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MOTW #193: Voting has commenced!

MOTW #193: Voting  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win MOTW #193?

    • Scarface Dreams (bananaking13)
    • The North Korean Connection (Stardust101)
    • Red State (jereckdown)
    • Beyond the Heart (M316)
    • Carnage (Target13)

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  • Poll closed on 10/28/2021 at 02:30 AM

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17 minutes ago, Galeb said:

gonna need another extension of the deadline, if you mind?
i am only 20% done with the mission, and i dont have much time today, so mind if you extend it till friday?

While I would really like to add your submission as well; considering there are already 3 participants who might be anticipating voting any time soon, an extension till Friday might be quite a stretch. I'd be willing to provide another 2-day extension probably, unless the other participants reply to this and they are okay with the long extension. But even so all the way to Friday would just be a tad long of an extension

sh*t, i really hope i can finish my mission tomorrow, even if it's gonna be Crusts and Marinara all over again...😭

29 minutes ago, RithRake24 said:

While I would really like to add your submission as well; considering there are already 3 participants who might be anticipating voting any time soon, an extension till Friday might be quite a stretch. I'd be willing to provide another 2-day extension probably, unless the other participants reply to this and they are okay with the long extension. But even so all the way to Friday would just be a tad long of an extension

Am fine with the extension, could use it

10 minutes ago, RithRake24 said:

@Galeb @shinka Would a two-day extension be enough for you guys? How far have you come with progress?

I feel like additional 2 days is a bit too much, like i am on the same boat of trying to make MOTW alive but sticking with the same theme longer will make people tired of it even more

2 hours ago, M316 said:

I feel like additional 2 days is a bit too much, like i am on the same boat of trying to make MOTW alive but sticking with the same theme longer will make people tired of it even more

I agree with this personally but I'm awaiting a reply from the two abovementioned members.

After some discussion in the server, Shinka has pulled out from participation (and we have not received a reply from Galeb) and it has been decided that there will not be a further extension considering we already extended once and there are 3 participants waiting for the voting stage. As of now, almost 14 hours remain for voting to start for any possible last-minute participants.


@Galeb You can hold on to your idea and your in-progress mission for a future MOTW. It's very common for a mission to be suitable for different themes, especially if the themes are broad enough. 

  • Like 2

Well most of the participations are good so far, however i feel like something is quiet missing you know, something...SPICY.
But since no one is most likely not gonna partcipate anymore so.........


Now this is something i usually dont make so i made it primarily out of curiosity and to try a new style for me, so hope you all enjoy 


Edited by M316
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18 minutes ago, M316 said:

Well most of the participations are good so far, however i feel like something is quiet missing you know, something...SPICY.
But since no one is most likely not gonna partcipate anymore so.........


Now this is something i usually dont make so i made it primarily out of curiosity and to try a new style for me, so hope you all enjoy 



Wow, you already destroyed the competition with this mission. But let the votings decide later. This is the best sh*t i played in a while. Airing tommorow 15:00 CET

Edited by Horus Publishing
14 minutes ago, Horus Publishing said:


Wow, you already destroyed the competition with this mission. But let the votings decide later. This is the best sh*t i played in a while. Airing tommorow 15:00 CET

Bruh you are so quick XD

@M316 Wow I totally didn't know this was coming! Good luck and your submission has been added!

@Target13 I legitimately did not see this coming. Welcome back to MOTW participation, seasoned MOTW veteran. Good luck to you too!


Five missions now, looks like we are in for a contest. I might even review them and vote when it's time!



Good luck to all 5 participants! Voting will end in roughly 2 days and 10 minutes from now. The countdown is available from the OP.


Reviews and video playthroughs are now welcome here!

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Ok so it has been a while since i made a review on something, but since it is MOTW's comeback i wont hesitate to do so. i also would like to add two scoring grades to my reviews in the future:

BELOW AVERAGE                        OK

"Below average" being between "Average" and "Very bad" while "Ok" being between "Average" and "Good", now that's outta the way let's start shall we.

@bananaking13 (Scarface Dreams):


So wielding a minigun and killing duped, harmless enemies below you doesnt sound "fun" i mean we like rampages when it is good but tasked to kill people with miniguns is something that can easily be replicated in f*cking free roam and even then it would be more fun. Also the 6 stars chase was ehhhh, not cos of its difficulty but it is like duping everything on steroids and presenting out there. My main argument isnt that they all can be replicated in freeroam, it is just they werent fun in regards to the mission.

Cutscenes & Dialogue:

So the cutscnes were okish, nothing too special although the part where car gets set in flames was executed poorly, dialogue was fine i guess nothing bad nor nothing remarkable so it was alright for what it is.

Overall coherence of the mission:
From what i understand you are a drug lord who kills a witness then snorts a line of coke (scarface reference ik) and then goes on a rampage like Tony Montanna. This is basically a piss poor version of it but ok. and then gets betrayed by Bones and now Bones talks to James's (i am not sure of the name i think it is James) grave and said how he is gonna be fair as a king etc etc... Now obviously the elephant in the room is that the mission is like 36,37 objectives and which is a major disadvantage UNLESS done right. And this mission fails miserably to do so. Story feels bit forced and not that much fun to experience which is also why the gameplay fell flat. Remember story also affects the gameplay in some regards and this was a major disappointment, by far the worst mission of this week.

