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Vice City Stories: PC Edition

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3 minutes ago, Ash_735 said:

You keep saying "we", I'm not sure you know the meaning of that word.

Honestly i don't know what is in achilleas's head and i don't wanna know *throws empty popcorn bag*

and VCS + LCS was done in a modified SA engine so it doesn't make any f*cking sense

By "we" he means Gods of Olympus. They have foreplanned VCS port on VC engine, but Ash's team violates the Fate itself. 


just report him; the offtop is out of hand


EDIT: LMAO he actually replaced the only "you" with "we"

Edited by firedihm
34 minutes ago, Achilleas said:

Ash_735 First off,we will need a clean and fresh Gta Vice City and then restart it on VC Engine,add loading screens between islands,weather,physics,vehicles,sounds,missions,new design main menu with loading screens and all the main we had planned to do(AND GUYS MUST BE CAREFUL FOR THIS MOD) And will refresh the first topic of the mod and will start in sometime on start of 2020.


5 minutes ago, firedihm said:

By "we" he means Gods of Olympus. They have foreplanned VCS port on VC engine, but Ash's team violates the Fate itself. 


just report him. 


EDIT: LMAO he actually replaced the only "you" with "we"


is he working with ash to say we?

search the f*cking meaning of "we" kid....


WEEEEE meaning:


used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.

"shall we have a drink?"


used in formal contexts for or by a royal person, or by a writer or editor, to refer to himself or herself.

"in this section we discuss the reasons"

Edited by RedBaronFromTheUG
1 hour ago, Edgrd said:

please do keep in mind that they worked on this project with the SA engine since 2010 , there must be a reason why they haven't switched engine yet and instead did their own changes on the engine. and logically , even if it's better on VC engine , they would have switched years ago , idk just my opinion.

iirc its since 2008. i remember this mod from gtasite.net forum

5 minutes ago, waper1234 said:

iirc its since 2008. i remember this mod from gtasite.net forum

To be fair, it's not THE same version as the one back in those days, the current incarnation came about from 2012 onwards, and had multiple year breaks between then and now.

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Here's a cautionary note to every future and even past visitor, like many times this has happened, constantly annoying mod creators and even being aggressive to them will earn you a warning or even a ban on your account. Stop doing it, annoying creators is NOT going to bring you anywhere, and annoying them with requests may as well just make your suggestion LESS likely to appear in a mod.


Also, don't start spamming drivel about the status of the mod that you have no idea about as it's just disrupting the thread.

So, just to flip the script to peoples surprise, we DO actually have a build of VCS PCE running on an engine based off of Vice City, which was then combined with parts of re3 and updated overall to RenderWare 3.7. We've had this build active along side the main San Andreas build for a few months now because we wanted to explore a different take, and what with everyone being an expert and saying "Vice City would be much easier", whilst it does have its plus points we've found that the current state is unfit for public release until we can carry over near enough all progress (minus missions) that we've already achieved in the main San Andreas build. Because we're using RW3.7 we're at least able to try out some more modern features like Screen Type (FULLSCREEN, WINDOWED, BORDERLESS) but have found it challenging to get some modern day basic features applied properly, like Anisotropic Filtering, Vice City really hates mipmaps for some reason. The main thing we want to nail the most however is vehicle handling, vehicle rendering, etc, as the Stories games use a massive chunk of San Andreas style which we have to back port and of course handling itself which is like a completely different method and this will be something we'd happily share with re:LCS once it gets figured out. We can't use the map from the San Andreas version because the limits are different, we don't have the high draw distance tricks we've got in the San Andreas version, nor the shadows, etc, as current methods need to be reworked as this is now a native DirectX 9.0c game under RW3.7 built ON TOP of Vice City and a lot of things are still incomplete compared to the San Andreas build version (and again, no missions, no cutscenes, etc).


