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GTA Mixed (LC+VC+SA)

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3 hours ago, TarRebririon said:

Project is dead afaik. The base mod, SAxVCxLC got DMCA'D, so as a precaution, Clara removed this project

No. SAxVCxLC didn't got a DMCA because the author decided to take it down personally. Connected in the other hand they didn't state anything since this T2 fiasco, so they are still working on it, but it's a slow development since they're busy on making lots of other mods for MixMods.

Edited by mourthss
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12 minutes ago, mourthss said:

No. SAxVCxLC didn't got a DMCA because the author decided to take it down personally. Connected in the other hand they didn't state anything since this T2 fiasco, so they are still working on it, but it's a slow development since they're busy on making lots of other mods for MixMods.

Oh ok, must have been mistaken. Since everything is in chaos due to whatever T2 is doing

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The project is not cancelled, as I stated before, this is a secondary project for all people involved, thats why the lack of news.
Anyway, the first build with bridges is almost done. This build will be released soon.
Here's some screens:







We also plan to port the project to GTA Definitive Edition. Not sure if we will need FLA to expand map size limit etc on Unreal. 
See this, a friend of mine ported the entire SA map to a UE4 game (it's not his game, he just modded it as we do for gta), so there's no map size limits on UE.

Edited by Clara
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First build with bridges is now released. download on the first post.







I'll try to port it to GTA Definitive Edition. But it depends of many factors. Let's see how things plays out.



The link is fixed now.


almost 2K downloads in less than 24 hours


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Add bonus Statue of Liberty like the original mod was. It would be  great add bonus many interiors in Liberty City, as Burguer Shot and Pizza Stacks and more clothes stores because Liberty City looks empty without almost anything to do.

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13 hours ago, Richardblut said:

I realize if i add the Statue of Liberty Bonus, the Liberty City North Mountains come back. What do they will make? Add a new City over there?

you can add a cottage village. The city is too big for this

Edited by Dimoman
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I made a concept map about how can be the final update. I don't draw the Liberty City mountains, i really liked it the mountains and the city they were making, but now looks like they will make another thing in that area, may be recreate the Ghost Town from GTA 3

Edited by Richardblut
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone explain how to install this mod? Not this one exactly, but I wanted to install the obsolete version of this mod GTA SA Connected. It works up to the loading screen, when the bar loads completely, it hangs and crashes.

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I think this mod is going to be the next GTA Underground, as the devs of UG took it down themselves due to T2 taking down mods. I only wish if Midway from UG could be added here, as well as the LCS and VCS maps.


The only thing is, the game crashes for me while loading because I added a few cars in the game. Mod doesn't seem to be compatible with Improved Vehicle Features. I also had Vehfuncs, GFXHack, Vehicle Special Abilities Editor, Skin Selector, and IndieVehicles installed.

Edited by DodgeSomrs
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Really loving the mod!
I seem to have a strange bug where I can knock everyone over with a single punch no matter what. I found the issue to be coming from the "WantedLevelEditor.asi" file as the bug completely vanishes when I loaded up the game after deleting it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Stories weapons would be good too. Maybe ped colours too, like in GTA SA DE and VCS, allow peds to have diffrent clothes colours. What about 3, VC, LCS, VCS Side missions(non storyline, like pizza boy, vigilante, firefighter, paramedic, taxi, 3 and lcs off road challenges, VCS PCJ challenges etc)?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i dont know if this is a path Bug Or Something Else But The Cars Dont Spawn in a map part in vice city 
+ sometimes cars spawn but act weirdly (Dont Follow The route, Ram Everything , Go Thru The Walls)
+ the game sometimes stutter in that part of map
Pictuers Are Here
i Dont use any other mod with mixed mod beside Textures and VCS Neons Mod
Edit: Forgot To Mention That Cars Sometime Instently Stop When They Reach The Point Where They Entering That place
edit2:after more playing i realized that more places have this issue 
but i found out a way to fix it i used "GTA SA Connected Mod" Path.img (if you use it cars Will No Longer Spawn On Bridges)

Edited by aboy_trappedinabox
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@Clara first of all merry Christmas and second thing pls give some updates about the project if you can  plss 

and if possible pls tell us when the new update release is  coming ? And

thank you soo much for such goood project 

i really wanted a map in which all three cities are connected with bridges thanks....

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@Clara here are some questions pls answer if possible :-


1- can we use gta V hud mod with it?

2- is there any mod like thing that make textures of full map up scaled  and make them HD?

3- game is crashing in between can we fix it?

4- Cars Sometime Instantly Stop When They Reach The Point Where They Entering That place can we fix it?




Edited by gtadefinitivefuk
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21 hours ago, gtadefinitivefuk said:

@Clara here are some questions pls answer if possible :-


1- can we use gta V hud mod with it?

2- is there any mod like thing that make textures of full map up scaled  and make them HD?

3- game is crashing in between can we fix it?

4- Cars Sometime Instantly Stop When They Reach The Point Where They Entering That place can we fix it?




As for question 2, you can check the GTA Mixed page on MixMods for the HD textures.

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On 12/25/2021 at 2:50 AM, gtadefinitivefuk said:

@Clara first of all merry Christmas and second thing pls give some updates about the project if you can  plss 

and if possible pls tell us when the new update release is  coming ? And

thank you soo much for such goood project 

i really wanted a map in which all three cities are connected with bridges thanks....


I'm just having a break from GTA MIxed atm (just doing other mods atm).

I did a lot of progression for GTA Mixed since its release though. A big ass island (and some few islands).

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