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San Andreas 4K Fonts

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For: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish

font1 | Pricedown / TW Century
font2 | Beckett / Bank Gothic


This is a high resolution (4096px) font set for the PC version of "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas".


The fonts have been matched as closely as possible to their original style and adjusted to look great within the game.


• Includes a "Slight Opacity" texture variant which is accurate to the original PC files. This affects the Pricedown and TW Century (Subtitle) text.


• Includes an "Enhanced Version" which modifies the dat file allowing internal adjustments that wouldn't be possible otherwise. The most relevant difference is the number spacing has been modified to be consistent, resulting in a uniform appearance of timers and the ammo counter.


+ PNG Source Images for all graphic elements.


In-Game Testing Gallery


Download Links:
Google Drive

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4 hours ago, Vind Sole said:

Awesome work as the others, just a tiny nitpick, upper case i and j look identical.


They are very similar, but not identical. The same with the U and V. That's an issue with the Beckett font. I considered editing them but couldn't settle on any way to do it without destroying the curves.


Here is an actual comparison from Original to Redone:



Edit: What do you think of these U and I edits? Does this look better than before?


Edited by djdarko
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  • 3 months later...

I'm currently experimenting with a revision for this set. Most of the adjustments will be focused on the Beckett fonts.

• I want to fine tune all of the spacing, a lot of the lowercase letters look too inconsistent to me.

• I will include some edits to the capital letters as mentioned above.

• Line work will be enhanced (see below image), as I think everyone will agree that it looks much better with the thicker lines:



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  • 1 year later...

If I did this, I would re-create the entire font set using the original SA set as a reference to stay "true to the original" so to speak. It's based on Beckett but the letters are simpler.

If you're going to use the Beckett font, simplify the curves and use symmetric/smooth symmetric node fix in your vector application.

It shouldn't take long this way to create a good-looking set. Some of the round curves especially in Beckett font look quite bad.


Anyway, good work!







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On 5/30/2022 at 11:45 PM, Graven said:

If I did this, I would re-create the entire font set using the original SA set as a reference to stay "true to the original" so to speak. It's based on Beckett but the letters are simpler.

If you're going to use the Beckett font, simplify the curves and use symmetric/smooth symmetric node fix in your vector application.

It shouldn't take long this way to create a good-looking set. Some of the round curves especially in Beckett font look quite bad.


Anyway, good work!


Thanks. Which program do you use to create the fonts? So far, I've only arranged/edited existing fonts within photoshop.

Edited by djdarko
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3 hours ago, djdarko said:

Thanks. Which program do you use to create the fonts? So far, I've only arranged/edited existing fonts within photoshop.


Inkscape is my choice for vector/text editing outside work. It's free and as powerful as any commercial editor.

If you're familiar with bezier tool and node editing it will be helpful, and I guess you are if you edited the characters in PS as vector shapes.


I suppose the font table in SA is similar than it is in VC, not a real font format file but a single B/W texture with alpha?

Import the original into Inkscape, tick the width/height proportion lock in menu bar and resize it to the resolution you want to create your HD version.

Menu: File/Document Properties. Set the page size to same size and align the texture to page.


Type entire row of characters (A-O). Change the font to Beckett. Having it selected, go to

Menu: Path, object to path. Ungroup (Shift+CTRL+G). Now you have each Beckett character as separate path.

Move them horizontally to correct place.


Select single character. Disable color temporarily, it's easier to see the difference having only the stroke visible.

Switch to node editing view (N), under select and transform tool on the left side icons.

Now you can try to simplify the path. It'll reduce nodes and smooth curves. Menu: Path/Simplify.

Note that this doesn't always work, if you have already very small amount of nodes, the path becomes too simple.

The K letter in my previous post was simplified and it still looked good. Then I used the "Make selected nodes symmetric" tool on the lower curve middle node.

When you're in node editing mode, there are 4 handy quick options on the menu:

Make selected nodes corner, smooth, symmetric or auto-smooth. I use these a lot when I have imported pixel image and traced it, because tracing results are never perfect.

But you have to edit and move some of the nodes also manually.


If you have to make a path or shape manually, inspect the characters so that you don't do anything tedious twice or many times for no reason.

Then you would just use boolean operator Menu: Path/Union to unite them.

I see the I and J and completely different and there are differences with Beckett and the SA version almost in every character but using it as base probably helps a lot.

If you were real good with the bezier tool, you could draw a character (or any shape) fast and accurately so that it requires only slight node tweaking afterwards.


When you're finished, delete the helper files and export to png (export area page) and convert it to the TXD or what ever it needs to be in the game.


I'm following this thread in case you decide to try out and come up with any questions.

Edited by Graven
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  • 3 months later...
On 4/10/2021 at 6:42 PM, djdarko said:

I'm currently experimenting with a revision for this set. Most of the adjustments will be focused on the Beckett fonts.

• I want to fine tune all of the spacing, a lot of the lowercase letters look too inconsistent to me.

• I will include some edits to the capital letters as mentioned above.

• Line work will be enhanced (see below image), as I think everyone will agree that it looks much better with the thicker lines:



are you still doing this, I'm in need of fixed classic high res fonts I notice that the current version, has a lot of letter spacings and some number spacing issues aswell.

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  • 2 years later...

Very well done font. Actually, the difference in capital letters, such as "I" and "J" or "U" and "V" is faintly visible, which is confusing, but in the game they don't occur side by side so they needn't to be changed. At most, they could be simplified, as they are in the original version, but is this necessary? It's an individual question.

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