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MOTW #193: Voting has commenced!

MOTW #193: Voting  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win MOTW #193?

    • Scarface Dreams (bananaking13)
    • The North Korean Connection (Stardust101)
    • Red State (jereckdown)
    • Beyond the Heart (M316)
    • Carnage (Target13)

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  • Poll closed on 10/28/2021 at 02:30 AM

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Due to a bug GTAForums has been having for ages, where clicking existing textboxes in the poll edit (or deleting existing entries) will simply refresh the page with no change at all; I will have to do one of two things, either re-make the entire poll, or just let @Target13's submission remain in the poll (which may create confusion for voters who may not have already voted yet). Re-making the entire poll will cause existing votes to be erased which I would understand is a bit of an inconvenience. With that said, @Axoez and @M316 please take this opportunity to vote for another mission since T13's has been withdrawn.


I highly appreciate the reviews being made as I believe reviews and feedback are incredibly important when it comes to keeping this community engaging and encouraging other users to improve. You may or may not see one from me soon 👀

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Hello everyone!


This is a review of Red State, the mission I enjoyed the most in this MOTW contest. This review is for @jereckdown, the Designer of the mission.




First of all, it's hard to believe this is your first mission! The quality of Red State is on par with other great and more experienced Designers! What a great debut!


The story was enjoyable! It tells the tale of a psychotic bandit looking to avenge his partner by killing the man responsible. It's simple, but I enjoyed it a lot!


Gameplay was super fun! I'm glad you chose the Sawn Off Shotgun as the main weapon! I rarely used it while playing GTA SA's story mode, but I loved using it in your mission! Plus, it's a fitting weapon for a story in the Desert!


I also liked the final fight between the bandit and the trucker! It really felt like a Final Boss stage! The last part reminded me of GTA 4's Pistol Execution Scenes! So much so that I executed the trucker with a Desert Eagle!


The object and effect placement was really good as well.


Well done Jereckdown! This was a fantastic mission! You managed to earn my vote!




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(was planning to write a full review for every missions yesterday but now that target's is disqualified i might as well post the review i wrote for him now)

Autistic & Nitpicky Review Time WOOOOOOOOOOOOOo





A prequel of 'AGENTS OF E.D.E.N: The Peace Circle', Sam Something is some dude possessed by an evil spOoOoky f*cking ghost named Carnage, after killing some japanese old man Yamada-Kun-Konichiwa-Hentai-Senpai-Blyat, he goes to the Wang Corporation building of Kigyo Tower to find some archive (which i already forgot about what that archive contains specifically but this sh*t is irrelevant who cares), then Sam gets angry of Carnage wanting to kill everyone with T.13 Virus (hmm wonder what that references), Carnage then puts Sam in a projection of his past and his motivation, and then gets out from the restricted area back to the meeting before anyone gets suspicious, then the something something ship sails away, Sam doesn't want Carnage to kill everyone so he calls Julie West, a journalist, starting the events of 'Agents Of E.D.E.N: The Peace Circle'.


Conclusion: Yeah is nice, nothing to complain.



In the beginning there is a shootout with the SFPD, but it was too easy, you have a lot of health, the enemies have low hp, and they can be headshot.

There is a stealth sequence later in the mission but I decided to do a rampage instead which was tOo eASy.


Conclusion: There isn't that much Gameplay. I think this mission is more focused into the story.



Now THIS part made me go wild, the memory trip projection thing is such a cool idea, the way you used unloaded map for it is incredible, how did you even thought of that? Then when things started taking a dark turn in Carnage's story, the sky became dark too. Incredible! But here's a black box object for another time where you want a black background.

The earlier part where you knife a guard and his body gets projected to you is also cool.


Conclusion: Easily the best part in the mission.

Optional Reviews, Non-Impactful on my vote:



non existent...


Conclusion: still non existent what did you expect



That Cover is pretty cool, minimalistic with style. But welll you're the photoshop expert so it's no surprise that you made a sick cover.


