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Older Gamer! My Bug and Request List for Rockstar Games GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition!

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*Request to Rockstar for GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition*

***Missing Features or Bugs that should be added back or resolved to the Game! POST 1.04 Patch***

Bring back missing ambient sounds (Ocean, Wind, Wildlife) in all games

Fix Model Multi Colored Texture Bugs and crashes.

Improve CJ Model and other prominent NPCs. CJ clothing textures need to be improved.

Reinstate missing Songs. They have the funds to re-purchase the rights if artists are willing.

Some of the Apartments and Trailers in the country towns have very dark distorted low textures.

Map cracks in all games at distance

All Vehicles in Vice City have to much handling weight (Slides around to much)

Objects need to render further away from the player. Pop Ups and rendering are very noticeable, especially in San Andreas. 

Fog no longer appears in background while on foot or in vehicle

Add the original PS2 Blurry Ground Heat Wave back to San Andreas. (Blurry Mirage over roads, sidewalks and grounds)

Add back Music to Casinos and Strip Clubs (Right Now it is silence PS5)

San Andrea Gang Turf enemies spawn right behind you while clearing the hood making it broken.

Remove snoring sounds from a few Safe Houses (It sounds like you're robbing a Home. Some fixed in 1.03 Patch)

Fix and raise resolution on Cranes in Far East Liberty City Ports. (Cranes are very low resolution and clip builds when rotating}

Bring back 2 Player Co-op to San Andreas.

Peckers Feed and Seed Chicken and Cruel Oil Pump not moving .

Bring back top down camera to GTA3.

No Idle animation while leaving the controller alone.

Rocks, cliffs and ledges around water are low textures. (Should be updated like the rest of the textures)

Rain not making raindrops on water in GTA 3 or San Andreas, Vice City's barely visible.

Swimming needs a small speed boost.

Bad looping Motorcycle and Garage door sounds in Vice City.

San Andreas Crop Duster spray/smoke downgraded from original.

Add back original Aircraft (Planes, Helicopters, Amphibious Assault and Jetpack) PS2 flying handling physics. (Amphibious Assault handle terrible now)

Jetpacks using Modern Alt controls do not fly straight up, as they sway constantly to the right. (Handling is also horrible)
Controls for the Amphibious Assault handle needs way better handling.
Water Airplane handling needs work. It handles very bad.

Also, GTA 3 is missing the wind and seagull sound effects at the docks.

Hear other NPC vehicles radio passing by player (This was in the original games)

No Bubbles from CJs mouth while swimming underwater.

Vehicles in all games catch fire too easy in remasters

Grove Street Gang members no longer pose for Pictures.

Hydra Countermeasure is broken (seldom destroys missiles)

No momentum while jumping into water no matter what height.

The Physical version of GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition on PS4 has no option to upgrade to PS5 Version.

GTA 3 Gangs have wrong Icons on shirts

GTA 3 Gangs are broken, way too accurate. Enemy bullet damage is too high in GTA 3.

The Police Station Garage in San Fierro is completely broken.

CJ keeps holding weapons like shotguns strangely when aiming.

Crop duster and Stunt plane has almost no visible Spraying effect.

There is a Road Section in Flynt County (most noticeable in the street race "country endurance").
 where there is a glitchy gap between the Road and the grass.

The Arena Race "Dirt Track" is an unfinished mess.

There are still Objects not spinning like they did in the OG (V Rock Hotel, the X on the Gas Station, the giant chicken..)

***********Feature Request Wishlist***********

Claude & Tommy need CJ's ability to strafe, shoot left and right while standing and roll and shoot while crouching. Cover shoot?

Pls add Motorbikes/Dirt Bikes to GTA 3? DLC?

Let all weapons in GTA 3 and Vice City have 3rd Person view options.

Implement Story Mode Replay Missions option. (With all current weapons)

Users should be able to select separate controls for Foot, Flight, and Vehicles.

Option to make asphalt Roads either Black, Gray or Dark Gray like GTA 3. (They look very washed out)

The San Andreas Balaclava mask looks plastic and weird.(It should have a cloth texture like the original game)



Edited by IcemanOmega2020
3 hours ago, jrbabbitt said:

This will not be possible due to expired licenses for copyrights on the music

Don't make excuses for Rockstar. They're a billion dollar franchise. They have the funds to re-purchased the licensing 

31 minutes ago, IcemanOmega2020 said:

Don't make excuses for Rockstar. They're a billion dollar franchise. They have the funds to re-purchased the licensing 

funds don´t mean anything.
what if one label or license holder doesn´t want to give the license AT ALL!
what are they supposed to do then?
hold them hostage until they agree?
or what if some of those license holders ae soo god damn greedy that they would wants many millions just for a song?
would that be worth it?
licenses and such are a lot of times out of R*s control.

music industry is full of horrible greedy assholes.
there is not much they can do.

Edited by rollschuh2282
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19 hours ago, rollschuh2282 said:

funds don´t mean anything.
what if one label or license holder doesn´t want to give the license AT ALL!
what are they supposed to do then?
hold them hostage until they agree?
or what if some of those license holders ae soo god damn greedy that they would wants many millions just for a song?
would that be worth it?
licenses and such are a lot of times out of R*s control.

music industry is full of horrible greedy assholes.
there is not much they can do.

