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Do you want to join a active, fun and all round great Ps4 GTA server? Then you’ve found the right forum. LSPRP is a well functioning server with an easy to learn cad and cooperative, fair Staff team, you can rp as any type of character you want, wether it be a civilian or criminal you can do it.


Reasons To Join LSPRP:


- Unique activities to earn money in Rp including: Boxing, Golf, Tennis + many more


- Fun members to make friends with, one of LSPRP’s main purposes is to not have a server but a community, we thrive when members become friends with each other and do stuff outside of Rp like play other games together etc.


- Fair staff team to cooperate with, we keep it fair 100% of the time in Rp and out of Rp and if u ever need to someone to talk to about anything we have older, maturer Staff members you can talk to but if maybe you’re a younger person and want a person ur age to speak to we have them to


- Equality is one of our strong points, no homophobia, no racism, no sexism so it doesn’t matter what colour your skin is, what gender you are or what gender you prefer sexually because at the end of the day we’re here to Rp and have a fun time doing so!


So if you feel think this is the server for you, please drop on in and say hi and start Rping



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Hi, there's already a topic for your community here, please stick to that for advertising.



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