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GTA Mixed (LC+VC+SA)

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15 hours ago, milosdoni said:

Ca you add old total conversion maps and ask authors for their use, like - Gostown Paradise or Criminal Russia?

Those TC was maden in diffrent style, so does'nt fit to R* maps style

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On 2/26/2022 at 3:57 PM, BlackStallionDX said:

Those TC was maden in diffrent style, so does'nt fit to R* maps style

100%, for now I think these 3 maps would be really dope. 
I've seen people suggest the Bully Map like in Underground but I don't see it fitting well with the aesthetics.

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13 hours ago, zmudziak32 said:

Bully map fit 3d era map art style.

Only, cuz used some 3d-era vehicles? Bully looks totaly diffrent to 3d-era style, too cartoonish.

For example 

Second Sigh fit to Bully's art style



Psy Ops fit to 3D-era


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Damn, this mod makes such a progress.

I just decided for myself to stay with SAxVCxLC, but I might need to clone my install folder, soon.


But may I give some reasons why I didn't keep this mod?

Well.. I try to always keep my GTA:SA installation with realism. But some of these highways connecting the maps together are really like a rollercoaster, lol.

Also it has some horrible FPS drops in the added cities.


I like the map, and it is a good alternative for SAxVCxLC!



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This is an awesome mod. I came across the mod on youtube. I am having a problem. when i go to start a game i get a D3D9.dll issue. I have no idea where yo go from here. I search how to fix this error, but I end up with a result about ENB. I have zero mods installed. Any help is greatly appreiciated.

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an wonderful and cool mod!, tho the cleos that enable the peds,cars and weapons for LC and VC aren't working for me and crashes the game, taking those cleos out doesn't crash the game but either way fantastic mod keep up the great work!  

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On 3/19/2022 at 11:42 PM, KingSize94 said:

This is an awesome mod. I came across the mod on youtube. I am having a problem. when i go to start a game i get a D3D9.dll issue. I have no idea where yo go from here. I search how to fix this error, but I end up with a result about ENB. I have zero mods installed. Any help is greatly appreiciated.

here's how you install the mod.

First ensure you got a clean GTA SA Downgraded copy

Then get the following mods or Essentials
Silent’s ASI Loader 
RunDLL32 Fix 

Then, about ENB, 
Use .asi version of ENB rather than d3d9.dll
I used to get d3d9 error when I used to use some old trainer. Use cleo trainers if possible to avoid this
ENB works for me as seen in the image below


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The mod is great. Got some crashes though.


Also some buildings along the Ocean View hotel line has low LoD.

Or if someone could check it out, maybe it's just me.

Thanks, keep up the good work. 😊.


Crash logs + screenshots

Edited by dekash27
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On 4/4/2022 at 10:57 PM, dekash27 said:

The mod is great. Got some crashes though.


Also some buildings along the Ocean View hotel line has low LoD.

Or if someone could check it out, maybe it's just me.

Thanks, keep up the good work. 😊.


Crash logs + screenshots

it happes because those buliding are timed objects and they change with time so when you use a mod that advances the time
it glitches for some reason it won't happen if the time advances normally by the game 
happend to me

Edited by aboy_trappedinabox
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Please do what Underground Team have done:

1-LCS,VCS Weapons and Vehicles,Radios.

2-Bully Map,Weapons,Vehicles.

3-Manhunt 1 and 2 Maps,Weapons Vehicles.


i am sorry if i will make you guys tired but after T2 made a bulls**t decision by attacking and shut down our lovely mods like Underground and the Release of

GTA Definitive*Garbage* Edition and

(Ah sh*t here we go Again a GTA 5 edition in PS5 and yeah have some really good features and new but it cost too much which make it more like to be a new game but it THE SAME GAME damn just few good features but it cost too much) and i become hate the series i just want to feel fresh to feel what GTA was to us like

GTA SA in 2004 or GTA 4 in 2008 and the openly mod community and i will understand if you guys reject my Offer

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On 4/6/2022 at 3:55 AM, 3TYA said:

Please do what Underground Team have done:

1-LCS,VCS Weapons and Vehicles,Radios.

