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Elden Ring | FromSoftware | 2022

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So the PC version doesn't sound hot.


First up there's a 60fps cap due to engine reasons, and there's also no native ultrawide support. Could be easy fixes for modders, could be tedious due to ER having EAC.


But now there's some talk, just talk for now, that PC version is a stuttery mess. That'd be a big f*cking oof.


Hopefully the fps/UW stuff can be fixed by modders (as per usual :|) and the stutter stuff is fixable or not true.

No native ultrawide support, love to see it. What year are we in?


Honestly, if that's the case then with that anti cheat shyte i may hold off for abit and see if a fix comes around. Not what i wanted to hear as i've been looking forward to it.


The UW fix potentially being tedious due to EAC is entirely my own speculation,  it could be not an issue for modders, and probably won't be, my main worry is what does EAC think of it. Getting binned from the online portion of the game due to an anti-cheat not liking me fixing developer sh*ttery aint appealing. Hopefully the fix will be quick and not trigger any EAC problems.


I was waiting for the PC version to launch to see if the UW/60fps issues could be fixed anyway but now I'm definitely waiting to see what Digital Foundry and others say about the PC version.


I just hope they get rightly criticised from any issues with the PC version though. From benefit massively from their... lets call it incredibly loyal fanbase, shall we say. If the talk of reviewers having to lower their resolution to get acceptable frame rates even on good hardware is true, then the PC version is launching in a state deserving of shaming.

Streamer preview event going on right now, all playing the PC version. There's only about a dozen streamers playing and, from what I've seen said, three of them have had crashes, one of them had their PC crash entirely. Stuttering issues across the board which seem to be caused when you enter/exit places, so likely a loading or shader issue.


Soooooooooooooooooo yea, seems like a potentially sh*t PC port for what it is probably their most popular/important platform and probably their most hyped game ever.


Might pick up the GW2 expansion instead and wait for the PC version to be patched. Digital Foundry's covergae of it will be important for people on the fence like me, to see just how widespread these issues are throughout the game.

I'll wait for the DF video. No ultrawide support is a major turn off for me anyway (if or when it gets fixed by modders).


Even the Souls remasterd game by QLOC had UW support. I guess these devs are just not with the times. 🤷‍♂️


New trailer just dropped, some of the weapons look ridiculously good:




Supposedly in other games with no UW support that have EAC the fix is modders have to figure out how to disable EAC, so it's doable... but it means no online play.


Really hope this is just gonna be doomsaying in the end cause I was quite looking forward to having my first proper whirl with a From game, hopefully they patch in UW support at least post-launch if EAC is indeed an issue.

Hmmm, not sure how essential online play will be in Elden. Going to be missing out on messages, invasions etc.


Not that arsed about pvp to be fair, though. Especially how desyncy it looked on those streams. I guess we'll just see what the outcome is in a few days, shame really.


Oof. Digital Foundry's coverage may only come out day 1, or later. Supposedly (no idea if this is enforced or by mutual agreement) that the games performance will/can only be shown with the day 1 patch.


I heard the reviewers were already on the day 1 patch but maybe there's going to be a new one?


Not a good look eitherway if the devs are relying on a day 1 patch so much.


Edit: DF have clarified it: 



From what I've heard PC has the day 1 patch already so idk, we'll see I guess.

  • Realistic Steak! 1

Yong's review is out, played it on PC and yep micro stuttering galore. Honestly i hope this day 1 patch adress said issues.


Still can't see them adding ultrawide support, sigh. 20:48 into the review, that's a big ooof!




Amazing reviews, really want to pick it up but yea the PC issues are concerning, especially with no UW support.


There's a bit of talk about the PC version so far but there's nothing definitive about how bad the issues are, some say they had a few crashes and stutters (which the console versions have too) but nothing too bad overall, meanwhile there's one guy who had to change to the PS5 version cause he was having so many issues, Schreier tried the PS5 version but went back to PC.


There's even some speculation from people with the game who have talked to others that the more powerful your rig the worse the problems are, which would be... odd.


I'm half tempted to pick it up and play it on my 1080p 16:9 screen honestly lol.


