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Los Santos Tuners - Bitch & Moan

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I believe I remember seeing these threads for DLC previous and then get merged later. Feel free to close/move this though mods if I'm mistaken or what not.


Anyway, any criticisms? Sound off...


I'll start:


The rep system, AKA arena rank MKII is a bit of a piss take. Cheeky bastards!


No rep for the contracts or lack of trade prices for unlockables like the arena doesn't help either *facepalm*


Anyway, let it all out here. Enjoy!

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Yeah, that Moodyman and his Mrs is a bit OTT. I'm far from bothered about bad language, use plenty myself too often probably, but f*ck them. 


I do like the DLC very much overall, but it has it's drawbacks to stop it getting a perfect score.

  • Like 21
On 7/20/2021 at 4:35 PM, Spectre "2K" said:

the contract missions are arguably some of the most fun ones i've played in a long time, and I have absolutely zero desire to replay them because of the mega cringe dialogue

I really wanted to end it all when I had to repeat the train mission. “Right after I jump on that mustache.“ God Rockstar who thought that was a good idea. 

Also, no radio in the races and another property to buy. 

edit: why are there weird shortcut paths in these street races? What’s the point?

Edited by jerkmymeat

Moodymann and Moodywomann need to STFU. IRL I'm sure they're fine people, but ingame? Sweet Merciful Christ!


The grind is ludicrous. 


The GTT, as great as it is, could really use some better hood options. 

I'm so annoyed by Moodyman, I feel posting this again is justified.


On 7/20/2021 at 7:35 PM, IceDree said:

Instead of using Hao, you know, the logical choice, R* opted to go with Moodyman & his foul mouth instead.


Not only we have to contend with Moodyman's arrogance & vulgarness, we now have to deal with his hornyness & his equally vulgar pink haired girlfriend.




On 7/21/2021 at 12:42 AM, Lonely-Martin said:

Yeah, that Moodyman and his Mrs is a bit OTT. I'm far from bothered about bad language, use plenty myself too often probably, but f*ck them.


Yep. He's like that child who discovered swear words for the first time and now tries to force it everywhere to sound cool and mature in front of his buddies.

On 7/21/2021 at 12:52 AM, JRC99 said:

Moodymann and Moodywomann need to STFU. 

And get a room.

Pursuit is an absolute mess as during the first turn you'll get piled upon by every other jackass who doesn't know how to take a turn and the cops are laggy as all hell.


Oh and Lester's wanted level thing is disabled for almost everything related to the new robberies.

Edited by EkaSwede
  • Like 4

>Do setup mission to jam each bank so cops don't know you hit them


>Receive an inescapable 3 star wanted level 2 minutes after you enter the first bank


What on earth is the point of doing anything in this game sometimes

Edited by Cyoctane

My biggest complaint about this update so far is that the Jester Classic (among other cars from previous updates) deserves to be in the tuner class and get all the love and attention that the new cars are getting. This is the update the JC needed, and I'd love to be able to use mine in the new races 

  • Like 9

Had this bug during a prep mission at Fort Zancudo for one of the new Contracts where I couldn't lose my 5-stars wanted level. Weirdly enough, I actually lost the cops but the wanted level itself refused to go away. Had to change lobbies and play the mission all over again... Really annoying

  • Like 2
Dirty Hairy

I absolutely LOVE the idea of enabling/disabling your favorite or least favorite radio stations. The Radio Station Favorites feature should have been around years ago. But can someone please explain to me why in the F**K would you put this feature and some MP3 player or whatever useless sh*t at the very top of the inventory list??? I have been playing this game for years. Whenever im getting low on health, my muscle memory guides me to the body armor and snack section of my inventory. So imagine my f**king shock when i go to do the very same thing that ive been doing for years, only to find that i haven't been healed AT ALL. Meanwhile, I'm getting aimbotted in the F**king face by 8 dudes with micro smgs from another zip code away. 1 step forward, 2 steps back 

Weaponised Vehicles are still the best options for missions despite getting some awesome vehicles.

Like the mission where you have to steal the printing plates and the objective is "Damage The Transporter", that still makes WV's the best option. Instead, it should have been "Get alongside the truck, so you can jump" and then get a little animation of you jumping from your car to the truck. Speed and driving skill over weaponised vehicles.

Am I supposed to grind the same 12 races 1000 times each to get Reputation? Could have been logical and made it that *any* of the hundreds of thousands of player created races earns you Rep, but no. Just Arena War MKII with a bunch more content I can't be bothered to unlock.


And don't get me started on how you can't find a race that has catchup disabled.