Conclusion: tf do you expect me to write here

The John David

Played all the entry's missions and here's my feedback & voted who's the best.


Scarface Dreams - @bananaking13


Introduction: Was bit confusing from the start, but the presentation is well-done.
Gameplay: Decent and pretty challenging for a bit, including a runaway from 6-star wanted level. Neither too hard or too casual, just balanced.
Plot: It wasn't so bad, the mission is more like a cliffhanger at the end.
Writing: Small spelling mistakes I've seen and read every time a dialogue shows up, but good work.

The North Korean Connection - @Stardust101


Introduction: Good presentation from the start. I loved what you've done in the intro.
Gameplay: It was great and challenging than Scarface Dreams.
Plot: It has good story, the mission has more positive and negative sensation when it comes in drastic situation as a villain.
Writing: No errors detected! Excellent!


Red State - @jereckdown


Introduction: Great presentation, a cowboy-villain theme style, kinda reminds me from Red Dead Redemption game.
Gameplay: Way more decent and challenging in a first try. I like the way you set-up some health pick-ups everywhere. Great job.
Plot: Great plot, though I couldn't say it anymore, but yeah. I remember the Saints of DeadWood made by @Heisenberg_GR has a greater plot than this, but this one's more unique and makes absolute sense to the villain.
Writing: Some small spelling mistakes and missing punctuation marks. But great.


Beyond The Heart - @M316


Introduction: Amazing presentation with a custom animation. Brilliant!
Gameplay: Same as the North Korean Connection style, the gameplay was great and fun on the shootout of the SWAT enforcers before the downfall scene.
Plot: A cool story, makes more sense and reasonable through the progress between the hero and villain. It was a bit cliffhanger at the end as well.
Writing: Small spelling mistakes and missing punctuation marks! But great!


Therefore! My vote goes to:


Red State - @jereckdown

Congratulations! You earned my vote!


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MOTW #193




Scarface Dreams




Right off the bat, I can say that this is a very neatly designed mission. Cutscenes and dialogues were pretty much on point, and I liked the 'load me a line of cocaine' line because of how the end of the mission tied back to that event very nicely. I do like it when earlier events become more important than they seem later on, as this is usually a sign of a well-planned plot.


However, plot-wise, there wasn't really much here at all otherwise, other than a villain with a conscience backstabbing a villain without one. In the very short span of the mission I wasn't able to connect very well to any of the characters present. The shootout at the start was okay; this is maybe a rare opinion but I personally do enjoy mowing down enemies with a minigun, particularly if the sequence is not too long. The part where Commander Stan received a solo cutscene and became a gameplay opportunity to kill off, came off as gratuitous, since him standing up as a solo man seemed to suggest that he would be an adversary who wouldn't go out without a fight, however all it took was the click of a button and he too was wiped off the face of the Earth.


About the six-star wanted level escape sequence, honestly this felt quite lazily designed as it appeared as though you were delegating the job to GTA SA's law enforcement AI. Apart from the given vehicle being happy to flip over at the smallest given opportunity, there was no real challenge since you were only required to drive and there was no other objective that would have made this segment as memorable. The finishing cutscene sequence was cool but overall the mission was very short with lots of potential, leaving a lot to be desired overall. Good attempt though, and I hope to see some cool submissions in the future!


RATING: 5.5/10


HOW TO IMPROVE: I know this is something you've strived to do in your other missions, but this one could have used some more variety, whether it was story-wise, or gameplay wise. After all, you did have plenty of objectives remaining to pull off some twists and turns, or flesh out story and characters more.



The North Korean Connection




This was also a very neatly designed mission overall. I liked how the cutscenes were constructed, and the characters were well-fleshed out, I felt. The horny old man was a nice touch too, a hint of subtle comedy in the midst of what is essentially a crime mission.