Edit: Flicked through that video the stutters don't look too bad as long as they're not constant, but that slowdown and speedup lag thing is naaaaaaaaaaaaaasty.

I'll end up switching monitors for this too, no doubt.


Also, i read up somewhere that there was UW fix for that FallGuys game that used EAC. Basically used an application instead of modifying config files, which would then get flagged by EAC.


Hopefully something comes of all this, we'll see.

4 minutes ago, DEADWOODZ said:

I'll end up switching monitors for this too, no doubt.


Also, i read up somewhere that there was UW fix for that FallGuys game that used EAC. Basically used an application instead of modifying config files, which would then get flagged by EAC.


Hopefully something comes of all this, we'll see.


Given it's a massively hyped game from From, if there's a way it'll be found extremely quickly I imagine.


Frustrating to see such a massive release have a PC version dogged with issues, and it's also quite frustrating to see these genuine issues not reflected on in the scores and barely touched on in the review its self. Tired of technically poor releases, and even more tired of these games relying on modders to fix the issues.

The highest rated game in the history of OpenCritic. I did expect overwhelmingly positive reviews, but not to that extent. Oh well, that's a nice bonus. Going in completely blind, avoiding any footage beyond the first two locations like the plague. My congratulations to everyone who's made it. It was a long wait.

The performance of this game across all platforms sounds bloody bizarre lol.


Seems to be growing evidence that the more powerful the machine the worse the issues become. Low-med spec machines sound like they're running it without much issue. Could be a higher resolution thing perhaps?


This also seems to be backed up by what is being reported that the Series S version out performs the Series X, with Digital Foundry seemingly (they haven't outright confirmed what game they're talking about) looking for a way to force a Series X to run the game in Series S/XB1 mode because the X version isn't the best version.


None of this is helped by a new day 1 patch releasing today and performance analysis not being allowed to be posted until tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to wait till then to see what's up with the PC performance stuff.


Edit: Seeing someone wit ha 580/3700x run the game at 1080p/60fps no issues, and a 1060 running the game at 37 average at 1440p, so FPS wise the performance seems fine based on that, just the stutters and crashing.


Might just chuck it on my 1080p screen with DLDSR on if a UW fix isn't possible.

  • Realistic Steak! 1

After playing games like EFT that don't really give you any sense of direction to what the f*ck you are doing, what ammo types are the best for guns etc. I think i may just find this fun lol.


Also having not realllly delved much into the soulsborne series, this may just scratch that itch for that type of thing. Feel like i need to dig my controller out for this too.




  • Realistic Steak! 1
4 hours ago, Jason said:


Given it's a massively hyped game from From, if there's a way it'll be found extremely quickly I imagine.


I can confirm from people who have access to the .exe for RE purposes that EAC will not be an issue for modding, and at worst you will just be forced offline.

Just now, Banana said:

I can confirm from people who have access to the .exe for RE purposes that EAC will not be an issue for modding, and at worst you will just be forced offline.


Yea that's what I suspected. It would just suck to be forced offline, I'm not interested in it for PvP (may dabble in co-op) but missing out on the messages and stuff from the Souls games would be a shame, seeing as it would by my first proper dive into a From game.

2 minutes ago, Jason said:


Yea that's what I suspected. It would just suck to be forced offline, I'm not interested in it for PvP (may dabble in co-op) but missing out on the messages and stuff from the Souls games would be a shame, seeing as it would by my first proper dive into a From game.

You aren't losing a whole lot by playing offline, and honestly for a first run it's best to be as blind as possible in my opinion, rather than having some player hints around the map via bloodstains or messages.  


Anyway we have almost 24 HRs to go on PC, I am more than ready to enjoy this through and through.  Haven't been excited for a new game release in a few years.

I heard the Series versions perform really poorly. I was going to buy this on Friday but going to hold off for this patch and see what's up. 


On the plus side, I'm loving the reviews I'm hearing. 




Talking to someone with early access + reading a Brazillian sites benchmark definitely seems to point to the game being CPU and RAM heavy.


