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Acronyms for Certain Common Game Terms - Suggestions

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Hi GTAF community.

In an effort to increase accessibility to game newbies and ease of reading in some areas like the GTA Online and Red Dead Online forums, we'd like to ask for your help!

Sometimes we have newbies asking what does "EWO" mean, or "CPH" mean, or stuff of the sort, and Invision Community has a feature so you can hover over an acronym and have it be told to you what it means. So hovering over EWO would show "Easy Way Out" in a tooltip, "CPH" would show "Cayo Perico Heist", etc.


We've done this for the term PBM as well (Previously Banned Member, try hovering over the word!) and plan to do it for more specific GTAF terms as well such as OGA (Official Gang Alliance), so we'd like to ask - what terms do you think should be included so we can make things a bit easier to interpret for people who might not be into all the strategies and terminology of the online games or GTAF?


Edit: Because these aren't section specific, if the acronym has way too many meanings outside game specific terminology, or isn't that common and may conflict with some other types of conversation, we likely still won't add it. e.g. BST is both British Summer Time and Bull Shark Testosterone so...

Edit 2: We're mostly looking for terms used by seasoned players, some town names, console names, game names etc. aren't going to be added because 1. they might interfere with other conversations, 2. well, this is GTAForums, you probably know what GTA V and GTAO are. :p 



Edited by Spider-Vice
2 minutes ago, Talisman_83 said:

BST = Bull Shark Testosterone

These aren't section-specific unfortunately, so this one might make some posts that specify BST as a timezone become a bit... interesting :kekw:  Might have to open up some exceptions unfortunately.

  • Like 2

Just blabbing around here, don't mind me!

MK II = Oppressor Mk II

DH = Doomsday Heist

PS = Pacific Standard

U&A = Up-n-Atomizer

HL = Homing Launcher

LZZZ = Mating call of a wild overweight boar


Thomas The Dank Engine

Do you want acronyms only? Because in the PvP scene you have terms like KEK, Beach, RPGSP, etc. Can those be listed as well? If so, i'm obligated to make an entire list of (tryhard/PvP) terms if needed.

Edited by Thomas The Dank Engine
  • Like 1


R* - Rockstar Games

GTA V \ V - Grand Theft Auto V (Story Mode)

GTAO - Grand Theft Auto: Online

GTA IVO - Grand Theft Auto IV Online Multiplayer

E&E - Grand Theft Auto V: Expanded & Enhanced



K/D - Kill/Death Ratio

EWO - Intentional Suicide ("Easy Way Out")

BST - Bullshark Testosterone

PvP - Player vs Player

PvE - Player vs Everything

PvPvE- Player vs Player vs Everything



FL Ruiner - The Ruiner 2000 provided within the VIP Work - Fully Loaded

MOC - Mobile Operations Centre

OpMk2 / OppMk2 / OpMkII / OppMkII - Oppressor MkII

R2K Missiles - Never Miss Homing Missiles



E&OC - Executives & Other Criminals Update

F&F - Further Adventures In Finance & Felony Update

MC Business - Motorcycle Club Business

I/E - Import/Export Update

SR - Smugglers Run Update

DDH - The Doomsday Heist Update

AH - After Hours Update

NC - Nightclub

AW - Arena War Update

DCR - The Diamond Casino & Resort Update

DCH - The Diamond Casino Heist Update

LSSS - Los Santos Summer Special Update

C&C - Cops n Crooks

CPH - The Cayo Perico Heist Update

Edited by Cash 4 Clickbait
Just now, Thomas The Dank Engine said:

Do you want acronyms only? Because in the PvP scene you have terms like KEK, Beach, RPGSP, etc. Can those be listed as well? If so, i'm obligated to make an entire list of (tryhard/PvP) terrms if needed.

Just acronyms is preferrable, because full words may make some other conversations look weird. PvP and PvE are good ones, and whatever RPGSP is because not even I know that one hahah.

