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I just finished the game and I'm so happy.

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I came back to play GTA after a few years, and for the first time, I managed to do all the missions and kill frenzies. It was hard, but I did it. That last cutscene was so satisfying.

Time to play GTA London 1969, I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...

I started trying to beat the game on my playstation classic but moved to duckstation because I can only play it with a fightstick with the classic [it's the only wired controller that I have that will reach].

This game is quite irritating with the cop system. 1 star and if a cop touches you, you get busted. I've made it to San Andreas so it's getting intense.

  • 4 months later...

We know this isn't the intended way the game should be played, but it's much more enjoyable with save states. It's close to impossible to finish everything in the chapter without saving states, including all kill frenzies, collecting all multipliers, extra lives etc. Later chapters can be quite easy if you just looking to finish the chapter by achieving the required score, for example in the San Andreas chapter you can collect all multipliers and repeat one Insane Stunt Bonus over and over for a big bonus. In Vice City you can focus on Kill Frenzies instead and with all multipliers available you can finish the chapter by finishing all of Kill Frenzies only.


Not to mention that Vice City chapters have PSYCHO BASTARD BONUSes, where it's close to impossible to achieve them all in one playthrough (you have 3 in-game seconds to kill between 4-12 guys depending on the mission). The game is designed to finish and explore it all through multiple playthroughs of the chapter, but using save states it can give a true feeling of accomplishment regarding the 100% completion on one playthrough.

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