over the years -- Versace, Jackie Gleason, and Alphonse Capone himself. You're probably going to know already how much I love Miami. But it takes a lot to convince me that I'd enjoy it as much present day. You do that. You also go above and beyond with the surrounding area. It's important that the Bahamas and Keys are in a re-imagined Vice City map. I'm also interested to know. How much research did you drop on the location? I know you've mentioned City-Data forums in the lounge. Where have you been looking? And where would you recommend we look if we want to learn more? One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted May 3, 2022 Author Share Posted May 3, 2022 Haven't watch Burn Notice yet, but have seen some clips and trailers. Such a promising show about modern Miami. Not sure if I have the time to watch all 100+ episodes, though, maybe only a couple later. 1 hour ago, The Coconut Kid said: I'm also interested to know. How much research did you drop on the location? I know you've mentioned City-Data forums in the lounge. Where have you been looking? And where would you recommend we look if we want to learn more? Youtube helps me alot in studying Miami with countless documentaries and blogs. Among them I'd recommend The Field: Miami about the hoods and hip-hop scene, Miami Nightlife Guide about the scummy practices in Miami's nightlife, and this real estate agent talking about the luxurious side of the city. That City-Data Forum was found by accident when I was looking for info about Westview. Wikipedia lacks the info needed sometime, so diving into that forum can fill the blank spaces. The forum is helpful enough to learn cities from locals' perspectives, but the web design makes it difficult to search topic by publish date. String 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowTierDude Posted May 6, 2022 Share Posted May 6, 2022 On 4/16/2022 at 2:06 PM, wise_man said: Dream Academy - “The Love Parade” Nice. One of my favorite dream pop songs in there. I recommend adding songs by Cocteau Twins or Electric Youth as well, I personally think they're good fits for the vibe of the station. One of Wisemen and Ivan1997GTA 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
String Posted May 7, 2022 Share Posted May 7, 2022 (edited) My favourite thing about reading concepts is the unique ideas people come up with. Con games and confidence tricks sounds very novel and fun. Like you mentioned a markedly different approach from the usual GTA power your way through approach, I'd say so much of a deviation it almost appears like a different game to GTA but it's good to shake up the formula makes things more interesting for sure. I like how you combined GTA IV and GTA V's approach to the multiple protagonist storyline. The seperate stories that intertwines into one large story in the latter half is probably my preferred approach to see too. Having the three protagonists play differently is a good touch too, it's something I think many have been asking considering how IV and V's protagonists play more or less the same. (Also Cesar being the worst driver means the driving will be like GTA IV for him i like that though I imagine GTA IV fans wouldn't lol) I'm a bit mixed about having the different grade weapons to be bought in different places. On one hand it feels more convenient to buy all in one place but on the other it makes more sense that an underground store won't have the quality merchandise that the top gunrunners have. It's definitely more immersive this way though. Good job on making Vice City look bleak, the whole tourist traps and only the wealthy enjoy the city... it really feels like a city of vices heh. Edited May 7, 2022 by AkshayKumar One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted May 7, 2022 Author Share Posted May 7, 2022 (edited) The coke heyday is long gone, doesn’t mean the city is cleaner now. Every city has their rulers, and behind the glitzy scene, there are the gangs, organizations, cartels, businesses, law and order: African-American gangs Many low-income neighborhoods in Vice City house African-American majorities. Since not all get the fair-share of the city’s magic, streets become ghettos. In Vice Gardens, Connor Town gang spreads fear to Mambas' supporters. In Independence and Broadway respectively, are the 14th Blocks and Broadway Juniors. Couples are also active around Cordoba and Vice Beach. They are burglars, carjackers, crack/coke dealers, Vice Bass and soundcloud rappers. Whoever the personality they have from those four, do not provoke. Cuban gangs Castro invaded America in early 1980’s with thousands of Cuban refugees: pleasant and unpleasant. The latter is the problem; they were hardened ex-prisoners, eager to start afresh in the land of opportunity. Members include seniors of Mariel boat lifts and juniors, native to American land. They hang in dark corners of Haiyakpo, Little Cuba, and Riverfront: extorting locals' money and organizing underground gambling tables. Dominican gangs | Patriotas Little Dominica alone is home to many families from Latin American and Caribbean: Nicaraguans, Salvadorans, Mexicans, but as the name suggests, Dominicans overrule in many blocks. Patriotas are known for taxing local shops and dressing as vigorous pimps that run street-level prostitution. Haitian gangs | F.R.E. The Haitians have settled mainly in Little Gonâve from 1970’s. The poorer migrants make gangs, and one stands out above all: F.R.E. or Fratènite, translated as the ‘brotherhood’ in Creole. As prideful as they are feared, known for home invasions and boat raids, the latter is lately popularized today by Nelson Dulysee and his small, but brutal crew. Packs of coke, heroin, and weed are snatched from any factions and sold back to Haiti. Spanish Lords Dominating the prisons of Tequesta are the Spanish Lords members. Dangerous, tattooed, gold-black-uniformed multi-cultural (mostly Puerto Rican) street gang with different clans worldwide, including one in Vice City since the 90’s. Active in El Barrio, where they paint original murals and graffiti. and surrounding neighborhoods of Hermosa, Paramount, and Little Dominica. Jamaican Posse | Yardies Spread across the northern outskirts and numerous streetsides Jamaican Cafes. Their advantage is no secret: marijuana, both home-grown at basements and imported from Kingston or the Bahamas. Weeds are marketed cleverly at their cafe as different products, not just bongs, but also gummies and cookies in green-labeled jars. Rednecks The very root of Tequesta’s face on the digital world. They are loosely-tied lawless bandits, mud swimmers, and Southern cowboys. Commonly found around rural Evergreen; often hiding around ugly-looking ruins, trailer parks, and farmhouses. These locations can be meth labs, once responsible for the collapse of the metropolitan’s cocaine business in late 2000s. Outside they drive in convoy with trucks, off-road bikes, and airboats. Wild battle cries, races, parties, hunting, and smuggling activities. Eccentric styles of living, such as running naked while high, hence the internet dubs them the prototypical Tequesta Men. Vice Beach Boys When you’re throwing private parties in Vice Beach, make sure to hire enough bodyguards to handle these raiders: all-can-join surfer gang that attacks parties in packs like wild geese. Half-naked in flip-flops, sometimes weaponized with their own surfboards, ransacking everything for money and food. Motorcycle Clubs Three entities roam South Tequesta’s roads. Angels of Death are white supremacists from San Andreas; hanging out in a clubhouse near their disrepaired theme park attraction in St. Vitus Bazaar. The president is against immigrants, expressing his xenophobic view against their main enemies: Los Incendios and Uptown Riders. The Fires are local Hispanic bikers, anti-law and anti-society, residing in Cayo Frontera’s Devlin Street. The Riders are African-American urban riders with stylish sport bikes with a clubhouse in North Vice City. Reyes Crime Family From all the Cubans boarded in Tequesta, a young Valerio Reyes rose up, taking advantage of the Colombians’ drug game to enrich his own empire, which structures and lifestyles inspired by the Italian Mafia. He’s 60 years old now, resting his ass in a Mediterranean mansion in Ciudad Belleza. Hard work pays off, his wealthy dynasty now controls the city with corrupt politicians, judges, and officials, powered by lawyer Thiago Alarcón. Members got incarcerated? Someone speaking bad about them in public? The Reyes have nothing to worry. Castaneda Crime Family Another Cuban Mafia with majority shares over the Seminole Park Racing & Casino. Very minimal influence outside of it, in a cold war with the Reyes. Kirikov Bratva A mafiya organization, founded by Nikolai Kirikov after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. In the last seven years, Nikolai reaches out to elites like the Cleethorpes Family, and terraforms his home, Riviera, with condos and high-rise offices that house ex-Soviet states oligarchs. With powerful connections, come powerful business: large-scale money laundering via splendor amenities, leading-edge coke/heroin smuggling with Latino cartels, and hot rods imports with Petrovich. Petrovich Bratva Kirikov’s twin brother. An even more influential mafiya organization in America headquartered in Liberty City with a medium presence in Riviera. Konstantin 'Kenny' Petrovich's cold hand formulated his Bratva into a country-wide powerhouse, first through car smuggling, then drugs and arms. Kirikov used to be a harmless underdog to Kenny until his rapid evolution. War only wastes resources, so they decide to collaborate for welfare. Jewish Connection Possibly the oldest organization to claim territory in Vice Beach. The Connection is a collective of three different Jewish mobster families: the Venezuelan Sharansky, the Israeli Levy, and the orthodox Russian Yakobovitch. From the penthouses of David Beach and Imperio, the connection facilitates trading of luxuries, golds and diamonds from illegal mining operations in South America's rainforests or robberies in Europe. Barattieri Family | The Commission Tequesta is a free Italian estate. Tocobaga has its own since 1920s: Barattieri Family. Despite the disturbance of mob hearing and Cuban's revolution, they regained momentum in late 70s by assisting the five families in the Cocaine boom. The senior mobster Sandro Barattieri and Gambetti’s underboss Sammy Bottino made them a force to be reckoned with. But when Sandro died, Bottino persuaded the inner circle to "open the door wide", demoting the family as non-profit mediator for the Commission's self-interest. In Vice City, Barattieri is consulting from a Campanilli's mansion. Broadway Mob The near takeover of his apartment prompts 'Dipso' Marshall to enter the city’s real-estate hustle. He invites the most professional of all Broadway Juniors gangbangers and assembles a little group. Together, they seek wetworks for property magnates: protecting their construction sites or sabotaging the others, in exchange for legal defense of their turf. Ferreira Organization Secretive Brazilian money launderers and loan sharks led by ex-politician Bernardo Ferreira. Develop their own online loan app to find victims. Human trafficking syndicates Smaller crews of Latinos, Bahamians, and Eastern-Europeans that are responsible for missing person’ posters around the world. They smuggle victims with boats or lure them here with scummy online offers. Working in the dark, they’re hard to spot. Who knows the apartment next to yours is their stable. A notable example is the Viktor Lubarsky’s Ukrainian crew that also controls the high-class prostitution under Kirikov’s order. Céntricio Cartel By avoiding the overly dramatic killing sprees made by the Medalla Cartel, the Céntricio managed to keep their seat since 1986. The method? investing heavily in modern infrastructures and using them to form bonds: help outside cartels to launder their drug money, transport their commodities, and hire paramilitary mercenaries as muscle. Cocaine production is peaking at their home country, so the cartel’s baron, Romero Valdez, declares, “Time to flood the market again!”. Easier said than done sadly. Cartel De Los Valles In 2014, Cartel of the Valleys was exiled to America because of Venezuelan government’s monopoly over the country’s drug business. Led by the husband-wife pair of Thiago and Antonella Valladares, the cartel quickly hijacks many export shops in Floral for laundering and drug operations. FIB’s investigations suggest blood money alliance with the Mexican Cartels; something yet to be confirmed by the Valladares in front of the underworld congress. El Rubio Cartel Arguably the most notorious self-sustained drug cartel out there, no political ties to anyone, only open for trade agreements. Despite its small size and small territory that only encompasses Cayo Perico island, opa Juan Strickler or “El Rubio” makes his syndicate respected through the art of blackmailing. He has trusted connections in the DOA, and a disagreement can prompt him to send the agency priceless intel. How he somehow obtains them is a mystery. Mexican Cartels Tequesta isn’t as lucrative as the main US borders for Mexican Cartels. Their arrival in VC is limited to usual money laundering or smuggling tons of fentanyl and meth for one-time special orders. Living permanently here are diplomats, ambassadors, associates of Ocean Cartel and Vasquez-Gallardo Cartel that supervise their partnerships with all the city’s underworld players. The insignificant Madrazo Cartel from San Andreas also sends the leader’s son Miguel to negotiate with El Rubio as their primary supplier. Other Cartels Ever since the Haitian F.R.E. plunder many drug ships, smugglers and dealers combine their powers to face that challenge. Countless new smaller drug crews are formed, but only two worth mentioning main story-wise: the Vera Enterprise formed by Panamanian ex-con Horacio Vera and the Gutierrez Cartel formed by Colombian street gangbangers in Brandall. The 6th Millions The hip-hop record label in Vizcaya Island selects lucky rappers with poverty issues. Young artists are forced to waste the given budgets on cribs, cars, and gold chains for ‘personal branding’. The artist is then expected to return the investment with their album’s profits. They are unaware of the scam until brutish gangster-like debt collectors chase them behind with their fast cars. Byzantium Construction Armenian-Russian construction company with ex-Armenian prisoners and mobsters hired as extra manpower: workers and security forces. That idea is too fishy for Russian investigative reporters, dubbing the company as “Armenian Mafia”. While the media and public are too busy speculating, international Russian organized crimes are enthusiastic to permit Byzantium Construction develop their buildings. Da Silva Enterprise | GD Treasure Fleet Two freighter companies from Brazil and Macau, respectively. The Da Silva is new to white-collar crime and illegal goods transporting. No other choice to pay the reckless spending that's intended to make them look good instead of work good. Meanwhile, the GD Treasure Fleet has been in the