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Help Please!

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ok so I've downloaded gta V enb and installed it on my SA but everything that would go wrong did go wrong, it didn't work for me, but I was calm because in every mod that I have uninstalled I just remove every file that they add or replace then it was all good, but now even thou I have replaced what needed to replace and remove what needed to go, it still did not work, I don't know what to do, I have so many mods and stuff to it so I just decided to install one more SA and start from scratch cause I really did not know what to do, but now even thou my previous SA is gone with all the mods and downloaded the essential pack from mixmods like I usually do when I decide to do SA again, NOTHING WORKED, modloader doesn't work, silent asi doesn't work, nothing works, can anyone help me? I don't care if you help me on my previous SA (I still have my previous SA on my recycling bin) or my new start from scratch SA I just need some answers, I could also send you the modloader log from my prevoius SA and from my start from scratch SA just tell me if you need em


Some screenshots from the prev. SA




Screenshots from current not working SA




ty in advanced

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