I did a bit of a double take at the names 'Chan' and 'Zhou' though, since they sounded very Chinese instead of Korean. Joo instead of Zhou would have made a more Korean sounding name, for example, but I will not take that into consideration for the final rating of the mission. Also, at the sequence where the Yakuza were taken down instantly by the CIA, I found myself instantly questioning why they didn't just do the same instantly to the North Koreans since apparently they did have a shoot-on-sight order on their hands and were trigger-happy for the rest of their mission. Maybe I'm overthinking this but it just came off as plot armor to me and nothing more. The shootouts were fine, simple but neat. I don't really mind that a lot, but it is noteworthy that there wasn't anything particular about the shootouts that made them unique. Not a bad thing in my eyes at all, but not particularly good, either. I however did appreciate the objective of picking up all the drug packages, as I felt that it was an underused and underappreciated feature of DYOM. A nice way to add a bit more interactivity.


Overall though, I have to say this is the mission where I felt the least 'evil'. Sure, I'm working for a crime/drug syndicate, and killing cops (something we've done enough times in the vanilla game), but I just didn't get that true ruthless vibe here. Even Zhou felt like a really nice boss to be working under. He seemed very concerned and protective of his men. This is not particularly a bad thing by any means, in fact it is great that you have created characters that the player can connect well to, but I personally have had this opinion where this specific theme called for something quite heartless or difficult to justify. Well done though!


RATING: 7/10


HOW TO IMPROVE: I believe there isn't much I can mention specifically here, but I would've loved to see your take on a more ruthless villain who makes it harder for the audience to like him.



Red State




First off, like Stardust said, this is insanely good for a beginner! I did notice grammatical errors but I completely understand since you are from a country where English is not the first language, so I won't really criticise you much for this facet. Despite the small grammatical errors though, I liked the quality of dialogues as they felt authentic. Furthermore, the presentation and ambience of the mission was right on point, and I would like to commend you for that. The starting cutscene segment was breathtaking.


Much of the action sequences and scene setups felt straight out of a Western film. I really liked it! The gameplay was sufficiently challenging I felt, and I'm not a big fan of the sawnoff shotgun, however I did manage to persevere through. I enjoyed the execution objective in the end as it closed things off really well. Ah, and the killing of the wife served to reinforce the heartlessness of the character we play as. I also really liked the placement of hidden explosive barrels.


Also, I personally did not understand how the main character disappeared in a gust of smoke and reappeared to the side. Not sure what happened there, whether there was some kind of technology in play or some kind of illusion going on. This felt to me like plot armor. Nevertheless, really good mission, with amazing presentation, well-designed cutscenes and thoughtful gameplay.


RATING: 8/10


HOW TO IMPROVE: Not much I can say specifically here, however regarding that last point about the main character disappearing into smoke and appearing elsewhere, a good alternative that I feel would have made more sense is something like an accomplice creating a distraction, which would have worked better here in my opinion. Also, I feel the shootout after this segment sometimes got messy with all the enemies trying to approach you and attack you. I feel it would have been neater if some of the enemies held their position, while others approached directly.



Beyond the Heart




Fantastic mission! I think it's safe to say it blew me away. Been a while since I played such a 'complete' mission, with an interesting hook to begin, an eventful middle segment and a closing sequence that really concludes the mission thoughtfully and emotionally. However, what impressed me the most was the mechanics involved in the cutscenes, and the amazing use of music to enhance the whole experience and make it feel like a short film. You seem to have an eye for the cinematic, too. The cutscene angles employed were really good.


I don't think I've ever seen a extended confrontation, a brawl and a tussle pulled off in cutscenes in DYOM before. If I have, they weren't as good as this. Sure, DYOM's engine makes these feel janky and jarring at points, but there was a lot of creativity and work put into these cutscenes and the final product is something that feels quite epic, in my opinion. Oh, and I loved how you employed the bullet striking the barrel at the start as a device throughout the mission, eventually culminating in an explosion that causes the crane object to collapse and the characters to fall to their demise. I've mentioned this earlier in the review of @bananaking13's mission: I really love it when a plot point from early in a story is linked thoughtfully and sensibly in a plot point that occurs later on the story. It just makes everything feel very structured and the story more complex and well-thought out. I commend you for this. I liked the creative use of animations to show the hand-to-hand brawl between Drake and Marko, and the use of the knife and the blood spray effect in the stabbing of the SWAT officer.