2-Bully Map,Weapons,Vehicles.

3-Manhunt 1 and 2 Maps,Weapons Vehicles.


i am sorry if i will make you guys tired but after T2 made a bulls**t decision by attacking and shut down our lovely mods like Underground and the Release of

GTA Definitive*Garbage* Edition and

(Ah sh*t here we go Again a GTA 5 edition in PS5 and yeah have some really good features and new but it cost too much which make it more like to be a new game but it THE SAME GAME damn just few good features but it cost too much) and i become hate the series i just want to feel fresh to feel what GTA was to us like

GTA SA in 2004 or GTA 4 in 2008 and the openly mod community and i will understand if you guys reject my Offer

Radio already exist, and if old links are not working, I can provide a mirror of it.

Mixed got a radio system using Advanced Track Player mod so it is very extensively customisable.

What's even better is that LCS and VCS radio is switchable with III and VC radio using the backspace key (ofocurse, you can even customise this toggle)

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1 hour ago, vizakavizard said:

Radio already exist, and if old links are not working, I can provide a mirror of it.

Mixed got a radio system using Advanced Track Player mod so it is very extensively customisable.

What's even better is that LCS and VCS radio is switchable with III and VC radio using the backspace key (ofocurse, you can even customise this toggle)

Dude could you please provide me with a mirror? The link does not work.

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excuse me but my game is crashing randomly after installing the mod, is there any fix?
sometimes it crashes after going to bridge, sometimes it does while in liberty city or vice city, or even in san andreas
I'm using silent patch, large address, cleo+, some car mods, and some texture and vegetation mods

I'll be grateful from your help

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On 4/7/2022 at 7:38 PM, tonymontana5 said:

Dude could you please provide me with a mirror? The link does not work.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kCifsfCiVY58DYr289Z-NV_TZjGhue7u?usp=sharing - LC/VC radio 
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1esAyRswouQThT99S_0JNS_S7uFolbkwC/view - LCS/VCS radio

I don't own both the mods, credits are in the readme. Let me know if you got trouble installing these.

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Got some crashes while gameplay. 


1. Game crashes near the nightclub in Los Santos.


Crashinfo Log


Unhandled exception at 0x00611C24 in gta_sa.exe (+0x211c24): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xEFD16D66.
    Register dump:
        EAX: 0x772CBD7B  EBX: 0x008D266C  ECX: 0x0177F270  EDX: 0x0000003F  
        EDI: 0x00000003  ESI: 0x04E77AA2  EBP: 0x00000080  EIP: 0x00611C24  
        ESP: 0x0177F238  EFL: 0x00210202  CS: 0x00000023   SS: 0x0000002B   
        GS: 0x0000002B   FS: 0x00000053   ES: 0x0000002B   DS: 0x0000002B   
    Stack dump:
        0x0177F238:  0040AD50 772CBD7B 00000000 0177F340 0508FF44 0000084C
        0x0177F250:  772CBCCC 00000002 00000007 772CBD7B 000001B9 04E77AA2
        0x0177F268:  008D266C 00000002 01AC2E78 00541C8B 44E2898E C4CBDA2C
        0x0177F280:  416D999A AE6E8271 00001AA9 8E8023D2 0000001A 00000008
        0x0177F298:  546C6148 0040B659 0040B6BE 0177F2C8 0040E7D5 0177F2C8
        0x0177F2B0:  0177F2C8 FFFFFFFF 40A0F334 00008664 0177F340 00561A8E
        0x0177F2C8:  44E28168 C4CC4324 4158C000 0053BF10 0508FEB0 0508FEB0
        0x0177F2E0:  0508FF44 E48E0BEF 0177F340 735FE086 64DBAE7C 3F90162F
        0x0177F2F8:  0177F348 0177F3BC 0508FF44 3D5B6BB8 00000061 004803EC
        0x0177F310:  00000000 00000002 401E0001 00000020 02000002 00000000
        base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177F238   bottom: 0x01780000
    Backtrace (may be wrong):
        =>0x00611C24 _ZN15CLoadedCarGroup9GetMemberEi+0x4 in gta_sa.exe (+0x211c24) (0x0177F234) 
          0x0040AD50 _ZN10CStreaming22StreamZoneModels_GangsERK7CVector+0x340 in gta_sa.exe (+0xad50) (0x0177F238) 
          0x772CBD7B RtlQueryPerformanceCounter+0x12b in ntdll.dll (+0x5bd7b) (0x0177F24C) 
          0x772CBCCC RtlQueryPerformanceCounter+0x7c in ntdll.dll (+0x5bccc) (0x0177F258) 
          0x772CBD7B RtlQueryPerformanceCounter+0x12b in ntdll.dll (+0x5bd7b) (0x0177F270) 
          0x00541C8B _ZN4CPad6UpdateEs+0x4b in gta_sa.exe (+0x141c8b) (0x01AC2E78) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E7C) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E80) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E84) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E88) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E8C) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E90) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E94) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E98) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2E9C) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2EA0) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2EA4) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2EA8) 
          0xFFFFFFFF in unknown (+0xffffffff) (0x01AC2EAC) 


