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Just more outfits mod?

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Randall Good



I'm playing RDR2 for the first time and love collecting new clothing items, but I'm dismayed that I can't save more than four outfits to my horse (I can never actually save the fifth outfit for some reason). I know about the expansive clothing mod, but it seems to me that this mod just gives you every male clothing item that appears in the game. All I want is to have more save-able outfits with the clothing I've collected. Is there a mod for this? Thanks!

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As far as I know, there isn't anything yet to add more custom outfit slots to your horse. The closest thing you could do is one of the outfit manager mods which allows you to save outfits. This way you can purchase clothing articles and apply them however you want, and use the outfit manager to save that combination. The only downside is the immersive aspect, since you're not limited to saving them to your horse. The outfit manager saves them and allows you to load them like a trainer.

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