game since the formation, operating more like typical Triads that deliver and protect Chinese’s exports, legal and illegal. Hernán Ruiz Not a company, but this specific individual deserves a shot. A property conglomerate who nominates himself for the next Vice City’s mayoral election. He wants a city free from slums, tents, and homeless, then turns it into the next Ferrum Canyon. Public outrages and protest signs mean blank to him, as long as he's able to invest in FirstDime crypto project by a Balkan ex-glam queen. Well-connected with SecuroServ, whom he uses as backup plan if he can't win clean. Politicians Thousand reasons why scholars agree that Vice City is one of the most corrupt cities nationwide. Politicians spend public funds for their own yachts, anti-corrupt officials become the thing they’re fighting against, and controversial figures maintain popularity in keeping their seats. They allow Latin governments to hide their assets here, from laundered taxes to corruptors in exile. They think they’re untouchable, but as conmen, remember how the FIB’s illegally tricked the American statesmen in late 70s. Government Agencies | Police Departments The FIB and IAA are competing in wars against terrorism, never tired in the race of serving America. The Drug Observation Agency keeps themselves on high alert for forty years. The city itself is guarded by VCPD, VBPD, and other private security firms. In reality, though, the two departments are under the control of other players, especially the Reyes. They extort, launder, and take cuts. Some officers even flaunt the dirty money like nothing. The DOA has recently recovered shady evidence of the VCPD’s narcotics division, setting in motion of our Cesar's adventure. BACK TO MAIN POST Edited January 30, 2024 by wise_man String 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted May 21, 2022 Author Share Posted May 21, 2022 (edited) Light & Shadow lacks role-playing mechanics like improvable skill statistics and cores. Instead each protagonist plays differently, with their own permanent attributes, as well as exclusive features and side activities. This is because all three protagonists display different backgrounds, skills, and physiques. There’s a female and a former cop; you can’t just treat them the same as other past playable characters. Driving, shooting, and strength are rigid attributes. You must adapt with the distinctful perks and weaknesses; use the gyms, shooting ranges, and driving schools for mastery. Stamina, and lung capacity are tied with strength attribute. One with the best strength has a buff in these two stats. Thomas' particular confidence skill is both a blessing and a curse. He rarely uses firearms, influencing his poor shooting skill. Reloading/switching takes longer, recoil is more noticeable, and blind-fire cannot be performed. Gun modifications, like muzzles and extended clips can resolve this weakness. His second expertise? driving, shaped up by his liking on street races back in Phyllis. Thomas is able to take turns easier as land vehicles feel lighter, in between GTA IV and V, except for larger cars such as trucks, buses, and heavy-duty industrial machinery. Street Race | Export/Import | Car Theft Take part in challenging tracks through the nostalgic night in Vice Beach streets, long drives across the Tampico Trail, jumping between bridges of Tequesta Keys, and more. Looking for profits but street racing isn’t your forte? Deliver on-demand vehicles to an opened container in Viceport. Monetary reward depends on condition and once the cargo ship sails away, the vehicle is purchasable online. The former two are available for all protagonists, but Thomas has supplementary: special carjacking missions targeting luxurious, rare wheels for car connoisseurs around the city. Their exact whereabouts won’t be given nor dotted in the map, find it with your wits. Car Service | Transporter Car service involves deliveries of passengers from point A to B. Get in any yellow cab and play the role as taxi driver. For more class, apply yourself to service the elites. Not a scratch left in their classics, exotics, or limousines, then you’re set for a high payout. As a transporter, Thomas can also deliver sleazy cargo between underworld clients. Items range from drug bags to stolen artworks, to kidnapped mistress for ransom. Won’t go smooth all the time, curious rivals and police may intervene. Robberies | Shoplifting | Market Sabotation Around you are mom-and-pop stores, laundromats, and groceries. Point a gun and the counter will hand their cash (and threaten you back in some cases). Thomas doesn’t really favor stickups, but he would take a pack of chocolate and walk away without paying when he’s hungry. Be sure the owner is distracted when you hit the ‘pick item’ button. To shower Thomas with money, instead, hit the stock market. Though unlike GTA V, you’ll work together with Irving Belfort and The New Wizards to sink rival’s stock price and get a cut. Chaos: Walking Target Your latest mark happens to send hit squads after Thomas for revenge, knowing well he won’t stand in a gunfight. Prove him wrong by fending off the attack. Thanks to her assassin background, Maria has the best marksmanship skill. Faster reloading/switching, better recoil control, increased aim and precision, and able to blind-fire while crouching. When wearing a dress or skirt, she’ll conceal small items and handguns underneath them in a thigh holster. Meanwhile, for obvious biological reasons, she is also the weakest in strength, and starts with a low stamina. Maria’s unarmed combat moves, based on Krav Maga, are more defensive-oriented, intended to escape, NOT to initiate. Damages from close combat drains extra health points, and recovering hit points from injuries take longer. Contract Killing | Bodyguard Various contacts provide Maria with hit targets throughout her story, especially The Curator. They’ll communicate the details via phone, mail, burner phones left in a hidden room, to an old dusty telephone in an antique shop. Many tactics can be used: stealthily sneaking into the target’s room, sniping target from afar, setting up fake accidents, or using her feminine wiles for short-con, lowering the guard. Or, do the inverse, be the guardian angel: protect media stars, brokers, or kingpins from any potential harms, at all cost. Most clients will view you as one-dimensional human shield, but high payout awaits regardless in the end. Gunrunner | Russian Roulette Hang around Manuel Ortega and he’ll request your sincere assistance for his gunrunning business. Driving a van with guns in the trunk, your job is to sell them for buyers around the city; some are waiting paranoidly, some are moronic enough to buy in open public area, some have a chance of inviting ambushers. For an extra money gain you can grab the revolver for a high-stake deadly game of luck; a bullet respawns you somewhere random. Blackmailing Two protagonists will have different roles in blackmailing. Maria is the gatherer for her clients: photographing the target’s secret handshake from afar or stealing sensitive documents with signatures from their mansion at night. Meanwhile, Cesar is the blackmailer, collecting those materials indirectly from the hitwoman to be exhibited in the target’s face. Your recurrent employer is no brainer: El Rubio. Chaos: Lovely Sandbag Not everyone in the city welcomes girls like Maria properly. There are locals who hate foreign newcomers, misogynistic A.O.D. bikers, or third-wave feminism protesters; and they’re all aggressive, wanting to punch you. It ain’t happening today: survive and escape the brawl. Having trained boxing back in the VCPD, Cesar has the best brute strength and can perform unique boxing techniques via button combinations: from uppercut to haymaker. This allows him to participate in more masculine activities of arm wrestling and underground cage fighting, if the gym’s ring isn’t challenging enough. In line to his prime build are boosts on stamina and lung capacity since you first play him. Meanwhile, Cesar’s driving is arguably the worst of three. Do you miss EFLC’s full boat-like experience? drive any land vehicle as Cesar, it’s a lot heavier. No clear reason why his driving is awful aside from “bad driving instructor, like every driver in the city”. Racket Collector | Loan Shark | Insurance Fraud Each provided by different connections, but all have a theme in common: non-lethal damages for cash. As a staff of Walt O’Donnell, Cesar must extort protection fees from shops under Walt’s racket ring by any means-including smacking the keeper and smashing the goods. Later on, Cesar will be introduced to Bernardo Ferreira to collect unpaid debts from people in his logbook. No hard cash after you beat up the debtor? Ferreira is happy enough with anything valuable, like a jewelry box or a car. As Cesar’s rep climbs up, shady real estate agents will approach him to damage expensive properties for insurance money. Private Security Apply to work for club managers and event organizers, most clustered in Vice Beach. Make sure the night runs smoothly from troublemakers-Vice Beach Boys invaders are one to most worry about. Varieties include, but not restricted to: throwing out intoxicated patrons, standing in the entrance as bouncer and checking out entrants’ identifications, and chauffeuring VIPs to their destinations. Drug Bust Disguise yourself as a cop or DOA agent and intercept one of dozens drug transactions across the city, from small deals between gangsters of Vice Gardens to the Colombian’s large-scale smuggling operations in Viceport. Steal the drug and money briefcases while everyone involved is panicking. Chaos: Road Rage Engage a destructive demolition derby-inspired car chases against Vice City’s wildest drivers: from ferocious street racers to henchmen of a major drug dealer you’ve ripped off earlier. Lose all the pursuers to win. To quote Jan Daniels words, "No paradise here, unless you pretend you owe one". If you want to forget the gloomy reality of Vice City, there are plenty of diversions around: magic shows, fortune tellers, nightclubs, strip clubs, hotels with jacuzzi, the Leaf Links Golf Course, or whatever. THE BEACH First thing that comes to mind when talking about the city. Relax yourself after a tiresome mission. Take a seat and sunbathe while listening to Lord Huron, play beach volleyball, parasail, Blazer race, aquatic sports like flyboarding and windsurfing, or do any leisure activities you can imagine from the words “Vice Beach”. The rules: beachwears, shorts, bikinis are restricted to this area; and only one weapon/item possible in inventory. GAMBLING What a con-themed video game would be without poker card games? Horse betting and drinking games? Slot machines and roulette tables? Blackjack and good old' Texas Hold'em? Sure it ain't the Strip, but in Vice City, people play anywhere and bet money and drugs. Pack up some cards and play while in a boat trip, in a nightclub, or in a Jamaican cafe. Explore the map and you'll end up finding illegal backalley gambling spots, street gangs running blood sports, or strangers playing three-card Monte trick. Go to Little Cuba's domino park and place bets on rounds of dice, domino, and chess. For a Deep Inside fantasy, visit the Haiyakpo's Seminole Park Racing & Casino or the Atlantic Racino up north. Score a losing streak and everyone underestimating you; while winning streak opens higher-stake games, and invites more accusations of cheating. Play honest or manipulate the game for your favor. Master the sleight of hand tricks to change cards, sabotage the roulette machine, or break the horse's leg in the race. Remember, if you can cheat, so do your opponents; and getting caught may culminate in a fight or a temporary ban from the casino. CUSTOMIZATIONS Whatever combination you wear for the trio, their style persist permanently unlike in GTA V. The city hosts many fashion outlets. Streetside stores of different names sell low-priced clothes. SubUrban and Binco sell fresher casual wears. ProLaps sells trendy sport kits. ZIP and Modo sell mid-range wardrobes. Didier Sachs and Perseus sell must-have tailored luxuries. Other sophisticated stores offer more specified style: leather items in VCTM; classy/trendy 80s and 90s looks in Breakstone; unique outfits for disguises in various costume shops; and Hawaiian shirt, sundress, plus other beachwears in any souvenir stores. Barbershop returns to switch different hairstyles. Hats, glasses, and masks can conceal your identity. Jewel stores sells accessories. Wearing a watch reveals current in-game time above the minimap. Having an earphone allows you to listen to radio broadcasts on foot. Jewelries enhance your social value, but also attract thieves. Maria has wider options to embrace her femininity: skirts, dresses, pantyhoses, flats, and high heels. She can apply makeup from Pharaoh Cosmetics by interacting with the safehouse's mirror, where Thomas and Cesar can modify facial hair instead. And for any creep fans out there, no, you can’t remove any parts of her clothes, and neither do for the two boys. The game features a visibility meter, which determines how well you’re blending in with your surroundings. This works hand-to-hand with the confidence trick gameplay in a sense that out-of-place dress code raises people’s suspicion faster. For example, hanging around in an expensive suit in Downtown and Freedom City result in differing NPC reactions. POLICE A realistic overhaul from LSPD’s atrocity. Public responds to your crime and suspicious acts only if noticeable enough. Along with the 5★ measurement, three new statuses are introduced: When you're trespassing in more restrictive areas, such as a crime scene, nearby officers will warn you to leave. They don’t bite, only bark. Resisting a warning grants 1-2★ where they make moves to arrest, but not to kill. At first they will use batons and tasers, then they will shoot your foot or car wheel to slow you down. Beyond that, they’ll come for your head with helicopters and road barricades. NOOSE will be dispatched at the highest levels, complete with armored trucks and snipers at rooftops. No escape. After evading the stars, law and civilians within the wanted zone will remember your characteristics, thus opening an investigation. They’re not dumb anymore, they will follow your trail by completing puzzles of clues. Think smart: change clothes, switch cars, avoid crowds, or just lay low at home until the cooldown period is over. You’ll be punished for high ★ or for acting unpredictable in the street repeatedly. As the penalty, a larger sum of money is deducted and you’re locked in an interrogation room ala Red Dead’s jail cell. PEOPLE OF SOUTH TEQUESTA As you make a walk around Vice City, you may encounter unique person of interest. Some provide unique interactions, stories and informations to tell. Some other seek for your favors in form of short side missions. Some are just freaks you'd expect in Tequesta. Adegoke - Missing Nigerian “patriarch”. An online scammer who makes fortunes from recycling e-wastes and spamming scummy emails begging for monetary transfer. He tells different tales of how he ends up in Vice City’s scrapyard