2. Random crashes with 3 star or more wanted level in Liberty City and Vice City. Maybe because of Wanted Level Editor? that mod never worked properly on my system. I think Model Variations would be a better alternative.


Crashinfo log


Unhandled exception at 0x0042AADF in gta_sa.exe (+0x2aadf): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000014.
    Register dump:
        EAX: 0x00000000  EBX: 0x0177F100  ECX: 0x0177F080  EDX: 0x0177F07C  
        EDI: 0x00000000  ESI: 0x17310C08  EBP: 0x17310C08  EIP: 0x0042AADF  
        ESP: 0x0177EF40  EFL: 0x00210206  CS: 0x00000023   SS: 0x0000002B   
        GS: 0x0000002B   FS: 0x00000053   ES: 0x0000002B   DS: 0x0000002B   
    Stack dump:
        0x0177EF40:  1E7A16A0 0177F100 00000000 80000000 00000000 00000000
        0x0177EF58:  00437917 17310C08 00000000 0177F100 17310C08 1E7A16A0
        0x0177EF70:  45B49772 446D6D46 41CE20D3 45B4A8F0 446D2585 41C7D1DC
        0x0177EF88:  41CE20D3 45B4A8F0 446D2585 42FB8835 00000029 00000000
        0x0177EFA0:  00B63DEC 004F9666 3F825465 17310D40 00000000 3F800000
        0x0177EFB8:  00000000 42C80000 42C80000 00000000 00000000 3E47B63E
        0x0177EFD0:  00000000 80000000 4247D1DC BF63BF8D 3EE9CBA6 00000000
        0x0177EFE8:  45B4A8F0 446D2585 41C7D1DC 3EE147AE 00001080 172ED6C8
        0x0177F000:  00000459 0043C6C2 45B41783 446F6560 BF613A5D 45B485F4
        0x0177F018:  446DB507 00000000 409D42E9 0177F0DC 3D12BB80 172ECCB0
        base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177EF40   bottom: 0x01780000
    Backtrace (may be wrong):
        =>0x0042AADF _ZN8CCarCtrl23SteerAIHeliAsPoliceHeliEP11CAutomobile+0xf in gta_sa.exe (+0x2aadf) (0x0177EF54) 
          0x00437917 _ZN8CCarCtrl33SteerAICarWithPhysics_OnlyMissionEP8CVehiclePfS2_S2_Pb+0xe87 in gta_sa.exe (+0x37917) 

3. Another random crash after a few minutes of playing with "adapted" Open Limit Adjuster which comes along with the mod.


