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Vice City 4K Fonts

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For: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

font1 | Pricedown / Vice City Sans
font2 | Rage Italic (+ Montana)

This is a high resolution (4096px) font set for the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City".


The fonts have been matched as closely as possible to their original style and adjusted to look great within the game.


• Includes an alternate font, "Montana" which was part of my original Beta upload. This replaces the "Rage Italic" font used for Locations, Vehicle Names and Mission Titles.


• Includes two Pricedown texture variants, "Crumbling Stone" and "Sponge". These can be seen respectively in the "¡eliminado!" and "¡arrestado!" text in the preview image.


• Includes an "Enhanced Version" (^) which utilizes Fire_Head's Font Size Tools, allowing internal adjustments that wouldn't be possible otherwise. The most relevant difference is the number spacing has been modified to be consistent, resulting in a uniform appearance of the Rampage timer, ammo counter and stats screen. Thank you! @Fire_Head - The Enhanced Version wouldn't be possible without your work!


+ Intro Screen Text.
+ Menu Items (Mouse, Background and VC Logo).
+ Spanish GXT Fix which improvises a workaround for the missing Pricedown inverted exclamation mark.
+ PNG Source Images for all graphic elements.


(^) Requires: Fire_Head's [VC]FontSizeTool


In-Game Testing Gallery


Download Links:


Google Drive


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1 hour ago, Forever L said:

I love this job.

Could you explain how it should be installed? I mean the FontSize Tool part, and that.


OK, download the [VC]FontSizeTool mentioned above.


Open that rar file and click into a folder called "fonts.dat Plugin".


You should see a file called "VCFontSize.asi".


Extract that file into your main Vice City installation folder. (the folder where your "gta-vc.exe" is located).


Also, make sure to place the "fonts.dat" file from my upload into the Vice City "data" folder.

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54 minutes ago, djdarko said:


OK, download the [VC]FontSizeTool mentioned above.


Open that rar file and click into a folder called "fonts.dat Plugin".


You should see a file called "VCFontSize.asi".


Extract that file into your main Vice City installation folder. (the folder where your "gta-vc.exe" is located).


Also, make sure to place the "fonts.dat" file from my upload into the Vice City "data" folder.


Gracias! 😁

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