Popular Post bibidibabidibu Posted July 23, 2021 Popular Post Share Posted July 23, 2021 (edited) NEW TRAILER One of the biggest extension mods for Vice City. I don't know where to start but for summarize, there are lots of additional things but all features are matching with game experience and not breaking anything from vanilla Vice City. INSTALLATION Extended Features is not a standalone project. Installation is very simple. NOW WE HAVE AUTOINSTALLER! Just run Extended_Features_Setup.exe as an Administrator and select your vanilla Grand Theft Auto Vice City game directory. Press Extract and after installation has been finished HAVE FUN! Vice City Extended Features V0.9.8.5 AUTOINSTALLER DOWNLOAD v0.9.8.5 Update Notes * Extended Features is now not only EXTENDED but also EXPANDED!!!!! Oleta River and Everglades islands have been added to the game. * The new islands feature vehicle traffic and pedestrians. They are not abandoned areas. * In this version, you can explore these islands and discover new locations. With the presence of vehicle traffic and pedestrians, you won’t feel lonely. In the upcoming v0.9.9 version, these islands will include new missions and gangs. * The new islands have Town Police, who are much more ruthless than city police. You can experience this with just a 2-star wanted level! * There are two hidden safehouses on the new islands. * In the garages of the safehouses on these islands, you can find a Hover vehicle that can travel on both land and water. * The tram model previously borrowed from the Mafia for the monorail system has been replaced with a model based on the real-life monorail in Miami. * Character animations have been improved. Fixed animations that made the character appear as if their neck was broken while driving vehicles. * More stable FPS values: General performance optimizations provide smoother gameplay, especially on lower-end hardware. * Improved pedestrian and vehicle traffic for newly added islands. * Traffic additions implemented using an alternative method instead of the path limit hack. The issue of invisible objects during cutscenes has been resolved. * The Cholos gang is now active on the newly added Everglades Island. * The Trailer Park Mafia gang is now active on the newly added Oleta River Island. * Town police officers patrolling on foot have been added to the new islands. * The newly added islands now have a more vibrant and lively atmosphere. * Almost all random crashes have been fixed. During testing, all main storyline missions and newly added missions were completed twice. Only two crashes occurred: 1)Martha's Mugshot mission: A crash happened due to a collision error when jumping out of the helicopter. 2)Printing Press purchase: After a very long game session with frequent pauses, a crash occurred when purchasing the Printing Press. Reloading the game and purchasing again worked without any issues. *Sunshine Autos Vehicle Collection Issue Resolved: Finding the vehicles required for the Sunshine Autos missions was challenging due to the new vehicle models added to the traffic system. This problem has now been solved. All required vehicles now spawn more frequently in traffic on the Everglades Island. Players can easily collect the necessary vehicles from this area to complete the Sunshine Autos lists. The new map of Extended Features looks as follows: Gameplay screenshots from new islands and features mentioned above: Spoiler IMPORTANT!!!!! Mod requires fresh vice city installation. After you have fresh vice city installation just install extended feature v0.9.8 on it via its installer. IMPORTANT!!!!! OLDER SAVES EXCEPT "v0.9.6 AND ABOVE" ARE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION PLEASE START NEW GAME OR USE ONE OF THE SHARED SAVES FILES. NOTE Please don't use old saves from previous versions. Use one of the shared save file or start new game. For the most stable gameplay, run GTALAUNCHER.exe as administrator and click Run GTA Vice City button from the opened window. IMPORTANT!!!! Safehouses and interiors are not directly shown on big map from pause menu. They are getting visible from mini radar map when you get them closer. please use any of this savegames or start new game. SAVE GAMES DISCORD CREDITS - (developers and mods used) @bibidibabidibu @BlackStallionDX @raven54 @The'Truth(many thanks for VCS assets and neons) Rawdog Leonazix EgasVegas MIXAIL Irving Luna @erorcun @Silent @_𝓐𝓖 @MR GARFIELD @Insomnium @=SpitFire= hankbig(evpat) DinosaurBytes @w1nterofficial (artwork) therollingtwig (artwork) Irving Luna VOV ArtemQa146 very special thanks to our friend and Vice City VHS Mod developer yhwh V0.9.7 Features * Gameplay crashes, which have been the biggest issue in Extended Features, are now 99% resolved. During testing, only two crashes were observed while 8 hours playing default and extra missions. Occasionally, an error occurs when trying to exit the game, but this will be addressed in future versions. In version 0.9.7, 99% of gameplay crashes have been fixed. * FPS drops and lag issues have been resolved, resulting in a much smoother gameplay experience. * Improved trails effect: Players can now choose between default or modified trails via the GTALauncher Settings menu. * Antialiasing options have been added to the GTALauncher Settings menu for enhanced visual quality. * The HD Bus has been replaced with a Vice City-style City Bus, and the real passengers feature has been adapted for this new bus model. * 50+ new vehicles have been added, bringing the total count of new vehicles to 225. * New traffic system: Streets are now much busier with increased vehicle traffic. Drivers exhibit more varied behavior, similar to San Andreas style, with some displaying