Crashinfo Log


Unhandled exception at 0x004C9691 in gta_sa.exe (+0xc9691): 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000030C.
    Register dump:
        EAX: 0x00000000  EBX: 0x04BE5A64  ECX: 0x04BE5A64  EDX: 0x00871120  
        EDI: 0x00000000  ESI: 0x04BE5A64  EBP: 0x04BE5A64  EIP: 0x004C9691  
        ESP: 0x0177F064  EFL: 0x00210246  CS: 0x00000023   SS: 0x0000002B   
        GS: 0x0000002B   FS: 0x00000053   ES: 0x0000002B   DS: 0x0000002B   
    Stack dump:
        0x0177F064:  00005092 17412F98 17412F98 00533751 00533D6E 00000000
        0x0177F07C:  17412F98 00532AF6 17412F98 006D6A4E 00005092 174136BC
        0x0177F094:  17412F98 006B0B7C 00005092 00000002 00005092 00005092
        0x0177F0AC:  000009D8 451393CF 41E5D8FC 00533522 000000ED 1749D408
        0x0177F0C4:  0177F0C8 17412F98 00000000 00000000 45992771 451393CF
        0x0177F0DC:  41E5D8FC 0053426F 0177F0EC 00968E08 45992771 451393CF
        0x0177F0F4:  41E5D8FC 00565046 00200202 0177F224 00B99E64 41000000
        0x0177F10C:  00000000 45992771 451393CF 41E5D8FC 00568D3E 00B99E68
        0x0177F124:  0177F224 41000000 00000001 0177F1C0 00000002 00000000
        0x0177F13C:  0000000D 00002368 4143F634 000009D8 00000090 000000F0
        base: 0x01580000   top: 0x0177F064   bottom: 0x01780000
    Backtrace (may be wrong):
        =>0x004C9691 _ZN17CVehicleModelInfo14CreateInstanceEv+0x11 in gta_sa.exe (+0xc9691) (0x0177F06C) 
          0x00533751 _ZN7CEntity21SetModelIndexNoCreateEj+0x51 in gta_sa.exe (+0x133751) (0x0177F070) 
          0x00533D6E _ZN7CEntity14CreateRwObjectEv+0x3e in gta_sa.exe (+0x133d6e) (0x0177F07C) 
          0x00532AF6 _ZN7CEntity13SetModelIndexEj+0x16 in gta_sa.exe (+0x132af6) (0x0177F084) 
          0x006D6A4E _ZN8CVehicle13SetModelIndexEj+0xe in gta_sa.exe (+0x2d6a4e) (0x0177F094) 
          0x006B0B7C sub_6B0A97+0xe5 in gta_sa.exe (+0x2b0b7c) (0x0177F0B4) 
          0x00533522 TransformFromObjectSpace__7CEntityRC7CVector+0x32 in gta_sa.exe (+0x133522) (0x0177F0DC) 
          0x0053426F _ZN7CEntity14GetBoundCentreEv+0x1f in gta_sa.exe (+0x13426f) (0x0177F0F4) 
          0x00565046 _ZN6CWorld35FindObjectsKindaCollidingSectorListER8CPtrListRK7CVectorfbPssPP7CEntity+0x46 in gta_sa.exe (+0x165046) (0x0177F118) 
          0x00568D3E _ZN6CWorld25FindObjectsKindaCollidingERK7CVectorfbPssPP7CEntitybbbbb+0x1be in gta_sa.exe (+0x168d3e) (0x0177F164) 
          0x004216EA _ZN8CCarCtrl32GetNewVehicleDependingOnCarModelEih+0x2aa in gta_sa.exe (+0x216ea) 

 Still its a great mod, looking forward for new version and bug fixes👍

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, MDXNaTioN said:

why i can't install imvehft for this mods?

Modified Custom FLA, that's why it don't work with Mixed. Use VehFuncs instead. There is also a way to get working indicators and reverse lights but it is kinda clunky.

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On 4/15/2022 at 8:44 PM, tanishqraj said:

Got some crashes while gameplay. 


1. Game crashes near the nightclub in Los Santos

After you said this, I tested driving around in the area and it never crashed. Maybe if you could elaborate more so I might be able to recreate the bug and then maybe we could find a solution.

I got few friends who do testing and stuff and that's what we did and we couldn't find the game crashing in LS area near the clubs. 

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