@Stardust101 (The North Korean Connection):


 Was a step up to your usual gameplay a little, liked the collection of packages part, neat to see pickup objectives being used once a while, shootouts were fairly easy enough, but nevertheless these dont hurt so overall not bad but bit better than usual.

Cutscenes & Dialogue:
They flowed well and idd their purposes, nothing too stand out but it is appealing and that's enough. Dialogue was on point with the characters which is good and gives them that extra element of character and realism and they werent really insufferable to listen to (or in DYOM's case read)

Overall coherence of the mission:
For a guy who take a break from designing, this is impressive. By far your best MOTW participation, shows how much potential you have and your cababilities to learn quickly. While the mission wasnt really standout, it was a step from your previous entries, had some good moments like how one of them is called Kim (wink wink) and geenrally how it flowed, so overall i am a bit impressed.

@jereckdown (Red State):


Loved how action packed this mission is, just like the wild west days where gunslinging was bound to happen every single day. Enemies werent easy to kill like really which is the sauce that i like in missions especially ones like this.

Cutscenes & Dialogue:
These were neatly made, liked the shots in some parts, not bad for beginner, and i admire the dialogue that of an outlaw merciless scumbag along with the other characters

Overall coherence of the mission:
For a new guy, this is definetly impressive, this mission could have won for sure had i and a certain someone not participated in the last day, sure the competition was lacking but for a first time i am impressed. Story gave me rdr2 vibes which is a treat for me, while having some small flaws like the ending was exceuted bit poorly. It wasnt all that bad

@Target13 (Carnage):


Was decent enough, shootout was easy if i am being honest like they kinda posed a challenge cos they are acummulated into 1 spot and they all are firing at me but just a cover behind a car and headshots should do the trick, bit disappointed in that part especially after experiencing  "The Fort" MP's gameplay and its difficulty, but the stealth part made up for it, not fully but it was good enough and i like making a lot of stealth sequences myself so this one didnt disappoint.

Cutscenes & Dialogue:
Ah yes, we all knew this criteria is the one you will excel at the most and you didnt disappoint here. Cutscenes did their job well while dialogue , as always, took the cake. You always were good with your usage of vocabulary and depicting characters in DYOM, Carnage especially was obviously my favorite character talking out of all of this especially while going through the memory projection thing he did with Sam, as always it was neat.

Overall coherence of the mission:
It was a bit of a slow starter at first even in the shootout but eventually things began to pick up after the stealth part and oh my you are a f*cking genius my friend. I am obviously talking about the memory projection part where Carnage was narrating his history and his family's lineage, at first i thought you f*cked up and made it buggy but didnt realize that the purpose of it was something that exceeds expectations, probably the best part in the mission. Ending was a bit confusing at first, maybe cos i am slow or maybe cos i didnt play the MP linked to it  but then again this is prequel mission so it is what it is. Also even though it is obvious af where the idea of Carnage came from (not event trynna hide it lol) i admire that you pulled it off in something like DYOM so i salute you my friend. Now in essence this mission should be in the "Very good" category but with criteria in mind and its scoring, safe to say it is an interbetween for "Good" & "Very Good" so i will let you all decide for that.

My vote:


Obviously, T13, congrats man and welcome back 🥂


Edited by M316
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[EDIT] Mission is crashing for me :( after that Skyscraper cutscene, and yes guys I have limit adjuster. Also tested with/without frame limiter, same results. Probably not airing on time, until there's a fix. Mission is probably too big :D Either tommorow or in next days.

Edited by Horus Publishing
2 hours ago, Horus Publishing said:

Videos are now UP and running, so if you didn't had chance to play the missions, here they are (except Target's mission beacuse it's crashing like I said):






Target didn't know that he had to include a link for a mod for his mission, that's why it kept crashing for you.


Well, look who's back! I'm again reviewing MOTW missions after a long while.


Scarface Dreams (by @bananaking13)


Overall Rate (3.6/10)


Story (3/10)

I can barely understand the story. It does look like this mission had a backstory, but without a backstory I can't really understand what's going on. You should understand that your MOTW mission must have a plot that shows how everything began, and how everything ended, it can't be a sequel. Now from what I understand, this mission begins when a drug is about to kill some father (assuming because that guy witnessed something he shouldn't have seen, but that wasn't explained in depth). Now to the final part, the main protagonist dies in such an absurd way for a reason which I can't understand. And needless to say. I don't know who that "James" is.

This is an example why a MOTW mission shouldn't be done as a sequel, because with this small info nobody can understand what's going on.

Cutscenes (3/10)

While the mission is short, of course it lacks cutscenes too, and I don't like when the cutscenes are mostly static during the dialogue (with really few animations too). It's dissapointing that the cutscene where Gomez dies from fumes in the car has been done lazily, you could've added an effect in the car, but instead you pointed the cutscene camera away from the car and called it a day.

