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On 2/23/2021 at 7:46 PM, Clara said:

If I go ahead with this idea I would have to change de mod name. Change it to ''Classic Connected'' or something like that.


Since it will be named "Classic Connected" I suggest using Classic Hud style for aesthetics, kinda like this







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  • 1 month later...

YEP, As i said all these work on this mod failed.

Authors are extremely super lazy making useless mods and stealing mods.


and they are:

Jessica Natalia (Clara)



just repacking people works on the MixMods.com.br to make the site stupidly popular

Edited by Adel mena
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1 hour ago, Adel mena said:

YEP, As i said all these work on this mod failed.

Authors are extremely super lazy making useless mods and stealing mods.


and they are:

Jessica Natalia (Clara)



just repacking people works on the MixMods.com.br to make the site stupidly popular


They're not stealing it. They had permission to continue it.

Mixmods was alredy popular before this mod.


No, they add new stuff to it too.

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On 5/10/2021 at 7:19 PM, Adel mena said:

YEP, As i said all these work on this mod failed.

Authors are extremely super lazy making useless mods and stealing mods.


and they are:

Jessica Natalia (Clara)



just repacking people works on the MixMods.com.br to make the site stupidly popular



You're a joke




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here's 50 prints of the progress made in the past months:
(and here another album with 37 more)


















































SAxVCXLC Connected is a secondary project for all its members. We aren't working on it 24/7 and never will. Also the mod is made for free, there's no patreon or donations. All the work that has been put on the project is a cortesy of the dev members, we don't owe anyone. We don't have any obligation to show progress reports. We all have a real life and other projects of our own. Also, the project comes with islands and cities made from scratch, that takes time, a lot of time. Cursing us, attacking us, calling us lazy won't will make the project goes faster. We don't want to release dozens of incomplete versions of it. The full mod will be released when it's finished. 
The past months I've been figthing against problems related with depression, so I decided to avoid public contact and got out of here and other forums/discords. So I won't being updating this thread so often, but the mod still has been worked on since the first release.


Now, regarding MixMods, I don't work there and don't receive money either. Some people hate Junior, but I don't have absolutely nothing to do with it. My only relation with Junior is that I know him for seven years and started to dating him. I have nothing to do with things related to mixmods. I've been recieving attacks just for being with him. Some people even took my personal photos and started to making montages of my face and spreading them on discord modding servers. So, you don't agree with Junior, then your solution is attack his family and friends?.
Secondly, people should just f*ck off and stop being offended in behalf of the mod authors. When a author don't want reposts of his mods, he cleary states that on the readme or post itself.
And, if the author don't want the mod there, he can just ask Junior to remove it. For example, Beta Leftovers Fix, the author asked to be removed, so the mod was removed and me and Junior created a replacement called ''Better Leftovers Fix''. Ironicly, MrFinger is part of the main authors of this mod, that takes dozens of mods without asking permission. He even took mods made by me and our friends.
Also, keep in mind, the money generated by a website is result of thousands of posts together. If Mixmods repost your mod, the site is not taking dozens of dollars in revenue from your work. Each mod there results in fractions of cents. So, your mod is reposted on Mixmods, you want the two cents the post generated  ? what will you do with that? buy a candy?. If you don't want your mod there, just ask, then he will be removed. And that graphic card situation, I asked Junior and he told me that the GPU was bought mostly with money that he recieve mainly from investments and freelances, not mixmods (although a small part is from the site, 20%, that's why he made the video thanking ).
Mixmods is not making him rich, has not put a mustang in his garage. It's not a job, it's not sustentable, it's just a hobby that he will probably abbandon in the next few years. Also, most mods recently published on MixMods (80% or more) are made by our friends from mixmods forums and discord. That has been a thing for the past one or two years. I imagine that people will say ''why not ask for permission tho?''. Again, f*ck off, stop being offended on behalf of the mod authors. Why are you bitching about it when 99% of the authors don't give a f*ck about reposts?.  Mixmods has thousands of posts, and until this day only 5 authors asked for their mods to be removed. In all those situations the case was sorted out, and at end they let the mod there, the only removal was from BLF. Funny thing, that most people that keeps bitching about the subject haven't made a single mod in their life. While as I said, most mod authors don't cares about resposts, if they cared, there would be way more than 5 cases of they asking for removal, right?!.  Also, most mods reposted there has theirs problems fixed by Junior. It's not a 5 minutes reposts as gtaall, gtainside, lc.ru does. There's a work put into it. I commonly see Junior spending the entire day fixing mods to post there.