and how he’s unable to return to Lagos. Dean Caine - Plain-looking forensic detective who investigates his own crime scene. Committing serial murders of city’s most deranged criminals in the most Tequestan modus operandi possible, such as stealing a crocodile from Evergreen with a trashmaster and releasing it into his victim’s bedroom. Gabriela Roncancio - Fellow female assassin. Contracted full-time by Céntricio Cartel’s drug lords. Consume diverse drug substances to sustain her sanity and emotion. Rescued by Thomas in a bloody shirt from fierce gunfight in the first encounter. Phone Maria for assistance in subsequent meetings. Jerry Kapowitz - From poorest to the luckiest man alive. The owner of Gun n’ Wine in Gleason Beach, a place to get drunk and practice shotguns under the same roof. Score high points for discounts. Seen scavenging trash cans around every morning, hoping to unearth more diamonds. Kevin "Crow" Ull - Failed country singer who always jogs shirtless through the entire length of Vice Beach. Bound and determined to not miss a day since 1975 against all odds: trolls, stormy winds, or bone spurs. "Don't stop," his trademark motto said. Tijs Bergling - Religious believer of ‘brawn over brains’. Narcissistic bodybuilding persona who shows off his muscles in a beachside gym near Versace Boulevard. Used to have excellent television fame before scandals in San Andreas and arrests in Las Venturas. He critiques Maria for distracting his grind’ and challenges Cesar for planche push-ups. Xavier Menendez - Exiled from Cuba in 1978. Everyday dice and chess player in Little Cuba’s Domino Park. In for the fun, never bets. Poor eyesight and prone to cheating. BACK TO MAIN POST Edited November 23, 2024 by One of Wisemen String, Ivan1997GTA, E Revere and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LowTierDude Posted June 12, 2022 Share Posted June 12, 2022 (edited) I've been lurking this thread from time to time and I gotta say, the amount of work you put in and updated in this is incredible and pretty admirable. Really great attention to detail and graphically pleasing while staying true to that classy rendition of 2017 Vice City you went for. Makes me wish it was actually a real game. Keep it up man Edited June 12, 2022 by sabitsuki Ivan1997GTA and One of Wisemen 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted June 15, 2022 Author Share Posted June 15, 2022 (edited) From vintage classics to advanced supercars, a vibrant mix of classic and modern automotives. Legally, cars and bikes are purchasable through dealerships and online websites. Illegally, you can simply jack one. Hijacking an unoccupied automobile requires you to bash the window or use a slim jim. Depending on the vehicle, you then need a screwdriver or immobilizer bypasser to actually start the engine. Hijacking from traffic is equally risky as you may never know the passengers’ self-defense moves. Stolen vehicles will always be marked for search until you abandon or modify at least its plate number. Around the map are mod garages and automotive communities. Head to Vice Vinyl or Pay ‘n’ Spray for a quick paint job and repair. Pimp up in Raj’s Motor Works or other garages with Los Santos Custom-esque components, now expanded to add motorbike customizations. Around the city are also clubs that hold unique races, wagers, and auctions. You can enter provided your ride is relevant, like a hydraulics-attached car for El Barrio’s lowrider meeting. The trio starts with one personalized vehicle, replaceable with any vehicle of the same class and vehicle seats: Thomas has Leandro's grullo Declasse Fiorento, Maria is given a navy Übermacht Sentinel SN by Artemiy, and Cesar owns a silver Albanny Pierre. Helicopters and planes exist; visible in the sky. However, none of the trio have learned to fly. That doesn't matter anyway; the main story has no flight mission. THE FOLLOWING LIST IS A WORK IN PROGRESS SPORT Spoiler Benefactor Feltzer Mercedes-Benz SL 63 AMG Benefactor Schatten 2014 Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse Coupé Benefactor Schwartzer Mercedes-Benz 63 AMG Edition 507 Bravado Banshee Dodge Viper (ZB I) Dewbauchee SuperGT Aston Martin DB11 Dinka Blista Compact 1983-1987 Honda CR-X Grotti Carbonizzare Ferrari F12 Grotti Vitelia Ferrari 458 Spider Karin Calico Toyota Celica GT-Four Karin Kuruma Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X Karin Sultan Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X Pfister Comet Porsche 911 (991) Carrera 4S Coupé Schyster Fusilade Chrysler Crossfire Coupé SPORT CLASSIC Spoiler Albany Manana 1971-1976 Cadillac Eldorado Declasse Tornado 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air Dewbauchee Pagnell 1978 Aston Martin V8 Volante Grotti Cheetah Classics 1984 Ferrari Testarossa Grotti GT500 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Grotti Stinger Ferrari 250 GT California Spyder Imponte Deluxo DMC DeLorean Lampadati Reflekto Maserati Khamsin Pegassi Fuopenna Lancia Fulvia HF Competizione Vapid Malaparti 1973 Ford Capri 2600 Vapid Peyote 1958 Ford Thunderbird Vulcar Fagaloa Volvo 131341 T Amazon B18 SUPER Spoiler Dewbauchee Massacro 2012-2018 Aston Martin Vanquish Dewbauchee SuperGT Aston Martin DB9 Dewbauchee Wonder Aston Martin V12 Vantage Grotti Cheetah Ferrari Enzo Grotti Turismo R LaFerrari Pegassi Infernus Lamborghini Murciélago Pegassi Retana Lamborghini Aventador Rune Moryana 2012 Marussia B2 MUSCLE Spoiler Albany Hermes 1954-1956 Buick Super Bravado Gauntlet Classic 1973 Dodge Charger Classique Stallion 1968–1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass Declasse El Viaje 1976 Chevrolet El Camino Declasse Fiorento 1965-1966 Oldsmobile Toronado Declasse Impaler 1978 Chevrolet Impala Declasse Vigero 1969 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe Dundreary Crescent 1973-1976 Mercury Cougar Vapid Albatross 1965-1966 Ford Fairlane (Fairlane 500) Vapid Ellie 1967 Ford Mustang Willard Eudora 1977 Buick Electra SEDAN | SALOON Spoiler Albany Emperor 1977-1984 Cadillac Sedan de Ville Albany Esperanto Lincoln Continental Mark VII Albany Pierre 2014-2018 Cadillac ATS Annis Pinnacle Classic 1980-1984 Datsun Maxima (810 Maxima, 810) BF Tatort 1974 Volkswagen Passat LS B1 (Typ 32) Classique Oceanic 1957-1958 Oldsmobile 88 Declasse Asea Chevrolet Aveo sedan (T250, US) Dinka Blista TCL US-Spec Honda Civic Si Karin Asterope Toyota Aurion (XV40) Schyster Crestwood 1992-1997 Chrysler Concorde Übermacht Sentinel SN BMW 3 Series (E90) Vapid Prospector 2012-2016 Ford Fusion SUV Spoiler Canis Mesa 1996 Jeep Wrangler TJ Canis Seminole 1999-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Canis Titanium Jeep Wagoneer (XJ) Declasse Rancher 1974 Chevrolet K5 Bazer Emperor LandEater Lexus J201 Concept Gallivanter Baller 2005 L322 Range Rover Gallivanter Catalyst 2006-2010 Land-Rover Freelander (LR2) Gallivanter Journeyman 2008-2016 Land Rover Discovery 4 (LR4) Grotti Brioso X 2014-2019 Fiat 500X Imponte Nomad 2000-2001 Pontiac Aztek Karin BJ Cruiser 2017 Toyota Land Cruiser J200 Maibatsu Monstrosity 1986-1990 Mitsubishi Montero Rune Medveda 2010 Marussia F2 Concept Vapid Frontier 2013 Ford Explorer Vapid Meridian 2000-2004 Ford Escape COMPACT | COUPE Spoiler Albany Diable 1985-1993 Coupe de Ville Albany Pierre Coupe 2014-2019 Cadillac ATS Coupé Annis MT-9 2015 Mazda MX-5 Miata BF Weevil Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 Emperor Artemis 2001-2005 Lexus SC 430 Fathom FR36 2002-2006 Infiniti G35 (V35) Karin Fayette Toyota Celica coupe (T160) Obey Constance 2014-2018 Audi TT Schyster Bravura 1987 Chrysler LeBaron Coupe Übermacht B26 2003-2010 BMW E63 Übermacht Metropolis 2014 BMW i3 Vapid Ganton 1969-1970 Ford Galaxie 500 VAN Spoiler BF Surfer 1950 Volkswagen Type 2 (T1) Bravado Fargo 2011 Dodge Ram Dakota Bravado Youga 3rd Generation Dodge Ram Van Bravado Youga Classic 1969-1974 Ford Econoline Declasse Burrito 2015 Chevrolet Express Vapid Novaline 2012 Ford E-Series Van CYCLE | MOTORBIKE Spoiler Principe Runner Yamaha XJR1200 '1996–98 sh*tzu Cassius Honda GL1800 Gold Wing sh*tzu Dragonfly Suzuki RE5 Rotary 1976 sh*tzu Hakuchou Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa sh*tzu Hakuchou Suzuki GSX-R 750 Western Angel Harley-Davidson FXSTC Softail Custom Western Hellfury West Coast Choppers El Diablo Western Nightblade Harley Davidson Night Rod Special Western Whitney Harley-Davidson FXDF Dyna Fat Bob 2011 Western Wolfsbane Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL | UTILITY Spoiler HVY Dock Handler Taylor TEC950L HVY Docktug Ottawa Commando 4x2 HVY Dozer Caterpillar 963D HVY Forklift YaleGLP060VX HVY Mixer 2011 Oshkosh S2346 Tri/A Mixer Truck HVY Telehandler Caterpillar TL642C Vulcar Vedrfolnir Volvo VNX EMERGENCY | SERVICE Spoiler NOOSE APC BRDM-2 Police Cruiser 2011 Dodge Charger Pursuit Police Predator TBA OFF-ROAD Spoiler Bravado Bison Colossus 2006 Dodge Rampage Bravado Bison Scattista 2010 Ram Runner Concept '03 Canis Kalahari Citroën Méhari Canis Mesa Desperado 2016 Jeep Shortcut Canis Mesa Sahara 2015 Jeep Wrangler Africa Canis Trekker Jeep Trailcat WATERCRAFT Spoiler Aeroboat Airboat Benedick Azure Lagoon 450 F Benedick Marquis Beneteau Oceanis 55.1 Dankward Calderone Chris-Craft Stinger 390x Dankward Dinghy Naval Special Warfare RHIB Dankward Jetmax Chris-Craft Stinger 260 Dankward Smuggler Fountain 47 Lightning Dankward Tropic Sea Ray 300 Sundancer Speedophile Seashark Bombardier Sea Doo RXT Glaive Formula 16 Catamaran Surveyor Everglades 325CC Zenith Beluga Azimut 55 Zenith Hafgufa Viking 80 Convertible AIRCRAFT (UNRIDEABLE) Spoiler HVY Skylift Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane Western Seabreeze Seawind 300C BACK TO MAIN POST Edited November 23, 2024 by One of Wisemen Jeansowaty and Datalvarezguy 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted June 23, 2022 Author Share Posted June 23, 2022 (edited) Art of deception alone is never enough, weaponize yourself. Combat is enhanced: diversity in close combat, deadlier and louder gunfight, strategic inventory system, and a gunshine state market. From wandering junkies to elite police forces, everyone fights differently. Hand-to-hand combat includes punches, kicks, and dodges with bare hands; plus grabbing, pushing, and slamming opponents into the floor, wall, or table. The protagonists have their own hand-to-hand combat style: Thomas is nothing-specially standard, Maria is defensive, and Cesar is more offensive and martial. Beyond this, environmental objects are abundant around. Wooden plank, umbrella, brick, glass bottle, and others are pickable as melee or thrown weapons. Each has varying damage, durability, and noise level when used, depending on sizes and materials. But you can’t pocket them like traditional melee arms such as knives. Cesar, matching his build, can also equip the unique knuckle dusters, metal bat, and heavy sledgehammer. On-foot pocket size depends on current clothing. Weapons are divided into (1) one-handed, (2) two-handed, and (X) those that require extra spaces. Up to four one-handed sidearms and small blades are concealed beneath your outerwear or on your holsters: belt, shoulder (Cesar), or thigh (alternative for Maria whenever wearing skirt/dress only). The single two-handed arm is slinged, exposed on your back. Extra inventory spaces are provided with a carried briefcase or duffle bag, which store a single heavier weaponry and/or conceal your two-handed gun. Tequesta permits the sales without license, but bans open carry in public. Vendors are tiered, and each sells different merchandise of different price ranges and qualities. Underground dealers sell cheap but often rusty street-tier pistols, micros, and rifles. Ammu-Nation and local armaments sell fairer handguns and shotguns. Luxury outlets such as Gun n’ Wine sell grade A guns, including more machine guns and a few rifles that are paintable with engravings and plates. Sniper rifles, heavies, and explosives are limited to international black-market merchants like Manuel Ortega. MELEE Spoiler (1) Knuckle Duster Wore in hand (1) Knife, Dagger, & Switchblade Vary in damage and slash speed (2) Baseball Bat Home-run with a powerful blow (2) Metal Bat One hit on head sends to grave (2) Crowbar To break open locked cabinets, windows, doors, and cars (2) Golf Club Score a hole in one (1) Hammer It's hammer time (2) Nightstick (1) Scissor (1) Screwdriver Hijack low-end parked cars (2) Sledgehammer (2) Slim Jim (2) Wrench & Pipe Wrench HANDGUNS Spoiler (1) Vest Pocket Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket (1) Cobra .357 Rossi R46102 .357 Magnum (1) Tschikof 9mm 5th gen Glock 17 9x19mm (1) Angehen H&K P2000 (1) Silver M1911 (1) SNS H&K P7M13 (1) Desert Eagle Desert Eagle .50 AE (1) Kryshko Stechkin APS (1) Kersey Wildey Magnum .475 (1) Grand 9mm Browning Hi-Power (1) Python .45 Colt Peacemaker .45 (1) Taser Unlimited use, short recharge between shots MACHINE GUNS Spoiler (1) Yuli Pistol Uzi Pistol (1) Sauvage H&K MP7A1 (2) Banning 9x19mm H&K MP5A3 (2) Gusenberg .45 M1921AC Thompson (2) Seraph 9mm Steyr AUG 9mm (X) Trojan Case H&K MP5K Operational Briefcase SHOTGUNS Spoiler (1) Cicero Lupara (2) Huntsman 12GA Ithaca .37 (2) Gotham .223 Remington Model 7615 (2) Gadyuka-12 Vepr-12 RIFLES | SNIPER RIFLES Spoiler (2) Mariachi-14 Mini-14 (2) Mikhailen AK-47 (2) Hermand Carbine M16A4 (2) Breacher-H FN SCAR H (2) Compassion .308 Savage Arms 10 BA .308 Winchester (X) Genesis .50 BMG Barrett M82A1 (X) Specialist .50 ArmaLite AR-50 HEAVIES | EXPLOSIVES Spoiler (X) Centurion Milkor MGL Mk 1L Grenade Launcher (X/X) Rocket Launcher RPG-7 (1) Grenade Obligatory for a GTA game (1) Molotov Cocktail Home-made incendiary (1) Sticky Bomb Controlable and attachable (1) Tear Gas Blind your vision ITEMS Modeled straight from RDR II is a second inventory wheel for items. Again, capacity depends on your outfit. Equipments include types of substances and versatility such as binocular. Trickster tools like police badges are used to aid your con. Loots are tradeable in stores and fences across the map. Consumables restore or negate your physical and mental statistics. As you progress through the story, the protagonist may barter both weapons and items to close associates or to each other. EQUIPMENTS Spoiler Binocular Sightseeing Camera Digitally superior to smartphone Jerry Can Flameable material Lockpick Break open locked doors and cabinets Handcuff Modern lasso Immobilizer Bypasser Hijack parked high-end cars Sleeping Pill Dissolve into drink Poison Knock out in a minute Lethal Poison Instant death Sedative Syringe Non-lethal takedown USB Drive For quick hacking, one-time use for each TOOLS Spoiler Magazine Blend in, pretend to read Mask Balaclava, bandana, or masquarade mask, conceal your facial identity Member Card Staffs, private yacht clubs, and alike Identifications DOA, FIB, any government or media institutions Police Badge Access to police stations, crime scenes, and private properties Pack of Cards For poker or trick game, anywhere, anytime Pocket Palette Put on pretty makeup wherever you please Sensitive Materials Document or photograph for blackmailing LOOTS Spoiler Counterfeit Cash Shoplifting and scam Credit Card Stolen for spending spree Cheque Converted