Gameplay (5/10)

At least the mission has a gameplay that is somewhat alright. It was fun to kill a bunch of cops but the thing is it was only for a short while, or I should say that the whole gameplay was short, thus I can't say many good things about that either.



The mission was extremely short, and it lacked story development. I highly doubt that this mission is any good compared to the rest, and this leads to the question like, why even call it a submission?


The North Korean Connection (by @Stardust101)


Overall Rate (7.6/10)


Story (8/10)

I can only say good things about the story. You gave some life to these characters, their personalities were unique and distinct from eachother, and realistically they escaped by caring more about their lives than leave the drugs behind. The deal was a bit cliche since I've seen missions having a plot something like this multiple times, but overall it was well done!

Cutscenes (10/10)

Can't complain about the cutscenes too. They all had different animations and pretty nice dialogue that shows their character i'd say.

Gameplay (5/10)

The gameplay was awesome, the objective where you had to collect the drugs was unique, I haven't seen that done in many missions before. The only issue is you could've made it longer, killing a bunch of enemies ain't enough to make me feel the gameplay, I gotta see more aspects of it.



Nice story with proper character development, but you gotta work on the gameplay more.


Red State (by @jereckdown)


Overall Rate (8.6/10)


Story (10/10)

I can say Jesse's actions as a villain were well justified because of the loss of his friends. You managed to make him keep his character as a heartless badass cowboy who didn't care about anyone other than his friends that died in a robbery which didn't go as he expected.

Cutscenes (10/10)

The cutscenes were a blast. Awesome objects laying around (at the beginning) and the explosion effect, especially a huge variety of animations that were used. Plus the dialogue that succesfully resembled Jesse's character.

Gameplay (6/10)

I can't ignore the variety of objects placed around, in the beginning of the gunfight and in ghost town, which is hard work. What I didn't like were the weapons I used, like the sawnoff and the rifle, which are my least favourite weapons. Also killing many enemies became kinda repetitive.



Overall, great job with the story. But you, just like Stardust, gotta work on the gameplay more.


Beyond the Heart (by @M316)


Overall Rate (9.3/10)


Story (10/10)

The story was awesome. The beginning of the cutscene further gives the description of Marko as to why he became a murderer, which gives him a nice character development. I liked how the scene unfolded. The angry actions of a father, who couldn't think twice before going after Marko in the first place resulted in his death, which realistically should've happened. The ending ended up to be tragic and the music was fitting very well.

Cutscenes (10/10)

The cutscenes were intense and scary, while the music helped a lot with the ambience. There were a lot of animations, a few objects and effects used that helped a whole lot. Effects and objects used such as the bloody effect during the knife stab, the warehouse exploding, the crane falling down etc.

Gameplay (8/10)

The gameplay only had the fist fight and the part where you kill SWAT members, so it was short. But the music managed to give the gameplay more credit.



Everything is lit except for the gameplay being short. I know the mission was meant to be cinematic, but you know that I'm also a gameplay person.


Carnage (by @Target13)


Overall Rate (8/10)


Story (8/10)

Honestly I don't think fantasies fit with SA that much, so it ain't 10/10, but that's just my opinion. I'm sure others have different opinions regarding this. I like your creativity though, the concept of a devil possessing somebody else's body with evil intentions is interesting. Carnage's reason of doing this shows a backstory that is quite fantastic. You took the idea specifically for this theme to a whole new level.

Cutscenes (10/10)

The dialogue clearly shows Carnage having the character of a badass because he's a devil, and thus he's more powerful than the rest. Nice animations, especially at the beginning of the mission, I also liked the explosion effect (which shows Carnage has powers), plus the phone object at the end and the newspaper. Nice detail.

Gameplay (6/10)

I loved the part where Samuel was in some kind of a realm while Carnage was telling him the backstory of how everything began with actors and some effects showing every time you reached a checkpoint, which was cool (I forgot to mention that there were some objects, placed too). But other than that, the gameplay wasn't wow at all. All this time you had to kill a few cops, afterwards sneak around the building to search for some info, which isn't enough to make me feel the gameplay.



As I said, I don't think fantasies fit into SA, because well... it's GTA, but that's just my opinion. I think everybody admires your creativity, especially me, but don't forget the gameplay plays a huge role too.


So, with the rates concluded, my vote goes to:


🥇M316 (9.3/10) - You have my vote!

🥈jereckdown (8.6/10)

🥉Target13 (8/10)

🏅Stardust101 (7.6/10)

🏅bananaking13 (3.6/10)


Edited by Robert17
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It has come to my attention that my submission cannot be played properly without a SAMP objects addon. As such, it doesn't comply with the 'No mods' rule and therefore I am formally withdrawing my submission.

Thank you so much for all those who played, voted and reviewed. Stay tuned for an update to Carnage which will add a 'Post Scriptum' scene!


Thank you to @RithRake24 for identifying the reason of the crashes. Good luck to the rest!

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