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Steam Launch Issue (Also Applies to VC)


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I encountered this once a couple months back with Vice City, but now it's nearly constantly occurring with III. Basically, every now and then, it will fail to launch properly and Steam will act as if the game is running, preventing me from closing the game or launching it or any other game. Usually, if I get on this right away, I can close the game via Task Manager. However, if I'm not so lucky, or sometimes regardless of whether it's successfully closed or not, the game opens in its incorrect state, to the point where it doesn't even appear in the Task Manager. At that point, the only way to close the game is to restart the computer. I usually cancel at the last second before the computer powers down so I can simply reopen Steam and get back into my groove, but damn. I have no clue why this happens, what's causing it, etc.

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