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95% - What am I missing?

Go to solution Solved by GTAKid667,

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I'm staring into the 100% completion guides, and my stat screen, and I just can't figure out what could I omit. I have all the side missions completed, packages, stunt jumps, payphones, emergency missions, import/export, rampages, and probably something else I forgot to mention here. The "Complete this mission first before you do that one, or else you lock yourself out" can't be the case, I played the game before and was aware of the missions disapearing if done in the wrong order, and in the stats it shows "73 missions out of 73" completed, so it's out of the question.


Could this be some broken steam version thing? Have I really forgot about something? Is there a way to somehow check what's missing in the game/save file via some modding tool?


My stat screen: 

(1% is missing from the final mission I have to replay)

Edited by GaroK8
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Did you deliver all emergency vehicles to the crane in Portland Harbor and if so, did you wait after delivering the last vehicle until you received a cash reward and the "GTA III" Logo Pickups appeared on the ground? If you don't wait long enough after the last vehicle has been delivered you'll miss out on the reward and won't gain the percentage for delivering the vehicles (4.55%). If you think this might be the case, you just have to go back over to the crane and when you get close enough the game should give you the missing reward.


Another common set of missions that can be missed are the Marty Chonks Payphone Missions, which are available from the payphone near Joey's Garage as seen here (but are never marked on the radar, which is why some players who don't about these missions can miss them!).


As you play on PC, you can also upload your save file to GTASnP.com and there'll be a 100% Checklist displayed on the page with your save which will show you if you have missed anything :^:

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31 minutes ago, GTAKid667 said:

Did you deliver all emergency vehicles to the crane in Portland Harbor and if so, did you wait after delivering the last vehicle until you received a cash reward and the "GTA III" Logo Pickups appeared on the ground? If you don't wait long enough after the last vehicle has been delivered you'll miss out on the reward and won't gain the percentage for delivering the vehicles (4.55%). If you think this might be the case, you just have to go back over to the crane and when you get close enough the game should give you the missing reward.


Another common set of missions that can be missed are the Marty Chonks Payphone Missions, which are available from the payphone near Joey's Garage as seen here (but are never marked on the radar, which is why some players who don't about these missions can miss them!).


As you play on PC, you can also upload your save file to GTASnP.com and there'll be a 100% Checklist displayed on the page with your save which will show you if you have missed anything :^:

So I uploaded the save to check that, and turns out it's actually what you said - the emergency crane was missing an Enforcer. Still weird, I specifically remember unleashing destruction to summon and take one, and if that was my last vehicle for the crane, I wouldn't drive away, but wait for the sweet "All vehicles delivered message" to pop up, weird.

In any case, thanks for the useful link, I was really afraid my 100% run is failed!

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