Edited by Clara
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


I usually do not make comments in forums.

Simply because I can’t stand stupid replies from losers.

But reading Clara’s post, it moved me for some reason.


I agree with Clara’s post above. If someone is not a skilled moder, it is not possible to imagine how much work you need to put into a quality mod. All the little spoiled sh*theads who succeeded to change only one vehicle model in the game, which has all small details and connections in game wrong, all of sudden think they are the experts. Starting bulling far superior moders for “obligated” updates, changes and corrections in wanted mods because they deserve it. Blaming of theft and making huge profits. This is ridiculous. It’s a shame how people loose good manners and respect in cover of internet anonymity. What happened to the people, thinking that shaming others hard work is cool?
Such behavior tells a lot about such individuals. Mostly low self-esteem, no goals, no skills. In desperate urge to point faults in others so their own failure is not so frightening.
Sometime it’s hard, but ignore them.

I consider myself as a moder too. I was also able to import Liberty City and Vice City map into San Andreas on my own. I had to stop 6 months ago just when I have found a way how to import the working traffic into both new maps. So I know what issues you have been facing with SAxVCxLC.

You are doing excellent work! Not speaking of that it is work in progress.

There will be always something you may do better. This can be criticized only by someone who doesn’t understand it. 


I have prepared a working vehicle mod with 1800 cars, motorbikes, aircraft and ships for GTA SA. They all do spawn in traffic. No model I have used is mine, but I have tweaked all around it in every single model. Traffic, correct group spawning, totally new handling adapted to the game atmosphere and vehicle models, flags, tuning, many of my own skins for the models, took hours of testing. Even new sounds matching to the models (this is still WIP). I have planned to credit all authors of every model directly in the game (also WIP) as a little surprise. Who would not like to see such mode or own name in a legendary game? I haven’t published it yet, for same reason as you still did not published the bridged version of SAxVCxLC. It’s not ready.

I think it is absolutely normal to take anybody’s mod and make it better. Of course, original author should be credited or contacted if possible. To declare someone else’s work as entire own is just silly. But why not make it better? This is why moding exist. This is why people started to mod original GTA SA in the first place.

If I see you project SAxVCxLC, I would love to help you with it and make my part too if possible. Just to see how it is advancing, developing and bringing joy to so many gamers. There will always be haters too. F…k them. Unfortunately I can’t help and I need to invest my time somewhere else.

I can’t wait to see the updated bridged version connecting these Iconic maps of GTA!
Again, very good work and thank you for making this possible and playable.

I enjoy your mod also now how it is. It is splendid, even I miss there many things. It is awesome work.

I will definitely wait and play your next update. Thank you.

With Best regards, PlayBuxa.

PS: Clara, I hope you get better soon.

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On 6/10/2021 at 1:36 PM, Clara said:

Now, regarding MixMods, I don't work there and don't receive money either. Some people hate Junior, but I don't have absolutely nothing to do with it. My only relation with Junior is that I know him for seven years and started to dating him. I have nothing to do with things related to mixmods. I've been recieving attacks just for being with him. Some people even took my personal photos and started to making montages of my face and spreading them on discord modding servers. So, you don't agree with Junior, then your solution is attack his family and friends?.
Secondly, people should just f*ck off and stop being offended in behalf of the mod authors. When a author don't want reposts of his mods, he cleary states that on the readme or post itself.

I can't believe that someone did things like that. I 've been downloading mods on mixmods for years. Junior has made a lot of cool mods and FIXED broken mods as well. He spent his time fixing things that's not even his just because many people asked for it. 
Hope you guys doing well. 

