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Death to the cholos!

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  • 1 month later...

Oh! Yeah man! i Rember the cutscene when they whiped out Cholos, Umberto had problem with Cholos, so Vic and Umberto's boyz have puted Umberto's explosive doll right in Cholo warehouse, and that's basically the end of them, but they turf around Little Haiti was later in 1986 taken by Haitians, so Umberto after getting rid of Cholos now has Haitians to deal with. And actually cutscene was really funny.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/12/2022 at 1:08 AM, GTAFanLuca said:

Yes, Cholos will keep on spawning after that mission, albeit not as often as they used to before the mission.


That's the same energy as those Japanese soldiers from WW2 who still think the war is going on 

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On 1/8/2022 at 10:54 AM, VankeX said:

Oh! Yeah man! i Rember the cutscene when they whiped out Cholos, Umberto had problem with Cholos, so Vic and Umberto's boyz have puted Umberto's explosive doll right in Cholo warehouse, and that's basically the end of them, but they turf around Little Haiti was later in 1986 taken by Haitians, so Umberto after getting rid of Cholos now has Haitians to deal with. And actually cutscene was really funny.

Actually, in VC (1986) Tommy gets involved in a war with Phil against the "Mexican Arms Dealers", which could be remnants of the Cholo gang from VCS (as they also were arms dealers going against Phil)


Specifically in the mission "Gun Runner"



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