I agree, Its a shame.  It would be nice for them to add new songs to replace the old missing ones. 

  • Like 1
21 hours ago, IcemanOmega2020 said:

Don't make excuses for Rockstar. They're a billion dollar franchise. They have the funds to re-purchased the licensing 

Look at post above, sometimes the artist does NOT want his music to be included in a game,  film,  TV show,  whatever.   R* wanted the original music plus more ki believe they just could not get licenses. 

1 hour ago, jrbabbitt said:

Look at post above, sometimes the artist does NOT want his music to be included in a game,  film,  TV show,  whatever.   R* wanted the original music plus more ki believe they just could not get licenses. 

I agreed, I changed the Original Post,

On 11/19/2021 at 2:48 AM, IcemanOmega2020 said:

*Request to Rockstar for GTA Trilogy Definitive Edition*

*Missing Features or Bugs that should be added back or resolved to the Game!*

Fix Model Multi Colored Texture Bugs and crashes.

Improved Lighting in 24/7, 69$ Shops and Save Houses.

Reinstate missing Songs. Rockstar have the funds to re-purchase the rights if the artist are willing to negotiate. If the artist decline, Maybe replace with other songs)

Bring back PS2 Controls for all Minigames.

A bridge in flint county by Angel Pine has a disappearing texture.

San Andreas menu sounds are present in all 3 games, not the corresponding sounds to each game.

Some of the Apartments and Trailers in the country towns have very dark distorted low textures.

Add the original PS2 Blurry Ground Heat Wave back to San Andreas. (Blurry Mirage over roads, sidewalks and grounds)

Add back Music to Casinos and Strip Clubs (Right Now it is silence)

Remove snoring sounds from majority of Safe Houses (It sounds like your robbing a Home)

Add San Andreas Orange Tint back to Evening Dusk.

Fix and raise resolution on Cranes in Far East Liberty City Ports. (Cranes are every low resolution and clip builds when rotating}

Bring back 2 Player Co-op to San Andreas.

Bring back Cinematic Camera for all 3 games and bring back top down camera to GTA3.

Add more time to the vehicle before it explodes after it gets knocked over. (Time was cut shorter for Definitive Edition)

Some of the Apartments and Trailers in the country towns have very dark distorted low textures. (Some buildings have not seen any updates)

Rocks, cliffs and ledges around water is low textures. (Should be updated like the rest of the textures)

Rain needs to be transparent and louder. (Rain is missing sound in GTA 3 Liberty City in most areas)

Swimming needs a small speed boost.

Add back original Aircraft (Planes, Helicopters, Amphibious Assault and Jetpack) PS2 flying handling physics. (They handle terrible now)

Jetpacks using Modern Alt controls do not fly straight, as they sway constantly to the right. (Handling is also horrible)

Bring back PS2 Controls for all Minigames. (New controls for most minigames from lighting weights to pool is a downgrade)

Improve Framerate on Nintendo Switch.

*Requested Features and Quality of Life editions.*

Option to toggle Fog On and Off to hide Map size.

Add San Andreas CJ Shooting mechanics to Vice City and Liberty City (Strafing Left and Right while standing, Crouch and Rolling)

Users should be able to select separate controls for Foot, Flight, and Vehicles.

Missions need multiple checkpoints within a mission.

Option to make asphalt Roads either Black, Grey or Dark Grey like GTA 3. (They look very washed out)

The San Andreas Balaclava mask looks plastic and weird.(It should have a cloth texture like the original game)




I vote specially for:


- Bring back PS2 Controls for all Minigames

- Add the original PS2 Blurry Ground Heat Wave back to San Andreas. (Blurry Mirage over roads, sidewalks and grounds)

- Add back Music to Casinos and Strip Clubs (Right Now it is silence) > and also in the disco/dance club

- Add San Andreas Orange Tint back to Evening Dusk > and also gray/green tint in GTA III

- Rain needs to be transparent and louder. (Rain is missing sound in GTA 3 Liberty City in most areas)

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, sutalu said:


I vote specially for:


- Bring back PS2 Controls for all Minigames

- Add the original PS2 Blurry Ground Heat Wave back to San Andreas. (Blurry Mirage over roads, sidewalks and grounds)

- Add back Music to Casinos and Strip Clubs (Right Now it is silence) > and also in the disco/dance club

- Add San Andreas Orange Tint back to Evening Dusk > and also gray/green tint in GTA III

- Rain needs to be transparent and louder. (Rain is missing sound in GTA 3 Liberty City in most areas)

Thanks, But I just want the original games minus the bugs back in entirety.  Grove Street Games remastered the original games for the Xbox/phone while cutting a lot of content out. Then they ported that same phone version to the newer consoles while leaving everything that was cut out of the phone versions.

On 11/20/2021 at 2:38 AM, rollschuh2282 said:

music industry is full of horrible greedy assholes.
there is not much they can do.

just like Take2 

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