aggressive actions both in and out of their vehicles. * Updated wardrobe system: Players can now store newly added Extended Features Clothes. * Vehicle suspension improvements: 80% of vehicles have received suspension adjustments, leading to smoother acceleration and turning. V0.9.6 Features * This version primarily focuses on bug fixes and addressing crashes. Many issues have been resolved, and the latest version has become quite stable nealy no crashes. * Ocean Beach is now more lively. You can see people listening to music, dancing, partying, along with beach umbrellas and sun loungers. Spoiler * Visual effects have been reworked to resemble the PS2 version. You can see the new effects by turning the TRAILS option ON in the settings. * Textures and models have been improved, and in-game lag has been eliminated. * The super-fast jumping bug related to the swimming feature has been fixed. * GTALauncher.exe has been revamped. There is now a settings button. From this settings menu, you can adjust screen resolution, and for low-end computers, you can toggle shadows, 3D grass, reflection effects, etc. You can also enable or disable gang wars and the feature where Mercedes calls you. Spoiler * In some installations, Cortez’s yacht was spawning underwater, making the game unplayable. This issue has been fixed for all installation methods. * A new suit reminiscent of the Scarface movie is available at the Jocksport clothing store. Spoiler * Improved traffic system. Vehicles in traffic now use their own handling characteristics. The spawn and despawn distances for vehicles have been increased. V0.9.5 Features * Flamingos at the Golf yard Spoiler * Ducks near by the lighthouse Spoiler * Chickens in Lttle Havana Spoiler * Painter, Telephone service personnel, Saxophone player, Violin player, Keyboardist can be found around the city Spoiler * Tommy uses a parachute when jumping from skyscrapers Spoiler * Lots of crash and script fixes, +30 scripts are reorganized * Stability improvements V0.9.1 Features * Active TV channels in Ocean View Hotel Spoiler * All vehicles reworked and their styles now match with Vice City. San andreas style vehicles have been removed. * Lots of crash and script fixes 40 of the scripts have been reworked * Stability improvements V0.9 Features v0.9 is the new major beta release for extended features. These things are available, * More stable game and so many bug fixes. * Building Empire system is available. This feature will be active after player finishes the mission "RUB OUT"(killing Diaz). There are 15 new building types that can be occupied, built a business, and the building shape can be chosen by the player. The interiors of these buildings also vary depending on the building type. A total of 5 new missions can be taken from these buildings. Loan Shark, Drug Trafficking(each mission will be random. sometimes everything can go fine, sometimes police can attack ot sometimes dealer can try to sell fake drugs all possibilities are random), Robbery, Smuggling, Protection Racket, Pimping. These missions can be canceled with the Capslock key. When the mission is restarted, it continues from where it last stopped. Spoiler available places one place just attack guards to provoke the gang war after all guards are dead then enter inside now place available to buy and build your business after you far away from the place and come back then you will see new business and your gang members as guards player can get mission or can modify the business here is some screenshots from missions Protection Racket summuggling pimping robbery drug trafficking * All newly added vehicles (around 200) to the game have been rearranged according to the Vice City style. The San Andreas feeling in some of the vehicles has been eliminated. * The problem of female pedestrians making male voices, which has been newly added to the game, has been resolved. * The way the game's zone texts are displayed has been rearranged. Spoiler now zone texts and car names at the right bottom again but placement is fit with speedometer also * Better night light effects Spoiler from far objects are dark and from closer then they are bright v0.8.1 Features v0.8.1 is the stabilized version of v0.8. * There is no save file destroying crashes. * No zone based crashes * Weapon pickups for newly added are removed. There is hidden gun dealer near the Umberto's Cafe. You can buy them from him * aspect ratio problem is fixed for 16:10 * missing textures are fixed for some props around the city(like bottles, boxes and rubbish) * crash fix when player presses backspace in car * there are 15 more weapons all of them can be bought from secret weapon dealer in front ot Umberto's Cafe. Installation fpr v0.8.1 small fixes and weapon pack is very simple, Just extract contents in 0.8.1_extraweapons_and_fixes.zip file to the already v0.8.1 installed vice city directory. Supports saves from v0.8.1 also. Spoiler * White rectangle problem for radio station icons is fixed * Random encounters and new things are now visible on radar and there will be arrow above the actors when get closer to them Spoiler V0.8 Features These things are available with v0.8, Stability and crash fixes are below, * Latest widescreen mod is supported. All cleo scripts like zone text are updated and adapted, * Latest MVL is supported(No collision problems with Rhino and supports the latest Classic Axis on foot), * Skygfx effects are fully supported for vehicles * Auto load for the latest save game when game is started * Save files are now in main game directory under userfiles folder * The Job mission stuck problem is fixed * Money icon disappearing problem for film studio is fixed * Vercetti Mansion interior bugs have