Edited by T0X1C

Oh the joy of having your personal aircraft spawn next to you now. This is how I got my Akula delivered, with a loud BOOM. 💩



Not even the firefighters could believe what they saw.:kekw:




Edited by mrfonzius

No single exhaust option for the ZR350, what the f*ck Rockstar


Even the ZR350 in San Andreas had a single exhaust, and the stock rx7 has a single exhaust. Rockstar from 2013-Present always making the dumbest decisions 

  • Grind system worse than Arena War: This is completely ridiculous. In Arena War we could buy customization parts that we hadn't unlocked if we paid for them. But car meet doesn't allow that. And all the nice livery and wheels are locked.
  • Favorite radio station: Yeah, I like this idea. But who was foolish enough to decide to put this above armor and snacks? Who wants to filter the radio when you're about to get shot and killed? Whoever thought of this UI change has absolutely never played this game. Worst change ever.
  • New heist mission: as usual, only up to four people can participate. And the profit is less than all previous heists, with all but the host receiving only $50,000. This heist will soon suffer the same fate as the Cruiser mission.
  • Auto Shop: This idea was great, and customizing customers' cars like CMS and Diesel Brothers would have been a nice distraction. However, the profit is only slightly better than Simion's mission, against the cost of several million dollars needed to play this system. It's not worth it, and it's not worth repeating. As with the cruiser missions, I wonder if they set it up this way on purpose because they don't want us to play the new game modes.
  • Drift Tire: I had high hopes for this feature. However, this tire is simply a reduced grip tire and does not seem to be the best setup for drifting. Once you get used to it, I'm sure you can drift with this tire, but it wasn't as good as I had hoped.


I like everything about it except this. Or rather, I can forgive it except for the terrible grind.

In what was supposed to be the best update ever for gearheads, they ruined it by mixing in AW.
Rockstar's bizarre decision has me baffled.


Have to make sure I never play in a chat or personally meet the folks here bothered by cursing. I’m the person they based that old, History of the word f*ck meme on, lol.


No way in hell am I going to grind through all the ranks in this arena war 2 setup. On console I will just ignore it like the original version and on PC I will use a menu to insta unlock it all just like the original.

  • Like 1
On 7/20/2021 at 9:03 PM, GOKI JET said:
  • New heist mission: as usual, only up to four people can participate. And the profit is less than all previous heists, with all but the host receiving only $50,000. This heist will soon suffer the same fate as the Cruiser mission.

You can play all preps and final mission of all the robberies solo and in invite only lobbies

  • Best Bru 1

Are people seriously complaining about this update not being a money maker? Cmom guys, everyone with common sense knew this was going to be a money sink update just like Arena Wars ever since they announced it, specially after something like Cayo Perico, don't act surprised because the payout is sh*t. 




But yeah, about the reputation grind, it f*cking sucks but at least all the wheels are unlocked at rank 100 so thank god

On 7/21/2021 at 9:06 AM, ArthurZussman said:

You can play all preps and final mission of all the robberies solo and in invite only lobbies

I wrote this complaint because I don't want to play solo, I want to play with 5 or more people. Bad translation.
The group I usually play with is more than 4 people and I don't really like the fact that I have to split into different groups to play these missions.

  • Like 2

Boy... This is going to be a long one.


So first off. 50y/o boomer redition of "tuner car culture" with such a garbage tier driving mechanic already.

Need to drift to turn the new cars because there basic turn radius is the worst of ANY vehicle outside of say a trash tuck. 45degree turn and engine die = drifting but I forget, only a 50y/o boomer would think drifting only happens from 30-55mph.

Junk new cars in there own class because EVERY OTHER CAR CLASS WOULD R@P3 them.

All the "tuners" not set up for off the line speed/acceleration which is kinda needed for drifting.

The Celica GT-Four, one of the greatest rally cars ever made, magickly burns out for ages and takes 4 city blocks to turn unless you "drift" but again, engine dies or car "auto corrects/gets its grip back" to having no turn radius again.


You would think they would just take the community made "Drifting" script and add it to the game proper, like bethesda takes community mods and claims there "Original ideas" to maybe help the whole "Drift scene" feel, but nah, snag them no traction tires and sit there like your in a banshee burning out for 30 mins and doing endless 180s because thats how ALL drifting works.

Them not removing the "Over 45 degree angle from start = 180 burn out" ALWAYS.


FFS they dropped the ball so hard on this. I can drift better in my darn Kamancho or Paragon R then I can with these fartcannon pos rides.


Another point to the whole "50y/o boomer dlc" aspect is the locked out radio. As if I give 2 shyts about what garbage they think would be in the next F&F movie. Car culture is about expressing ones own individuality that they seemed to understand well enough to give so many options to "customize" these cars with, yet some how thought it was a good idea to LOCK THE FUKIN RADIO to a station you NEED TO COLLECT garbage to use.


I guess I'm just not hip enough to know current generation "turner" scene.

Stay "tuned" for the cameo by ol Vinny D hur hur.



F R*.

On 7/20/2021 at 8:07 PM, RamsaySaint77 said:

The Remus also has pretty lackluster exhaust options



The exhaust options of most cars are sh*t. Plus the textures always look like ass. Makes me wonder if they are going to do anything about that come the next gen version of the game. 

  • Like 3
On 7/20/2021 at 2:35 PM, Spectre "2K" said:

the contract missions are arguably some of the most fun ones i've played in a long time, and I have absolutely zero desire to replay them because of the mega cringe dialogue

OMG yes they laid it on way too thick... I also HATE the loadout thing. Just let me use my own damn guns like normal. 

Edited by LennyGhoul
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