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Apparently The Only Way...

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I guess the only way to play this game  (for me on a PC) is to resmon it. 


I'm suppose to put in hours making product and have it evaporated in an instant by "Griefers"? (I prefer to call them Assholes-oh,I have much more descriptive words, but alas, they would surely be censored).


God,I hope they are children! I cringe to think they are adults that cannot think past their nose.  It would not bid well for planet Earth.


They are going to log on and there will be no more GTA.  Soon. 

I'm obsessive. Plus I want to buy the fun things. Plus I like the damn game---->>>   IN SOLO MODE...RockStar??R U There? Not everyone wants to have a gun battle just to buy a bottle of PissWater.

If I weren't obsessive, I would have left this game a long time ago. But I stuck it out an watched a thousand YT videos and read many pages. I tried.


Because of Griefers, I am reconsidering whether I will log back in.

The Griefers are either physically prepubescent childredren,or older and just fukin ass@holes.


It is RockStar's doing. They could fix this,but I guess there are a lot fools that will buy Shark Cards because they are mad some twerp with his Mommies credit card killed them from out of nowhere. While they were trying to sell their HARDED EARNED supplies.




Ultimately this is RS's doing. They are just like every other company-they can only see as far as the next quarterly shareholders meetings. 

Get Mad???

Buy a sharkcard.





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Shiloh Comes

Forgive me, what does "resmon" mean?


And this probably belongs in the B&M thread.


Regarding your beef, if you lack the solo session ability on PC, makes some friends and protect each other. Or, the easy way, there are also selling crews who only allow their people into sessions. Easy to find.

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Yes Resorce Manager...You right click on "gta5.exe" and click suspend,wait about 10 seconds and right click gta5.exe and resume. When you switch back to the game it will show that everyone but yourself left-you'll be by yourself in a public lobby with all the advantages of that and no other players.

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In-between griefers and script-kiddies, going solo on PC is usually the safest route. 


Yes, it's daft. Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, Rockstar should do something about it... but they won't. 


Me? I fire up my preferred solo-public-lobby-tool (as it keeps me alone, whereas using Resource Manage usually only works for an hour or so in my experience) and I embrace the anti-social world I'm forced into because Rockstar enables griefers and can't (won't?) prevent cheaters. Heck, if R* / Take2 could monetise cheating they probably would! 

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