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Manhunt Fixer

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Manhunt Fixer

What is it?

Manhunt Fixer is an automated tool designed to solve major issues which happen in Manhunt since Windows Vista was released.

Solved problems:

  • Game executable is not opening, idle in task manager
  • Levels (not alll) crashed near completion
  • Music and audio is looping
  • 'Gate" and many other AI and script errors





Enhancements (important ones)

  • MHP
  • Discord Plugin  - show your game status to your friends in Discord!
  • PluginMH - a big plugin for Manhunt, adds first person mode, modloader, breaks limits and more!



Manhunt Fixer is  two (or three or more if you manually select path) click tool, you just need to locate your Manhunt folder and insert that information into "Manhunt Path" editable box.

Press 'Patch" and the tool will do its thing. You might want to take a look at "Enhancements" group, hover overy any item to learn about it.


NOTE: This tool requires internet connection to download required files, manual way is on TODO list.


This tool works with Steam and Retail (US/EN, other languages untested) releases.



This tool was designed only because this game needs a proper, concrete fix. There are a lot of guides with available "fixes" online, unfortunately many of them try to fool the user into thinking that renaming A in audio files to @ will fix any audio issues - of course it does not work that way, you get no audio at all. Is this a "fix"?




You can download the latest version of Manhunt Fixer from GitHub:


or take a look at the Steam guide:




ermaccer - tool programming, audio fix, executable patch, model fixes

@ThirteenAG - widescreen fix, d3d8 wrapper

@Ash_735 - logo design

@Fire_Head - mhp, model fixes, code support


Testers are listed in About section of the tool.




Edited by ermaccer
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9 hours ago, The N. Bellic Man said:

What if you have that other fix (Manhunt Fix.bat) installed, does this still work? I mean that fix was OK, but there was still those sound loop problems and so on.

Uninstall that fix or reinstall the game if you want to use this one, who knows what workarounds you might've got.

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  • 11 months later...
Igor Bogdanoff

Today was released https://github.com/Fire-Head/MHP by @Fire_Head who did also many great mods for GTAs, published here on GTAF.

Tl;dr for the mod? Skygfx for Manhunt :) 

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