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Seeking name of Co Op game mode - Progressively harder waves of incoming computer bad guys

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   Several years ago, I played a mode within GTA V that I haven't been able to find since.  In short, it is a Co Op Defend game mode where you and a in game friend are facing wave after wave of bad guys.  Each wave gets more difficult with some of the later enemy waves having vehicles and helicopters etc.

   My brothers and I have always enjoyed Co Op defend games similar to Gears of War Horde mode etc... so when we found this type of Co Op defend mode in GTA V we were stoked... but we haven't been able to find it since.  Does anybody know what this game mode is and where it can be found in game?  My brothers and I are pretty novice players so we tend to stay away from battling other live players... and instead enjoy the incoming waves computer AI bad guys in Co Op mode.  Any info would be appreciated.  





That question would probably fit the Online section better, but nonetheless...


It's probably the Survival mode - although it's also possible to play it solo, you can play it with up to 3 other people.


Plenty of maps have been released for this mode (along with an Alien-themed variation - search jobs with "Project 4808A" to play these), and you can even try your hand at making your own maps in the Survival Creator.


Play these now until Rockstar decide most of them aren't worth keeping available forever anymore, and should only be brought back for event weeks.

Edited by LarcenousUrsine
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