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[VC] Fixed Xbox Vehicles

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Many of us know that Xbox VC vehicles were done very poorly and had a lot of bugs. This mod aims to fix the bugs and make the vehicles look more polished.


List of all vehicles and changes made to them:


All: All wheels now have fixed lighting, they aren't black the when sun was not shining at them anymore. I've also improved offroad wheel a bit and added texture from the inside, like in III Xbox.



After: gta-vc_2019-12-14_18-25-20-18.png



All vehicles got higher quality "enginetopb4bit64" texture.


Admiral - Fixed untextured mirrors and mudguards and changed the exhaust

Airtrain - Added HQ textures

Ambulance - Improved textues a bit, fixed decals's alpha, added exhaust, added handles to rear doors made that small black window transparent, made the rear windows much darker (like in real life)

Angel - No changes

Baggage - Improved textures a bit, fixed scratches texture having no alpha and added more details (engine(thus hood), bars, extras) and HQ sterring wheel.

Banshee - Improved textures a bit, made the rear bumper destroyable and front lights are attached to the chassis instead of bumper so if you detach the bumper the lights will stay at place and that fixes the bug where the lights particles were coming out from nowhere

Barracks - Added HQ textures, fixed part of engine visible in interior, fixed unshotable windshield

Benson - Added HQ textures, fixed turn signals, fixed decals's alpha and added exhaust

BF Injection - Improved the textures a bit

Blista Compact - Added: HQ textures, handles and curtains on the trunk, like in VCS.

Both Bloodring Bangers - Improved the textures a bit, added exhaust to B variant.

Bobcat - Added HQ textues, textured the back like gta 3 beta Bobcat, added exhaust and fixed fake shadows

Boxville - Added HQ textures, added HQ engine and made the windshield shotable

Burrito - Improved textures a bit, removed indicator from the extra and added boxes at the back as an extras.

Bus - Taken model from III Xbox.

Cabbie - Fixed damaged doors, wings, hood and trunk scratches alpha

Caddy - Added shotable windshield, improved the textures a bit and fixed disconnected wheels by adding a pipe.

Cheetah - Fixed sterring wheels's UV mapping, removed siren extra, added handles and removed fake shadows reflections.

Chopper (AI Police Maverick) - Added static pilots

Coach - Fixed lights dummys position

Coastguard - Added more details and HQ sterring wheel

Comet - Fixed part of engine visible from interior, added exhausts and made the right door destroyable

Cuban Hermes - Improved textures a bit and made the right door destroyable

Deaddodo - Added: 2D airscrew, static driver, control wheel, HQ wheels and fixed decals alpha

Deluxo - Fixed interior reflections, made the spoiler an extra, added handles, removed grill behind the bumper and fixed fake shadow

Dinghy - No changes

Enforcer - Added HQ textures, fixed front light's windows being always broken and their position and added HQ exhaust

Esperanto - Added HQ textures, fixed exhaust, fixed fake shadows and fixed doors damage parts scracthes alpha

Faggio - No changes

FBI Washington - Added HQ textures, fixed light's UV mapping and added siren and it's fully compatible with upcoming SilentPatch

FBI Rancher - Added HQ textures and added siren and it's fully compatible with upcoming SilentPatch

Firetruck - Improved the textures a bit, fixed decals's alpha and added exhaust

Flatbed - Added HQ textures, fixed part of engine visible in interior, fixed unshotable windshield

Freeway - No changes

Gang Burrito - Improwed the textures a bit and added boxes at the back as an extras.

Glendale - Added HQ textures, fixed damaged version of windshield, which was the same as the normal one, added exhaust and Added HQ lights, badges, bumpers and mirrors.

Greenwood - Added HQ textures, fixed sterring wheels's UV map and added exhaust

Hermes - Improved the textues a bit

All Hotrings - No changes

Hunter - Added damage parts and fixed left wheels rotation

Idaho - Added HQ textures and added HQ sterring wheel

Infernus - Made the spoiler destroyable and fixed untexured handles, mirrors and badge

Jetmax - No changes

Kaufman's Cab - No changes

Landstalker - No changes

Linerunner - Improved the textures a bit and removed interior reflections.

Love Fist Limo - Added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.) and changed windows

Manana - Added HQ textures and fixed fuel caps which were appearing on both sides.

Marqus - Added much more details (check the screen) and made it colorable.

Maverick - Added damage parts

Mesa - Added HQ textures

Moonbeam - Added HQ textures

Mr.Whoopie - Made the wings, bumpers and hood destroyable, added exhaust and made the windshiled shotable

Mule - Added HQ textures and made right wing destroyable

Oceanic - Added HQ textures, lights, badges, bumpers, mirrors and fixed doors damage parts scratches alphas.

Packer - Added HQ textures and fixed unshotable windshield

Patriot - Added HQ textures, lights, bumpers, mirrors and fixed unshotable windshield.

PCJ600- Added rear light and fixed its dummy position

Perennial - Added HQ textures. Also added model from III Xbox as optional.

Phoenix - No changes

Pizzaboy - No changes

Police - Improved textures a bit

Police Maverick - Added damage parts

Pony - Added HQ textures and exhaust, fixed windows and added boxes at the back as an extras and added ads on the sides, like in the beta.

Predator - Added bar on the back and added HQ sterring wheel.

Rancher - No changes.

All RC's - Fixed crash upon entering them and RC Bandit received model from III Xbox.

Reefer - Added much more details and made bottom part colorable, like in PS2.

