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High Quality Rockstar games Icons

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- Find your video game shortcut
- Right click the shortcut and then click "Properties"
- Go to the "Shortcut" tab and then click the "Change Icon..." button
- Then click the "Browse..." button and find the location of the respective .ico file
  (one of the .ico files provided from this pack)
- Open the file and then click "OK"
- Finally click "Apply" and the new icon should be applied to the shortcut
- Make sure to NOT change the location of the .ico file. If you do so, the shortcut icon will
  reset to default.
- Done!

Trouble finding your shortcut?
If you can't find your game shortcut then you can create a new one. Go to your game installation folder,
find the main executable file, right click it and then click "Create shortcut". This will create a new
shortcut which you can then transfer to your Desktop.

Rockstar Games has created a great legacy with their amazing titles released over a decade ago. The problem with those
titles is that they have been abandoned and no longer get updated. This has caused new issues to pop up over the years
as technology advances. The low quality icons is one of those issues. Modern monitors support really high resolutions
making older and lower quality icons to look ugly. This pack provides high quality icons for many games released from
Rockstar that can be applied to the shortcut of the game.

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Edited by const96b
Removal of the download link for crediting reasons. Will be uploaded again soon.
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Yep, Vice City matches exactly to mine, and EFLC seem to be slightly edited (thinner outline and blurred brown fill) but also matches.

Now the question is, if you're not going to make it yourself, is it that hard to link to my post, or even just give credits to original authors, just asking...

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