  • Like 2

Common used states and cites in RDR2

NA = New Austin - a state in Red Dead Redemption 2

BL = Blackwater - a small city in Red Dead Redemption

NH =  New Hanover  - a large state in Red Dead Redemption 2

HL = Heartlands - a large state in Red Dead Redemption, also incudes a small town "Valentine" and wildness nature 

St Denis = Saint Denis - a large city in Red Dead Redemption 2


Common used cities in GTAV

LS = Los Santos - a city in GTAV

BC = Blame County - a large part of country side in GTAV

SS = Sandy Shores - a small desert area in GTAV



PVP = Player Versus Player - compete with other players in a type of mode, i.e. Team Deathmatch

SP = Story Mode - offline campaign mode, also known as Story Mode

RDRO = Red Dead Online - a multiplayer mode for Red Dead Redemption 2

GTAO = GTA Online / Grand Theft Auto Online -  a multiplayer mode for Grand Theft Auto V

R* Editor = Rockstar Editor - an in-game video editor by Rockstar Games, currently supported in Grand Theft Auto V

Editor = Rockstar Editor - an in-game video editor by Rockstar Games, currently supported in Grand Theft Auto V



Mods = Modding - modifying game files to change the way game operates or also known as cheating in online games / or moderators on GTAFourms. 

Cheats = Cheating - offline and online cheating 

5M = FiveM - a third party multiplayer client for Grand Theft Auto V

XB1 = Xbox One - a Microsoft console product platform

PS4 = PlayStation 4 - a Sony console product platform

XSX = Xbox Series X - a next-generation Microsoft product console platform

XSS = Xbox Series S - a next-generation Microsoft product console platform

PS5 = PlayStation 5 - a next-generation Sony product platform

EGS = Epic Games Store - a digital storefront for games which sells some select Rockstar titles 

RGL = Rockstar Games Launcher - a digital official PC storefront operated by Rockstar Games


Edited by VideoTech_

Big thanks @Cash 4 Clickbait, added a lot of those! We're not going to add every single one because they're kinda too common and could be used in other contexts (NC, SR, BST etc.). :/ We can never cover 100% of the acronyms but we have a ton already which is nice.  It's more terms used by seasoned players.

So uh, this is a 98% tongue in cheek comment, but are the words "Yan" and "Tez" gonna get their own highlights?


Because those names get thrown around pretty rigorously in almost every section, ya'know.




32 minutes ago, VideoTech_ said:

NH = New Hangover - a large state in Red Dead Redemption 2

It's Hanover, not Hangover.




Edited by IzzyBlues

Btw if you haven't noticed the OP edits, we're more looking for terms that are more specific to game strats or terminology that newer players may not know (FL Ruiner for example despite being two words is fine). Console names, the name of the game engine, game names, location names (if they're too short to be an acronym), feature names everyone can easily see in their game etc. are most likely not going to be added. We did add store/service names such as RGL, EGS and RGSC though.

Corrupt - Spider-Vice



7 minutes ago, IzzyBlues said:

So uh, this is a 98% tongue in cheek comment, but are the words "Yan" and "Tez" gonna their own highlights?


Because those names get thrown around pretty rigorously in almost every section.




It's Hanover, not Hangover.




I was typing on phone, sorry. I'll fix it now


So far we have:













FL Ruiner



















Thanks all so far for the contributions, did think that announcement would have to stay up for longer. :p Can keep them coming as long as they abide by the recommendations in the OP.


These are only mentioned in their heist form but i feel like they should be mentioned as locations too:

DC - Diamond Casino

CP - Cayo Perico


Besides that i constantly notice people in game dont know these pretty common location acronyms so i guess a lot of people here dont know them either?

LSIA - Los Santos International Airport

SSA - Sandy Shores Airfield

MKF - McKenzie Field (the grapeseed airstrip)

LSC - Los Santos Customs


Some other stuffs:

SCP - Shark card purchase

CESP - Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack


2 hours ago, Classique said:

PS = Pacific Standard

I feel like that one would easily be misunderstood, afaik most people just call it 'pac standard' wich is pretty much already descriptive enough


3 hours ago, Classique said:

MK II = Oppressor Mk II

Same for this, to easy to misunderstand as there are also MK2 weapons in the game, id go with something like "Opp Mk2" but again, thats also pretty descriptive already

  • Like 1

I agree and have always heard it that way but because someone suggested "vs. Everything" as well, I included it, because in a sense neither are wrong I suppose. Suits people who may have heard both ways.

As a boomer (so they say at least) who constantly struggles with acronyms and doesn't keep up with whatever the kids come up with, I appreciate this, thank you. m0Fm4I7.png 

  • KEKW 3

PvE/PvP are basically from MMORPG's with both types of gameplay, PvE is vs environment as you're fighting the stuff in the world, vs player is when you're fighting players, vs everything would be both of those things, I personally have never seen it used that way my self.


There's also some games that call it PvM these days, which stands for Players vs Monsters.

  • Like 1

Agreed, so I'll change it back to just Environment. Won't apply retroactively unfortunately so only posts after this will have the fixed version.

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