to liquid cash in bank Diamond May be cursed Drug Small bag of cocaine, heroin, or weed, not for consumption Electronic Stolen phone or tablet Gold Chain, brick, and nugget Imitation Worthless jewelry Poker Chip Casino's currency Silver Poorer than gold Wallet A pickpocketer's payday, may be empty Watch Show time CONSUMABLES Spoiler Alcohol Pißwasser, wine, etc, shaky cam, no health benefit Bandage Heal individual body part faster, visible Cigarette Stress reliever, penalty to lung capacity Coffee Decrease fatigue from lack of sleep Light Drink Soda can or a glass of juice, slight stamina boost Light Meal Chocolate bar or snack from vending machine, slight health boost Heavy Meal Beef jerky or sandwich, moderate health boost Painkiller Ignore all injuries' drawbacks, but pause the recovery time Supplement Vitamin pills, slowly regenerate health fully BACK TO MAIN POST Edited November 23, 2024 by One of Wisemen LowTierDude 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted July 27, 2022 Author Share Posted July 27, 2022 (edited) Not all missions and possibilities are explored here, only few of the full experience. Imagine the rest by yourself. The three protagonists' stories are very loosely tied. No crossover until the second part. After the prelude, character wheel makes it possible to switch between characters. Loading artworks fill the transition instead of zooming in-and-out map. Summer 2017. A troop of Haitian F.R.E. gangsters under Nelson Dulysee plunders trucks and boats that distribute drugs in the ground level. The acts initiate narco freelancers to work together in groups, intensifying the competitive atmosphere. Petty dealer Leandro Gomez dreams to rise up above the competition, so he spares Thomas Kingston after a failed con. As a grifter, Thomas is forced to lobby the city players into elevating Leandro’s uninteresting corner. In the meantime, he reaches out to tourist trapper Jan Daniels, whose connections allow him to exercise his grift touch and to escape from Leandro’s shadow. Venturing in Vice City’s business landscape, Thomas and Jan participate in the higher league’s schemes, from mentoring Jan’s rookie boy Neil Shackley by rigging casino games to aiding Delaney-Fritz and Gunawan in offering paintings and wines, respectively, to aristocrats and underworld players. As more projects completed, the negotiator is approached by more desperate faces. The Da Silva Enterprises need him to delay their bankruptcy. The Broadway Mob needs him as guider when they work for real-estate moguls like Yusuf Amir. Jewish mobster Grossman needs him to extract more ill-gotten gains from the Connection’s gold deals. Speaking of mobs, the Russians in the north are reshuffling their internal seats. Pakhan Nikolai Kirikov favors the wealthy associates to directly operate his Bratva. The consequence? long-time established members feel endangered, such as star trafficker Andriy Maximov who plans to blackmail oligarch Artemiy Yelagin for ‘stealing’ his responsibility of east coast drug routes. In response, Artemiy plants two agents to check the rabbit hole within Kirikov’s organization: Brandon McCallan the Irish muscle and Maria Vinogradova the spy. The deeper she descends into the conspirators’ circle, however, the more reluctant she becomes. Outside the Bratva, Maria secretly launches her own hitwoman service; to taste a bit of her longed liberty. A side gig for gunrunner Manuel Ortega introduces her to better contacts, including "Solo" Bradley, a fresh assassin from Vice Gardens’ hoods, whom she finds to be a reliable platonic partner with a common dream. Many clients across the city underestimate the seductress, but the endeavor proves her values. Meanwhile, a recently fired Cesar Álvarez still acts as if he has the badge: extorting money out of Spanish Lords smuggler Marlon Ramos and underappreciated dealer Vigo Jaén, as well as laboring for racketeer Walt O’Donnell and his Italian network. Buddy Freddie Newman warns him about the Drug Observation Agency, a government agency competent enough for addressing the dirty sh*thole of their VCPD narcotics division. Even when Freddie assures that only the flashy lawmen are being investigated, fear strikes. Cesar refuses to feel safe. Cesar’s hero preference is the notorious lawyer, Thiago Alarcón the ‘El Solucionador’. The Reyes Crime Family that employs him is unquestionably pressured by the agency’s mission too, and the intimidator can step in as solution of that problem. But if the path to the Cuban kingpins is too difficult, maybe Cesar can get close to another major player, blackmailing master El Rubio. Or maybe he can seek redemption to the old boss: sergeant Claude Geffrard, by capturing the aforementioned Haitian gangster alive. Whatever roads you pick for the three artists, make sure they’re appeased. Keep Thomas motivated with his hustles. Keep Maria’s secret agenda unexposed to the enemies. Keep Cesar protected from the agency’s surveillance. Some of the Con Games: PRELUDE: Back To Basics - Thomas recharges his energy by dealing drugs with Leandro's old company. PRELUDE: Funtime After Dark - Maria plays bowling in her first night in Vice City. PRELUDE: A Warning Before Sunrise - Cesar visits the park at early morning with some friends and foes. Parasitic Relationship - Thomas tricks a climbing drug baron into trusting Leandro and a new warehouse. Angel In Disguise - Maria lures a henchman of Andriy to his death. Tricking "Goliath" - Cesar blackmails a Cuban cowboy into paying Walt and the Italians. Paradise Lost - Thomas stages Leandro's destruction. Our Last Exchange - Maria and Solo visit the bazaar and get involved in a chase. Only In Vice City - Cesar takes a high-speed drive for Thiago. Ocean Drive T Young Again M Haitian Hospitality C The Rubens Imitator T Let The Siren Sings M Mincemeat C As the three artists make names, overlaps happen. They share the same client couple of times. Eventually, Thomas is inspired to assemble a team like in his Nassau days. He takes the initiative to invite Maria and Cesar to score their own high risk, high reward cons. “Only three of us, for ourselves,” he claims. This rule doesn’t restrict you from hiring one extra, like Jan or SB, when absolutely needed. Set up a comfortable hideout, whether it’s a luxury hotel room or an empty backroom, as long as it’s not one of the trio’s safehouses. While the three have their own problematic lives, you can gather them here for collaborations. Set a mark and scenario, prepare, and execute. From each con, 60% reward is allocated as cuts for each participants. The rest 40% is kept in a safe as upfront money for future cons and hideout's maintenances. First games won’t be smooth. It starts with an uneasy relationship with constant creative differences. The trio never knew each other before, unlike in GTA V. With more successful cons, however, you develop stronger bonds between them. The direction is up to you, each has perks and consequences. Establishing a family-like friendship, for example, lets you witness unique interactions, but the three artists may lose focus of their own personal businesses. What matters most, however, is the opportunistic antagonist who benefits from those moments. That spoiler-heavy chapter will be explored later, so keep an eye. COMING SOON. BACK TO MAIN POST Edited March 17, 2024 by wise_man LowTierDude 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted August 5, 2022 Author Share Posted August 5, 2022 (edited) Introduction sequence inspired by: “The Kids Will Have Their Say” by Raniero R Skipping the Rockstar's logo, a cutscene is played at the start: the opening credit, always unskippable in the first ever playthrough. "Goes to Pluto" by Pablo plays in background. The camera shows the scenery of Vice City in the yellow sunset. City lights from street lamps, traffic, and the skylines are turned on. The scene then shifts to three scenes of interest, each for each protagonists: Thomas Kingston attempting to con Leandro in Ventura Key beach park; Maria Vinogradova taking the metro departing from Frank Taylor International; and Cesar Álvarez chilling at the porch of his house in Verona Shores. Once the music ends, the screen turns black abruptly with the game's title in the center. As the logo fades, the character’s wheel is shown in the down right corner. Whoever you choose does not matter as you can always switch after the opening mission's completion. The preludes are less class, straightforward to teach you the interaction mechanic. What lies ahead that: more class, more complex con games. Choosing THOMAS, then continue reading this post. Choosing MARIA, then read here. Choosing CESAR, then read here. Credit to @Datalvarezguy for the Spanish dialogues Another failure meets another consequence. For now, Thomas has no other choice to survive than serving Leandro, the drug dealer he tried to rip off earlier. It’s another spontaneous decision of his to vocally offer his talent for the mark. It’ll give Thomas time to replenish his mind and skill, necessary for him to trick Leandro again, successfully in the future. Leandro forces Thomas to take rest in his hideout: a small, unexciting apartment in Gladeville with packed drugs and daily stuff scattered around. Thomas has no problem with the living condition, but he does have a problem with Leandro’s laziness and tendency to get high from his own supply. It’s the first impression that Leandro gives that night, after the pair drives away from Ventura Key. “So, all I do here is carrying a lazy weed-smoker ass up the ladder,” Thomas mutters. “Don’t forget whose idea this is,” Leandro answers while laying back on his sofa, smoking his weed, “you prove to me how lying is an easy gateway. Few, fabricated words, and people believe ‘sh*t just got real’.” “Scamming is easier said than done. I got caught this noon, that’s how inefficient my state today.” “Lucky boy, other thugs would blow your pretty face before you talk. Like ‘em, I hate liars, snakes, but you seem special from the moment we ‘accidentally’ met.” “There's no accident. Why did I target you? I thought you’re an exploitable prick who’s gonna fall for the simplest Vinewood prop.” After a short conversation, Leandro says that he needs to go out for some unfinished business. Thomas is left alone, locked in the apartment as Leandro will return in the morning. At this point, you regain control of a tired and frustrated Thomas. “Think quick, Thomas. How to escape a mad drug dealer?” he can't stand Leandro and can’t think of ways to outsmart him on the second try. No helpful contact on his phone. No suitable tools around for escaping. Police siren is heard from outside, take a peek from the window and you'll see police cars lighting up the dark scenery. Turn on the TV or read the pile of magazines, do something in this claustrophobic space to wait until sunrise or go to sleep on the sofa. In the morning, Leandro returns and gives further context while he and Thomas chew the bland-tasted breakfast bought from a restaurant nearby. Leandro reveals that he wasn’t coming alone to Vice City. He left Mexican prison a month ago with a trio of prison lads, who invited him here for a fresh drug dealing experience. However, they robbed and betrayed him after a week and ran the business themselves. Leandro then establishes his own venture, small-time, and grabs a few customers from gangbangers across in Independence City. “Carlos, Lucas, and Rique. Three dumb pendejos I’ve met in prison. We moved here, it was fun and games till these friends stabbed your back for extra cuts,” Leandro says the trio’s name. “I hear that’s how street norms work,” Thomas comments. “Being untrustworthy ain’t part of street codes, es parte de tus códigos.” It’s part of your codes. Words from the street say that the trio is having an unfortunate time in Little Dominica. Leandro has predicted it: this trio expect the glory will follow instantaneously. With them being in trouble, Leandro looks for sweet revenge. This will be Thomas’ first job. Thomas drives Leandro to Little Dominica's hoods in a grullo Declasse Fiorento, a nice ride Leandro hijacked from North Vice City just three days before. After a bit of exploration, Leandro witnesses Carlos and a Dominican gang member in front a house doing heroin transactions. Overhear the conversation and you learn that the trio business went downhill because of a feud with the Yardies. From the way he speaks, his English isn't as fluent as Leandro: saying simple vocabs and mixing Spanish words. As the Dominican left disappointed with Carlos’ overpriced product, you’re instructed to observe him from the car. Tap (L2) and (R2) to observe By activating the observation mode, you’ll dig more intel about them. Never underestimate this special ability, it will impact the available dialogue choices and the way Thomas talks. More details mean Thomas will understand him better and more personal, modifying the conversation’s flow. Use the analog stick to examine Carlos, who’s standing still next to the house, from head to toe. Press (X) when you catch any interesting bits. In this case, you’ll see a desperate facial expression, implying that it’s difficult for Carlos to find a customer, at least for today. A duffle bag flings is hanging on his shoulder, definitely full of heroin. Leandro suspects it’s Carlos' last stock, hence why he sells it at a high price. A dirty Tschikof 9mm can be seen in his right jeans pocket. Wrong steps and surely he'll fire it. As this is a con game tutorial, Carlos will never catch Thomas and Leandro spying on him. For future cons, however, always consider the distance between you and the mark when observing him/her directly without utilities like binocular. The further, the more time for observation before the target notices, but the less details you can dig out. The closer, less time but greater details are visible. After quitting the observation mode by tapping (L3) + (R3) again, Leandro orders Thomas to teach him a lesson. Exit the car, go approach Carlos, have a talk. Leandro waits, anticipates if anything goes wrong. SQUARE to Greet “Heard you got nice stuff there, mate,” Thomas greets the dealer. “Heroin, special,” that’s the first two words from Carlos, simple and straightforward. Afterwards, you’ll decide the direction of the conversation through different dialogue choices. Thomas can act as someone new or familiar to Carlos, and he replies, “Really? never seen you before. Quizás me olvidé de tu cara.” Maybe I forgot your face. For the latter, Thomas can question Lucas and Rique’s fates, and Carlos tells that they had dumb deaths during their feud with the Jamaicans, as they attempted to rob their weed shipment. Carlos is in control alone now, homeless, constantly moving around Little Dominica. What’s in the bag is only a few baggies of heroin, which Carlos sells highly in hope for a quick buck. By the end, Thomas can pose as either buyer wanting to buy all of the heroin stock or fellow dealer looking for barter. Decide the path, and return to Leandro for a second, “My friend is in the car, hold on." BUY Leandro reluctantly hands him some cash, less than what was asked by Carlos. Thomas must bargain the price well until Carlos agrees. The deal is done with Thomas holding the bag, but he continues talking with Carlos about his desperate time, his dirty 9mm, or his venture in Mexico (if Thomas pretends to be a forgotten familiar face). It’s a misdirection act to steal the money back from Carlos’ left pocket, unnoticeably. TRADE Leandro hands Thomas the fake cocaine powder he used yesterday. Carlos doesn’t want a coke-heroin barter at first. Thomas must convince him anyway, telling lies like he obtains them from a big cartel in the city, fake it as an A-grade item. After the short-con, Thomas leaves Carlos politely, “Appreciate it, hope the best for you.” Take the car and leave the area immediately. Carlos finds out that Thomas has just taken the money back or tricked him with fake merchandise, he’s yelling from behind, “¡Eres un puto estafador! ey! ey!”. You’re f*cking swindler! Leandro is satisfied as they speed up, “Ha! good work Tom, know you’ll be this useful,” “That’s like the first successful scam I've done in ages, jezz. What’s next for him?” “Leave and forget it, he’ll be eaten alive by the city in no time.” Arriving back in the apartment, Leandro tells Thomas it’s time for his gig: taking his career up to the sky. Thomas believes he needs more time and research for inspiration, perhaps looking around the city would help. Luckily, Leandro’s in a positive mood after the conman displays his talent. “If that’s how grifters work, fine,” Leandro approves, “...but keep the deal in mind. Again, no third chance.” Complete free-roam around the map is now possible. Remember, Thomas is still under Leandro’s wrath for now; ignoring his wish for too long will ignite his anger. NEXT: Parasitic Relationship Edited December 21, 2023 by wise_man LowTierDude, Ivan1997GTA and Datalvarezguy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
