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Problems with several items in game

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I only started playing GTA V a month or so ago. Right away I had problems with my Weapon Wheel not working on missions. I had a friend tell me he was having the same problem. It effects the choice or weapons or radio stations. I was stuck with a Sniper Rifle during a Survival Mission. I was told to hold L1 + R1 while the game loads to clear the cache. On the Sony website I read to turn off the PS 4, then unplug it for at least 30 seconds. I do both. lol It did help a bit, but it still does it during Heist missions or missions that require multiple weapons.


I started having trouble with the Daily Objectives. I would get one that would say "Participate in a Deathmatch." I would do it and win, but it wouldn't credit me in the Daily Objectives. Rockstar told me that I hadn't done a Daily Objective in over a month....duh. I was doing them, but they weren't registering as done. I didn't realize it at first because I was busy setting up bunker and doing missions with friends. 


NOW, I did the "Chasing The Truth" mission with Michael. I was supposed to donate $10,000 to Epsilon after I got the email. When I tried to open the Internet on Michael's phone, it wouldn't open. Then I realized that I couldn't shop for Armor for Michael or any weapons, etc. Anything that had to do with the D Pad stopped working including changing to Trevor or Franklin. I thought if I could go to one of them, it might resolve the issue. The worst thing is that I went online and I couldn't open the Internet on that character's phone either. Nothing with the D Pad works.


I've shut the game off, unplugged the PS 4 and tried to do anything that might joggle it. I'm not willing to start the game again. I'm handicapped from a car accident and it takes a lot to get as far as I have in a game. I wish people would be more kind and patient with JaxGoneWhack as she's trying to work through neurological pain from 8 fractured vertebrae. Not everyone's been playing games or GTA since they were 3. lol 


Can anyone recommend anything that might work besides deleting everything and starting over? Has anyone else dealt with these issues at all?

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Maybe it is a issue with your controller? maybe it has worn out?

Possibly fully deleting the game from the Hard drive and reinstalling might help as it could be a corrupt file?

I have not played the PS4 version but I guess there are multiple controller config options check it is using default or choose a config that uses a different button as weapon select.

Also I may be wrong because I have not played for about a month but I think it is L1 you need to press to get the weapon wheel, not a D pad input.

Yes it is L1 to use the Weapon Wheel...sorry for the mistake. lol But it does jam and the radio jams at the same time with the left D Pad. It's several of the most important features during a Survival Mission or any mission really, except for the ones that don't let you pick a radio station. 🙂 I do love my music when I'm in the middle of battle. 


I bought a new controller. So, I can delete the game without deleting the save file and try again? What if  I saved during the Kifflom missions after the problem started? I'll try anyway to see if it helps. That's a better option than formatting the PS 4 and deleting everything. That's the only option that Rockstar gave me. 


I'm on a tight budget so I can't afford to go out buying equipment for someone else's PS4. This one belongs to my caretaker. I would save all of it online if I knew how to retrieve it. LOL I'm not super tech savvy.



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