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GTA Online Updates Coming Soon

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GTA Online and Red Dead Online Updates Coming Soon




With both games playing home to more players than ever before in recent months, we know the community has been awaiting news of any updates for GTA Online and Red Dead Online and we are happy to share that both games will receive exciting new updates in the weeks ahead.


For Red Dead Online, players can expect a massive new update to arrive Tuesday, July 28th featuring a new Frontier Pursuit that will introduce players to the secrets of naturalism as part of an all-new Role, plus a new Outlaw Pass, tons of community-requested features and fixes, and much more to play and discover in the months to come.


A summer update to GTA Online is also on the way, offering up a fun mix of diverse new content from the game’s massive array of experiences to enjoy.






Later this year players can expect more big updates for both games, including some exciting new extensions and augmentations to an existing role in Red Dead Online, and the biggest ever update for GTA Online, featuring our latest take on Heists in an entirely new location.



Community Feedback


Thanks to your submissions via our official feedback channels, we have added a number of highly requested features across recent updates – including musical instruments in Red Dead Online, the ability to run all businesses via the Master Control Terminal in GTA Online and more. More of your suggestions will find their way into our games in the next few weeks, so please keep the feedback coming by sending us your thoughts via the GTA Online and Red Dead Online feedback pages.


We are also committed to ensuring that our games are fun for everyone and as safe as possible from modders, cheaters, hackers and those who seek to harass other players. So far this year, we have taken action on hundreds of thousands of players caught violating community rules across both games. Please help us keep our communities safe and fun by reporting any sort of cheating either directly in-game or via our dedicated web reporting tools for both Red Dead Online and GTA Online.

Even more is on the way so as always, stay tuned to the Newswire for information.




Newswire link:



Edited by IceDree
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Many know I love me a heist, and 'biggest ever DLC' sounds yummy.


I know RDRO says massive, but only one role? Gotta be more, surely.

Edited by Lonely-Martin
Autospell fail.
  • Like 3

alright ! so summer update will be smaller scale but christmas (i pressume) will be the biggest yet. the "entirely new location" line will spark those liberty city rumors again won't it? :p


also anyone know what car that is based on?

  • Like 2
9 minutes ago, Tails Prower said:

Thanks for article @IceDree.


Plot twist - we get to go to North Yankton for the new location?


Expects to be shot in flames....

I'd love a christmas heist there!

  • Like 2

It's not Liberty City that's for sure :lol: 


In all seriousness though, this is probably the most excited I've been for a GTA Online update before. I'm going to assume this isn't going to be a fully explorable location much like the aircraft carrier, but it would be great if it was. Maybe a little tease of what they want to do with GTAO? Map expansions, etc.

15 minutes ago, REXX said:

I'm off work in August so this could not have come at a better time😍

Doing anything nice? Tell you what given the current climate it's going to be 'wierd' given how people are going to have to use their time. Those working from home just have to hit download and work away, while those still in an office may have differing hours to cover. It may mean an easier spread of players instead of spikes on the server so waiting may not be as bad. These next updates will certainly be interesting for players and organising parties.


@Spider-Vice I suspect the suggestion of the 'new locations' may be a tie in to the PS5 and may be a prelude to GTA6 era online expansion and prep for PS5. Could it be similar to the heists being a kind of bridge from PS3 to PS4 (has any single game ever spanned 3 consecutive systems in its commercial lifespan).

Edited by Cudwieser
  • Like 3
20 minutes ago, Cudwieser said:

Doing anything nice?

Sit indoors like a hermit and play GTA probably lol


Then again, I need some sun. I look bloody anemic atm lol

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6 minutes ago, Retro_Causality said:

Seems like we’re getting heists 2.0 (not just one heist)

Here's hoping for a nice stagger of one single player (low value) heist working to a 4 player heist (with a 2 player minimum incase someone drops out). In the top heist every player carries an amount of loot otherwise the fewer the players the less loot to be swagged.


@REXX You say that to an Irishman. We see sunshine on the rare occasion the clouds part. Seriously though there are interesting times ahead. Here's hoping the dlc (read multiple) isn't just more of the same and a massive dump of adversary modes and poorly executed team missions. Hopefully some quality of life activities can be included as garnish to the main DLC's, kind of like the Arcade.

Edited by Cudwieser
  • Like 2

Alright, I'm down for a new heist as long as it's done on the same manner of the Casino Heist, solo friendly to a extent and with multiple strats for multiple approaches, not the railroaded bullsh*t of the OG Heists and the DDH.


And Christ, that car looks AWFUL!

51 minutes ago, Spider-Vice said:

It's not Liberty City that's for sure :lol: 

Thank God it isnt.


It's probably North Yankton and they were just being coy about their wording, NY hasn't been feature in Online yet, plenty of assets to reuse there.

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The obvious new location would be North Yankton.


But they said “entirely” new location. So this implies somewhere that was 100% not in GTA V.


Can it be Liberty City as with the leaked updated screenshot a few years ago?


Vice City is for VI, so they don’t want to ruin it and make it playable just in GTA V/O.


Maybe Vice City modern day in GTA V/O, but VI/O will be in the 80”s..


Oh what to think!

  • Like 1

A new location? 




Although the "latest take on heists" probably means more paywalled, locked-to-freeroam stuff... which is less cool. But good to hear news in any case, and glad that the poor RD:O players get their cake first. 

2 minutes ago, Hazzardtohimself said:

A new location? 




Although the "latest take on heists" probably means more paywalled, locked-to-freeroam stuff... which is less cool. But good to hear news in any case, and glad that the poor RD:O players get their cake first. 

Going to save these as might be useful in the future! Great use of Eggman with the words!

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New location, so it's not Liberty City, Vice City, Venturas, Yankton...they would all be too large just to feature a few heists even if you're stuck in interiors. It has to be something small, but still large enough to be called a "location".


My bet it's a remote tropical island the size of guarma located south of california or florida where you will do a few heists chained into a storyline, such as a mansion heist, a yacht robbery, plantation attack, most likely will have some sort of a Narcos plot and revolve around cocaine, drug cartel and some baddie that needs wiping out, and agent 14 will make a return to guide you there to do the dirty work.

I just hope the island is explorable somehow online, otherwise we're stuck to SP mods to load the map like Yankton/other MP maps on PC only, but chances are it's a mission marker at the airport which just transfers you to the island when you begin, so we'll have to glitch during the missions itself to roam around.


Hint might be in this picture and seeing that it's going to be a large update i can also see animals coming to GTA O general as well (unless someone can find this location somewhere in Guarma or RDR 2 base map)



RDO updates don't seen very exciting though.

edit: Screen could also be of the RDO naturalist role, but i guess we'll know soon enough.

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