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GTA Mixed (LC+VC+SA)

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Tito Lolm said:
when i use the ragdoll mod peds fall under the floor

Ragdoll Bullet Physics


How to make Ragdoll Bullet Physics work with GTA Mixed:


1. Open RagDoll_physics.ini.


2. Change fWorldMinX and fWorldMinY to -12000.0.


3. Change fWorldMaxX and fWorldMaxY to 12000.0.



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Worked on an island bigger than that. Ended up scraping the bigger island to a smaller island so I could release it sooner.

Plan was to finish the small island, and release it. After the island is out - I grow/extend the island bigger for the next version. And then I grow the island more for the version after the next version. And so on.

Edited by Zeneric
img url typos
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Days later....





Abandoned/ghost town surrounded by trees/forests/overgrown vegs and high hills.


South from Mixmods found this picture (abandoned Pripyat city irl):




This idea.

Edited by Zeneric
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i cant get this mod to work without crashing, is it possible to remove extended peds, cars and weapons, all i just want is the map. How can i fix the problem? I tried removed weapons in default.ide and still crashes right from startup. I never first tried un-exist models IDs in modloader. I have a clean GTASA.exe every mods gonna be in modloader. 


Edited by skatefilter5
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So guys, I absolutely love this mod. But I've been facing some problems recently since I've downloaded "open hidden interiors mod" it somehow messed up my gta LCxVCxSa's  every single interior. Now when I enter them ,it opens into a random Interior. I tried deleting the interior mod. But it doesn't changes anything. I did some investigating and found out that this happens only when I use LCxVCxSA mod (modloader files)and not when I use original SA. I tried reinstalling the whole game and the mixedmod but still my PC somehow "remembers" the same(interior) problem.


An Example of my problem:


when I enters CJ's house in Grove street it's somehow ends up in Malibu clubs exit in Vice City.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/20/2022 at 3:34 PM, MDXNaTioN said:

how to activate gang zone in GTA Mixed?

(If it activated by .ini is doesn't show)

On 6/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, indiananimestv said:

please make the original place/region names of vc and lc appear in the game otherwise it fits incomplete!!

Due to a diferent town positions from the original and mixed - the info.zon file is obsolete resulting everything related to the zones (including the opcodes, gang spawn positions etc) to be unfunctional. And not to mention the new zones don't work with the new zone positions. 
However for the past few weeks we've been working on this problem and I'm happy to announce that it's solved! New zones are converted for the Mixed and we even managed to make it work with the save files. 

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First of all, this is a great mod especially after UG was sabotaged by R*.

I hope such disgrace will not happen to you.


However, after playing it, I faced the following things:


1) When entering LC via the tunnel, some cars become British and switch to the left lane. This fixes itself after some time in LC.

2) VC and LC police cars spawn correctly at the buildings, but not in traffic - there it's the normal SA rural car. I suspected that in the folder "asi" the wanted level editor asi was missing - after installing, the game crashes whenever a police vehicle should appear. Maybe because the WLA has been updated meanwhile? Which version is compatible?

3) As I play with many added cars and peds (still to be transferred to Mixed, this isn't done in 5 minutes) I wanted to edit the pedgroups and cargroups in LC and VC, but I was unable to find them. Are they part of a cleo file? Is there any chance the average user can edit the settings?


Many thanks for replies and again thanks for your outstanding work. To be honest  I like the cities in "driveable" distance more than it was in UG. And I do not really miss Bullworth or Carcer. It's about GTA after all, and I like it the way it is.

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17 minutes ago, CT1612 said:

2) VC and LC police cars spawn correctly at the buildings, but not in traffic - there it's the normal SA rural car. I suspected that in the folder "asi" the wanted level editor asi was missing - after installing, the game crashes whenever a police vehicle should appear. Maybe because the WLA has been updated meanwhile? Which version is compatible?

Wanted Level Editor v1.10 for SAxVCxLC.

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1 hour ago, Jack said:

Wanted Level Editor v1.10 for SAxVCxLC.


Thanks! Thanks to that hint I found the issue - Windows is constantly deleting the asi, with an error report that the file is either corrupted or not meant to be used under windows. Fun fact: It ONCE worked, since then I got the error message again and again and again.

Anyone else facing this crap?


Edit: I have a workaround, I deactivate the Mixed mod, insert the file again while the game is running, then I re-activate mixed and there it works... mostly. Sometimes even this doesn't work, but its kind of acceptable for the momet as it did work a few times.




And I found a misplaced lamppost - nothing wrong with it, but just in case the devs want to know what I find. Please don't see it as nitpicking, I really can live with such small mistakes.






Edited by CT1612
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/4/2022 at 5:34 PM, Zeneric said:







ya, aware of the f*cked decals/transparent textures. wip.