been fixed Spoiler * Crashes that occur after progressing in the game are fixed. New things are below, * There are random events happening in some parts of the map. You can come across with them randomly, -- Cops searching the trunk of the vehicle -- Hookers and their clients in the car at the backstreets. -- Cops at murder scene. -- Cops at robbed shops for investigation. -- Some punks fighting at the backstreets. -- Some punks robbing and threatening civilian at the backstreets. Spoiler * Tommy will able to shoot from any angle in car. This feature is very close to san andreas drive-by. There was a drive-by feature by Tommi4kaVar4etti but that was not compatible with Classic Axis mod. This one supports Classic Axis also. Spoiler * There will be active headlights. player won't need to wait till evening time to use headlights. its default button will be L or CAPS LOCK to on and off headlights. For police vehicles there are blue and white switching lights. Spoiler * Dynamic shadows for player and pedestrians. Bullet holes can be seen on walls. Spoiler * Better weapon on the ground system. Now there will be light effect under weapons pickups. * Tommy can drop weapons by Back Space key. * Concert hall is active. There will be Love Fist concert, you can visit whenever you want. Spoiler * There is street animals(cats and dogs). They will be appeared randomly in the map. Spoiler * There is jumping point nearby Painting shop to the Leaf Links Golf Club. Spoiler * There is 5 hidden music pickups. When player takes one of them, Tommy will wear headspeaker and will able to listen hidden musics for 15 seconds. Spoiler * Tarbrush cafe is a buyable and renovatable property. Spoiler * There is a city center office for Sunshine Autos. This place will be a buyable property and there will be new side missions for each vehicles in the store. After passing each missions, vehicles will be available one by one. Spoiler * Mendez Mansion can be renovated Spoiler * After Pole Position Club acquired, there will be Broadway car spawned nearby the club. To activate pimping side mission just enter that car. There will be 10 missions in a row. Missions are very similar like San Andreas Pimping side mission. After pimping side mission has been finished one unique outfit will be available inside pole position club. Spoiler * Icon based radio stations will be also available with speedometer. Spoiler *There is drug traficking mission like scarface. This mission is like taxi or ambulance side mission, player can play it whenever wants. This mission will be available after Boatyard has been acquired. There will be special boat available to start the mission. Player can get coke from main dealer and then distribution side mission will be available. I able to store active coke storage amount and your distribution profit will be based on your coke storage. during these side missions turret weapons and dynamic drive by feature help a lot the player. Spoiler * Tommy can take health pickup and can store in inventory, player can use it whenever wants. just press and hold TAB button for a second Spoiler * There is some details for trucks like Linerunner, Barracks and Trashmaster. For transmission changes they will produce dark smoke Spoiler * There is Trucking side mission like San Andreas. There are different types of trailer and lots of destinations. 18 wheels of steel : vice city Just enter the special truck at the docks and side mission will be started. Spoiler * There is Phoenix KITT (knight rider) car will be the bonus car for the last sunshine autos city center office mission. this car will have three unique abilities 1 - nitro with capslock key 2 - rocket launcher with backspace key 3 - heavy machinegun with alt key Spoiler * There is be Trash Dash side mission, to activate this mission just enter the Trashmaster car at the docks. Spoiler * Packer has car docking feature, Tab key to dock and Back Space to release Spoiler * There is Go Kart side mission in shopping center. Spoiler * There is Vice City News side mission. In this side mission, Tommy will try to take photos of some incidents in Vice City for tomorrow's news within the given time. Spoiler * There is functional fire extinguisher. You can find it at the fire department garden. Spoiler * There are 11 new interiors. these interiors will be, 1 - Police Department in Downtown Spoiler 2 - Aloha Bar in Little Havana Spoiler 3 - Villa Mercedes Cortez Spoiler 4 - Fidel's Record Store Spoiler 5 - Hooker Inn Express Hotel Lobby Spoiler 6 - New bar in Ocean Beach (same place with first victim of Jury Fury mission) Spoiler 7 - New Safehouse in Ocean Beach Spoiler 8 - Cigar Shop Spoiler 9 - Teatro De Bell Spoiler 10 - Leaf links golf club Spoiler 11 - Butcher Carnicero Romero Spoiler V0.7 Features *Some Tommy models were converted from cutscene but some of them were still from default in game Tommy model. All models have been reworked and now all of them converted from cutscene Tommy. There wont be differences between Tommy skins like Soiree suit. * 7 new police side missions have been added in the second island, all missions will have voice actings and references of 80s * 1 random encounter for drift side mission has been added in airport * 1 playground mission has been added for Hovercraft * Tommy will able to buy drugs and cigars * Vercetti gang and Diaz gang will have gang car like Haitians and Cubans * After the mission Rub Out, Tomm will able to call his gang to get backup * Vercetti Estate will be able to renovated * New vehicles have been added. There will be 171 new vehicles in total. Some vehicle styles were not matching with original game and some of them were looking dark. Nearly I reworked all of them and now their