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On 6/27/2021 at 6:36 AM, Slovan said:

But @Clara also accused other modders of stealing. I saw a few posts in GTA SAxVCxLC topic where @Clara attacked the authors of GTA SAxVCxLC for stealing other mods. It was also unfair ...

Wha'ts wrong with that? I showed proofs of it.
artginPL took the code of our mod ''Tools Shop'' and put it on his saxvcxlc without credits. Then when I confronted him, he lied and said the code was from a ''old mod from him'', then I showed a comparassion of both scripts, and it's undenable, he indeed stole our script. Then he apologized and gave credit.

On 6/27/2021 at 6:36 AM, Slovan said:

@Clara attacked the authors of GTA SAxVCxLC

artginPL took our work and claimed as his own, and because I confronted him asking for proper credits I'm attacking him?


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On 6/27/2021 at 11:36 AM, Slovan said:

But @Clara also accused other modders of stealing. I saw a few posts in GTA SAxVCxLC topic where @Clara attacked the authors of GTA SAxVCxLC for stealing other mods. It was also unfair ...

Attack is a wrong word. Defensive is the right one. Besides, artginPL is not the author of the SAxVCxLC.

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On 6/27/2021 at 1:05 PM, Clara said:

Wha'ts wrong with that? I showed proofs of it.
artginPL took the code of our mod ''Tools Shop'' and put it on his saxvcxlc without credits. Then when I confronted him, he lied and said the code was from a ''old mod from him'', then I showed a comparassion of both scripts, and it's undenable, he indeed stole our script. Then he apologized and gave credit.

artginPL took our work and claimed as his own, and because I confronted him asking for proper credits I'm attacking him?



On 6/28/2021 at 1:13 PM, Jack said:

Attack is a wrong word. Defensive is the right one. Besides, artginPL is not the author of the SAxVCxLC.


When I wrote this post, I wasn't thinking about a specific person, but about the authors of GTA SAxVCxLC in general. I just remembered that there was a time when this happened. But I did check and it was about artginPL. Is attack a good word? I do not know. Does not matter. Besides, artginPL is one of the authors of GTA SAxVCxLC (at least I think so). I do not know :/ It doesn't matter too.


Edited by Slovan
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This mod looks really good. I'm still testing v1.3 of the original SAxVCxLC. I've already downloaded Connected and will test it as soon as I'm done with the original. The progress with the bridges are looking really awesome. 

Haters gonna hate, celebs have to deal with them all the time.

Take your time on this mod, quality is what it's about, this applies to all mod devs. Don't rush just because some self absorbed brat thinks they deserve you as a dev rushing just because they want you to.

Just... just keep up the good work you guys are putting out here and keep your chin up 😉.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

My game crashed after loaded when i launch it with yours Cleo folder(with SAxVCxLC connected scripts). Game work without yours Cleo folder in modloader - all islands are loaded.

What script bad in yours cleo folder?


  Scripts SAxVCxLC - fast travel.cs and SaxVCxLC.cs do game crash after load.


 Something I did not find roads and bridges that connect the islands. So it’s not interesting yet.

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On 9/27/2021 at 5:15 PM, lbgh said:

Something I did not find roads and bridges that connect the islands. So it’s not interesting yet.

The bridges are coming soon, hopefully. You should be thankful though that a mod like this because still exist today and it hasn't been shutdown by you-know-who or either by themselves. Plus, it's lightweight, you don't have to travel miles of water to get into an island and it's not bloated as heck unlike Underground.

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On 9/29/2021 at 1:28 AM, mourthss said:

The bridges are coming soon, hopefully. You should be thankful though that a mod like this because still exist today and it hasn't been shutdown by you-know-who or either by themselves. Plus, it's lightweight, you don't have to travel miles of water to get into an island and it's not bloated as heck unlike Underground.

Project is dead afaik. The base mod, SAxVCxLC got DMCA'D, so as a precaution, Clara removed this project

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