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[MP] Anxious Power

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Kendric MacBeth and Zadok MacBeth are two brothers suffering from hardships to earn money and keep their mother healthy. Whereas their father is a cruel, alcoholic and drug addict. Father relies on his sons for the money and causes domestic violence oftenly. But one day, everything goes upside down for Kendric and Zadok, it is time that they will choose their one ultimate path out of many ways.




Kendric MacBeth



Age: Epi1- 18 years old

About: Kendric is a guy who is going through many phases, he is learning about life, human's decisions and how it affects everything naturally and morally. He will do anything to achieve peace, anything.


Zadok MacBeth



Age: Epi1- 20 years old

About: Zadok is a hard working lad who is currently chasing his placement for LVPD. He has always wanted to make his parents proud, to see his family become a normal happy family. He never forgot about humanity and kindness that his mother has taught him.


Mr. MacBeth and Mrs. MacBeth



Age: Epi1- 65 years old, 64 years old

About: Parents of Zadok and Kendric. 


Gary Owens



Age: 57 years old

About: Old member of The Hyenas, due to his oldage he can't do much work for the gang therefore his position is among low class workers.


Ramon Campos



Age:  43 years old

About: Leader of The Hyenas, he worked hard to get in the army but being so evil and brutal, he was rejected. Now with changed paths, he only seek power and money no matter how many people he has to kill.


Episode1- "Beyond the Surface"

Episode2- "Decision of Fate"

Episode3- "Illegal Forest"

Episode4- "Drunk Philosophy"

Episode5- "Conspiracy"


All Episodes, SD and Mods included



World Info:

The story takes place inside RFL Universe.

Los Santos: Average crime rate, mostly drugs and street fight cases.

San Fierro: Unstoppable crime rate, city is filled with evil people, robbers and underworld dons. The Goverment is corrupted and gain profits from taxes and helping underworld dons. The Minister of city has destroyed law system and the cops are all sold out. There is no fairness at this place, people fight for daily bread, everyday. 

Las Venturas: Hardworking Police Department has established peace here, low or almost no crime rates. LVPD helps all over the country including LS, SF and other parts of map.


Anxious Power/Kendric Theme




Yasir RFL- For making this mission pack, skins and universe.

M316- For making skins.

RedBaron- For testing.

Dutchy and Patrick- For making DYOM.

SIZZZ- For making DYOM#

Edited by Yasir_RFL
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49 minutes ago, Huzaifa khan said:

Played both missions. Story looks quite realistic really excited to see what's gonna happen next ?!

BTW, that old man looks suspicious to me.

Thanks a lot for playing. You'll get more of that old man surely XD

  • Best Bru 1
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  • 2 weeks later...
Huzaifa khan

Yeah, you can feel for my man Kendric MacBeth 'Cuz he's TEEN xD :lol:

And that old Gary will f*cked him up! By the way amazing two parts nice scenario build-up.

Nice use of Cutscenes and specially that base and gang theme.

Impressive work bro! 💯

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14 minutes ago, Huzaifa khan said:

Yeah, you can feel for my man Kendric MacBeth 'Cuz he's TEEN xD :lol:

And that old Gary will f*cked him up! By the way amazing two parts nice scenario build-up.

Nice use of Cutscenes and specially that base and gang theme.

Impressive work bro! 💯

It's an honour to hear those words from you my man. I promise to keep making good episodes that you'll enjoy. Keep playing.

Thank you for the review. I'll try to make more episodes sooner but I won't rush anything cause I want to deliver good experience to the players. :D

  • Best Bru 1
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On 3/19/2022 at 4:20 PM, Yasir_RFL said:



Anxious Power Episode 3- Illegal Forest


If ya'll having problems with 3rd episode - just skip the cutscene at the beginning. For some of y'all it might be saying "MISSION FAILED" after the first cutscene ends - hope it gets fixed :) 

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Thank y'all for the support and review.

Sorry for late episode release, I was planning stuffs for DC#10.

Everything's good so I am now making epi 4 after that it'll be a break for Anxious Power till 1st May or maybe before that. 

Thank you for playing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
6 hours ago, MassM said:

i had finished playing the MP and its really cool man, hope it'll be more cuz i really want to know what happened next.
keep it up buddy 😀

Surely mate, currently working on project for DYOM Contest 10 so Anxious Power is on hold but as soon as I am free from that, new episodes will release soon. :D

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