E Revere Posted August 9, 2022 Share Posted August 9, 2022 (edited) This is really good. I find the Russian protagonist's role very interesting. Not very original, but nonetheless unique to the GTA setting, never seen before. Makes me very curious what it'd be like in a real game. Keep it up. Very interesting gameplay idea too, with those superficial conning techniques. Edited August 9, 2022 by E Revere One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VanHostell97 Posted August 9, 2022 Share Posted August 9, 2022 (edited) 'Deleted' Edited January 21, 2023 by VanHostell97 One of Wisemen 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted August 10, 2022 Author Share Posted August 10, 2022 Thank you, glad you're enjoying it @E Revere, you're in for a treat It's odd that no existing modern-day concepts so far has explored the Russian mafia's roles in Vice City, and that's what I'm aiming to do with Maria's story. Shady things going on in real-life, news of Russian rich guys buying condos/mansions, and some European immigrants believes a Bratva organization involved behind the scene, but nobody really knows what happened. Not only does it fits with the general theme of manipulation, having a honeytrap protagonist fits the situation of the game's setting. In early 2017, Russia was accused for blackmailing Trump, and going back to early 2010s, we have sensations ranging from ''Katia'' Zatuliveter, dating Mike Hancock and safely able to enter the British parliament; to Anna Chapman the spy turning celebrity after release. But why making Ms. Vinogradova a deep cover spy infiltrating US government, when you can make her infiltrating the VC Bratva's politics instead? Lot more interesting to explore than repeating GTA V FIB-focused pattern again. Still working on the second mission for Thomas, lot better than first in my biased opinion. Then we'll see her in action Ivan1997GTA 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted August 21, 2022 Author Share Posted August 21, 2022 (edited) Credit to @Datalvarezguy for the Spanish dialogues PREVIOUSLY: Back to Basics This noon, Thomas goes alone to a bar, one of couple along the street of Encantador. Four days ago he helped the lazy drug dealer fulfilling a vengeance, and the next following days are about walking together with Leandro through the world of Vice City’s lower-class criminals. Nothing interesting about them apart from being a practice ground to refresh his scamming skill, so he prefers a lone escapade in form of a city tour, familiarizing himself with points of interests like the nearby airport and El Barrio’s artistic district. No crossing bridges to Vice Beach yet, however. Encantador is not Little Cuba, but as a neighbor of it, the Cuban flavor is still strong. Outside is a band of street buskers singing “Chan Chan”, the melodies echoing into the bar’s room. Taking a seat at the bar counter, Thomas observes the bottle rack in front of him. “¿Cómo puedo servirle/s?” asks the bartender: a young short-haired brunette. How can I serve you? Akward silence for few seconds. “Oh sorry, thought you speak to someone else,” Thomas ignores the bottle rack, turning to face the bartender. “First timer?” the girl smiles warmly, “My bad, apologize if you don’t understand that, most frequents here do. Anything to order?” Thomas looks back at the bottles and points to an orange bottle under the ‘rum’ label, “That rum over there, how about my first try?” “Okay, one glass of Ciudad de La Habana.” Suddenly, a familiar voice comes from the doorway. The man walks in closer to Thomas, “There you are, cabrón!” F*cker! Nah, not again. “You’re hitting her?” “Translating ‘order’ to ‘flirt’ specifically for a bartender girl? Very funny.” “Better not.” The bartender finishes pouring Thomas’ order to the glass, “your order, sir, that’s $7”. After Thomas hands over the cash, the girl’s happiness fades at the sight of Leandro; she looks mad now, “¿Que estás haciendo aquí?” What are you doing here? “Es un nuevo amigo mio. Estamos hablando sobre su nueva noviecita. Nada que ver contigo.” He’s a new friend of mine, we’re talking about his new girlfriend. None of your business. “¿Bebes o fumas?” Drink or smoke? “Ninguna bebida hoy, y tengo mi propio cigarro, Laura.” No drink today, and I brought my own cigar, Laura “Ni una sola palabra sobre mi, okay? O llamo a Jose para que os eche ambos de patitas a la maldita calle.” Keep your mouth shut about me, alright, or I call Jose to kick your two asses out “Vale, chat somewhere else Tom,” Leandro can’t protest much, forced to move with Thomas and his glass of rum to another empty table. Fine Thomas is full confused, why the bartender has just argued with Leandro, “The hell!?” “I forgot how sensitive Laura is about this,” Leandro pulls out a pack of 69 Brand from his pockets. “She knows you?” “Us, Mexicans, know her dad…”, Leandro pauses to take one cigar, light it up, and smoke, “...someone you won’t mess up with, one of big cartel honchos in Tamaulipas. Ever heard of Ocean Cartel? they’re here in America. If you know Alfonso Vasquez, the drug millionaire who legalized cocaine baron’s job, they make his entire success a joke.” “Why she’s here then?” “I don’t know,” Leandro shrugges, “wasting spoiled younger days with daddy’s drug money maybe?” Leandro catches Thomas taking quick glance back at Laura while drinking the rum, “Instead of staring her, how about you pay my f*cking favor, que te has cocinado exactamente, eh? You think a naughty boy can just go checking out bars, gambling dens, clothing stores, looking for inspiration? or just trying to forget our deal?” What exactly you cook, huh? Putting back the half-empty glass in the table, Thomas sighs, “I told you as a non-native guy: let me know ways around, then we move.” “Vice City is huge, okay, I’d say weeks to see everything. Should I wait that long? absolutely not.” Seconds passed, the conman gets a spontaneous idea, “How about we pretend you’re on par with Laura’s dad.” “Excuse me?” “Spread the word that mister Leandro Gomez is a great drug baron coming from the US border. Perhaps some major players would jump into your boat.” A decent plan, at least from the conman’s perspective. Thomas drinks the rum back. “No good. Appearing out of blue as a big name only attracts attentions of established bosses here,” Leandro disapproves his idea, “You know what I think? the con-whatever you call it.. can you make it a motivating story? Like, from a nobody, I slowly live up American Dream.” “So you wanna act like old-day hustlers building towers till they make millions…” Thomas finishes his drink, leaving an empty glass on their table, “...while you in fact get me stealing bricks of other towers and let me build it alone.” “Go on and think. Hurry up, it’s a race.” “With whom? I thought your only issues are those next-door black gangbangers and cholos.” “Still don’t understand my situation, huh? many new kids in town. I know one Panamanian named Horacio seeking around for recruits and resources for his newborn business. He’s building wonder, only matter before he’s big enough.” “Bingo. Let’s hijack him.” “¿Te burlas de mi, eh?” Mocking me, eh? “Meet this guy, work together with him, then takeover.” “Don’t make sense, you think he’ll trust me?” “Oh, you’ll see, all I need is some setup.” Thomas and Leandro part ways after leaving the bar. You’re instructed to gather intel about this Mr. Horacio. This preparation work is integrated with free-roam, and not a hand-holding mini-mission like heist setups in GTA V. Gathering intel is entirely optional; you wouldn’t want to waste time on digging everything about the mark, right? You can decide to assist Leandro tonight, he’ll take Thomas and a courier named Marlon Ramos to a busted deal involving Horacio’s underlings, who call their boss Señor Vera, indirectly revealing the full mark’s name as ‘Horacio Vera’. Outside of this mission, take a listen to street dealers, back alley gunrunners, or groups of thugs. Even when your search results in no avail to Horacio, their words can be useful for future targets. Finally, check the computer of police’s cruiser too, you’ll find Horacio’s police record with a mugshot. We eventually learn that Horacio Vera is half American, used to be a Caribbean-crossing smuggler for big-shot Colombians in the city: the Céntricio Cartel, before fully motivated to run personal network. He’s in dire need of property assets and extra staffs now. His common recreation is Aire Libre, a rooftop restaurant in Riverfront. Do an unexpected face-to-face meeting, or if you somehow obtain his contact number, arrange the discussion earlier. Location of Thomas’ mark will always be marked with a ‘golden handshake’ icon in the map. The resto opens from 6:00 to 22:00; he’s likely chilling there around that hour. In this scenario, let’s assume that Thomas visits Horacio without calling his number first. No planned appointment; the mark is in for surprise. Get yourself a better outfit and head to Aire Libre in time. You won’t find him among the visitors. Ask the waiter, he/she will lead you to an exclusive table, separated from the public space by a wooden wall and one tattooed bodyguard nicknamed ‘Puma’ (at least as seen from the namecard). You can overhear a conversation from behind the barrier: “Two cops owe me right now, you want me to be their puppet forever?” “You see, I can’t do anything yet. Why don’t visit Reyes estate instead?” “Seriously? I’ll be a living meat for Valerio’s crocs. He won’t sign a screw-up, and I bet those two guys are in his pocket.” “Stop fooling yourself, if you here to learn, you in.” The bodyguard interrupts their talk, walks in to the table with Thomas follows him behind. Two of three seats are full: a curly glassed man in Hawaiian shirt (Horacio) and a fatty one. “Puma, ¿quien coño es este?” Who the f*ck this man? “Dice que tiene negocios con usted, señor.” He says he has some business with you, boss. “¿Asi es? Never see you before.” Is that so? Time for Thomas to introduce himself. What’s he going to pose as now? Look at the bottom-middle of the screen: two dialogue options. I’m a property broker I’m a fixer Nothing to be afraid of dialogue/action picking sessions. Light & Shadow is not an overly complex RPG nor a contemporary interactive drama made by Quantic Dream, even when it works like their Detroit: Become Human: con game is designed as a flowchart, every choice matters, but you can't see that branching tree. There’s no new decision making every single second to the point of oversaturation. You only make choices when it matters to the con’s direction, whether it speeds up or slows down the scheme, whether it increases or decreases your target’s trust. No more than four choices are presented at one time. More intel gathered unlocks better choices that automatically replace weaker ones. Left stick to navigate between choices, hold (X) to confirm. No time limit. I’m a property agent I’m a fixer “Property broker Ethan Cobb. Your employee tells me you need guy like me.” “Uh.. Nobody warn me before.” “Apologize if I forgot his name, maybe he’s dead before calling you. You have shady business like everyone else here, Mr. Vera, I know it. Do you watched TV lately? more drug sellers are killed this month than last year, maybe he’s one of 'em?” “Probably, police keep f*cking ruined my days, only three of us here alive and kicking.” “Sorry to hear that.” “Sit down Mr. Cobb. I assume you already know me as Horacio Vera, remember that name cause you’ll hear it anywhere soon. Puma, get him another drink.” Thomas sits down, joining Horacio and the other guy whom he introduces as Vigo Jaén, drug dealing rookie. At this point, you’ll be facing more dialogue choices to build up Thomas’ profile: why he isn’t afraid to get himself dirty and how he met Horacio’s henchman. As Thomas doesn’t understand Spanish deeply yet, Horacio will deduce that he’s not from Vice City, to which Thomas must add another detail: where he comes from? Don't forget your own made-up profile, the game will question that again later on. Luckily, Thomas (and other protagonists) will note details on their cellphones, but you can’t take peek everytime, especially while you’re interacting with the mark. Re-read and memorize at the right time, like in the safehouse or when riding car alone. Write your own physical note on paper if needed. Some marks will be smarter than others, realizing when you contradict yourself. “Okay, what’s your offer?” Warehouses for your stash Luxury home, better headquarter “Storages, that’s what most drug clients ask first to me.” “Ah, good choice, been looking for days but all owners go wild as I spoke. Just a small one for the goodies so they’ll be safe from those pesky Haitians. Good, where is it?” Wesley* Encantador Gladeville Well, what’s your preferred location? (ask location) *option only available if Thomas ever explores said neighborhood. “I recommend Gladeville. You may complain it’s close to Independent City, but no street gangs bother to raid, they too focused to protect their own turf. Used to be abandoned, but I recovered it” “Mind for visit?” “Maybe other day, I must talk with the busy owner directly, never reply my calls, but he’s a great guy.” “Maybe you can send the picture first, here’s my number.” Receiving a small paper with Horacio’s number, Thomas about to reply by giving his number as well. Too bad he