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Long story short, and I know I’m not the only one!



I bought an office and became a CEO and would rather be an MC president and go about the game that way, but it seems that I am locked into my office and I’m paying money for things that I don’t use anymore. Is there any way around this to not lose money or has rockstar made it this way?

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If you've purchased an office you can't unbuy or sell it. 


Even if you never activate your CEO/VIP status and stick to the MC route you'll still be liable to pay daily fees for the building and staff. 


Short of deleting your character, unfortunately you're stuck with the business. 

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I'm not entirely sure if you are trying to sell your office, or just disband your CEO and switch to MC.


You can not sell your office. Once you have it, you can only trade it in for another location.

Rockstar has made it this way, but you will only pay the daily charges for warehouses if you are active as CEO.


But you can still buy a MC clubhouse and play as MC president.

All you have to do is open your Interaction Menu (M on PC, hold View button on controller) go to Securoserv CEO and choose Retire.

After that you can register as MC president through the Interaction Menu

Edited by AirWolf359
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DEFINITELY listen to AirWolf.


But it is a good thing you can't!!


There are many advantages to being a CEO. And one of the main ones is you call in your Buzzard Attack Helicopter from the CEO menu.


Trust me. You will want a Buzzard Attack Helicopter and being able to call it in instantly from the SecureSrv (CEO) menu is invaluable.



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BTW, get yourself set on MC. Its a great way to start.


Buy the Coke,Meth and Cash in that order. Upgrade equipment and staff (you can skip security if you are cash-strapped). If I were doing it again,I'd skip week and document forgery. But they were on sale a couple of weeks ago,so I got them.


I am at the point where I only run MC Biz if it is 2x $$ or I am bored. I use them just to feed my Nightclub.

You'll there quicker than you think. In the mean time,MC is a great biz to grind.


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Why not have both? You can have them pay for themselves if you also buy the nightclub

To be perfectly honest with you I think that the office is a lot more useful than a MC clubhouse/president, and I believe that the perks you get for being a CEO are better, for example if you are a leader of a heist (Doomsday or newer) then as a CEO you recharge your crews health if you are in the proximity.  And you get loads of car parking.

I guess that as a MC president you can call in that god awful grief machine easily.

If I were you I would keep the office and also buy the MC club and set up some businesses, after a while realize that doing the supply and sells for them are really boring (it can be fun doing the different scenarios once) and worrying about busts or having a scumbag turn up on a OP mk2 during a sell really does suck, stop doing the businesses because of this after a few days/weeks, then buy a nightclub so the whole lot works together and makes loads of passive money, loads more than the staff costs for all properties will ever be.

I go to my office a lot more than my MC clubhouse! in fact I do not think I ever went back in the club again after about a month of owning it (it just acts as storage for a few of my bikes, and even then not anywhere close to all of them), same can be said about my businesses but they still earn me some bonus cash (passively because of the nightclub) while I am making real cash heisting. 

And it is useful having property all over the map so that you have somewhere to hide from cops other players where ever you may be.

But my advice to a new player would be to treat free roam as something where you just own stuff, buy storage for your vehicles, buy the properties that give perks that work in other modes, also where you can research ammo and stuff, you also need somewhere to start all the different heist's etc. you will get to a point where it pays for itself and you do not need to worry about it, initially make your money to fund all this doing other things like the heists. 

Edited by MechanicMammal
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