Next DLC Speculation Topic Mk X
Next DLC Speculation Topic Mk X
949 members have voted
1. What do you think of the DLC as a whole?
Love it!
Like it, but could be better
Dislike it, but it's not the worst
Hate it!
2. What do you think of the heist itself?
Love it!
Like it, but could be better
Dislike it, but it's not the worst
Hate it!
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Lol, the GTAO article got yeeted. The timing was weird to be honest, it's been in preparation for over 6 hours, so definitely something prepared for Thursday or Friday.

Quick update, the feed page that shows "Cayo Perico Heist Coming December 15" now expires this Monday. Interesting change, not sure if this is more of a cover up move to shake us off or if it doe

@alloc8or found out new structs that were added with the recent update relating to the standalone version and one of them is "rage::fwuiMessageBase", which is from RDR2's RAGE version, so that seems t
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