I’m new here and posted just to compliment your work. Your work is looking great. 

An abandoned looking Pripyat style of island looks okay, but it doesn’t serve much for gameplay sake on its own in the island, and if just that abandoned area, it would feel out of place as a useful junction to connect 3 areas. But, I have an idea below to extend to that look you’re going for, read on and you’ll see. 

I have some immersion suggestions though.

Incorporate the 3 islands somehow into this central island. Small world-building moments helps. 


Ideas would be:


civilisation additions:

-Iconic advertising signs from each city on the land facing the motorway bridges toward each city, and along the bridges before the city so people know where they’re heading and will have a taste of what’s to come.

-Up on the radio tower, small custom signage of popular radio station channels from each. Or just “Broadcasting all of” “Vice City” “Liberty City” “San Andreas”.

-Add a row of 3 or 4 shops, like a Gas Station, 2 fast food places (1 from SA, the other from LC), and something else useful. 

-Don’t make the island too useless of transportation gameplay. Put a Jetty/Marina on that western beach, so a player can grab a boat, Jetski etc. if they want to have alternative travel to any of the 3 islands, that way the island isn’t too useless. 

environmental additions:

-Extend the island slightly to the north with a wooded/forested area spanning about 2-3 acres in size with a dirt path to lead to something, more environment = a small piece of GTA5s nature would be a nice Easter egg without ripping it off. Put a hippy van in it, and an abandoned bunch of conspiracy theory stuff from each of the 3 games. 

-Adding on to the jetty/marina on the beach, add about 5 tiny islands around either sides, two with a lighthouse (1 facing LC, the other VC). One island with an elusive weapon. And a couple that have no uses.

-Perhaps put an island toward VC, but just in view along the bridge, like a tourist island reachable by boat with some pedestrians and beach goers). Nothing massive or complex, just a holiday island so the boat travel doesn’t feel too empty. For reference: Frasier island, or the Stradbroke islands in Australia. 


I don’t want to bog down the post any more, so I’ll come back and we can chat more. Thanks! 

Edited by NeckbeardSlayer
Forgot some things
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There are many suggestions I collected, including yours.

I had a deadline I needed to meet - that's why the island was small in scope. I planned to do most of what you guys suggested after I met the deadline.

Now that the deadline is non existent (I failed btw XD) - I can scale the island bigger, add more stuff to it, etc, no problems.



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18 hours ago, Zeneric said:

There are many suggestions I collected, including yours.

I had a deadline I needed to meet - that's why the island was small in scope. I planned to do most of what you guys suggested after I met the deadline.

Now that the deadline is non existent (I failed btw XD) - I can scale the island bigger, add more stuff to it, etc, no problems.



Keep up the fine work. And keep the visual progress updates coming. Thank you! 

Edited by NeckbeardSlayer
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Will this mod use GTA VCS,LCS Maps in the future ?

If so it's better to start building the mod from those maps

Because they seem to fit more in the SA Style and have an updated city models.

i don't know why most modders prefer Original VC,LC maps over VCS,LCS

 'maybe importing them is easier then The stories games?'

Old VC,LC Maps looks really unfitting and weird like when you drive from a city to another it feels like you changing universes also how lighting effect the added maps is weird too i don't know how to explain but the original SA map get affected by the timecyc light properly but the added maps react to it differently and they still shiny even on some dark timecyc

 'am not talking about the original timecyc'.

Edited by aboy_trappedinabox
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Hello there is an error

