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GTAVC:DE GXT to Locres Conversion Tutorial & Documentation

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Figured I'd turn this into a topic so it doesnt get lost




I've wrote down as many of the new button and hud icon syntax as I can find for Vice City found below you'll need these to make your mod text nice and pretty.


this should work for SA and III but I haven't Documented the new Syntax





Differences in the DE

all radio icons are either missing or have new names i could not figure out.

gxt line "Potion" which reads "you have drank a magical elixir and have turned into FRANKENTOMMY " from the android release is still present

the text box now auto resizes its self if there's too much text, though not always ideal as it can be very tiny


Well enough background work lets get started!


download UnrealLocres.exe

drop the exe into a folder you can easily get to

this tutorial relies on you understanding the windows command line interface.


open CMD and CD to the directory you moved UnrealLocres.exe


extract the CSV by entering the command

UnrealLocres.exe extract "x:\your path to VCDE Extracted pack contents\Localization\GTAVC\Game\en\Game.locres" 


it'll extract the info to a csv table next to UnrealLocres.exe, next open that file in google spreadsheets

now to my current knowledge adding new lines just doesn't work so we need to edit Pre-Existing text we cant edit the text directly though we need to make the changes in Table C


it'll look something like this



now we need to compile the new Game.locres so back in CMD we enter this line


import UnrealLocres.exe import "x:\your path to VCDE Extracted pack contents\Localization\GTAVC\Game\en\Game.locres" Game.csv [-f{csv}]


this will drop a new file next to your Game.locres in "x:\your path to VCDE Extracted pack contents\Localization\GTAVC\Game\en\"

the new file will be named Game.Locres.new


copy that to your new pak file making sure the directory looks the same and build your pak.


Congratulations you have customized the new text format for VC DE!




You can add custom fonts by simply downloading a TTF opening it in unreal engine, clicking yes on make a font, hit cook and copy and rename the cooked file to the one you want to replace in

\yourmod\Gameface\content\common\fonts and build the pak



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