harmony is better. * vc_traffic.asi has been edited and problems have been fixed. Streets will not be empty anymore. there will be lots of on foot peds. * GPS radar problems have been fixed * Reasons for random crashes have been found and fixed. I realized that most of them happening due to helmet for bike rider peds, umbrella mod for peds. I solved them. Nearly I never faced with any crashes for free playing or scenario missions gameplays * skygfx will be available. color palette will be more realistic and lively * All features will be directly available. there wont be any need to finish first mission and make save and load game * There will be some details like, *** Homeless people around firepit in evening times, *** guitar artists around the city, *** people listens music at the beach in evening, *** some ladies are doing yoga at the seaside, *** there will small funny easter egg details like using toilet in ocean view hotel etc and at last "General error for std.asi:translator.Asi" problem will be fixed with v0.7 V0.6 Features * 9 Random encounters missions. all of them have cutscenes with voice acting and during the mission there will be multiple selections. there is no sign in radar or map. you need to find them by yourself. you can check added screenshots to find them * Initial implementation of Golf side mission. just go to the golf club and enter the Caddy then follow the mission steps. * 30 new cars in traffic (till v0.5 there were 120 new cars now increased to 150) * 15 new female peds in map * initial implementation of gaining and losing weight. Tommy can do sports to lose weight. 1 minute of sport will decrease one level weight. for gainin weight tommy needs to eat burger. 5 burgers will increase one level of weight. * the elevator will always be available in second island. * drifting mini game has been added. when you are not during the mission you can do drift with any car. your point will be show near the radar and you can make money easily. * Tommy will be able to get on the bus * stability fixes and collision fixes. * climbing feature has been updated. tommy now can climb with TAB + Space rather than only Space Spoiler Here is screenshots drifting mini game has been added. when you are not during the mission you can do drift with any car. your point will be show near the radar and you can make money easily. Tommy will be able to get on the bus with v0.6 elevator will always be available in second island. Initial implementation of Golf mini game will be in v0.6 version. losing and gaining weight feature. for gaining weight 5 burger needs to be eaten. each 5 burgers will increase tommy's weight. each 1 minutes of training will lose weight. fat tommy fat tommy on sport tommy getting thinner Side missions side mission 1 side mission 2 side mission 3 side mission 4 side mission 5 side mission 6 side mission 7 side mission 8 mission 9 there will be 10 new female peds there will be 30 new vehicles in traffic you can see some of them below new vcs vehicles 360 Degree Camera Support and Fixes for V0.6 * Contains lots of random crash fixes. REALLY REALLY RECOMMENDED !!! * Now vehicles have 360 degree camera support like San Andreas * Traffic spawn problem fixed for golf mini game * Lift crash fixed for using this patch V0.6 needs to be installed at first! just paste all contents in rar file into your game directory. * Aiming and axis feature have been reimplemented * 360 degree vehicle camera is now working with asi, there is no cleo script anymore and all lag problems fixed for 360 degree camera. New Hovercraft vehicle + Swimming feature fixes An addition patch for V0.5. With that addition, - Hovercraft vehicle will be available at Ocean Beach Lighthouse. It is not like existing hovercraft mod. It supports cleo and you can enter and exit hovercraft when you are driving on sea. - Some important crash and stability fixes have been done for swimming feature. If you are using gamepad, now you can use left stick to control Tommy during swimming. For using this patch please install Extended Features mod at first. Screenshots Spoiler V0.5 Features * skimmer with rainbow smoke press side misson button default CAPS LOCK * Jet-ski side mission "Jet-Ski Playground" added and bonus Monster truck added for "BF-Playground" side mission * Tommy can call police, ambulance, taxi and firefighter (press and hold phone answer and sprint buttons for three seconds default TAB and Shift) * there will be 4 new police archive sidemissions * 3 new clothes (army uniform, tied suit, leather jacket) they are hidden in safehouses * open and closed roof for stallion car * open and closed mask for bank rob mission skin * tommy will wear helmet when riding bike * two new bcycles(bmx and montain) and one skate (all will have special animations and will be spawned randomly near ocean view hotel) * mission based active newspapers like gta 4. player can check them after each missions Player can buy them from newspaper boxes. there will be 20 different pages and pages will be changed with missions. all pages will represent actual state of the game. * dyamic ferris wheel will be at nearby airport * 15 new vehicles in traffic Spoiler Jet-ski side mission "Jet-Ski Playground" added Monster car will be bonus if you can finish BF Playground side mission. thanks a lot for new vehicles to MIXAIL_K from libertycity.ru Tommy can call police, ambulance, taxi and firefighter (press and hold phone answer and sprint buttons for three seconds default TAB and Shift) 3 new clothes (army uniform, tied suit, leather jacket) they are hidden in safehouses two new bcycles(bmx and montain) and one skate (all will have special animations and will be spawned randomly near ocean view hotel) roof-top