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how do you want cell phones to work?

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Lemoyne outlaw

so as im replaying gta 4 and 5 i really enjoy the cell phone feature. since most gta games had cell phones i assume we will have one in gta 6. although i guess how it will work will depend on what era its in. if its 80s then i doubt we can do much with it like in gta 5. but if its modern era or even in the 2000s. it should be interactive. i really want to see them do more with it. gta 5 already gave us the internet with it. and a few other things. but i think it would be cool if we could go into phone stores and buy different ones. i always wanted yusuf amirs gold phone. and we should be able to listen to the radio out of cars. or we could pick our own songs for a playlist.


im sure if its in the modern era it will probably be used for hacking too. sort of like watch dogs but not as much. i also want to be able to do prank calls. like we could prank our friends or random people and stores. i remember in gta 5 when trevor is hunting he could send pictures of his kills to his contacts. and they would text back about it. i think it would be cool to see this expanded upon. like if we took a picture of a dead person and sent it to one of our contacts they could text back.


so what do you think? how would you like cell phone to work?

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I'd actually be happy if we didn't have them at all, or if we did they'd be like the first kinds of portable phones, either car phones or those suitcase type ones.  I'd rather go back to phone booths.

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60017 Silver Fox

I'd be fine with basic internet and making good use of contacts like what they had in IV where you could contact people like Little Jacob or a girlfriend to get guns or remove wanted levels. Possibly double it up as a portable radio for them out of vehicle walks.

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It will be cool to be able to listen to the in game radio (maybe even a GTA podcast??) watch the in game TV on your phone and things like that. 


Be nice if your phone would save cheats once entered like in IV. 

Thomas Cavendish

we will have modern smartphones.
There is no coming back about this. there won't be phone booths, rotary phones, nokias.

the phones will be like any iphone nowadays. Photos, instagram, facebook, cameras, videos, filters.
no doubt about it.

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