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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/24/2021 at 6:04 AM, MatheuzPatoo said:

my gta ug stays with black screen, all the hud appears, but everything stays black, inside it goes back to normal!

would there be a way to solve this?

From our FAQ:

Q: I am having blackscreen issues when playing GTA: Underground. The HUD is visible, but everything else is not, while I can hear in-game audio just fine. What's wrong?

A: This is a known problem and we know it is related to the postfx shader which is used by GTA: Underground. We will fix the issue soon, for now you can use the following workaround step by step:


   1. Navigate to your installation directory and open skygfx1.ini.

   2. Find this configuration option:

   3. ;colorFilter=PS2 ; Select the color filter

    Change it to:

    colorFilter=PS2 ; Select the color filter

    Save the file and restart your game. This will override the postfx shader used by GTA: Underground, which means the in-game weather in any additional map included in GTA: Underground will look very weird, but it should solve the issue.



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