open and close feature for stallion car Mask can be taken off for bank rob mission skin tommy can wear helmet during bike ride Police Archive missions. There will be 4 new police archive sidemissions Player can buy them from newspaper boxes. there will be 20 different pages and pages will be changed with missions. all pages will represent actual state of the game. here is two pages. peds can also buy newspapers(can be seen on second screenshot) and visible pages are dynamically changing related to actual mission progress of the game. skimmer with rainbow smoke press side misson button default CAPS LOCK some new vehicles in traffic thanks a lot MIXAIL_K for those vehicles. V0.4 Features Ferry, Ferris wheel, Crash and stability fixes, 6 Extra Tommy clothes,(tommy as haitian, tommy as biker and 4 new clothes in Rafaels) 1 new side mission BF Playground from beach 2 new side missions from Barber Gay Gordo Skateboard feature cops will make drive by after 3 stars some collision fixes are included. Pasteur Richards missions 1) Unfortunate Accident 2) Neighborhood Cleaning 3) Hit and Run Woman of Congress 4) Sinful Graham Rafael missions 1) Get Rid of the Punks 2) Gordo's Car Spoiler here is extra clothes(they are not replacement they are EXTRA) here is new missions screenshots BF Playground side mission will be in version 0.4 in version 0.4 cops will able to make drive by after 3 stars. V0.3 Features 15 extra cars in traffic and 3 usable new planes. house of umberto is enterable office at the film studio is available Mary-Jo's Apartment is now a safehouse Abandoned Mendez villa is now a safehouse The Compound safehouse interior is used now as an another safehouse Ship interior added JockSports shop interior added. Sabre Sport Cabrio model added to the traffic. one more safehouse added from little havana white stallionz bar added safehouse from little havana added Spoiler 15 extra cars in traffic and 3 usable new planes. I wont add any more interior to Extended Features, I will slowly start to add some side missions which will be related with these interiors. Generally I will focus on side missions on March. here is new updates house of umberto is enterable office at the film studio is available Mary-Jo's Apartment is now a safehouse Abandoned Mendez villa is now a safehouse The Compound safehouse interior is used now as an another safehouse Ship interior added JockSports shop interior added. Sabre Sport Cabrio model added to the traffic. cabrio sabre ship interior Mary&Joe's old house as new interior Abandoned Mendez Villa New Compound safehouse Jockstrap shop interior Umberto's house Film studio office -some new cars added. -one more safehouse added from little havana -white stallionz bar added safehouse from little havana stallionz bar 4 door rancher 4 door virgo civil cabbie Inventus Here is a small update. This can be assumed as the beginning of V0.3. - Not like previous intense and detailed updates, in this one there are additional new cars and some small window transparency fixes on buildings. Benson Premier Station Wagon Phobos Slavman Clover Working Trashed car (very very rare in traffic) Tahoma Hotring Civil version V0.2 Features -with this update, construction site will be a buyable property and can be bought after the mission "Rub Out" for 100.000 dollars. after payment has been done building will be constructed step by step. -before making this update please take your map.zon file backup. if there is any problem just revert that file from your backup. - lots of new weapon pickups added. here is weapon list, vcs python silenced ingram desert eagle AK-47 new shotgun sawn-off shotgun heavy machinegun like Rambo Hatchet crowbar m16 stubby retro shotgun M16a1 with greanade launcher feature AKA Little friend of Tony Montana Be careful to minimap all safehouses will be appeared and disappeared and most of safehouses contains one pickup -one more Hotel safehouse -Ambulance or Fire trucks can be found in traffic -taxi lights are on when there is no passenger. -nitro can be bought from tuning shop -bridge from VCS - if Mercedes calls you when you were in one of the new safehouses, player couldn't able to get out but now this has been fixed. - new safehouse from construction site - player can throw bomb(if you have some and will be decreased each throw) from the car just press and hold fire button(default is left mouse button) when you are not looking left or right in the car. if player is in any police car then stinger will be thrown. - player can use map during the gameplay. when on foot press and hold right mouse button and TAB, when in car press and hold R (radio change button) - drift feature added, just do drift with your car during the gameplay then you will receive drift points and money. -bcycle feature. it has special animations during riding. on next version I will add sprint feature also. animations can be seen on screenshots. bcycle can be found at, *Malibu Club, *Ocean View Hotel, *Skumole Shack *Hyman Condo -Little havana police station interior with cops and peds -Front Page cafe interior with eating feature -Colonel's Yacht interior added. It will be a safehouse and interiors will be active till all hands on deck mission. -taxi feature added -skygfx dependency has been removed -2 new gangs can be found in map. stallionz and trailer mafia -gps radar during the missions -Lowrider Challenge minigame. Mission can be found back side of the Paint shop from docks. Just enter the Blade car and follow instructions. -Diaz's study room from VCS added its backface culling reworked -last cholos update. 