gta sa us unhandled exception at 0x005380db in gta_sa.exe (+0x1380db): 0xc0000005: access violation reading location 0x70696e83. register dump: eax: 0x0000792a ebx: 0xffffffff ecx: 0x0177f0b0 edx: 0x00000000 edi: 0x0177f0b0 esi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0x70696e73 eip: 0x005380db esp: 0x0177f018 efl: 0x00010286 cs: 0x00000023 ss: 0x0000002b gs: 0x0000002b fs: 0x00000053 es: 0x0000002b ds: 0x0000002b stack dump: 0x0177f018: ffffff63 ffffffff 00000002 008e2c90 70696e73 0177f03c 0x0177f030: 00863a28 0177f098 00b71848 00b71896 00000002 00b71848 0x0177f048: 00000049 0177f1e8 0083c931 ffffffff 005386e8 0177f0b0 0x0177f060: 0177f098 00b71848 00863a08 0177f0cc 0177f098 0177f0d0 0x0177f078: 0177f0b0 0177f0b4 0177f0b8 0177f0bc 0177f0c0 0177f0c4 0x0177f090: 0177f0c8 0177f0d4 63444f4c 72675f65 646e756f 306a3231 0x0177f0a8: 00880030 ffffffff 4568c8a4 44974666 c1bdd567 00000000 0x0177f0c0: 00000000 00000000 3f800000 0000792a 00000000 ffffffff 0x0177f0d8: 005b892f 00b71848 00000000 04b44180 03dd2e80 ffffff01 0x0177f0f0: 059ddd80 005b92cc 0177f114 0177f114 0177f1e4 0177f1a8 base: 0x01580000 top: 0x0177f018 bottom: 0x01780000 backtrace (may be wrong): =>0x005380db _zn11cfileloader18loadobjectinstanceep19cfileobjectinstancepkc+0x4b in gta_sa.exe (+0x1380db) (0x0177f04c) 0x0083c931 sub_83c8f0+0x41 in gta_sa.exe (+0x43c931) (0x0177f1f4) 0x6aeba733 in std.data.dll (+0x20a733) (0x0177f234) 0x6aeb8590 in std.data.dll (+0x208590) (0x0177f27c) 0x6aebbe82 in std.data.dll (+0x20be82) (0x0177f2ac) 0x6aebcb16 in std.data.dll (+0x20cb16) (0x0177f420) 0x6aebc70c in std.data.dll (+0x20c70c) (0x0177f490) 0x6aec829f in std.data.dll (+0x21829f) (0x0177f4e8) 0x6aec3e93 in std.data.dll (+0x213e93) (0x0177f500) 0x6aebf49c in std.data.dll (+0x20f49c) (0x0177f548) 0x6aec826f in std.data.dll (+0x21826f) (0x0177f5a0) 0x6aec94ce in std.data.dll (+0x2194ce) (0x0177f6e8) 0x6a77faf5 in zoneupdates_saxvcxlc.asi (+0xfaf5) (0x0177f73c) 0x6a7836d5 in zoneupdates_saxvcxlc.asi (+0x136d5) (0x0177f7a0) 0x6a780a4e in zoneupdates_saxvcxlc.asi (+0x10a4e) (0x0177f8a0) 0x00748d00 _winmain+0x5f0 in gta_sa.exe (+0x348d00) (0x0177f988) 0x6b0fb83b in modloader.asi (+0x1b83b) (0x0177f9dc) 0x6b0ffbbb in modloader.asi (+0x1fbbb) (0x0177fa2c) 0x6b1007bb in modloader.asi (+0x207bb) (0x0177fbb8)

Any help?

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ive got a simple problem. Im trying to find a car spawner that is compatible with this mod AND can spawn Added cars. but i can't seem to find one. why am i searching for a car spawner you might ask? because when i try to activate Visual car spawner (my favorite and the best car spawner which has an option to spawn added cars) It crashes the game.

Edited by TheClassicsFan
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On 7/29/2022 at 3:01 PM, TheClassicsFan said:

ive got a simple problem. Im trying to find a car spawner that is compatible with this mod AND can spawn Added cars. but i can't seem to find one. why am i searching for a car spawner you might ask? because when i try to activate Visual car spawner (my favorite and the best car spawner which has an option to spawn added cars) It crashes the game.

your friend here is "Quick Vehicle Spawner", a cleo mod

Versão: 2.0
Autor: LINK/2012


google it

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/9/2022 at 4:47 PM, JustAGTABoi said:

waiting for an update for this mod is too long. 

TBH, I think the mod is complete.

I just think it would be better to implement a crash fix and Zen island 
And that would be it.

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On 9/1/2022 at 7:23 AM, vizakavizard said:

TBH, I think the mod is complete.

I just think it would be better to implement a crash fix and Zen island 
And that would be it.

well i guess not, in my opinion still there's a lot of things to be done there would be more stuff to add and waste spaces to use and a lot disturbing bugs to be fixed its not stable yet
,polishing the added maps bulldings (they look like a gaint rectangle boxes with textures since the original VC,3 games are old but still orignal SA have better models) and roads and other stuff maybe using some of VCS LCS assets and SA stuff like brakeable fences,rotating doors, Breakble objects and other objects you find in the SA map, Spread Soda,Snacks and arcade machines to make the new maps more equvilent to SA Style and maybe add things like the fiery wheel for in VC Like VCS for Example.

Add the original minigames and side activities Taxi,Vigilante, ambulance,gyms,interiors for burglary missions,basketball, maybe payphone missions,street races, impound service, rc toys missions, assets buying, gangwars...etc.
even still i get some strange vibe going from city to another feelling like travel trought decades 90s-80s-2000s.
but if those are done i'll say the mod is complete for me it dosen't have to be perfect and in the end the devs decied where the mod is headed and what to add and what not.

Edited by aboy_trappedinabox
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