doesn’t prepare a name card, so he pretends to reach into his pocket, “Thanks, apparently I dropped my card when on the way here, been the third time I lost it, sorry.” “Nevermind,” Horacio says as Thomas about to leave; they shake hands, “Nice to meet you.” With the mark’s hooked, it’s time for the convincer: a warehouse in Brownsville. There’s one on sale two-blocks away from Leandro’s apartment, sole owner, “no intermediaries” as shown in the advert outside. But how to get it? Asking banks a loan of $200k will be difficult right now, the only options are (1) disarm whoever the current owner is before using Horacio’s money to shut his mouth, or (2) let Horacio meet the current owner and convince both sides to have a deal. Let’s see the former: Thomas has informed Leandro about the con, including what role he expects Leandro should play. Leandro isn’t the best actor, but Thomas has no other talented manpower for the con. The two visit the location, meeting the owner Mr. Hudson inside the empty warehouse’s living quarter, on the desk reading Lords of Vice newspaper. Leandro speaks up first. “We’re here to meet Mr. Hudson.” “That’s me, but can’t you guys knock first?” “Shut up and stop reading, my boss here has business to do.” “I won’t, be nicer next time, sir.” Thomas can take advantage of Leandro’s short temper or defuse the situation. If Thomas antagonizes Mr. Hudson too, he lies that the warehouse is now under his control and Hudson must leave immediately. If Thomas chooses to defuse, he warns Leandro to calm down and says something more honest, “I’m here to purchase this warehouse”. A chase sequence will ensue if “antagonize” is chosen or if Thomas fails to negotiate well with Mr. Hudson. “I ain’t dealing with freaks or scammers!” Mr. Hudson runs away into the back alley via the back door. Leandro draws his silver, but fails to shoot accurately. “Sh*t! You get there, block his way out!” Thomas chases Hudson from behind while Leandro runs through the front door; he’ll block him at the end of the alleyway. Chase down Hudson Keep running while he furiously reaches his cellphone and attempts to call the VCPD. If you can outrun him, tackle him by tapping (O) when close, hold (O) to keep him on ground, grab his phone and abort the call. If Thomas can’t catch up, Leandro rams his car into him at the end of the alley, knocking him unconscious and breaking the phone. Getting Hudson’s phone safely allows Thomas to contact Horacio with that phone. As the sign outside the warehouse displays Hudson’s number, Thomas doesn’t need an excuse on why he contacts Horacio with a different number. Regardless of the scenario you get, Leandro knocks Hudson out and ties him up in the car’s backseat. Thomas then takes a picture of the warehouse interior/exterior and sends it to Horacio, who in response will arrange time for visit: tomorrow at 8:00. While waiting, you can help Leandro cleans out the living quarter from Hudson’s personal belongings; go loot some items and valuables before Leandro finds them. There’s a paper of a blank property contract in the desk’s drawer for the deal. Convince Horacio to purchase the warehouse Horacio will arrive with Puma in a black Canis Titanium around 8 AM, be sure to have Thomas in place already before him. You’ll then set a tour around the warehouse. Make sure to avoid going near Leandro’s car where Hudson is tied up. As Horacio meets up with Leandro, Thomas introduces him as the warehouse’s owner, who’s not only willing to give the property to stash drugs, but also willing to help him in distributions of such illegal goods. “Tell me, Mr. Gomez, you sure to take part? this always be a seriously dangerous business.” “C’mon, everyone knows coke pumps up this city’s blood, it’s part of everyone.” “I guess even with like 200k, you can’t keep up with the price of living here. I believe it’s good investment to stay here with Mr. Vera. You said to me days ago it’s only three of you now, right?” Thomas adds, trying to further convince Horacio to recruit Leandro. “You're welcome, I definitely need another face, you’ll do it .” Horacio is satisfied, he’ll buy the place and let Leandro in. You can ask Horacio to meet the initial price of $200k, but with the right words, you can make it higher up to $220k. Don’t get too unrealistic: hoping he will hand more cash for an overpriced warehouse. Once the deal is done, Horacio completes the document. Thomas advises him to input names of his company/business, which will be a simple ‘Vera Enterprise’. This organization name is what Thomas and Leandro will exploit to expand their business and network. Horacio and his bodyguard bid farewell, will return in few hours with his products. Puma leaves behind a briefcase, 220k in cash inside. Leandro is ecstatic, until Thomas orders him to split the cash like this: $10,000 for Thomas and Leandro each, and $200,000 to Hudson, the original owner. “That’s two hundred grand, Tom, I never see that much money forever and you just throw it away?! Are you mad?!” Thomas assures that he wants to avoid risk. It’ll be enough to shut Hudson's mouth forever, he’s not gonna report the police, and nobody would curiously search for him if the two follow Leandro’s suggestion: simply kill an innocent Mr. Hudson. “Look, you’ll get rich again.. no you’ll get even richer soon enough. Promise.” Make sure Hudson never comes back The final step is to drive Hudson away from Gladeville into somewhere more secluded, the further the better, but just don’t leave him in Evergreen’s swamps alone. One location you can pick is any house on sale, like in Cordoba’s safer part, at night when nobody is witnessing. Thomas unties him, gives him the two-hundred-grands briefcase, and advises him to “go buy new home” or “invest in market” or whatever, as long as he forgets what just happened before. “I can’t believe we get him (Horacio) that easy, what’s next?” Leandro asks. “We’ll take him out, it’ll be all yours soon,” Thomas reveals the next plan, it’s going to be part of one long con, so patience is key. “When?” “Don’t know yet, there’ll be chances eventually.” NEXT: Paradise Lost Edited June 15, 2023 by wise_man Akaviri, LowTierDude and VanHostell97 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted September 21, 2022 Author Share Posted September 21, 2022 (edited) Credit to @Ivan1997GTA for the Russian dialogues. Throughout the metro's ride, Maria's mind flashes back to when she talked with oligarch Artemiy Yelagin in Rostov just three days ago. He gave her this new job in America. No doubt about her field skills, but what’s convinced him to recruit her is her knowledge about the country and advanced English skill, despite the slight Russian accent; As if she’s been preparing to go overseas in hurry. Artemiy was introduced to Maria via his friend, Vasily Petrenko, as the two needed her service in Vice City for usual espionage tasks. He was so overly-cautious that Maria was instructed to leave everything home; even her phone, to avoid any tracking bug. Well, the richman handles the immigration, giving her a forged passport with fake names and one Moscow-Vice City plane ticket. That’s all, no info of place to stay. She doesn’t like it, the way she’s treated, did he really back her up? Her judgment so far: another day, same kind of client. The metrorail arrives at the station of Little Dominica, Maria gets off, remembering the license plate of a pick-up car; will park next to the station’s exit. As she heads there, a navy Sentinel SN is the only car parked there, matched license plate too. Inside the car’s driver seat is a man, around early 30s, in a crumpled suit, eyes locked on an Andromeda Eight phone. Maria knocks on the window. “Excuse me.” The man forgets his phone, whistles as he sees her, then opens the window, “My day just got better. You’re the new girl boss talks about?” He speaks in Russian accent too, but sounds unnatural and forced. “Yes.” “Get in,” the man orders. Maria can take the seat next to him or the backseat, up to you, “Name’s Brandon.” “Maria,” the two shake hands, “so Artemiy orders you to pick me up?” “You already know his paranoia. Boss is too scared to get out at night and surely won’t pick young girls personally, fear of getting called a sugar dad.” “He’s still a horrible miser, сейчас у меня в общем нет дома и мало денег.” I’m basically homeless and poor by now. “He’s not, you’re in for a little surprise.” “Any word from him?” Brandon hands his phone to Maria. On the screen: a Snapmatic post showing a man on a Marquis. “Oh, this guy.” “Boss probably have told you the situation, some of his workers acting sus lately, yeah, we’re on to him tonight.” Artemiy has told her briefly about the circumstances while in Rostov. Like every other Russian businessman coming to Vice City, he hires some people from Nikolai Kirikov’s powerful bratva organization. One of them is this first target. This is Ivan Lifanov, nicknamed “Evan”, a staff worker at one of Artemiy’s marinas in Marina Bay Village. His record: blowing up two boats “accidentally”, including the oligarch’s own; requesting explosives from the bratva’s gun suppliers, and last few days, night out outside his usual club. Artemiy wants to find out more of Evan’s plans and capture him afterwards. Brandon is masterful at cleaning, terrible at disguising and digging intel directly from source, that’s why Maria is needed. While Brandon drives to the location, he tunes in Ultra FM. “I Remember” by deadmau5 & Kaskade is playing. Ask him to switch if you don’t enjoy it. Take the time to absorb the scenery of Vice City at night or to investigate more about Evan by stalking his social media account. In GTA IV, only dating and blog websites are fully interactive. GTA V expands the access with Lifeinvader posts that updates throughout the story, but offer no significance to the gameplay nor the game’s lore. In L&S, it’s a goldmine of intel: many marks share their social life on the internet, well, including Evan, who has a Snapmatic account. Tap to bring up the phone, which as usual will appear on the bottom right, then click on the Snapmatic icon, and search for an account with a nearly similar username to his real name. You’ll find one most likely possibility: @EvanLif. It’s not him in the profile picture, most likely his lover as hinted by the description: One girlfriend. It’s rather important to learn whether the mark is in relationship/marriage already, and whether they’re loyal with their partners, or else Maria’s advance to flirt will be perceived negatively. Scrolling through his feeds you’ll find many posts of him playing bowling, alone, with friends, #bowlingnight #bowlingfun, that’s without doubt his favorite pastime. One more frame. Now you know what to exploit: his bowling love. At some point, Brandon breaks the silence, trying to talk in Russian. Maria, however, isn’t impressed and rather confused at his words, commenting “I got it, but like I say, I only hear gibberish”. Brandon explains that ever since he meets the Russian mobs in LC and VC, he forgets the pride of his Irish heritage, wishing to be born as Slavic instead. In Marina Bay Village, Brandon stops next to the lighten up palm trees before a three-way junction. Going straight takes you to Vice Beach via David Beach; going left takes you to Evan’s workplace, Artemiy’s marina.. “We’ll wait him here, he’ll leave in couple minutes and we’ll follow him behind,” Brandon says. “He’s going to play bowling, isn’t he?” “Don’t know yet, maybe he’ll go home or maybe he’ll hang with the buddies.” “You know his car?” “Maroon Prospector, that’s all the boss told me.” A car matching that description appears in seconds from the left, driving away left to David Beach. “Gotcha,” Brandon exclaims. The scene cuts to Brandon tailing the Prospector all the way to, as expected, The Underground in Gleason Beach. It’s a bowling alley situated under a not-so-popular nightclub. The entrance is a down staircase on the north side of the club’s building, next to a dead-end street with couple of cars parked alongside the road, no pedestrians around. One man, someone who looks young and cold in full navy-colored fancy suit, is standing with hands in pockets in front of the glass doors entrance, next to a white Moryana parked on the side of road. Evan parks his Prospector behind the white sport car, and he comes out from the car with a friend, both in suit tops and blue jeans. Another man, someone who looks younger and colder in a full fancy suit, is leaning against the Moryana with hands in pockets. Brandon parks across them. “He’s not alone, can be a problem,” Maria mumbles. “That’s Lazar the f*cking Bratva prince,” Brandon’s eyes widen as he watches the young man talking with Evan, “The hell he’s doing here?” Activate the observation mode to overhear the conversation. “How many time you guys would use my credit card to eat sh*t?” Lazar speaks up in annoyed tone. “This is our last, promise. We’re good friends, не хочешь присоединиться?” Evan tries to calm him down. Don't you want to join? “Я буду занят с машинами папы и игрой в боулинг с другом. You and Donovan only good at this, huh?” I’m busy with my dad’s cars and with my friends bowling game. “Эй, посмотри на себя, ты веселишься, как будто завтра не наступит, а у нас.. у нас здоровый спорт.” Hey, look at yourself, you’re partying like no tomorrow, while we.. we’re having a healthy sport. Lazar shakes his head and gets in his car, ”Нафиг с этой хренью, я уезжаю.” Enough with this sh*t, I’m out. “What’s the matter man?” Donovan finally speaks up. From here we know he doesn’t understand the language. “Nothing, let’s play,” Evan and Donovan walk into The Underground, while the white Moryana speeds away from the scene. “We shall watch his back after this,” Brandon refers to Lazar, “It’s your show now.” “So, what should I do?” “Both of us gonna pretend as casual players there. I’ll watch around, you’ll talk with them. Just attract them with your pretty face till they slip out. “Oh yeah, you’ll need this, my own valentine gift,” Brandon hands a Tschikof with a suppressor attached. Unlike other modifications, the silencer can be detached/reattached anytime you want. “Спасибо.” Thanks. Maria hides the pistol underneath her leather jacket and leaves the car with Brandon. Get inside The Underground The staircase leads to a glass door, which leads to a dimly lit row of bowling lanes. Very few people are playing, including our Evan and Donovan. Brandon will sit in one of the tables away from you to keep an eye. Your two marks are too busy having fun; they won’t notice until you do something. As you get close, a prompt to greet appears. Optional, you can ignore it and just play in an empty lane next to theirs. To attract their attention, you can either: (1) flex your skill by scoring a strike or (2) pretend to play badly by scoring zero, not hitting any pins. Note that the bowling’s control is identical to GTA IV. If you know the technique for “Gobble Gobble” trophy, the former is piece of cake. What will happen in (1) scenario? “Wow, that was sick,” Evan’s attention turns to Maria, praising her strike. Thanks Impressed? “Thank you,” “Wait, wait…” two words and he’s already familiar with her accent, “Are you Russian?” “I