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GTA Underground 4.1.6 75 snapshots in San Fierro and Liberty City

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On 23/2/2021 at 13:35, Mrspy1 said:

Hola 98,

entonces escribe por favor  exactamente donde los encontraste. Si encuentro otro, te harĂ© saber dĂłnde estaba <font style=🙂">

Enter in this chat un telegram @GTUND

Ok. After two hours in Liberty I found 9
- Salvatore's Maison on the roof on the harbour side,
- in fornt of ''Supa Save'' market where Patriot is,
- in fornt of Hospital,
at the board
- Burger at ,,Bruger Shot'' restaurant, just like in L.S.
at the top of the bridge span
, just like in L.S.
- in front of Kenji's Cassino, main borad,
- Church on the roof,
- in fornt of Museum (close to the bridge),
- top of
obelisk in the park

I hope I helped

Edited by Mrspy1
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  • 2 weeks later...

ok. we're moving forward.
11. is in Portland by (de)construction Crane in Sain't Marks,
12. is in Staunton
next to a skyscraper (it is exactly in the middle of this part of island
) with a sun-shaped facade.
one more and Im be slowly preparing a map.

Hello Atazs,

Are you sure? Previously, there was information here that you need to collect all 75.
As I collected all orginal in SF it didn't change the progress. Weapons also didn't show up in SF - which in itself was annoying after the mission The Da Nang Thang.
I feel sorry for the Gamer98 he had to look for almost every Shnapshot himself (23?) and I don't know if he found  all of them.
Thats why we have this Forum - to share experiences, findings and insights 😃

Edited by Mrspy1

I have a 100% save game right now without completing end of the line and the ammu nation challenge or getting any of the hidden packages and extra snapshots in LC... 

There are 4 vehicle challenges from gta 3 in LC that add to your total completion % and make up for them.

Edited by atazs
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