Regina - Added HQ textures

Rhino - Added MUCH more details (I used III Xbox model as a base and I added do it VC details that III didn't had)

Rio - Untouched

Romero - Fixed damaged version of left door having no texture and removed turn signal from bad place and added exhaust

Rumpo - Fixed bumper reversing after visiting a Pay'n' Spray, added HQ textures and boxes at the back as an extras.

Sabre - Added HQ lights and HQ textures

Sabre Turbo - No changes

Sanchez - No changes

Sandking - Fixed unshotable windshield

Sea Sparrow - Added damage parts

Securicar - Added HQ textures, fixed decals alpha and fixed bumper UV map

Sentinel - Fixed fake shadows

Sentinel XS - Fixed fake shadows

Skimmer - Added more details (more bars, added strings and control wheel) and fixed black interior.

Spand Express - Added HQ textures

Sparrow - Added damage parts

Speeder - Added much more details (beta windshield (taken from speed.dff) engine, HQ sterring wheel, etc.)

Squalo - Added some details (better exhausts, HQ sterring wheel, bars, etc.)

Stallion - Fixed front plate

Stinger - Added those metal things from VCS as a extra, fixed red turn signals and fixed lights glass.

Stretch - Fixed UV map around the front lights and added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.)

Taxi - Improved the textures a bit

Top Fun - Improved the textures a bit and added boxes at the back as an extras.

Trashmaster - Added HQ textures and fixed part of engine visible in interior

Tropic - Added much more details (that bigger room from SA, wooden panels, better quality lifebuoy, HQ sterring wheel, exhaust and seats, etc.)

VCN Maverick - Added damage parts

VCPD Cheetah - Added brown interior, the siren will appear always, added handles and removed fake shadows reflections.

Virgo - Added HQ textures

Walton - Added HQ textures, exhaust and added extras at the back.

Washington - Added HQ textures, fixed lights UV mapping and added trims.

Yankee - Added HQ textures, fixed part of engine visible in interior and added HQ sterring wheel.

Zebra - Fixed damaged doors, wings, hood and trunk scratches alpha.


List of vehicles which Ash_735 improved body textures: Admiral, Baggage, Banshee, Barracks, Benson, Bobcat, Cheetah, Enforcer, FBI Rancher and Washington, Greenwood, Hermes, Idaho, Infernus, Linerunner, Marquis, Maverick/VCN and Police Mav, Mesa, Moonbeam, Mule, Packer, Patriot, Perennial, Phoenix, Pony, Regina, Rhino, Rumpo, Sabre, Skimmer, Spandex, Top Fun, Trashmaster, Virgo, Voodoo, Walton and Washington.











gta-vc_2019-12-20_20-44-41-72.png gta-vc_2020-01-05_19-32-57-95.png






Download (reuploading to mixmods is strictly prohibited).


Thanks to:

@Matt1010 - For logo and suggestions.

@Noskillx - For idea to make this mod, reports and suggestions.

@Ash_735 - For HQ body textures.

Edited by MrFinger
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New Hot updates:


Securicar - Fixed bumper UV map.



Skimmer - Added more details (more bars, added strings and control wheel) and fixed black interior.



Deaddodo - Added: 2D airscrew, static driver, control wheel, HQ wheels and fixed decals alpha



Manana - Fixed fuel caps which were appearing on both sides.



Speeder - Added much more details (beta windshield (taken from speed.dff) engine, HQ sterring wheel, etc.)




Reefer - Added much more details (check the screen) and made bottom part colorable, like in PS2.




Squalo - Added some details (better exhausts, HQ sterring wheel, bars, etc.)



Tropic - Added much more details (that bigger room from SA, wooden panels, better quality lifebuoy, HQ sterring wheel, exhaust and seats, etc.)



Marquis - Added much more details (check the screen) and made it colorable



Linerunner - Removed interior reflections.


Download in OP. I also added police and taxi model with badges as optional.

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37 minutes ago, UnitedMel said:

[III] Fixed Xbox Vehicles maybe? 😏

There's really no need to as the III xbox vehicles were done almost perfectly and only bus, fbi car and securicar need some tweaks (they don't have HQ textures).

Edited by MrFinger
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Some more Hot updates:

Predator - Added bar on the back and added HQ steering wheel.



Coastguard - Added more details and HQ steering wheel.



Comet - added second version of it which has body style and rear lights more similar to PC version.



Stretch - Added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.)



Love Fist - Added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.) and changed windows.



Changed boat props to my edited ones.




Added my edited Xbox cars to cutscenes.





Improved offroad wheel a bit.



Download in OP. For all boats I edited I added reflections to some parts I added and I hope this will be the latest update for this mod. Enjoy!

Edited by MrFinger
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1 hour ago, MrFinger said:

Some more Hot updates:

Predator - Added bar on the back and added HQ steering wheel.

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Coastguard - Added more details and HQ steering wheel.

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Comet - added second version of it which has body style and rear lights more similar to PC version.

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Stretch - Added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.)

  Reveal hidden contents


Love Fist - Added details from cutscene version (HQ couches, table, speakers, lights, etc.) and changed windows.

  Reveal hidden contents


Changed boat props to my edited ones.

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Added my edited Xbox cars to cutscenes.

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Improved offroad wheel a bit.

  Hide contents


Download in OP. For all boats I edited I added reflections to some parts I added and I hope this will be the latest update for this mod. Enjoy!


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Really nice work, I've noticed some things off with textures and I'll be honest, I've had to remake/scale a lot of these for VCS PC to get them up to "Xbox" quality, so if you'd like you can contact me on Discord and we can sort some of those out! Ironically I had a similar idea for a mod like this although I was only going to focus on textures, so hell, might as well put some of this stuff to use in one complete pack.

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