am, you too?” “Yeah, always good to meet some fellow from my country. Иван Лифанов, или просто Эван.” Ivan Lifanov, just call me Evan. “Тогда можешь называть меня Алисой.” Then you can call me Alisa. “Похоже, мы раньше не встречались.” Seems like we’ve never met before. It’s my first visit I’m a regular here “Конечно, нет, я впервые здесь.” Of course we haven’t, it’s my first time coming here. Evan will ask Maria’s background next, which is where you’ll construct her disguise: whether she’s a tourist from Moscow, new immigrant, or already living in VC for quite a long time. After introducing her to Donovan, he’ll invite you for a full or half match, up to you. You’ll learn that Evan is a more friendly and open guy, while Donovan is visibly more cautious, keeping an emotionless face and setting a ‘safe-distance’ from her. You can activate the observation mode on Evan again to see a work card attached to his chest (use this to question his job), as well to know that there’s no signs of weapons in his clothes. Observing Donovan is possible, but doing it too long/often will make Maria more suspicious in his eyes. Luckily, you don’t see any guns in Donovan either. While the match goes on, Evan and Maria will have more chat about their bowling hobbies and professions. The latter is where you can question Evan’s relation with Artemiy, whom he describes as “lazy boss, bad job”. He even jokes, “With a boss like that in your office, you’ll probably want to kill him." “Terrible. What do you do now?” “I have talked with Donovan and some other friends about leaving. Not really sure what’s next, maybe I’ll be in Gostinaya. Top spot, our favorite not far from here. Y’know how much you can get by just becoming a part-time cleaning service there?” You can further ask Evan about his friends and the club. For example, they enjoy taking advantage of Lazar’s wealth; while all his other friends use it for drugs bought in beachside cafes or high-class Viktor's ladies, he and Donovan only want bowling and new jobs. He also briefly tells how his friends “from unfriendly rabbit holes/bratva members” hate Russian businessmen as much as the American government. Keep in mind: your conversation will end once the match finishes. Evan will say something different, depending on how the match ends, but Donovan will be rather mad regardless. “Evan, you have Lena at home, don’t cheat with that b*tch.” “Oh c’mon, sorry if I ignored you, but we got a new friend tonight.” The thing is, there’s no visible ‘like’ meter ala GTA IV that informs you how much Evan trusts you. You can only guess from his facial expression and voice tone. Right now, he has warmly considered Maria as a new friend. Safe to say he’s falling into your trap. As you guys leave The Underground, Brandon will follow from behind. No guards nor cameras are in the enter/exit staircase. He has locked the glass door into the bowling alley from outside. This is his chance to confront them while they’re taking the stairs. “Time’s up, boys,” Brandon gets as close as possible to Evan. A silenced Angehen touches right to his neck. Maria pretends to be freezily shocked as Donovan covers her, sharply looking at Brandon. “Calm down, the hell is wrong with you?!” Evan attempts to defuse politely. “Boss won’t be pleased to know what his boys doing at night, definitely not planning a hit.” “How do you… F*ck that lazy old man!” “We’re one v two, three if we count her in,” Donovan growls, “Only one gun and we sh*t our pants?” “Donovan, we can’t carry knives to a gunfight,” Evan argues. Pull out your gun to surprise Evan “А сейчас не пойдет?” What about now? Maria takes out the pistol from her jacket, pointing it right at Donovan’s chest as he turns around in shock. “Сволочь!” Evan, glancing behind, is as shocked as his friend. Bastard! “Told you not to go into strange b*tch, Evan!” Donovan fumes. “Shut the f*ck up! you two!” Brandon can’t stand it. When everyone’s eyes go back to Brandon, Donovan suddenly tries to forcefully grab her Tschikof with his hands. With his strength, it’ll be difficult to break free, so your option is to keep holding (SQUARE) repeatedly to hold your weapon while use your feet to attack, by tapping (O) and use the Left Stick to stomp his foot (move it down) or kick his thigh/knee (move it down then left). Keep switching between holding (SQUARE) and attacking with (O) + Left Stick combination. He’ll move back after three attacks. As you keep the pistol in hand, tap (R2) to shoot him in the head, therefore killing him; or tap (O) to knock him out, thus pacifying him. Brandon will brawl with Evan around the same time. No need to worry about him, he’ll knock Evan unconsciously at the end. “Well, he’s out,” “You kill him?” Maria’s answer and Brandon’s response will depend on your choice, “... and Evan?” “He’s a sleeping beauty now, gonna take him to Artemiy, now get him/his body to their car.” The two take the passed out marks to the backseat of their Prospector. Brandon says he’ll handle them from here, Maria can take their previous car. “By the way, that navy car, that’s yours, as well as the phone, just take it,” Brandon hands her a key, “And.. one second.. boss leaves a place to rest for you in North Vice too,” he hands her another key. “You serious? He’s really that positive?” Maria is visibly surprised. Her new boss isn’t as careless as she thought before? giving a safehouse and new car right away on day one? “He’s a generous lad. Middle-aged, insecure, but he treats us like humans. I got my own free stuff. We’re his special force after all, specially served. Just turn on the GPS for the location. Good night.” NEXT: Angel in Disguise Edited December 21, 2023 by wise_man LowTierDude and Ivan1997GTA 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted October 21, 2022 Author Share Posted October 21, 2022 (edited) Partially inspired by this Leverage scene We’ve seen Cesar chilling outside of his safehouse in Verona Shores in the opening cutscene. As we switch back to him, the scene cuts to him sleeping shirtless in the bed. The clock on the table next to it shows 3:58, around three hours before sunrise. Breaking the night’s silence, Cesar's Majava VI smartphone on the table rings. In his half-asleep half-awoken state, Cesar picks up the phone while laying down. His buddy cop Freddie Newman is calling. “Fred, it’s four AM-” “Something important, man. It’s Marlon.” “Sup’’ with him? He’s ghosting us all week.” “That’s it, has he called you yet? Few minutes ago, he called me, saying he had enough of us-“ “So he’s toying us as usual.” “That naughty boy really needs some humbling, and we do it.” Seems like your drug-dealing boy, Marlon Ramos, is acting up again. Ever since Cesar was discharged by the police department, Freddie can’t handle the dirty deeds alone. Cesar rarely sees his friend’s face; he’s more frequent in racketeer O’Donnell’s place where he can feed himself between his weekly extortion on his and Freddie’s boys: Marlon and Vigo Jaén. Luckily, neither of those two know that Cesar no longer has the badge; they’re still afraid of him deep down. After Freddie tells him that Marlon wants a meeting in Gulfside Park this morning, Cesar hangs up the phone and gets up, dresses up quickly, and leaves the house. As you’re outside, get in his parked silver Albanny Pierre. While driving as Cesar, vehicles will feel heavier like in GTA IV. Not a problem for now as the traffic in mainland Vice City is very low before sunrise; almost non-existant. Though you must stay careful of wandering beggars and drunkards who cross the street. Also notice how unlike when playing Thomas and Maria in their preludes, a minimap is shown the first time you play as Cesar. Arriving, you see Freddie and Vigo standing in the entrance of Gulfside Park path. “You took him here, too?” Cesar asks, referring to Vigo’s presence. Freddie answers straight, “I’m taking him so he can watch us pulling Marlon’s pants down.” “Wait, what’s this mission about?” Vigo asks nervously, the two men turning their gaze at him. “Shut up, it’s about the tiny jits,” Freddie points his forefinger to Vigo, “His try-hard ass wants to kick us the second time, too much believing he’s bigger than us," he believes Marlon’s going to ambush them again in attempt to cut their ties. Last time he did it was a humiliating experience for him, unsuccessful. “C’mon.” The three walk into the entrance. Marlon is supposedly waiting near the fountain in the middle of the park. “Fred doesn’t give you a hint, huh?” Cesar now asks Vigo. “I thought you guys gonna reach my pocket for the weekly cut tonight.” “Ah, good thing you can remember, how much you made?” “Only a grand.” “Excuse me?” Vigo briefly explains how couple of Haitians constantly go after every unit in the city, causing people to form crews of their own and barely trust small-time independent peddlers like him. Cesar already knew the situation, but it’s nice to hear Vigo, despite his goofiness, he still has eyes and ears on what’s around. As you three walk to the park’s fountain, you see Marlon not in his usual style: in a gray suit instead of the black tank top that exposes his tattoos. By his side are two menacing African-American men in all-black: one in hat and glasses, the bald one inhales a cigar. Next to Marlon is also a black-dressed lady. Freddie rolls his eyes, Cesar stares seriously in cautiousness, and Vigo tries to avoid eye contact with anyone, looking worried. Left to right: Idris, Holly, the mark Marlon Ramos, and Lou While you’re facing him, take the time to observe Marlon and his entourages. You see that Marlon has a Vest Pocket underneath his suit. The big bald man who smokes names Lou has a revolver tucked into his pants near his crotch; while Idris, the man in hat, carries a wooden baseball bat. Freddie taunts first, “The hell is this?” “Our business is over,” Marlon replies mockingly, “You don’t know why I'm off the last few days?” “Pretty clear, you look for money to pay these human shields and hooker to make yourself a VIP?” “No, no, no, I have legitimate nine-to-five in Seminole now, no gambling. Cesar raises an eyebrow, “You drunk?” “You ain’t trusting me?” Marlon gestures to Lou to approach Cesar, “Better learn to trust me first! Lou!” Lou throws his cigar to the floor and stands in front of Cesar, both hands on hips trying to assert dominance. Your observation earlier catches the sight of the handgun in his pants. Here’s some fun choices: Grab the gun, point at face Grab the gun, point at chest Keep the gun, point at his balls Picking the third option, Cesar’s quick hand reaches the tucked revolver, fingers work to disarm its safety catch and stay on its trigger. Lou looks below, his confidence’s level drops in instant. “You made a mistake,” Cesar confronts firmly, maintaining his cool as Lou looks back at him, ”He’s not an honest joe to befriend with.” “Yo, slow the f*ck down!” Marlon draws his handgun, pointing it dangerously too close to Cesar. “Hey!” Holly, the girl, grabs Marlon’s shoulder, “Don’t do stupid things, honey!” Meanwhile, Idris remains motionless behind, Freddie’s glare keeps him in place. The latter does have a pistol in his hip holster. After Cesar’s first move though, he doesn’t think it’s good idea to escalate the standoff further. Cesar doesn’t flinch, “Listen to me or I blow your balls.” Lou freezes, his blank expression tries to cover the fear, “What’s your problem with Mr. Ramos?” Taunt and surprise Marlon Convince Lou of Marlon’s lies “By the way, your gun is too close to me,” Cesar turns to face Marlon while keeping the grip on Lou’s revolver, “I can break your bones before you shoot, cabrón.” “Is that so?” Marlon smuggly taunts back, “I dare you.” Immediately tap (O) and Cesar grabs Marlon’s elbow with his free left hand. Tap (O) again to break his elbow and (optionally) tap (TRIANGLE) to take his Vest Pocket. Lastly, finish him off by a headbut by combining (O) and moving the Left Stick up. Marlon falls to the ground, holding his pain, “F*ck you, why do you guys do nothing, huh?! Who’s the master here?!” Holly covers her mouth with her hand in shock. “He’s not a Hercules, lady,” Cesar explains, “That’s why he’s our jit.” Lou’s about to step up until Cesar tightens up the grip on his revolver, “Who are you guys?” Too bad Cesar doesn’t have a badge anymore to show, but he can let Freddie, Marlon, or Vigo who’s only been a silent spectator so far to speak for him. We’re cops Let Freddie tells Let Marlon tells Let Vigo tells “Show em’ Fred.” Freddie pulls out his VCPD out of his jacket. Lou, Idris, and Holly are surprised, while Marlon, still on ground, grits his teeth in frustration. “Cops?!” Idris shows his disbelief, “For real?!” “Should we handcuff you to the station as proof?” Cesar then exposes Marlon’s facts: how he’s under their payroll and how he’s actually a nobody. You can also force Marlon to be honest instead, he’ll tell everyone that he pretended to be a VIP in the Seminole Casino, buying a nice suit with the money stolen from a guy in the casino. He stole his membership card too. With it, he convinced Lou and Idris, average gangsters from Independence to be his bodyguards; and attracted Holly, a random visitor of the casino, to be his girlfriend. With the grand reveal, Holly slaps Marlon in the face as he stands up and angrily leaves the scene without saying a word. Lou and Idris are about to beat him up, the former points his revolver at him. Cesar stops them, he’ll be the one taking care of the liar. “You f*cked up dog!” Lou points his middle finger at Marlon as he and Idris walk away. Cesar and Freddie preach, warning Marlon and Vigo to never be rascals, don’t ever think to betray the two cops. “Be real, that’s the worst scam I’ve ever seen. You ain’t a pro conman,” Cesar says. “I say I’m sorry, here’s yours,” Marlon hands over a stack of money as compensation. Cesar then orders Vigo to take the injured Marlon to hospital or any doctor out there; he’s still useful after all. The next cutscene shows a quick timelapse to the sunrise. Today's a sunny day. More people flock in the park; sitting down under the sunlight, jogging while listening to music, and cycling their BMX bikes. Cesar and Freddie walk around the seaside's pavement. On their right: the blue ocean with couple of speedboats, yachts, and the apartments of Vizcaya Island on the horizon. Like the other days, Freddie condemns Cesar for going too overboard with his intimidation back when he's still in the department. They can't hang out together as freely as usual; Marlon's misbehavior today highlights Freddie's weakness: can't manage the dirty works alone. Cesar affirms he'll settle by. Before parting, Cesar questions his cop buddy about the DOA's investigation in their division commence. How it affects their immoral affairs? Does that scare Freddie? The answer is bold, "I'm not a pussy. The agency only looks at those speding for jewels and whips. We? We just small roaches taking crumbs from those cartel launderers!” “The bottom of the pyramid, sure. But you know who else likes us? The class of '83, they did the same and their heads were still hunted. DOA didn't care if our police had to outsource for vigilantes as result! You're still in the danger zone." "Trust