Oh, and the use of music was really the icing on the cake here. Each music choice was perfect in my opinion. The ending music was amazing and brought a real sense of closure to the story, and seemed to pass a subliminal message about the inevitability of death i.e. the idea of 'you live by the sword, you die by the sword'. The music also reaally enhanced the otherwise ordinary shootout sequence which I personally felt was not nailed quite well compared to the quality of the rest of the mission. I also liked that even though Marko has a past, he has essentially evolved into a psychopath and I felt my instinct telling me that I was about to take control of Drake, even though I knew this was a contest where I would play as the villain. Marko was well and truly evil in my eyes. His dialogue was appropriate for the character he played. And I felt that with Drake, you kept yourself away from the trap of overly cheesy dialogue and wrote good lines that made sense in the situation, despite the occasional errors I spotted overall. Really well-made mission and great job!


RATING: 9/10


HOW TO IMPROVE:  I will mention only two things here. Adding one more gameplay set piece would have been perfect in my opinion when it comes to the pacing and length of the overall mission. The only proper gameplay set piece (not including the quick fistfight segment) was the shootout with the police in my opinion, which brings me to the second point. The shootout with the police felt very messy in my opinion. I think they had 250 health, which is not really a problem, but they kept rushing at the player from their position and ended up in positions where I could not take them out from the roof. I had to jump off the roof, which resulting in me having very little cover while reloading and a police chopper on my ass too since I had gotten up to a three-star wanted level. This was the only thing in the mission that really took away from the overall experience, however, I have to say that the music during the sequence made me feel like a badass villain nevertheless.


As for @Target13's Carnage, I will not provide an extended review here since it no longer is a part of the competition, however I will provide my thoughts on it here:


Once again you have pulled off something incredible within DYOM. The standout sequence in my opinion was the flashback sequence. I don't think I've seen anything of that sort since the ghostly sequences in Ghost Ship. I loved how the flashback sequence was so symbolically pulled off by using stationary actors in poses and effects, and I love that it was still interactive, so there was enough time to take in the given information and it felt more engaging overall. The first shootout was good, quite fun but nothing particularly spectacular, and the stealth segment was decently pulled off. I did find myself questioning why Carnage didn't just blow the enemies up earlier if he had the power to do so, but I do understand that you wanted to provide a gameplay opportunity for players, so that's that. I loved the use of objects throughout the mission as they made complete sense and enhanced the atmosphere of the mission very effectively.


Overall this was a really good MOTW mission, but a much better T13U mission. It was the sort of experience that is more rewarding if you're familiar with the grand scheme of things within the Universe, as it connects seamlessly with the Agents of EDEN series. Well done again! If this was a contender for the competition, I would've had a difficult time choosing between this one and M316's entry since I enjoyed both roughly equally, but for vastly different reasons.


I would like to thank all the participants for taking time off their schedules to design. This was a pool of some really cool missions! My vote for this edition of MOTW goes to M316 for his mission Beyond the Heart. Well done!

Edited by RithRake24
1 hour ago, Axoez said:

(was planning to write a full review for every missions yesterday but now that target's is disqualified i might as well post the review i wrote for him now)

Autistic & Nitpicky Review Time WOOOOOOOOOOOOOo


  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents

A prequel of 'AGENTS OF E.D.E.N: The Peace Circle', Sam Something is some dude possessed by an evil spOoOoky f*cking ghost named Carnage, after killing some japanese old man Yamada-Kun-Konichiwa-Hentai-Senpai-Blyat, he goes to the Wang Corporation building of Kigyo Tower to find some archive (which i already forgot about what that archive contains specifically but this sh*t is irrelevant who cares), then Sam gets angry of Carnage wanting to kill everyone with T.13 Virus (hmm wonder what that references), Carnage then puts Sam in a projection of his past and his motivation, and then gets out from the restricted area back to the meeting before anyone gets suspicious, then the something something ship sails away, Sam doesn't want Carnage to kill everyone so he calls Julie West, a journalist, starting the events of 'Agents Of E.D.E.N: The Peace Circle'.