We've kept this version a secret because, well, it wasn't meant to be announced until when/IF we made viable progress on it to consider it as a jumping point, however since we keep getting this recurring argument brought up "Just do it on Vice City, it'll be easy on Vice City, etc, etc" then we just had a quick chat about our hand being forced to say NO, it's not easier on Vice City, as we're left with porting other things instead and ironically faced with a task of porting our San Andreas improvements into this new hybrid build. And with a lack of scripter we'd be even further behind on this version since there's no missions at all! We're still experimenting with this build and hopefully we can create a branch point where files we work on will work on both versions but we'll see, if people want to discuss it more or offer help we'll gladly post the Discord link where you can talk with the other team members.


And just to end this off, here's proof of the VC/RW3.7 version, the current state of the GRAPHICS options:



Oh, that's nice.
I would love to share my VCS-Styled VC's ped voices and some engine changes with it if you'd like. smug32.png

To clear up some confusion, the main project is still on San Andreas, that's where the most progress is after all, but we have a split off build that's built on top of Vice City, which has been upgraded to RW3.7. Our main goal with this one is just to provide a base that would hopefully be ready and more custom built for the project down the line, something that's more open to work on with less restrictions, but to get to that point we first need to port over a multitude of San Andreas things and get them back up to the quality of the current San Andreas build. It's nowhere near ready for a public release yet as to be honest, there's not much to do on it UNLESS you want to work on it, it's still very much in render testing phase to make sure we're matching or surpassing San Andreas graphical effects, as you can see in this screenshot:




As you can see, in-game wise it's still mainly VC with just a lot of visual test stuff.

10 hours ago, Ash_735 said:

To clear up some confusion, the main project is still on San Andreas, that's where the most progress is after all, but we have a split off build that's built on top of Vice City, which has been upgraded to RW3.7. Our main goal with this one is just to provide a base that would hopefully be ready and more custom built for the project down the line, something that's more open to work on with less restrictions, but to get to that point we first need to port over a multitude of San Andreas things and get them back up to the quality of the current San Andreas build. It's nowhere near ready for a public release yet as to be honest, there's not much to do on it UNLESS you want to work on it, it's still very much in render testing phase to make sure we're matching or surpassing San Andreas graphical effects, as you can see in this screenshot:





As you can see, in-game wise it's still mainly VC with just a lot of visual test stuff.

What a nice psychedelic road.

13 hours ago, Achilleas said:

Nice pics and progress on VC Engine Ash_735!

It's more @_𝓐𝓖 who's doing the hard task of getting the VC version up to an acceptable standard and re-working a lot of @The Hero's stuff, once it's reached the "goal" of what we need, then the rest of the team will port over their work to the VC based version.

12 hours ago, Achilleas said:

It will mean ''GTA Vice City Stories PC Edition On Based VC Engine''?


EDIT: will you refresh the first topic after the public release?

It's still going to be Vice City Stories PC Edition, and the first page will get refreshed when I'm happy enough to push a launch, ...which isn't likely for a long time because I'm a little OCD and hated the Bl;ue Hesper release looking back.

20 hours ago, Achilleas said:

It will mean ''GTA Vice City Stories PC Edition On Based VC Engine''?


EDIT: will you refresh the first topic after the public release?

Excuse me i own this account since 2008, i have never ever made a single post at this site, but i feel that the time is now to say something

excuse me what the f*ck

This mod is still alive after all these years and the current devs still have to deal with this type of bullsh*t?

@Achilleas you made me so angry with your stupid rants and incomprehensible sentences that i felt an urge to simply tell you to shut the f*ck up and speak for the first time here, for the love of god de-activate your account or never speak here again

Anyways, my final words, thanks @Ash_735 and all the other developers still on this project for so long, thank you @Silent aswell for past contributions and dedication to the mod.

The community yearns for more content and more missions etc but no one is really willing to step in and code all the scripts for that to come true, that sucks but it is the reality we face at the moment.

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