2 cholo gangs and their car can be found in the map -Hotel Colon as safehouse -washington hotel placement fix -Blade car interior textures don't load. Blade car fixed ****All peds reworked and now there are 180 extra ped models. game had 82 ped models now there are 262 different ped models can be found in map. -If we send a missile or a molotov to the train, the game crashes. train fix -the interior of the Savanna car doesn't load texture too, fix for savanna - There is a floating Tarboosh cafe texture appearing on the grass near the biker bar, biker bar fix - love fist limousine texture problem fix - crusher exprosion crash fix Spoiler -with this update, construction site will be a buyable property and can be bought after the mission "Rub Out" for 100.000 dollars. after payment has been done building will be constructed step by step. -before making this update please take your map.zon file backup. if there is any problem just revert that file from your backup. - lots of new weapon pickups added. here is weapon list, vcs python silenced ingram desert eagle AK-47 new shotgun sawn-off shotgun heavy machinegun like Rambo Hatchet crowbar m16 stubby retro shotgun M16a1 with greanade launcher feature AKA Little friend of Tony Montana Be careful to minimap all safehouses will be appeared and disappeared and most of safehouses contains one pickup -one more Hotel safehouse -Ambulance or Fire trucks can be found in traffic -taxi lights are on when there is no passenger. -nitro can be bought from tuning shop -bridge from VCS here is screenshots - if Mercedes calls you when you were in one of the new safehouses, player couldn't able to get out but now this has been fixed. - new safehouse from construction site - player can throw bomb(if you have some and will be decreased each throw) from the car just press and hold fire button(default is left mouse button) when you are not looking left or right in the car. if player is in any police car then stinger will be thrown. - player can use map during the gameplay. when on foot press and hold right mouse button and TAB, when in car press and hold R (radio change button) - drift feature added, just do drift with your car during the gameplay then you will receive drift points and money. -Little havana police station interior with cops and peds -Front Page cafe interior with eating feature - This small update is fixing unexpected crash at "the party" mission and some unexpected crashes during the free ride. for all the script creators I want to warn, If you are using special characters with 023C opcode and creating them in your script too much it is causing unexpected and random crashes! Because model is loading in #SPECIAL index and they are not unique. If during the missions or with your other mods which are using same #SPECIAL index then you will get unexpected and random crashes! With that update I removed my 023C calls from two important scripts. -many crash fixes. I tested it till the mission Shakedown from start new game without closing. no crash no unexpected error. -taxi feature added -cleo version increased from to with this update I can add new MISSIONS! I will make all new shop and club interiors as a buyable property on new updates. for buying there you will have to pay its price and do their missions. -Colonel's Yacht interior added. It will be a safehouse and interiors will be active till all hands on deck mission. -Diaz's study room from VCS added its backface culling reworked -many crash fixes -skygfx dependency has been removed -2 new gangs can be found in map. stallionz and trailer mafia -gps radar during the missions -Lowrider Challenge minigame. Mission can be found back side of the Paint shop from docks. Just enter the Blade car and follow instructions. -bcycle feature. it has special animations during riding. on next version I will add sprint feature also. animations can be seen on screenshots. bcycle can be found at, Malibu Club, Ocean View Hotel, Skumole Shack Hyman Condo -last cholos update. 2 cholo gangs and their car can be found in the map V0.1 Features boxing side mission after you passed you can learn new fight moves active traffic on Links Bridge some missing dialogs reused gang war side missions like san andreas inside track mini game black jack mini game gang members can be hired with action and sprint buttons, then can do driveby active balcony active interiors and extra clothes busses contains real passengers real bus driver mission peds can use mobile phone some peds can take a photo peds can buy newspaper and send post via postboxes peds and polices are wearing helmet during bike ride peds are using umbrella during the rain peds can eat hotdog, burger and pizza screenshots, Spoiler boxing side mission after you passed you can learn new fight moves active traffic on Links Bridge some missing dialogs reused gang war side missions like san andreas inside track mini game black jack mini game gang members can be hired with action and sprint buttons, then can do driveby active balcony active interiors and extra clothes busses contains real passengers real bus driver mission peds can use mobile phone some peds can take a photo peds can buy newspaper and send post via postboxes peds and polices are wearing helmet during bike ride peds are using umbrella during the rain peds can eat hotdog, burger and pizza Edited January 2 by bibidibabidibu Kiyone_Alien_Cop, Matt1010, AshG7 and 76 others 65 3 6 1 1 1 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
TarRebririon Posted July 24, 2021 Share Posted July 24, 2021 You can upload the entire files to somewhere right? Like LibertyCity.ru or something? Also, finally a stable VC HD mod! Thanks for making my dreams come true. Róbert Bock, Ivan1997GTA and wwwwandrarijaz 3 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071598287 Share on other sites More sharing options...
