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Daniel Love

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The mission itself gives the idea you have to take the boat and f*ck about at sea but I've never done that, just drive straight into the airport and take out the cartel guys, pick up the rocket launcher and wait for the plane. Shoot it with the rocket launcher when it lands and it'll explode, just try not to be dead center in the middle of the runway or you could die from the plane and it's explosion. Collect the packages and make your way back to Staunton which is arguably the hardest part, I usually just wing it and drive back over asap but if you're not good at evading cops you can drive up the hills at the back of the airport, make it to pay and spray and then you're in the clear to drive back.

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Daniel Love
3 hours ago, blaze said:

The mission itself gives the idea you have to take the boat and f*ck about at sea but I've never done that, just drive straight into the airport and take out the cartel guys, pick up the rocket launcher and wait for the plane. Shoot it with the rocket launcher when it lands and it'll explode, just try not to be dead center in the middle of the runway or you could die from the plane and it's explosion. Collect the packages and make your way back to Staunton which is arguably the hardest part, I usually just wing it and drive back over asap but if you're not good at evading cops you can drive up the hills at the back of the airport, make it to pay and spray and then you're in the clear to drive back.


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Daniel Love

pls can you show me d way to the railway pls am finding it difficult to go there.





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Stand around here with the rocket launcher ready as the Dodo is about to land (and try to avoid damage from the explosion):

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Alternatively you can take the boat over to the platform just in front of the runway, take the plane out from said platform (or boat), and take out the Cartel members with a sniper rifle, if you have it. Then you can fly the Dodo back to the construction site......but if you don't know how to fly it, that's another story.

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