Sounds like the official minimum requirements are no joke, the game struggles on a 4 core CPU and on 8gb of RAM, with the game running significantly better once you up to that 6-8c and 12gb of RAM, and while the stutter issues don't go away completly going up to stuff like a 5600x/5800x/5900x or Intel equivelent helps a lot. All of this is w/o the day 1 patch as well.

Yeah...i'm definitely leaning towards Astrologer, now. For those those distance spells and then just f*ck off away from the fight hehe. Orrr, Vagabond for heavy armour from the get-go.

  • Realistic Steak! 1

Mr. Matty Plays has some nice non-spoilerish hints for starting off. 


Also, I heard people buying this game by changing the region to New Zealand. Anyone try this yet? I have to do a little work before I can try. Going to try in an hour or so. 


rd p



Also, I heard people buying this game by changing the region to New Zealand. Anyone try this yet? I have to do a little work before I can try. Going to try in an hour or so. 


Might be worth it if you're on console and don't want to wait until midnight.  PC unlocks in 2 hours so it's not really worth the bother for me.

The New Zealand trick is a Xbox / MS store thing, doesn't work for other platforms or stores.

Well I did take the gamble and YOLO bought it from GMG and I played about an hour and a half before I go to bed which is less than peanuts for a game of this size obviously but it felt like I was playing it more out of intrigue rather than enjoyment. I absolutely suck at the combat as expected but I've been going around fighting stuff to learn and grab runes to level up and very slowly improving there - getting into the habit of dodging into attacks is a big one, I'm so used to MH's combat when it comes to dodging and countering attacks which I was trying to get out of my system - but there's no real immediate hook for me. I dig the idea of just exploring and finding your own path but when you're brand new everything just looks a bit overwhelming, so I ended up just sorta running around, trying to clear some camps and just in general trying to find stuff that looked a bit more welcoming, which didn't go great lol.


The world is beautiful, like seriously the design here is 10/10 and looking at some streams it only gets more stunning, the story was also intriguing even with the little it gives you at the start and the music (especially in that intro cinematic, oof) amazing but yea, I'm not sure it'll click with me. Had success in recent years with intentionally trying new types of games and finding new interests but From games might just not be for me in the end.

This is the most glaring issue I have run into so far on the PC build of Elden Ring.  Not my footage but the same thing is happening.  Someone said disabling Multithreading should help, but this sh*t needs to be patched ASAP.



20 hours ago, Jason said:

Well I did take the gamble and YOLO bought it from GMG and I played about an hour and a half before I go to bed which is less than peanuts for a game of this size obviously but it felt like I was playing it more out of intrigue rather than enjoyment. I absolutely suck at the combat as expected but I've been going around fighting stuff to learn and grab runes to level up and very slowly improving there - getting into the habit of dodging into attacks is a big one, I'm so used to MH's combat when it comes to dodging and countering attacks which I was trying to get out of my system - but there's no real immediate hook for me. I dig the idea of just exploring and finding your own path but when you're brand new everything just looks a bit overwhelming, so I ended up just sorta running around, trying to clear some camps and just in general trying to find stuff that looked a bit more welcoming, which didn't go great lol.


The world is beautiful, like seriously the design here is 10/10 and looking at some streams it only gets more stunning, the story was also intriguing even with the little it gives you at the start and the music (especially in that intro cinematic, oof) amazing but yea, I'm not sure it'll click with me. Had success in recent years with intentionally trying new types of games and finding new interests but From games might just not be for me in the end.


This is exactly it for me. I was playing more out of intrigue than enjoyment. Love the art direction, the world etc but I'm not sure this is the game for me either. I'm going to give it a good try. Some of the best entertainment comes after some extra effort. 


The progression is slow for me. I'm kind of lost as to what to do and where to go which is something unusual for me.  I'm not sure I like the idea of all the enemies in the same place constantly respawning every time you use a Site of Grace. I do get it but it reminds me I'm playing a game, and killing the same guys in the exact same places is not really my idea of immersive play. 


Having said that I'm completely new and need more time to adjust to this type of game. 

Edited by Mister Pink

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