universetwisters Posted July 24, 2021 Share Posted July 24, 2021 Looks fancy! But how much of this is yours and from others? Dr Busta and skatingbikinigirl 1 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071598464 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted July 24, 2021 Author Share Posted July 24, 2021 (edited) On 7/24/2021 at 8:34 AM, universetwisters said: Looks fancy! But how much of this is yours and from others? *All cleo scripts are mine. *vehicles gathered from some modders but all vehicle models minified, maximum dff size is 2 mb maximum txd size is 1 mb for vehicles *All buyable safehouse interiors are taken from BlackStallionDX and after buying one estate you can enter to their interiors, here is one example *map is vice cry 1.8 but maximum texture size is 512*512(roads) and important textures(roads, pavements, grasses) are mipmapped *I used classic axis but it is known that swimm, climbing scripts are not compatible so that I recreate swimming and climbing scripts *there are lots of places you can enter, these interiors taken from san andreas and vcs, you can check the minimap, you can date with mercedes and she can call you, missing conversions recreated, she can choose one of her two clothes and you can enter malibu or cafe and restaurants which are created and added by me one interior example taken from vcs Edited July 24, 2021 by bibidibabidibu Kesha_F1, Ivan1997GTA, Comrade Monke and 7 others 9 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071598513 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BilinmeyenBey Posted July 24, 2021 Share Posted July 24, 2021 I've been one of the playtester (At least saw these screenshots before release), and I can say. These new features are fantastic! I say download this mod wwwwandrarijaz 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071598586 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Ward Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 This actually looks pretty sweet! Me wanty! Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071599242 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Busta Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 Wow amazing Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071599246 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryu_ Posted July 26, 2021 Share Posted July 26, 2021 Wow I never thought I would be that speechless these days about a Vice City total conversion but that is just insane! I hope it will be possible in the near future to try it out, maybe as a modloader package ? or as TarRebririon already said on a website like Libertcity.ru, as I know does BlackStallionDX it most of the time like that because he know other sites would take it down. Ivan1997GTA and TarRebririon 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071600241 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted July 27, 2021 Author Share Posted July 27, 2021 Thanks a lot for comments. Mod will be shared after 16 August. here is one more feature I added today. peds can use vending machines and drink sprunk or ecola TarRebririon, Vishnuka, Róbert Bock and 3 others 5 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071601779 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TarRebririon Posted July 27, 2021 Share Posted July 27, 2021 Oooh, I can't wait to get my hand on this mod! Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071602210 Share on other sites More sharing options...
AkaPreston Posted July 30, 2021 Share Posted July 30, 2021 (edited) On 7/23/2021 at 5:26 PM, bibidibabidibu said: I can take permissions of the other modders and share their name but still probably I cant share whole mod because of new decisions of R* and Take2 wait T2, are you serious??? that's not fair... anyways, good job btw Edited July 30, 2021 by AkaPreston Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071604487 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Busta Posted July 31, 2021 Share Posted July 31, 2021 (edited) On 7/24/2021 at 9:56 AM, bibidibabidibu said: *All buyable safehouse interiors are taken from BlackStallionDX Finally a use for this mess JK Edited August 1, 2021 by Dr Busta H-G, Keith Ward and Huevos gordos 3 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071605849 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted August 1, 2021 Author Share Posted August 1, 2021 (edited) active and enterable tram. It is in second island, starts from pharmacy to biker shop. Edited August 1, 2021 by bibidibabidibu Dr Busta, Ivan1997GTA, Mr. Myriad and 5 others 7 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071606633 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ivan1997GTA Posted August 1, 2021 Share Posted August 1, 2021 (edited) You know, a monorail service across downtown Vice City would've made a lot more sense than the trams. Since when do you see trams in Miami? Edited August 1, 2021 by Ivan1997GTA SLON1936 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071606638 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted August 1, 2021 Author Share Posted August 1, 2021 (edited) On 8/1/2021 at 6:41 PM, Ivan1997GTA said: You know, a monorail service across downtown Vice City would've made a lot more sense than the trams. Since when do you see trams in Miami? since when do you see such a good feature for vice city algorithm done by me. and yes in future can be adapted for somewhere else. Edited August 1, 2021 by bibidibabidibu Official General 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071606643 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Ward Posted August 2, 2021 Share Posted August 2, 2021 I think trams are a fun substitute for trains, all accuracy aside. Ivan1997GTA 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071606944 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TarRebririon Posted August 2, 2021 Share Posted August 2, 2021 Preferred monorail, but a tram works too. Plan to add extra cars? Ivan1997GTA 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071607128 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted August 3, 2021 Author Share Posted August 3, 2021 active on foot radio(distance based volume up down, if radio is far away sound is low if close it is high). some dancing people you can came across. They are breakdancing not only with default vc dancing animation Róbert Bock, Ryu_, Dr Busta and 4 others 7 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071608730 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted August 4, 2021 Author Share Posted August 4, 2021 Kissing feature during dating with mercedes. Comrade Monke, Keith Ward, spartaque12 and 10 others 8 1 1 2 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609430 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Keith Ward Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 This mod has KISSIES?! Now I definitely want it. Dr Busta and Róbert Bock 1 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609853 Share on other sites More sharing options...