the luck." "If that runs out, you've think of any way out?" "Not at all. I got a strong survival instinct right here." NEXT: Tricking "Goliath" Edited December 21, 2023 by wise_man LowTierDude 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted October 31, 2022 Author Share Posted October 31, 2022 (edited) On 5/7/2022 at 12:07 PM, AkshayKumar said: I'm a bit mixed about having the different grade weapons to be bought in different places. On one hand it feels more convenient to buy all in one place but on the other it makes more sense that an underground store won't have the quality merchandise that the top gunrunners have. It's definitely more immersive this way though. Yeah I just found it weird that while a GTA game can have many gun stores around the map, all of them act almost identical. In GTA III and the original Vice City, aside from the normal Ammu-Nation stores, we also have Phil Cassidy stores where heavy weapons are exclusively available. In GTA V, we only have Ammu-Nation outlets that sells all weapons. On 4/16/2022 at 4:23 PM, Datalvarezguy said: Finished the V1, it looks fantastic. A more subtle approach to GTA, I like it. From what I understand, modern day Miami (and by extension Vice) is like, Bratva Headquarters or paradise or something, so I eagerly await once again for the clusterf*ck that is Russian Mob politics to come back in full swing. What will be explored is an opposite to @Jeansowaty's The Russian Roulette, more about grit behind glitz, high calliber Bratva's figures of wealthy oligarchs, playboy, and high-class prostitution racketeers, where the "American Dream" is alot easier to achieve. Personally I use Dukhless 2 as tone influence, eventhough it's not an action-crime film and I don't understand a single word. On 4/29/2022 at 11:35 AM, The Coconut Kid said: It also isn't lost on me that the Confidence theme plays out with a lot of the same logic as Heists in GTAV. It's not just a gimmick. You've put a lot of thought into how this can actually work gameplay and story-wise. Other than watching Hustle, I would recommend The Confidence Game book by Maria Konnikova for a bigger picture of how the con works. I try the best to keep anything grounded, not too over-the-top and unrealistic. On 6/12/2022 at 3:11 PM, sabitsuki said: Really great attention to detail and graphically pleasing while staying true to that classy rendition of 2017 Vice City you went for. Makes me wish it was actually a real game. Details and complexity have been unwritten goals here. Two things that I find missing from other modern VC concepts I've read. So far, I only know three concepts that are close enough to reach that: Vicio Imperia, VICE, and Vice City True Story by @Jezus Holy Christ (I still own the original savefile before its gone). I would also mention the ideas thread by @The Made Man, though it's not really a concept. They don't influence L&S directly, but still worth some attention. I also have that thought, I mean an AAA game centering on the realistic side of confidence tricks is strangely yet to be existed. The closest caper simulation I know is The Big Con indie game. It's possible that Rockstar would head to that direction, we have con options during GTA V and Online heists, and we have Hosea Matthews in RDR II as one of fan-favorite side characters. Edited November 24, 2023 by wise_man Akaviri, Jeansowaty and LowTierDude 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
One of Wisemen Posted November 11, 2022 Author Share Posted November 11, 2022 (edited) Credit to @Ivan1997GTA for the Russian dialogues and song suggestions. PREVIOUSLY: Funtime After Dark A usual 10 PM in Gostinaya, one of the glamorous clubs run by the Bratva. Located in Faena Beach, somewhere less chaotic than the Versace Boulevard few blocks south, the club doubles as a hangout for Russian mobsters and classy entertainment for nightlife enthusiasts and Eastern European immigrants. $50 for boys, free for girls. Everywhere else they always play generic Latin music. Here, it hits home: the DJ plays “Zelenoglazoe Taksi'' tonight. The music eclipses the euphoric screams from the dancefloor as the blue-purple lightning effects go wild. Meanwhile, two young men are in one of many soundproof VIP rooms. First is the prince, Lazar Petrenko, in white shirt, few buttons undone. With a Fleeca credit card in hand, he sorts the coke on the table. The other is Vadim Zeystev, in black-suit white-undershirt combination. Laughters and jokes are heard between each snort. “Я же говорил, что эта хороший кайф!” I told you this is some good sh*t! The door suddenly creaks open, revealing a tall middle-aged figure: Andriy Maximov. The scenery inside disgusts him. “God! you two never had enough?!” “Старший дедуля уже пришел!” Lazar laughs loudly and points at the older man. Big grandpa is finally here! He’s already high, too high obviously. “Похоже, ты болтаешь с плохим парнем,” Andriy approaches the table, eyes to Vadim, “But no-nonsense, Vadim, you know where Evan is?” Hanging with the bad boy, I see. The man in question isn’t as intoxicated as Lazar (yet), but he gives a short disappointing answer, “No.” Andriy isn’t pleased, “Can’t rely on them exploding the boats to push Artemiy insane anymore. But the show must go on.” “We stick with plan A?” “Evan only knew you in this puppet show, not me. Plus, nobody stalks you, right? We’re safe to go without any B.” “Nothing to worry about, Mr. Maximov. Забудьте про двух новичков, вы можете рассчитывать на меня,” Vadim says before ducking his nose back to the coke on the table. Forget those two amateurs, you can count on me. Vadim is reliable and skillful, hence why he’s the man for this top secret assignment. However, his addictions can be very distracting. If pub brawling is allowed in the club, Andriy would throw a fist on him, “I’d rather see you thirsting for pussies than my own poison.” Leaving their private coke-session, Andriy returns to the club’s main public area. He stands still and observes the dancefloor. The light paralyzes his vision, but he recognizes few faces among the crowd: few of his underlings, flexing their awful dance moves to win the ladies’ hearts. From behind, a friend with a girl on his arm comes in. “You’re not a madman,” Maximus says, “Things have changed. Nikolai won’t be-” Andriy cuts, protesting, “Money is second on this matter, Maximus. My love was stolen, and they gave it to a new rich kid in town.” Maximus compares himself to Andriy, “I have competitions too. Not talking Gay Tony here, I’m talking about Nikolai’s imports to replace me, some six-stars club managers from Moscow. Do I wish them gone? I do, but if I ever want to ruin their day, I have to plan it precisely as a long game, unlike your risky short game with instantaneous, unrealistic expectations.” As a close friend of Andriy, Maximus dislikes his idea to straight up bombarding Artemiy with nightmare after nightmares. He suggests more points: leave the oligarch alone, do the best to impress with what he has today, and nobody is f*cked up in the future. Not to add that Evan and Donovan had vanished mysteriously. His rival could be one step ahead, who knows? Andriy keeps a straight bored face, he won’t be absorbed by his friend’s preach and critics. Stopping the speech for a while, Maximus whispers to his girl, “See over there? Get me that shiny Crowex, honey.” The girl obeys, quickly going after her target. He basically gives an example of how Andriy is supposed to act against Artemiy: more subtle, less obvious. But Andriy can’t stand it anymore, so he decides to leave through the front door. Maximus follows behind. “Are you even listening?!” Outside the club is a line of anxious patrons, waiting to be approved by the bouncer. Working tonight in that position is Georgiy Tokhtakhunov, in an all-black Didier Sachs that conceals his taser, pistol, and brute muscles underneath. Not the suitable kind of person you would mess with, but a blonde lady in a red lace dress is there, arguing with him. “I fear you got a shady ID, Miss Natalia,” Georgiy refuses to let the girl in. It is indeed shady, part of Maria Vinogradova’s disguise. Maximus sees the problem, poor girl must’ve been stuck there for minutes. He calls Georgiy, “G-man, something wrong?” “Her identity,” Georgiy explains, “Something fishy.” The design is okay: matched photograph, Natalia Smirnova, age 25, Vinewood; but its material feels off on Georgiy’s fingers. A little softer than standard. Maximus takes the card, checks it closely for a second, and smiles at Maria, “Let her in.” The red rope barrier is lifted. The club may welcome her, but Georgiy ain’t giving her a welcoming smile. “Enjoy your night, madam,” Maximus hands the card back to Maria as she gets in. Turning back to Georgiy, he reminds the bouncer, “You forget our operational standard? Priority on pretty girls.” “F*ck me,” Andriy takes a smack. “That slavic hottie is thousand times better than your old horse.” “At least I respected her while I was gone to LC. You keep changing younger girls as if they’ll be dead tomorrow morning.” You gain control of Maria as she walks into the club. The objective is to look for Vadim; a name given by Evan during his interrogation. A name who gets Evan and Donovan into this sh*t. A missing link to find the exact mastermind who haunts Artemiy. Many diversions around: guys trying to flirt with you, girls trying to make new friends, dealers selling dope, bottle services... Ignore them all. You will eventually find Vadim on the dancefloor, dancing energetically alone. The instruction now is to get through the crowd carefully and talk with him. Three dialogue options on the screen as you bump up to him and eyes meeting one another. One option (*) only available if you know he’s into getting high all the time: an intel found by questioning Evan beforehand or activating observation mode to see the grains of coke left in his nose. [Pretend to be high on coke]* [Greet seductively] [Greet politely] Maria greets him with a smile, “Как дела? Ты сегодня один?” What’s up? You’re alone tonight? “Ух ты, рад тебя увидеть.” Vadim’s sweaty face grins in reply while keeping his dance. “Как тебя зовут, красотка?” Wow, nice to meet you there / Who are you, pretty? “Natalia, call me Natie.” “Natie, красивое имя для красивой женщины,” he chuckles, “Vadim.” A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. “You all alone here. Need a friend, right?” “Как я могу устоять?” Vadim keeps his childish joyful expression, “Ты же очень великолепно выглядишь.” How can I reject? / You look too lovely “Спасибо. Ты тоже,” Maria giggles. Thanks, you too. Have some fun You decide. Stay on the dancefloor for dancing button-mashing minigame like TBOGT or try other activities: darts on the wall, drinking at the bartender table, air hockey, or pool. Choices will be dotted on the interior minimap once you spot them. Regardless of what you pick, he acts as if he’s good at anything to impress Maria, the hard way. Throughout the joy, Vadim asks a lot: Is she new to the club? Since when has she migrated here? But you guide her to not disclose much about your fabricated profiles. An air of mystery is what makes you alluring. “By the way,” Maria questions him in turn, “What do you do exactly?” “I work in Riviera as you know, drug porter. Like everyone else here, we get dirty for the elites there, but the payment worth.” “So much for an American dream, huh?” “One can always dream it, but me? Not that far yet. Cars, condos, money, at least I got a woman now.” Maria blushes, “Don’t tease me like that.” “Seriously, I haven’t met someone as good as you, I’ll show you to all my friends if I get a chance.” He’s already invested in your seduction. Time to pull another trigger. Let’s go to your home Let’s go somewhere more secluded Sorry, I need to go, something important “Vadim,” Maria closes the space between them; inviting him in a seductive low tone, “It’s getting late, Уже поздно, может мы ‘повеселится’ у тебя дома?” Maybe we can take the ‘fun’ to your home? Her words make him shivers, “Yeah, давай отвезем веселье домой, Natie.” Let’s take the fun back home Take Vadim home While heading to the front door, Vadim gives her an address: A middle-class apartment, on the right across Matryona in Riviera. Less patrons are on the waiting line, and someone skinnier has replaced Georgiy’s duty in the gate. Vadim’s car is being repaired. He came to the club by cab. Had you brought Maria’s navy Sentinel SN and parked it nearby, you can use it as the solution. Otherwise, quickly call the yellow taxi in the street. You happen to prepare that car. Maria takes the driver seat, and Vadim sits beside her. The best route to Riviera as shown by the minimap’s GPS is through Philly Ave. Left right are colorful lights of city buildings and cars. Don’t get distracted. “1 Night” of Art O’ War is scripted to play throughout the drive. “Maybe I should be the one who drives, Natie,” Vadim says, “I will treat you as a tsarina.” “You should feel lucky to have a girl willing to drive you home.” “Perhaps you’re spot on. But when I got that two-seated Pegassi, I bet you will force me to drive anywhere you want.” “Definitely, you owe me that favor.” Vadim barely speaks anything else afterward. Getting lost to the music, he moves his head and hands in rhythm behind. His eyes occasionally glancing impatiently at Maria whose focus is on the road. Stop the car’s engine in front of the apartment, Oceanus Tower 18. Nobody is seen outside on the sidewalk at midnight. “At last,” Maria sighs, “Take me to your room.“ Leaving the car, Vadim grabs Maria’s right hand, and the couple rush to his apartment room: second floor, two doors left from the stairs. He hurriedly inserts the room’s key. The white wooden door opens, and he abruptly pushes Maria against the door, locking his lips with hers aggressively and cupping her chest with both hands. While his attention is all on her lips, Maria’s right hand slowly reaches to the slit of her dress, taking out a needle from her concealed thigh holster. A one-time use equipment that must be refilled with bottles bought from a pharmacy or underground doctor after each injection. SEDATIVE SYRINGE EQUIPMENT Engineered for non-lethal takedown. One hit on the neck for a deep sleep. Make sure the target is distracted when injecting. Maria wraps her arms around his neck. He drowns too deep into lust (and coke), failing to notice the needle on the back of his neck. Tap (R2) to sedate “Ouch,” Vadim gasps, stopping his movement.. “Are my nails that sharp? Sorry,” Maria pretends to look worried. He ignores the slight pain and kisses her again. It’s all dizzy very suddenly, the sight of Maria gets blurry, then everything goes black. Vadim has a little recollection of what happened last night when he wakes up in the bed at 6. I came to Gostinaya, a coke with Lazar, a fun with a girl, and went home. Who’s her name again? Oh yeah, Natie. Hold on, did I f*ck her last night? Answering that last question is a piece of paper he found next to the pillow. Thanks for the wild funtime See you tonight With love, Natalia. He realizes the only clothing left in his body is his boxer b
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