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Vice City Stories: PC Edition

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Okay, the progress is awesome, but what's the stuff about those palms ? i mean, those are not original VCS ones, I really love them and In my opinion they look better and more awesome than VCS ones, but didn't u say the mod will make a 100% VCS ?


Okay, the progress is awesome, but what's the stuff about those palms ? i mean, those are not original VCS ones, I really love them and In my opinion they look better and more awesome than VCS ones, but didn't u say the mod will make a 100% VCS ?

Those palms are from old first beta and I don't know who created them. As like soons said we've more important things to work now. smile.gif

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I see that this is LOD file. Only someone LOD files needs to fix (new building). There isn't needs to fix this LOD. Maybe only basic model needs a new collision. smile.gif

Very cool progress guys. So, i want to join to your team. Let me tell what i can;


-> Getting textures from VCS (with making HD a bit)

-> Modelling (just show me what to model. I can model ofc!)

-> Mapping (as a professional)



*snap/great pic*


some blame-outs about those palms which aren't from original VCS blablabla...

Dudes, those palms are looking damn great, original ones have black stroke/outline, what a failish alpha. Not to mention low resolution size of texture.


cool, but i think my pc is not strong enough for this confused.gif

You know I'm using ENBSeries (probably mod will be use too) but you don't need to use it. smile.gif

This Victor on my all screens is from the first beta. We'll convert all Victor's skins. smile.gif

New latarens on the Starfish Island


Day - normal (vertex coulors)

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Night - night vertex coulors + 2dfx (lights)

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when is finished maybe wink.gif

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