ADropInTheOcean Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 On 8/1/2021 at 5:39 PM, bibidibabidibu said: active and enterable tram. It is in second island, starts from pharmacy to biker shop. While I really like the idea of Vice City having its own rail system, I gotta say that I'm not too sure if I vibe with this particular one? Not just because there isn't any real-life equivalent to it in Miami (at least not as far as my knowledge goes), but also, the model is pretty obviously recognizable from Mafia 1 and that might make it a pretty jarring inclusion to people who played that game and recognize the asset. Personally, I'd either drop it entirely from the mod or at least retexture it a little so it looks more unique to Vice City (maybe like one of those Miami trolleys, which are not on rails but ey, perhaps you can assume this is a fictionalized version of one of those?) Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609888 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TarRebririon Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 10 hours ago, bibidibabidibu said: Kissing feature during dating with mercedes. Damn clipping. Anyway, can we go on a dance with Mercedes in the Malibu Club or something? Vishnuka 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609889 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryu_ Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 12 hours ago, bibidibabidibu said: Kissing feature during dating with mercedes. With every new screenshot you're sharing with us I'm getting just more excited to try it out! Keep up your awesome work and really thank you for being a part of the Vice City modding community! Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609997 Share on other sites More sharing options...
IlyaKostygov Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 Maybe i mistake, but looks like you get some stuff from my Miami Beach pack. Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071609999 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackStallionDX Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 On 8/1/2021 at 2:06 AM, Dr Busta said: Finally a use for this mess JK What's you mean? Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610038 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TarRebririon Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 3 hours ago, BlackStallionDX said: What's you mean? He's just joking. That's all. Ivan1997GTA and Dr Busta 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610147 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Busta Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 3 hours ago, BlackStallionDX said: What's you mean? Just joking about how many mods you've created nothing big Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610168 Share on other sites More sharing options...
IlyaKostygov Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 bibidibabidibu, If you take some stuff from my mods, please notice me in credits and you can use it in your modpack. Anyway, looks kinda fun, especially tram and kisses. Róbert Bock 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610205 Share on other sites More sharing options...
bibidibabidibu Posted August 5, 2021 Author Share Posted August 5, 2021 (edited) 17 minutes ago, IlyaKostygov said: bibidibabidibu, If you take some stuff from my mods, please notice me in credits and you can use it in your modpack. Anyway, looks kinda fun, especially tram and kisses. I used Vice Cry 1.8, Miami Vibe (many many many thanks to @BlackStallionDX and his great models), San andreas, Vice City Stories, Elchango's ped models, Several vehicles from modders. If you are talking about vehicles of course I can add your name bro Edited August 5, 2021 by bibidibabidibu IlyaKostygov and Dr Busta 2 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610218 Share on other sites More sharing options...
IlyaKostygov Posted August 5, 2021 Share Posted August 5, 2021 2 minutes ago, bibidibabidibu said: I used Vice Cry 1.8, Miami Vibe, San andreas, Vice City Stories, Elchango's ped models, Several vehicles from modders. If you are talking about vehicles of course I can add your name bro Oh, alright - Cuban Hermes - what this car is? If this is Mercury from Mad Driver - ok, if it is Hudson Hornet by Dmitriy Gorskiy - please notice that it was made for Vice City True Vehicle Pack and made by Dmitriy Gorskiy in credits and you can use it. All other looks nice, good luck with uploading and avoiding *star limitations for total conversions! bibidibabidibu 1 Link to comment https://gtaforums.com/topic/974026-grand-theft-auto-vice-city-extended-features/#findComment-1071610222 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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