Conclusion: Yeah is nice, nothing to complain.


  Reveal hidden contents

In the beginning there is a shootout with the SFPD, but it was too easy, you have a lot of health, the enemies have low hp, and they can be headshot.

There is a stealth sequence later in the mission but I decided to do a rampage instead which was tOo eASy.


Conclusion: There isn't that much Gameplay. I think this mission is more focused into the story.


  Reveal hidden contents

Now THIS part made me go wild, the memory trip projection thing is such a cool idea, the way you used unloaded map for it is incredible, how did you even thought of that? Then when things started taking a dark turn in Carnage's story, the sky became dark too. Incredible! But here's a black box object for another time where you want a black background.

The earlier part where you knife a guard and his body gets projected to you is also cool.


Conclusion: Easily the best part in the mission.

Optional Reviews, Non-Impactful on my vote:


  Reveal hidden contents

non existent...


Conclusion: still non existent what did you expect


  Reveal hidden contents

That Cover is pretty cool, minimalistic with style. But welll you're the photoshop expert so it's no surprise that you made a sick cover.


Conclusion: tf do you expect me to write here


Adding up to this, I've decided to replay Agents of E.D.E.N, and although Sam was calling Julie in this area, he is nowhere to be seen in Agents of E.D.E.N, 0/10 for both Agents of E.D.E.N and Carnage!

Retroactive Sinning 👍

@Target13 please fix immediately.

Sorry. I didn't submit my mission because GTA SA was not working for me. Does anyone recommend a good download?

BTW, Here are my reviews (by watching Horus Publishing's videos)


Beyond My Heart: 8/10

Loved the action and movements of the actors. Although, not that much interesting game-play. The story was great.


The North Korean Connection: 4/10

The story was not that good, but the animations were great. When I read the title, I thought "this is going to be interesting." But, you disappointed me. The best I could give is a 4.


Scar-face Dreams: 4/10

Just like "The North Korean Connection", the reviews are the same except you did not exceed my expectations.


Red State: 7/10

Loved the story idea. The cut-scenes and dialogues are pretty good. But, I think "Beyond the Heart" is better.


So, My vote goes to....


M316 👏 Congratulations!


Edited by KingAceGamer
21 hours ago, Robert17 said:

Target didn't know that he had to include a link for a mod for his mission, that's why it kept crashing for you.



Ah! Unfourtunate. Anyway, next time hopefully he'll

4 hours ago, KingAceGamer said:

Sorry. I didn't submit my mission because GTA SA was not working for me. Does anyone recommend a good download?

BTW, Here are my reviews (by watching Horus Publishing's videos)


Beyond My Heart: 8/10

Loved the action and movements of the actors. Although, not that much interesting game-play. The story was great.


The North Korean Connection: 4/10

The story was not that good, but the animations were great. When I read the title, I thought "this is going to be interesting." But, you disappointed me. The best I could give is a 4.


Scar-face Dreams: 4/10

Just like "The North Korean Connection", the reviews are the same except you did not exceed my expectations.


Red State: 7/10

Loved the story idea. The cut-scenes and dialogues are pretty good. But, I think "Beyond the Heart" is better.


So, My vote goes to....

  Reveal hidden contents

M316 👏 Congratulations!



Can give you my copy of GTA:SA if you want to, just PM'me. You might need to launch it 2 times (i need to do it) but eventually it works - it's with modloader already and silent patch ;)

1 hour ago, Horus Publishing said:

Can give you my copy of GTA: SA if you want to, just PM me. You might need to launch it 2 times (i need to do it) but eventually, it works - it's with mod loader already and silent patch ;)


Nah, I got one. Just need to install it. Cleo it. DYOM 8.1 it. And all set. You know, I had this mp idea for a long time, but I just got the way to do it. 

Edited by KingAceGamer
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